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The seasonal change in gut contents of nymphs of Isoperla grammatica and I. difformis from six streams in southern Sweden was analysed. Both species had ingested a variety of benthic prey and vegetable matter, predominantly diatoms. Some seasonality was evident with high percentages of diatoms in spring in I. grammatica, and in autumn in I. difformis. The scope of food was larger in the latter species which contained about equal proportions of vegetable matter, chironomids, mayfly, stonefly, and black fly larvae. In I. grammatica plant matter and chironomids dominated strongly, comprising > 50% of the gut contents on an annual basis, > 90 % in spring. While small nymphs of I. difformis contained a low proportion of animal matter, only gradually increasing with size, the nymphs of I. grammatica were carnivorous from very early instars. Both species switched to a temporarily strong utilization of algae in spring. This differed among sites, and appeared to reflect differences in insolation and thus the availability of algae. There was a significant negative relationship between the mean densities of Isoperla nymphs and the proportion of animal material found in the guts of I. grammatica (R 2 = 0.86). Considering the density of I. grammatica alone, the relationship was weaker (R 2 = 0.56). A positive correlation between predator and prey size was observed. With chironomid prey the size range increased with predator size. With simuliid prey, however, prey size increased with predator size in such a way that it suggests selection rather than just an expanding prey size range. Correlations were stronger and regression coefficients significantly higher for I. grammatica than for I. difformis. We suggest that I. grammatica, which ingests a much wider size range of prey might choose prey of optimal sizes more readily than the more synchronously developing I. difformis. Although the life cycles of the two species are staggered, overlap in size distribution indicates that competition for food could be important in spring. However, observed differences in diet should facilitate coexistence. Gut content differences might in turn be accomplished through microhabitat segregation.  相似文献   
Sediment cores were collected from lakes in central and northern Canada and from Hudson Bay to compare current and historic net depositions of mercury. Cores from most locations were enriched in mercury in the upper layers deposited recently relative to deeper, historic layers. The lakes with the greatest enrichments in mercury were located in central/southern Canada. This enrichment was interpreted as being of anthropogenic origin. Mercury inputs at the Experimental Lakes Area (ELA) in northwestern Ontario inferred from a core profile agreed well with inputs calculated independently from precipitation and runoff data. Anthropogenic inputs of mercury to northwestern Ontario were calculated to be about 9 µg m-2 y-1. Considering all the locations over the geographic range, the core profiles infer that fluxes of mercury have increased on average by about 2 fold over the past half century. This is consistent with results from other sites in North America and Europe.  相似文献   
The phenotypic variation and response of plants to water stress were studied in a field trial in populations of wild barley, Hordeum spontaneum Koch. from Israel and Turkmenistan. Populations from the species distributional core and periphery were compared and contrasted for phenotypic variation in 16 phenological and morphological traits. The peripheral populations (six) were found to be phenotypically more variable and more resistant to water stress than core populations (12). The association of water-stress resistance with high phenotypic variability gives support to the hypothesis that populations that are genetically more variable are better adapted or pre-adapted to environmental changes and are thus valuable for conservation.  相似文献   
A comprehensive continuum model of solid tumor evolution and development is investigated in detail numerically, both under the assumption of spherical symmetry and for arbitrary two-dimensional growth. The level set approach is used to obtain solutions for a recently developed multi-cell transport model formulated as a moving boundary problem for the evolution of the tumor. The model represents both the avascular and the vascular phase of growth, and is able to simulate when the transition occurs; progressive formation of a necrotic core and a rim structure in the tumor during the avascular phase are also captured. In terms of transport processes, the interaction of the tumor with the surrounding tissue is realistically incorporated. The two-dimensional simulation results are presented for different initial configurations. The computational framework, based on a Cartesian mesh/narrow band level-set method, can be applied to similar models that require the solution of coupled advection-diffusion equations with a moving boundary inside a fixed domain. The solution algorithm is designed so that extension to three-dimensional simulations is straightforward.  相似文献   
朱之勇  高星 《人类学学报》2006,25(2):129-142
本文以动态类型学和操作链思想为指导,运用数量统计分析等方法对虎头梁遗址中的444件楔型细石核进行了研究。根据台面生成方式的不同将这批楔型细石核分成Ⅰ型和Ⅱ型两个大类。Ⅰ型的台面为刃状,Ⅱ型的台面为平面状。通过对石叶疤的测量得知,从两类细石核上剥离的细石叶的宽度基本一致,都集中在3—8mm之间。Ⅰ型细石核剥离的细石叶的长度集中在15—40mm之间,Ⅱ型则集中在10—40mm之间,Ⅰ型细石核较Ⅱ型细石核有更多剥离下较长细石叶的可能性。两类细石核所采用的原料包括火山角砾岩、硅质岩、流纹岩、石英岩、碧玉、玛瑙、英安岩、黑曜岩及水晶等9种,以火山角砾岩和硅质岩为主,原料利用方面没有大的差别。将石核按剥片阶段划分为预制、剥片、中止、终极4种,处于不同阶段的石核被废弃的原因是不同的,包括毛坯中存在瑕疵、剥片失误以及用尽遗弃等。  相似文献   
用修饰核心基因产物干扰乙型肝炎病毒基因的复制和表达   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Clarias liocephalus is an air‐breathing catfish inhabiting wetland and river systems in East Africa. This catfish is in high demand for sale as live bait in the Nile perch fishery of Lake Victoria and equally important in the diet of local communities in the lake basin. Wetland loss and increasing fishing pressure potentially threaten the persistence of C. liocephalus; however, little information exists on the ecology of this species to permit evaluation of current threats. This study quantified dietary characteristics of C. liocephalus from heavy and lightly fished wetlands in Western Uganda using numeric, gravimetric and volumetric indices on 492 stomach samples collected over one year. Clarias liocephalus was significantly smaller in three heavily fished sites, relative to the one in‐park site, likely a reflection of a size‐selective fishery. Across sites, C. liocephalus was a generalist feeder whose diet was dominated by aquatic dipteran larvae and plant material. The broad niche gives C. liocephalus an ecological advantage to forage effectively on a wide selection of prey. The significant presence of plant material shows that the species may utilize plant protein, an important consideration of diet requirements should the species be selected for aquaculture.  相似文献   
Core activity areas are the most important sites within an animal’s home range as they contain the greatest density of critical resources. Because these areas are small and intensively used, they can affect the total distances covered by animals searching for resources. Our objective was to document which habitat variables affect core area selection by female mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) in an arid environment, and to learn which variables affect their displacement within these areas. Using radiotelemetry, from 2012 to 2014 we monitored seven female mule deer. We estimated their core areas, and with this information we identified and classified the location records as inside or outside of the core area. For each record, we also recorded variables related to time (month, time of day), environmental conditions (temperature, relative humidity), and habitat characteristics (plant association, distance to the nearest water body, slope), and used them to predict the presence of the deer in the core area using Classification and Regression Trees (CART). The same variables were analyzed using a GLM to determine which factors explain variations in displacement distance. The most important variable in core area selection was the distance to the nearest body of water (<933.71 m at the population level and <1375.11 m on average for individual deer), followed by two plant associations that included the dominant species Prosopis glandulosa, Pleuraphis mutica, Larrea tridentata, Opuntia rastrera and Fouquieria splendens in areas with a gentle slope or none. Displacement distances within the core area were shorter than those outside and were affected by time of day and month. Our results are the first to elucidate the use of the core area by female mule deer in the Chihuahuan Desert, and allow us to start understanding the connection between the habitat resources essential to the survival of these deer and their movement under desert conditions.  相似文献   
Synopsis The caloric density of stomach contents in juvenile chinook salmon,Oncorhynchus tshawytscha, was not affected by gastric evacuation, suggesting a constant caloric density of stomach contents during evacuation. Differences in the caloric density of prey consumed did affect caloric density of stomach contents over a 24-h period. Consumption of the amphipodCorophium sp. was associated with reduced caloric densities of stomach contents. During periods whenCorophium contributed more than 4% of the stomach contents, average caloric density declined from 5.56 to 5.33 kcal g–1. Despite this difference, estimates of daily energy intake of juvenile chinook salmon were only 3%, greater when developed from the mean caloric density of stomach contents excludingCorophium.  相似文献   
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