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The significance of bacteria for eukaryotic functioning is increasingly recognized. Coral reef ecosystems critically rely on the relationship between coral hosts and their intracellular photosynthetic dinoflagellates, but the role of the associated bacteria remains largely theoretical. Here, we set out to relate coral‐associated bacterial communities of the fungid host species Ctenactis echinata to environmental settings (geographic location, substrate cover, summer/winter, nutrient and suspended matter concentrations) and coral host abundance. We show that bacterial diversity of C. echinata aligns with ecological differences between sites and that coral colonies sampled at the species’ preferred habitats are primarily structured by one bacterial taxon (genus Endozoicomonas) representing more than 60% of all bacteria. In contrast, host microbiomes from lower populated coral habitats are less structured and more diverse. Our study demonstrates that the content and structure of the coral microbiome aligns with environmental differences and denotes habitat adequacy. Availability of a range of coral host habitats might be important for the conservation of distinct microbiome structures and diversity.  相似文献   
Benthic structure plays an important role as shelter and feeding habitat for demersal fauna. While many studies have investigated the relationship between structural complexity of aquatic vegetation and the number of species or abundance of motile organisms, little is known of the attractiveness of submerged mangrove roots. We tested the importance of various root attributes in attracting fish species in a field experiment using different artificial mangrove units (AMUs) with PVC pipes mimicking roots to exclude interaction with other environmental and biotic factors. We manipulated length, vertical orientation, and three-dimensional structural complexity of root mimics in the AMUs to explore their effects on the fish community variables: fish abundance, number of species and community composition. Pipe length and three-dimensional structure did not have an effect on fish community variables. Vertical pipe orientation had a significant effect and AMUs with standing pipes showed higher total fish abundances and number of species than AMUs with hanging pipes. Also community composition differed greatly between AMUs with standing versus hanging pipes. At species level, demersal fish species mainly occupied AMUs with standing pipes and occurred only at very low abundances when hanging pipes dominated in the AMUs; in contrast, the semi-pelagic swimmer Sphyraena barracuda showed a trend of higher abundance in AMUs with mainly hanging pipes. When analyzed across all AMUs, fish abundances of demersal as well as semi-pelagic species decreased significantly with increasing interspatial pipe distance among AMUs, suggesting that distance to refuge may be the underlying mechanism for the observed patterns. The above findings are important in the context of the worldwide degradation of mangroves, because human alteration to mangrove vegetation affects its structure and thus composition and size of fish communities.  相似文献   
珊瑚疾病的主要类型、生态危害及其与环境的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄玲英  余克服 《生态学报》2010,30(5):1328-1340
与人和其它动物一样,珊瑚也生病。在过去30多年里各种珊瑚疾病对全球珊瑚礁造成了严重破坏。目前已知的珊瑚疾病多达30多种,但确定病原体的仅6种。阐述了造礁石珊瑚的7种最主要疾病类型(黑带病、黑斑病、白带病、白色瘟疫、白斑病、黄带病和珊瑚白化病等)的症状、扩散速率、疾病患病率、珊瑚死亡率等。频繁发生的珊瑚疾病导致主要造礁物种死亡,减少礁区的生物多样性,对珊瑚礁生态系统产生破坏日益严重,甚至引起以珊瑚为主导的珊瑚礁系统转变为以大型藻类为主导的生态系统。全球气温上升和人为活动引起的一系列环境因子的变化被认为是各种珊瑚疾病发生的诱导因素,海水温度升高是Oculina patagonica和Pocillopora damicornis2种珊瑚细菌性白化的先决条件,其它环境因素如营养盐、有机污染物等超过一定量或pH值改变时会对珊瑚造成生理压力,降低其对病毒的抵抗力,也可能改变病原体生存的生态阈值,增强其病原毒力,引发并加速疾病的扩散。此外,珊瑚的生存环境如覆盖度、水深等与疾病的爆发也有一定的关系,一般认为覆盖度高,水深较浅处珊瑚疾病发生频率高。  相似文献   
We are developing techniques to restore coral populations by enhancing larval supply using “artificial spawning hotspots” that aggregate conspecific adult corals. However, no data were available regarding how natural larval supply from wild coral populations is influenced by fertilization rate and how this is in turn affected by local population density and genetic diversity. Therefore, we assessed population density and genetic diversity of a wild, arborescent coral, Acropora yongei, and compared these parameters with those of an artificially established A. yongei population in the field. The population density of wild arborescent corals was only 0.27% of that in the artificial population, even in a high‐coverage area. Genetic diversity was also low in the wild population compared with the artificial population, and approximately 10% of all wild colonies were clones. Based on these results, the larval supply in the artificial population was estimated to be at least 1,400 times higher than that in wild A. yongei populations for the same area of adult population.  相似文献   
84 quadrats from 5 vertical transects of Luhuitou fringing reef are investigated in detail by using video-quadrat and indoor-interpretation methods. The results show that (1) the reef consists of 69 species of hermatypic corals belonging to 24 genera and 13 families which are unevenly distributed in abundance. (2) Among all the corals, Porites lutea is the most dominant species with importance value percentage up to 36.62%; Porites and Acropora are dominant genera with importance value percentages 43.85% and 22.88%, respectively. (3) There exist distinct spatial differences in coral communities. Both the coral covers and coral diversity indices on the northeastern transects are higher than those on the central and southern transects. (4) Coral communities also show remarkable zonal characteristics with less coral species occurring on reef flat than on reef slope. The importance value percentage of the sole dominant coral genus, Porites, is over 50%, while on the reef slope, the importance value percentages are 28.33% for the first dominant genus Acropora and 26.71% for the second dominant genus Porites. Our further analysis suggests that the spatial and zonal differences of coral diversity pattern are correlated with both natural environmental changes and human activities. The shallow water reef flat is frequently exposed at low tide and it receives more anthropogenic influences (including dredging and trampling) than the deep water reef slope. Thus, the coral community on the reef flat is not as well developed as that on reef slope. The relatively poor coral covers and coral diversity indices on the central and southern transects are closely related to heavy human activities around these sites such as aquaculture, fishing and coastal sewage drainage. Therefore, the impact of human activities must be taken into account in developing strategies for the protection of this coral reef.  相似文献   
雷州半岛灯楼角珊瑚礁的生态特征与资源可持续利用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
余克服 《生态学报》2005,25(4):669-675
分布于雷州半岛西南部灯楼角的珊瑚礁,自海向陆可分为6个生态带,已鉴定出现代活石珊瑚(Scleractinia) 13科2 5属39种3未定种。该珊瑚礁位于热带北缘,附近人口密集,它的发育受自然因素和人类活动双重制约。气候方面,近4 2 a来的温度总体上升有利于本区珊瑚礁的发育,而台风活动对本区珊瑚礁可能有负面的影响;人类活动对本区珊瑚礁的影响表现为旅游业的快速发展与保护行动滞后威胁珊瑚礁、渔业和养殖业影响珊瑚礁、作为建筑材料使用而破坏珊瑚礁等3个方面。作为一种重要的海洋生态资源,本区珊瑚礁若得以科学保护,将具有广阔的可持续利用前景  相似文献   
The Brazilian coast, the Caribbean and the tropical South Atlantic oceanic islands reef ichthyofauna separated into two major clusters: (1) the western Atlantic continental margin and Bermuda, further divided into (1a) the western North Atlantic, and (1b) the Brazilian coast; and (2) the South Atlantic oceanic islands, also divided in (2a) the Brazilian offshore islands, and (2b) Ascension and St Helena. Species geographic ranges suggest the recognition of only two western Atlantic zoogeographic provinces for tropical marine shore fishes. A Brazilian Province, including the offshore localities of Atol das Rocas, Fernando de Noronha, Trindade and St Paul's Rocks, and an expanded West Indian Province that includes Bermuda. Ascension and St Helena should be regarded as a separated Central Atlantic Province.  相似文献   
Symbiotic algae (Symbiodinium sp.) in scleractinian corals are important in understanding how coral reefs will respond to global climate change. The present paper reports on the diversity of Symbiodinium sp. in 48 scleractinian coral species from 25 genera and 10 families sampled from the Xisha Islands in the South China Sea, which were identified with the use of restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) of the nuclear ribosomal DNA large subunit gene (rDNA). The results showed that: (i) Symbiodinium Clade C was the dominant zooxanthellae in scleractinian corals in the Xisha Islands; (ii) Symbiodinium Clade D was found in the corals Montipora aequituberculata, Galaxea fascicularis, and Plerogyra sinuosa; and (iii) both Symbiodinium Clades C and D were found simultaneously in Montipora digitata, Psammocora contigua, and Galaxeafascicularis. A poor capacity for symbiosis polymorphism, as uncovered by RFLP, in the Xisha Islands indicates that the scleractinian corals have low adaptability to environmental changes. Further studies are needed to investigate zooxanthellae diversity using other molecular markers.  相似文献   
根据石珊瑚物种的总数、石珊瑚覆盖的百分率、物种多样性和均匀度,对鹿回头岸礁造礁石珊瑚群落结构类型所处在演替阶段的时间状态和生境的空间状态进行分析。在中等和深水区物种多样性的时间变异,随演替的发展而有所下降;浅水区不随演替而变化。在不同生境区珊瑚生长的聚群上,与时间的发展无关;每个演替时期,物种多样性的类型与生境的变化有关。  相似文献   
环境因子对大亚湾人工鱼礁上附着生物分布的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张伟  李纯厚  贾晓平  陈丕茂  方良 《生态学报》2009,29(8):4053-4060
通过对深圳大亚湾人工鱼礁区7个月(2008-04~2008-10)挂板实验,同时监测相应的环境因子指标.以附着生物丰度数据进行了除趋势对应分析(DCA),并根据附着生物丰度数据和7个环境因子进行了典范对应分析(CCA).共鉴定出附着生物54种,物种鉴定结果表明实验试板上的常见种有华美盘管虫 (Hydroides elegans)、三角藤壶( Balanus trigonus)、细肋肌蛤(Musculus mirandus)等.DCA种类排序图可明显地看出每种附着生物都有自己的分布中心和分布区域;CCA分析结果表明深度、透明度、溶解氧是影响附着生物群落变化的最主要环境因子,其次是盐度和温度.CCA排序图较好地反映了人工鱼礁上附着生物分布与各环境因子的相互关系.  相似文献   
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