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Bacterioplankton abundance and production were followed during one decade (1991–2001) in the hypertrophic and steeply stratified small Lake Verevi (Estonia). The lake is generally dimictic. However, a partly meromictic status could be formed in specific meteorological conditions as occurred in springs of 2000 and 2001. The abundance of bacteria in Lake Verevi is highly variable (0.70 to 22 × 106 cells ml−1) and generally the highest in anoxic hypolimnetic water. In 2000–2001, the bacterial abundance in the hypolimnion increased probably due to meromixis. During a productive season, heterotrophic bacteria were able to consume about 10–40% of primary production in the epilimnion. Our study showed that bacterioplankton in the epilimnion was top-down controlled by predators, while in metalimnion bacteria were dependent on energy and carbon sources (bottom-up regulated). Below the thermocline hypolimnetic bacteria mineralized organic matter what led to the depletion of oxygen and created anoxic hypolimnion where rich mineral nutrient and sulphide concentrations coexisted with high bacterial numbers.  相似文献   
Copy number variation (CNV) is implicated in important traits in multiple crop plants, but can be challenging to genotype using conventional methods. The Rhg1 locus of soybean, which confers resistance to soybean cyst nematode (SCN), is a CNV of multiple 31.2‐kb genomic units each containing four genes. Reliable, high‐throughput methods to quantify Rhg1 and other CNVs for selective breeding were developed. The CNV genotyping assay described here uses a homeologous gene copy within the paleopolyploid soybean genome to provide the internal control for a single‐tube TaqMan copy number assay. Using this assay, CNV in breeding populations can be tracked with high precision. We also show that extensive CNV exists within Fayette, a released, inbred SCN‐resistant soybean cultivar with a high copy number at Rhg1 derived from a single donor parent. Copy number at Rhg1 is therefore unstable within a released variety over a relatively small number of generations. Using this assay to select for individuals with altered copy number, plants were obtained with both increased copy number and increased SCN resistance relative to control plants. Thus, CNV genotyping technologies can be used as a new type of marker‐assisted selection to select for desirable traits in breeding populations, and to control for undesirable variation within cultivars.  相似文献   
When long‐lasting, balancing selection can lead to “trans‐species” polymorphisms that are shared by two or more species identical by descent. In such cases, the gene genealogy at the selected site clusters by allele instead of by species, and nearby neutral sites also have unusual genealogies because of linkage. While this scenario is expected to leave discernible footprints in genetic variation data, the specific patterns remain poorly characterized. Motivated by recent findings in primates, we focus on the case of a biallelic polymorphism under ancient balancing selection and derive approximations for summaries of the polymorphism data from two species. Specifically, we characterize the length of the segment that carries most of the footprints, the expected number of shared neutral single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), and the patterns of allelic associations among them. We confirm the accuracy of our approximations by coalescent simulations. We further show that for humans and chimpanzees—more generally, for pairs of species with low genetic diversity levels—these patterns are highly unlikely to be generated by neutral recurrent mutations. We discuss the implications for the design and interpretation of genome scans for ancient balanced polymorphisms in primates and other taxa.  相似文献   
Vitex rotundifolia L.f. is a woody perennial and has sexual and asexual modes of reproduction. Allozyme study was conducted on 550 plants in 13 Korean populations. The levels of genetic variability and divergence within and among populations, respectively, are considerably lower and higher than the mean values for woody plants with similar life history tralts. Mean percentage of polymorphic loci (P P), mean number of alleles per locus (A P), and mean genetic diversity (He P) within populations ofV. rotundifolia were: 16.7%, 1.21, and 0.047. On average, about 79% of the total variation inV. rotundifolia was common to all populations (meanG ST=0.208). In addition, significant differences in allele frequencies among populations were found in all polymorphic loci examined (P<0.001). On the other hand, levels of genotypic diversity within and among populations were moderate. About 44% (18/41) of multilocus genotypes were “local genotypes” (genotypes occurring in only one population), whereas only one “widespread genotype” (genotypes occurring in more than 75% of the populations) were detected. The mean number of multilocus genotypes per population (G) and mean genotypic diversity index (D G) were 8.4 and 0.74, respectively. Most common multilocus genotypes found in populations were homozygous for five polymorphic loci. The abundance of ramets of these genets is responsible for the low levels of expected heterozygosity within populations. The results indicate that clonal reproduction may act as an enhancer of genetic drift by reducing effective size of local populations ofV. rotundifolia.  相似文献   
刘舒  马正兵  于晓丽  何易 《广西植物》2023,43(10):1932-1940
为解析桃金娘表型性状多样性及其种源间关系,该文以20个不同来源的桃金娘为研究对象,在同质园栽培条件下,对其营养器官和花器官表型性状进行观测,采用方差分析、变异分析、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数分析和聚类分析等方法,探讨不同种源桃金娘表型性状多样性。结果表明:(1)不同种源桃金娘表型性状存在显著差异(P<0.05),Shannon-Wiener多样性指数均值在1.35以上,表型性状多样性丰富。(2)种源内表型性状变异系数均值在10.81%~63.75%之间,种源间的变异系数均值在13.08%~74.04%之间,种源间变异(23.33%)高于种源内变异(19.79%),营养器官变异(29.52%)高于花器官变异(14.06%)。(3)部分性状存在极显著或显著相关性,株高与分枝数呈极显著负相关,而与叶长、叶宽和叶面积等却呈显著正相关。(4)在欧式距离10处,20个种源桃金娘可分为A、B、C三类,A类包含8个种源,该类种源表现为植株高大、分枝少、叶大和花大等特征;B类包含11个种源,该类种源表现为株高中等、叶较大和花中等等特征;C类仅包含1个种源,表现为植株低矮、分枝多、叶小和...  相似文献   
To test for the effects of far‐red light on preventing budset in Picea abies , seedlings of six populations originating from latitudes between 67°N and 47°N were grown for 4–8 weeks in continuous incandescent (metal halogen) light at 300 µmol m−2 s−1 and 20°C and then transferred, at the same temperature, to a daily regime of 8 h incandescent light (300 µmol m−2 s−1) followed by 16 h cool white fluorescent light (40 µmol m−2 s−1). (Cool white lamps are deficient in far‐red light, with a R/FR ratio of 7.5 compared with 2.0 for the incandescent lamps.) All the seedlings from 67° and 80% of those from 64° stopped extension growth and set terminal buds within 28 days of the change of regime. The seedlings from 61° and further south continued growing, as did control seedlings from 67° grown as above but with incandescent light at 20 µmol m−2 s−1 replacing cool white illumination. To distinguish between a clinal and ecotypic pattern of variation, the interval between 64° and 59° was investigated by growing populations originating from that area in the same regimes as before. After 28 days in the cool white day‐extension regime, the percentage budset was 86 for the population from 64°, 0 for the population from 59° and 25–50 for the intermediate populations; i.e. the populations showed a clinal variation in requirement for far‐red light according to latitude. Thus northern populations of Picea abies appear to behave as 'light‐dominant' plants for the photoperiodic control of extension growth and budset, whereas the more southern populations behave as 'dark‐dominant' plants.  相似文献   
The diversity of toxigenic V. cholerae O1 in the aquatic environment of Bangladesh is not known. A total of 18 environmental and 18 clinical strains of toxigenic V. cholerae O1 were isolated simultaneously from four different geographical areas and tested for variation by the pulsed-field gel electrophoresis method. Environmental strains showed diversified profiles and one of the profiles was common to some environmental strains and most clinical strains. It appears that one clone has an advantage over others to cause disease. These findings suggest that the study of the molecular ecology of V. cholerae O1 in relation to its environmental reservoir is important in identifying virulent strains that cause disease.  相似文献   
Fan XH  Tang C  Rengel Z 《Annals of botany》2002,90(3):315-323
Nitrate uptake, nitrate reductase activity (NRA) and net proton release were compared in five grain legumes grown at 0.2 and 2 mM nitrate in nutrient solution. Nitrate treatments, imposed on 22-d-old, fully nodulated plants, lasted for 21 d. Increasing nitrate supply did not significantly influence the growth of any of the species during the treatment, but yellow lupin (Lupinus luteus) had a higher growth rate than the other species examined. At 0.2 mM nitrate supply, nitrate uptake rates ranged from 0.6 to 1.5 mg N g(-1) d(-1) in the order: yellow lupin > field pea (Pisum sativum) > chickpea (Cicer arietinum) > narrow-leafed lupin (L angustifolius) > white lupin (L albus). At 2 mM nitrate supply, nitrate uptake ranged from 1.7 to 8.2 mg N g(-1) d(-1) in the order: field pea > chickpea > white lupin > yellow lupin > narrow-leafed lupin. Nitrate reductase activity increased with increased nitrate supply, with the majority of NRA being present in shoots. Field pea and chickpea had much higher shoot NRA than the three lupin species. When 0.2 mM nitrate was supplied, narrow-leafed lupinreleased the most H+ per unit root biomass per day, followed by yellow lupin, white lupin, field pea and chickpea. At 2 mM nitrate, narrow-leafed lupin and yellow lupin showed net proton release, whereas the other species, especially field pea, showed net OH- release. Irrespective of legume species and nitrate supply, proton release was negatively correlated with nitrate uptake and NRA in shoots, but not with NRA in roots.  相似文献   
Mitotic chromosome numbers and karyotypes of 13 South American species (12 native and one naturalized) from four sections of SOLANUM subgen. LEPTOSTEMONUM were studied. Chromosome numbers of S. ACERIFOLIUM, S. AENICTUM, S. CONDITUM, S. CONSIMILE, S. INCARCERATUM, and S. PLATENSE are reported for the first time. The number 2n = 24 was found in most species, while 2n = 22 was found in S. MAMMOSUM and S. PLATENSE. The latter is the second SOLANUM with this unusual number. Satellites are always present and were visible in more than 50 % of the cells studied. Karyotypes are symmetrical: M and SM chromosomes are common, whereas ST chromosomes are rare. The karyotypes of S. AENICTUM, S. MAMMOSUM, and S. PANICULATUM are comparatively asymmetrical. Species can be distinguished by a combination of chromosome number, karyotype formulae, karyotype length, the position of satellites in a particular chromosome pair, and asymmetry indices. The phenogram obtained does not reflect the sectional arrangements or the systematic affinities of the species studied. In sect. ACANTHOPHORA, increased asymmetry is associated with derived characters (strong andromonoecy, winged seeds, mammiform fruits). Diversification in the subgenus is suggested to be related to visible chromosome rearrangements and cumulative, cryptic structural changes may have also played a relevant evolutionary role.  相似文献   
过去20年中国耕地生长季起始期的时空变化   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
多时相遥感数据能够较好地描述区域尺度的植被物候和生长季节的变化特征.利用NDVI时序数据,采用非对称性高斯函数拟合方法重建平滑曲线,分别提取了我国20世纪80年代初、90年代初和21世纪初等3个时期为我国耕地第一生长季起始期,计算3个时期平均生长起始期,并分析了我国耕地第一生长季起始期的区域空间分异规律;然后,从区域和省份两个尺度分析了20世纪80年代初至90年代初和20世纪90年代初至21世纪初两个阶段我国耕地生长季起始期动态变化趋势和空间格局.结果表明,我国不同区域耕地第一生长季起始期存在十分明显的空间差异,清楚地呈现出一个从南向北逐渐推迟的空间特征;从不同区域看,在20世纪80年代初至90年代初和20世纪90年代初至21世纪初两个时期,我国耕地第一生长季起始期变化都是提前和推迟并存,不同区域变化程度不一;从不同省份看,在过去20年间,我国绝大多数省份耕地第一生长季起始期都表现为总体提前的趋势,但不同省份的起始期变化具有差异性.影响我国耕地生长季起始期变化的因素很多,如何区别气候变化等自然因子和人类活动因子对耕地生长季起始期变化的影响是一个值得深入研究的问题.  相似文献   
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