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Experimental studies on CO2 assimilation of mesophytic C3 plants in relation to relative water content (RWC) are discussed. Decreasing RWC slows the actual rate of photosynthetic CO2 assimilation (A) and decreases the potential rate (Apot). Generally, as RWC falls from c. 100 to c. 75%, the stomatal conductance (gs) decreases, and with it A. However, there are two general types of relation of Apot to RWC, which are called Type 1 and Type 2. Type 1 has two main phases. As RWC decreases from 100 to c. 75%, Apot is unaffected, but decreasing stomatal conductance (gs) results in smaller A, and lower CO2 concentration inside the leaf (Ci) and in the chloroplast (Cc), the latter falling possibly to the compensation point. Down-regulation of electron transport occurs by energy quenching mechanisms, and changes in carbohydrate and nitrogen metabolism are considered acclimatory, caused by low Ci and reversible by elevated CO2. Below 75% RWC, there is metabolic inhibition of Apot, inhibition of A then being partly (but progressively less) reversible by elevated CO2; gs regulates A progressively less, and Ci and CO2 compensation point, Gamma rise. It is suggested that this is the true stress phase, where the decrease in Apot is caused by decreased ATP synthesis and a consequent decreased synthesis of RuBP. In the Type 2 response, Apot decreases progressively at RWC 100 to 75%, with A being progressively less restored to the unstressed value by elevated CO2. Decreased gs leads to a lower Ci and Cc but they probably do not reach compensation point: gs becomes progressively less important and metabolic limitations more important as RWC falls. The primary effect of low RWC on Apot is most probably caused by limited RuBP synthesis, as a result of decreased ATP synthesis, either through inhibition of Coupling Factor activity or amount due to increased ion concentration. Carbohydrate synthesis and accumulation decrease. Type 2 response is considered equivalent to Type 1 at RWC below c. 75%, with Apot inhibited by limited ATP and RuBP synthesis, respiratory metabolism dominates and Ci and Gamma rise. The importance of inhibited ATP synthesis as a primary cause of decreasing Apot is discussed. Factors determining the Type 1 and Type 2 responses are unknown. Electron transport is maintained (but down-regulated) in Types 1 and 2 over a wide range of RWC, and a large reduced/oxidized adenylate ratio results. Metabolic imbalance results in amino acid accumulation and decreased and altered protein synthesis. These conditions profoundly affect cell functions and ultimately cause cell death. Type 1 and 2 responses may reflect differences in gs and in sensitivity of metabolism to decreasing RWC.  相似文献   
目的应用免疫组化技术和电生理技术记录心肌细胞/胶原复合体对心梗大鼠梗死周边区的有效不应期(ERP)及缝隙连接蛋白43(Cx43)改变,探讨梗死周边区的电偶联网络变化。方法将成年SD大鼠随机分组:假手术组、模型组、移植组。后2组制作心肌梗死动物模型,假手术组仅开胸,不结扎冠状动脉,移植组移植心肌细胞与胶原材料复合组织。结果①左室ERP变化:与假手术组相比,心梗组梗死周边区ERP显著延长(P〈0.01);移植组梗死周边区ERP延长,但较心梗阻ERP缩短,差异无显著性(P〉0.01)。②Cx43免疫组化结果:移植组Cx43阳性蛋白表达高于心梗组。结论移植的心肌细胞/胶原复合体移植可改善大鼠心肌梗死周边区缝隙连接电偶联网络,进而调控心肌细胞/胶原复合体与宿主心肌同步收缩。  相似文献   
哌替啶对心室肌收缩的抑制作用及其机制   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Zhang X  Cao CM  Wang LL  Ding YM  Xia Q 《生理学报》2003,55(2):197-200
为明确哌替啶对心脏收缩的直接效应 ,并探讨其相关机制。采用Langendorff灌流心脏模型 ,观察了哌替啶对大鼠心室收缩功能的影响 ,并用荧光测钙技术和膜片钳技术探讨了哌替啶作用的钙离子机制。结果显示 ,哌替啶剂量依赖性地降低离体灌流心脏的LVDP×HR、 +dP/dt和 -dP/dt,而升高LVEDP。在酶解分离的心室肌细胞上 ,哌替啶剂量依赖性地降低细胞收缩时的钙瞬变幅度 ,并升高舒张末期的钙水平。哌替啶不影响高浓度咖啡因诱导的内钙释放。哌替啶使L 型钙电流强度降低到给药前的 67 4± 10 1% ,而不改变钙通道的激活和失活电位。哌替啶减弱钙电流的作用并不能被阿片受体阻断剂纳洛酮所阻断。以上结果表明 ,哌替啶能通过非阿片受体介导的途径阻断细胞外钙离子的内流 ,对心室收缩产生直接的抑制作用  相似文献   
黄欣  李益民  杜聪  袁文杰 《生物工程学报》2022,38(12):4669-4680
聚磷酸激酶(polyphosphate kinase,PPK)在体外催化合成ATP的反应中有着重要作用。为寻找能利用短链聚磷酸盐(polyphosphate,polyP)为底物高效合成ATP的聚磷酸激酶,本文以来源于泗阳鞘氨醇杆菌(Sphingobacterium siyangensis)的聚磷酸激酶(PPK2)为研究目标,利用pET-29a构建重组质粒,在大肠杆菌(Escherichia coli)BL21(DE3)中表达,并将其作为ATP再生系统的关键酶与l-氨基酸连接酶(YwfE)联用生产丙谷二肽(Ala-Gln)。ppk2长度为810bp,编码270个氨基酸;SDS-PAGE结果表明PPK2为可溶性表达,分子量为29.7kDa。对PPK2的最适反应条件进行了优化,结果发现其在22–42℃、pH7–10的范围内均可以保持较好活性,且在37℃、pH为7、镁离子(Mg2+)浓度为30mmol/L、底物ADP与六偏磷酸钠浓度分别为5mmol/L和10mmol/L时酶活最大,在0.5h时ATP产率可以达到理论值的60%以上。作为模式反应体系,当PPK2与YwfE联用生产Ala-Gln时,达到与直接添加ATP相同的效果。此聚磷酸激酶作为ATP再生系统具有较好的适用性,适用的温度和pH范围广,且能以廉价易得的短链polyP为底物高效合成ATP,为依赖ATP的催化反应体系的能量再生提供了新酶的来源。  相似文献   
基于稳定同位素的SPAC水碳拆分及耦合研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土壤-植被-大气连续体(SPAC)是陆地水文学、生态学和全球变化领域的重要研究对象,其水碳循环过程及耦合机制是前沿性问题.稳定同位素技术示踪、整合和指示的特征有助于评估分析生态系统固碳和耗水情况.本文在简述稳定同位素应用原理和技术的基础上,重点阐释了基于稳定同位素光学技术的SPAC系统水碳交换研究进展,包括:在净碳通量中拆分光合与呼吸量,在蒸散通量中拆分蒸腾与蒸发量,以及在系统尺度上的水碳耦合研究.新兴的技术和方法实现了生态系统尺度上长期高频的同位素观测,但在测量精准度、生态系统呼吸拆分、非稳态模型适应性、尺度转换和水碳耦合机制等方面存在挑战.本文探讨了现有主要研究成果、局限性以及未来研究展望,以期对稳定同位素生态学领域的新研究和技术发展有所帮助.  相似文献   
This study of ATP and ADP binding to noncatalytic sites of membrane-bound CF1 (ATP synthase) revealed two noncatalytic sites with different specificities and affinities for nucleotides. One of these is characterized by a high affinity and specificity to ADP (Kd=2.6+/-0.3 microM). However, a certain increase in ADP apparent dissociation constant at high ATP/ADP ratio in the medium allows a possibility that ATP binds to this site as well. The other site displays high specificity to ATP. When the ADP-binding site is vacant, it shows a comparatively low affinity for ATP, which greatly increases with increasing ADP concentration accompanied by filling of the ADP-binding site. The reported specificities of these two sites are independent of thylakoid membrane energization, since both in the dark and in the light the ratios of ATP/ADP tightly bound to the noncatalytic sites were very close. The difference in noncatalytic site affinity for ATP and ADP is shown to depend on the amount of delta subunit in a particular sample. Thylakoid membrane ATP synthase, with stoichiometric content of delta-subunit (one delta-subunit per CF1 molecule), showed the maximal difference in ADP and ATP affinities for the noncatalytic sites. For CF1, with substoichiometric delta subunit values, this difference was less, and after delta subunit removal it decreased still more.  相似文献   
1. Over the course of this 17‐month study, we assessed the potential loss of plankton (bacteria, algae, heterotrophic flagellates) to consumers (ciliates and rotifers) within mature biofilms established on natural substrata exposed to the main current of the River Rhine (Germany). Once a month, in flow cells in a bypass system to the River Rhine, we measured the clearance rates of the biofilm‐associated consumers on the different groups within the natural plankton. 2. Ciliates were the most dominant consumers, among which planktivorous groups, particularly peritrichs and (in spring and summer) heterotrichs dominated. Consumer biomass varied with season, with the highest density occurring directly after the appearance of the phytoplankton spring peak. 3. Clearance rates on plankton ranged from 96 to 565 L m?2 d?1 for bacteria and 66–749 L m?2 d?1 for algae, with a preference for algae in summer and for bacteria in winter. This pattern coincided with seasonal changes in the structures of the grazer communities. The consumers (both ciliates and rotifers with total standing stocks ranging between 19 and 572 mg C m?2) imported a substantial amount of organic matter (between 15 and 137 mg C m?2 d?1) into the biofilm. 4. These results highlight the potential importance of consumers in the biofilm as a trophic link between the plankton and the benthos, a function that has hitherto mostly been attributed to filter‐feeding bivalves. In contrast to bivalves, the biofilm‐dwelling consumers show a more dynamic response towards the plankton density and composition. Such dynamic components need to be considered when estimating total plankton consumption by the benthos.  相似文献   
Obtaining detailed structural models of disordered states of proteins under nondenaturing conditions is important for a better understanding of both functional intrinsically disordered proteins and unfolded states of folded proteins. Extensive experimental characterization of the drk N-terminal SH3 domain unfolded state has shown that, although it appears to be highly disordered, it possesses significant nonrandom secondary and tertiary structure. In our previous attempts to generate structural models of the unfolded state using the program ENSEMBLE, we were limited by insufficient experimental restraints and conformational sampling. In this study, we have vastly expanded our experimental restraint set to include 1H-15N residual dipolar couplings, small-angle X-ray scattering measurements, nitroxide paramagnetic relaxation enhancements, O2-induced 13C paramagnetic shifts, hydrogen-exchange protection factors, and 15N R2 data, in addition to the previously used nuclear Overhauser effects, amino terminal Cu2+-Ni2+ binding paramagnetic relaxation enhancements, J-couplings, chemical shifts, hydrodynamic radius, and solvent accessibility restraints. We have also implemented a new ensemble calculation methodology that uses iterative conformational sampling and seeks to calculate the simplest possible ensemble models. As a result, we can now generate ensembles that are consistent with much larger experimental data sets than was previously possible. Although highly heterogeneous and having broad molecular size distributions, the calculated drk N-terminal SH3 domain unfolded-state ensembles have very different properties than expected for random or statistical coils and possess significant nonnative α-helical structure and both native-like and nonnative tertiary structure.  相似文献   
The first part of this review on entropic elastic processes in protein mechanisms (Urry, 1988) demonstrated with the polypentapeptide of elastin (Val1-Pro2-Gly3-Val4-Gly5)n that elastic structure develops as the result of an inverse temperature transition and that entropic elasticity is due to internal chain dynamics in a regular nonrandom structure. This demonstration is contrary to the pervasive perspective of entropic protein elasticity of the past three decades wherein a network of random chains has been considered the necessary structural consequence of the occurrence of dominantly entropic elastomeric force. That this is not the case provides a new opportunity for understanding the occurrence and role of entropic elastic processes in protein mechanisms. Entropic elastic processes are considered in two classes: passive and active. The development of elastomeric force on deformation is class I (passive) and the development of elastomeric force as the result of a chemical process shifting the temperature of a transition is class II (active). Examples of class I are elastin, the elastic filament of muscle, elastic force changes in enzyme catalysis resulting from binding processes and resulting in the straining of a scissile bond, and in the turning on and off of channels due to changes in transmembrane potential. Demonstration of the consequences of elastomeric force developing as the result of an inverse temperature transition are seen in elastin, where elastic recoil is lost on oxidation, i.e., on decreasing the hydrophobicity of the chain and shifting the temperature for the development of elastomeric force to temperatures greater than physiological. This is relevant in general to loss of elasticity on aging and more specifically to the development of pulmonary emphysema. Since random chain networks are not the products of inverse temperature transitions and the temperature at which an inverse temperature transition occurs depends on the hydrophobicity of the polypeptide chain, it now becomes possible to consider chemical processes for turning elastomeric force on and off by reversibly changing the hydrophobicity of the polypeptide chain. This is herein called mechanochemical coupling of the first kind; this is the chemical modulation of the temperature for the transition from a less-ordered less elastic state to a more-ordered more elastic state. In the usual considerations to date, development of elastomeric force is the result of a standard transition from a more-ordered less elastic state to a less-ordered more elastic state. When this is chemically modulated, it is herein called mechanochemical coupling of the second kind. For elastin and the polypentapeptide of elastin, since entropic elastomeric force results on formation of a regular nonrandom structure and thermal randomization of chains results in loss of elastic modulus to levels of limited use in protein mechanisms, consideration of regular spiral-like structures rather than ramdom chain networks or random coils are proposed for mechanochemical coupling of the second kind. Chemical processes to effect mechanochemical coupling in biological systems are most obviously phosphorylation-dephosphorylation and changes in calcium ion activity but also changes in pH. These issues are considered in the events attending parturition in muscle contraction and in cell motility.  相似文献   
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