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Soil moisture constrains the activity of decomposer soil microorganisms, and in turn the rate at which soil carbon returns to the atmosphere. While increases in soil moisture are generally associated with increased microbial activity, historical climate may constrain current microbial responses to moisture. However, it is not known if variation in the shape and magnitude of microbial functional responses to soil moisture can be predicted from historical climate at regional scales. To address this problem, we measured soil enzyme activity at 12 sites across a broad climate gradient spanning 442–887 mm mean annual precipitation. Measurements were made eight times over 21 months to maximize sampling during different moisture conditions. We then fit saturating functions of enzyme activity to soil moisture and extracted half saturation and maximum activity parameter values from model fits. We found that 50% of the variation in maximum activity parameters across sites could be predicted by 30‐year mean annual precipitation, an indicator of historical climate, and that the effect is independent of variation in temperature, soil texture, or soil carbon concentration. Based on this finding, we suggest that variation in the shape and magnitude of soil microbial response to soil moisture due to historical climate may be remarkably predictable at regional scales, and this approach may extend to other systems. If historical contingencies on microbial activities prove to be persistent in the face of environmental change, this approach also provides a framework for incorporating historical climate effects into biogeochemical models simulating future global change scenarios.  相似文献   
It has been suggested that image-forming eyes promote the evolutionary diversification (measured by species richness) of the groups that possess them. Several different processes could give rise to this effect, including diversifying selection in a new adaptive zone (or zones) and a reduced rate of extinction due to enhanced competitive abilities. I tested the generality of the hypothesis that imaging eyes increase net speciation by comparing extant species numbers of 12 groups that have such eyes (as categorized by Land and Fernald 1992) with those of their cladistic sister groups that lack such organs. Even assuming the published hypotheses of phylogenetic relationships that most favor increased net speciation of visual groups, these comparisons show no significant association between imaging eyes and species richness. Increased activity, as indicated by published accounts of locomotory speed, is significantly associated with the evolution of image-forming eyes. This suggests that a large “visual adaptive zone” might be characterized by relatively high activity. However, when diversity comparisons are limited to eight cases in which the evolution of imaging eyes is associated with increased activity, there is still no significant association between such eyes and species richness. The fossil record indicates that the only visual groups that have undergone major evolutionary radiations evolved imaging eyes early in the history of metazoans (before the Silurian). The radiations of these early groups may have largely filled up niches for visual animals and thus prevented the subsequent proliferation of other groups with image-forming eyes. Alternatively, it may be that image-forming eyes have no exceptional effect on diversification or that their effects are obscured by other factors in the long run.  相似文献   
为探讨不同稀有种处理对TWINSPAN分类结果的影响,以北京小龙门林场华北落叶松林调查数据为例,采用2×2列联表比较了剔除频度<5%、盖度<5%的稀有种前后TWINSPAN分类结果的异同,同时结合引入的DBI重点对比了最佳分类等级的吻合性。结果表明:(1)在相同的分类终止原则下,剔除稀有种前后的最大分类结果分别分为12、11个群落类型;(2)基于结合系数r,剔除稀有种前后TWINSPAN在低分类等级的结果差异较大,随着分类等级的增加,二者的吻合度增大,表明稀有种对低分类等级的结果影响较为明显;(3)引入的DBI适用于确定TWINSPAN分类的最佳分类等级,尽管剔除稀有种前后的最佳分类等级不同,但分类结果的吻合度较高。因此,在TWINSPAN分类应用中,建议引入DBI指数辅助确定最佳分类等级,同时取低分类等级结果时必须做删除稀有种处理。  相似文献   
Two experiments using human participants investigated whether a Pavlovian backward inhibitory treatment (nonreinforced trials in phase 1 followed by reinforced trials in phase 2; i.e., AX- followed by A+) produces a stimulus which can pass summation and retardation tests for inhibition. The rationale for conducting these experiments was that previous demonstrations of Pavlovian backward inhibition informed participants about the nature of the outcome before starting the experiment. According to some theoretical views, this is a potential confound. In the present experiments we used a predictive task in which participants had no knowledge about the outcome until phase 2, when reinforcement occurred. The results of Experiment 1 (summation test) and Experiment 2 (retardation test) provide a clear demonstration of backward conditioned inhibition.  相似文献   
Learning, working memory, and intelligence revisited   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Based on early findings showing low correlations between intelligence test scores and learning on laboratory tasks, psychologists typically have dismissed the role of learning in intelligence and emphasized the role of working memory instead. In 2006, however, B.A. Williams developed a verbal learning task inspired by three-term reinforcement contingencies and reported unexpectedly high correlations between this task and Raven's Advanced Progressive Matrices (RAPM) scores [Williams, B.A., Pearlberg, S.L., 2006. Learning of three-term contingencies correlates with Raven scores, but not with measures of cognitive processing. Intelligence 34, 177-191]. The present study replicated this finding: Performance on the three-term learning task explained almost 25% of the variance in RAPM scores. Adding complex verbal working memory span, measured using the operation span task, did not improve prediction. Notably, this was not due to a lack of correlation between complex working memory span and RAPM scores. Rather, it occurred because most of the variance captured by the complex working memory span was already accounted for by the three-term learning task. Taken together with the findings of Williams and Pearlberg, the present results make a strong case for the role of learning in performance on intelligence tests.  相似文献   
海南霸王岭热带雨林的种间分离   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
 基于地理信息系统软件绘制了海南岛霸王岭热带雨林1个0.5 hm2永久样地所有DBH≥1 cm树木的分布图,进而借助最近邻体分析扩展模块判定每个个体的最近邻体植株,并得到每个基株最近邻体种对的距离。采用N×N最近邻体列联表的截表法,研究了这个多物种群落的种间分离。结果表明,随机毗邻种对占优势,正分离种对次之,负分离种对最少。多数灌木和一些小乔木(平均胸径<15 cm)彼此呈正分离,少数负分离;灌木和乔木间的分离关系复杂;大乔木种类(平均胸径≥65 cm)间不存在负分离。种间分离存在种间差异。种间分离与分布格局明显相关,聚集分布的物种与其它物种正分离比例远比随机分布、均匀分布大;相反,聚集分布物种与其它物种负分离比例要比随机分布、均匀分布小。聚集 聚集分布的种对最可能出现正分离;聚集 均匀分布的种对以及随机 随机分布的种对则最可能出现负分离。但是,无论物种的分布格局或种对相对分布格局如何,随机毗邻的种对都占优势。与种间联结不同,种间分离反映的是小尺度的物种空间关系。在此基础上,初步阐述了种间分离的可能原因及其生态学涵义。  相似文献   
Summary We studied the effects of intrinsic colony characteristics and an imposed contingency on the life span and behavior of foragers in the swarm-founding social waspPolybia occidentalis. Data were collected on marked, known-age workers introduced into four observation colonies.To test the hypothesis that colony demographic features affect worker life span, we examined the relationships of colony age and size with worker life span using survivorship analysis. Colony age and size had positive relationships with life span; marked workers from two larger, older colonies had longer life spans (¯X = 24.7 days) than those from two smaller, younger colonies (¯X = 20.1 days).We quantified the effects of experimentally imposed nest damage on forager behavior, to determine which of three predicted behavioral responses by foragers to this contingency (increased probability of foraging for building material, increased rate of foraging, or decrease in age of onset of foraging) would be employed. Increasing the colony level of need for materials used in nest construction (wood pulp and water) by damaging the nests of two colonies did not cause an increase in either the proportion of marked workers that gathered nest materials or in foraging rates of marked individuals, when compared with introduced workers in two simultaneously observed control colonies. Instead, nest damage caused a decrease in the age at which marked workers first foraged for pulp and water. The response to an increase in the need for building materials was an acceleration of behavioral development in some workers.  相似文献   
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