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Photographic polytene chromosome maps from pupal trichogen cells of four tsetse species, Glossina austeni, G. pallidipes, G. morsitans morsitans and G. m. submorsitans were constructed and compared. The homology of chromosomal elements between the species was achieved by comparing banding patterns. The telomeric and subtelomeric chromosome regions were found to be identical in all species. The pericentromeric regions were found to be similar in the X chromosome and the left arm of L1 chromosome (L1L) but different in L2 chromosome and the right arm of L1 chromosome (L1R). The L2 chromosome differs by a pericentric inversion that is fixed in the three species, G. pallidipes, G. morsitans morsitans and G. m. submorsitans. Moreover, the two morsitans subspecies appeared to be homosequential and differ only by two paracentric inversions on XL and L2L arm. Although a degree of similarity was observed across the homologous chromosomes in the four species, the relative position of specific chromosome regions was different due to chromosome inversions established during their phylogeny. However, there are regions that show no apparent homology between the species, an observation that may be attributed to the considerable intra—chromosomal rearrangements that have occurred following the species divergence. The results of this comparative analysis support the current phylogenetic relationships of the genus Glossina.  相似文献   
Abstract: Direct and indirect contact between wild and farmed cervids along perimeter fences may play a role in transmission of diseases like chronic wasting disease (CWD), but no studies have quantified such interactions. At 9 high-fenced commercial elk (Cervus elaphus) farms in Colorado, USA, during October 2003 to January 2005, we used animal-activated video to estimate rates of fence-line use by wild cervids, rates of direct contact between farmed and wild cervids, and probability of direct contact when wild cervids were present. We recorded 8-fold-more wild elk per unit time than mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) at fence lines. Depending on site, we recorded 0.66 to 46.90 wild elk per 1,000 hours of camera monitoring. We documented 77 interactions between wild and farmed elk involving naso-oral contact and no contact between wild mule deer and farmed elk. Rate of direct contact ranged from 0.00 to 1.92 direct contacts per 1,000 hours of camera monitoring among sites. Given recorded presence of wild elk, estimated probability of observing direct contact during a 2-minute video recording ranged from 0.00 to 0.11 among sites. Risk of direct contact was about 3.5 times greater for single woven-wire fence compared with offset electric fence attached to a single woven-wire fence. We observed no direct contact through double woven-wire fences. Because little is currently known about infection rates associated with infection mechanisms, we cannot infer a level of CWD infection risk from our results, but some form of double fencing should reduce potential for direct and indirect transmission of disease into or out of elk farms.  相似文献   
Aim Species distribution models (SDMs) use the locations of collection records to map the distributions of species, making them a powerful tool in conservation biology, ecology and biogeography. However, the accuracy of range predictions may be reduced by temporally autocorrelated biases in the data. We assess the accuracy of SDMs in predicting the ranges of tropical plant species on the basis of different sample sizes while incorporating real‐world collection patterns and biases. Location Tropical South American moist forests. Methods We use dated herbarium records to model the distributions of 65 Amazonian and Andean plant species. For each species, we use the first 25, 50, 100, 125 and 150 records collected and available for each species to analyse changes in spatial aggregation and climatic representativeness through time. We compare the accuracy of SDM range estimates produced using the time‐ordered data subsets to the accuracy of range estimates generated using the same number of collections but randomly subsampled from all available records. Results We find that collections become increasingly aggregated through time but that additional collecting sites are added resulting in progressively better representations of the species’ full climatic niches. The range predictions produced using time‐ordered data subsets are less accurate than predictions from random subsets of equal sample sizes. Range predictions produced using time‐ordered data subsets consistently underestimate the extent of ranges while no such tendency exists for range predictions produced using random data subsets. Main conclusions These results suggest that larger sample sizes are required to accurately map species ranges. Additional attention should be given to increasing the number of records available per species through continued collecting, better distributed collecting, and/or increasing access to existing collections. The fact that SDMs generally under‐predict the extent of species ranges means that extinction risks of species because of future habitat loss may be lower than previously estimated.  相似文献   
余豪  莫建初  黄求应  廖敏 《广西植物》2018,38(4):420-427
为筛选出高效防治黑翅土白蚁的天然植物精油,减少有机合成农药的使用,该文研究了大蒜精油、肉桂油、丁香油和印楝素油四种植物精油对黑翅土白蚁的触杀效果和驱避作用。结果表明:大蒜精油、肉桂油和丁香油的浓度为5和10 mg·m L~(-1)时,处理2 h后,黑翅土白蚁的校正死亡率达100%,而相同浓度的印楝素油和对照处理的黑翅土白蚁校正死亡率低于5%。随着处理时间延长,浓度为1.25和2.5 mg·m L~(-1)的大蒜精油、肉桂油和丁香油处理6 h时,黑翅土白蚁的校正死亡率仍达100%,而此时对应的印楝素油和对照处理的黑翅土白蚁校正死亡率仅为10%,说明大蒜精油、肉桂油和丁香油对黑翅土白蚁具有较强的触杀效果。大蒜精油、丁香油和肉桂油在处理黑翅土白蚁2 h后LC_(50)值(半致死量)分别为1.572、1.05和1.03mg·m L~(-1),说明肉桂油对黑翅土白蚁的毒性相对最大,触杀效果最好。此外,10 mg·m L~(-1)的大蒜精油、肉桂油、丁香油和印楝素油的驱避试验表明,处理4、6、8和12 h后,大蒜精油、肉桂油和丁香油三精油处理区的黑翅土白蚁数均显著低于对照区的,驱避率总体93%,而对应的印楝素油的驱避率总体28.5%,表明大蒜精油、丁香油和肉桂油三种植物精油对黑翅土白蚁均有显著的驱避活性。综上可知,四种植物精油中大蒜精油、肉桂油和丁香油在防治黑翅土白蚁方面应用潜力很好,是开发绿色环保白蚁防治药剂的可选材料。  相似文献   
To investigate feeding‐related decisions in Aedes aegypti (L.), adults are presented with simple diets of paired gustatory stimuli conveying information concerning energy content, nutrient richness, osmotic balance and food toxicity in a two‐diet matrix assay. Assessment of mosquito gut contents indicates that both sexes accept single sugar diets in a dose‐dependent manner. When presented with a choice between two different yet equimolar sugar solutions, more individuals of both sexes accept the disaccharides, sucrose and trehalose, than the monosacharrides, fructose and glucose. The combination of pyranose and furanose sugars in solution, either physically associated (as in sucrose) or present as monomers (as glucose and fructose), is accepted over solutions containing a single sugar moiety. Using the two‐diet matrix assay, mosquito diet‐choice is also tested between two equimolar sucrose ‘driver’ solutions in which one is presented with various concentrations of another potential feeding cue ‘test’ compound (i.e. each of the 20 naturally‐occurring amino acids, sodium chloride, quinine or caffeine). Diet‐choice between the ‘driver’ sucrose‐only solution and the solution of the ‘driver’ sucrose containing a ‘test’ amino acid is influenced by sex, amino acid concentration and sucrose concentration. There is also an example of synergism between the diet components, leucine and sucrose. Mosquitoes demonstrate a dose‐dependent acceptance of sucrose‐only diets over sodium chloride‐containing sucrose when presented together. Interestingly, the sucrose‐only diet is accepted by more mosquitoes than all concentrations of the saline‐containing sucrose diets except those approximately isotonic to mosquito haemolymph, at which concentration mosquitoes show no clear choice between the diets. More individuals of both sexes accept sucrose‐only diets than the diets of caffeine‐containing sucrose in a dose‐dependent manner. Only females, however, respond to quinine‐containing sucrose diets and modulate this behaviour in relation to the energetic reward: more females imbibed quinine‐containing sucrose at the higher sucrose concentration (1 m ). A systematic characterization of diet selection behaviour of A. aegypti is presented for 27 putative feeding cues potentially involved in nectar/honeydew feeding. This study will be used as a basis from which to investigate further the mosquito's assessment of food quality and ultimately host choice.  相似文献   
1. A high expression of angiotensin II receptors and of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) activity was detected in confluent NIH 3T3 fibroblasts.2. Characterization with selective ligands, dithiothreitol, and GTPS, indicated that only the AT2 subtype was expressed.3. AT2 receptors and ACE expression were strictly dependent on the cell density and growth phase of the cells, with AT2 receptors being expressed earlier than ACE. In contrast, high expression of AT2 receptors irrespective of their growth state was observed in NIH 3T3 cells lacking contact inhibition upon neoplastic transformation with ras.4. Our results imply a possible relation of AT2 receptors to cell growth and cell–cell contact.  相似文献   
Measurements of protein sequence-structure correlations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Crooks GE  Wolfe J  Brenner SE 《Proteins》2004,57(4):804-810
Correlations between protein structures and amino acid sequences are widely used for protein structure prediction. For example, secondary structure predictors generally use correlations between a secondary structure sequence and corresponding primary structure sequence, whereas threading algorithms and similar tertiary structure predictors typically incorporate interresidue contact potentials. To investigate the relative importance of these sequence-structure interactions, we measured the mutual information among the primary structure, secondary structure and side-chain surface exposure, both for adjacent residues along the amino acid sequence and for tertiary structure contacts between residues distantly separated along the backbone. We found that local interactions along the amino acid chain are far more important than non-local contacts and that correlations between proximate amino acids are essentially uninformative. This suggests that knowledge-based contact potentials may be less important for structure predication than is generally believed.  相似文献   
Hamilton N  Burrage K  Ragan MA  Huber T 《Proteins》2004,56(4):679-684
We describe a new method for using neural networks to predict residue contact pairs in a protein. The main inputs to the neural network are a set of 25 measures of correlated mutation between all pairs of residues in two "windows" of size 5 centered on the residues of interest. While the individual pair-wise correlations are a relatively weak predictor of contact, by training the network on windows of correlation the accuracy of prediction is significantly improved. The neural network is trained on a set of 100 proteins and then tested on a disjoint set of 1033 proteins of known structure. An average predictive accuracy of 21.7% is obtained taking the best L/2 predictions for each protein, where L is the sequence length. Taking the best L/10 predictions gives an average accuracy of 30.7%. The predictor is also tested on a set of 59 proteins from the CASP5 experiment. The accuracy is found to be relatively consistent across different sequence lengths, but to vary widely according to the secondary structure. Predictive accuracy is also found to improve by using multiple sequence alignments containing many sequences to calculate the correlations.  相似文献   
Gene-targeted mice were used to evaluate the role of the gamma isoform of phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3Kgamma) in dendritic cell (DC) migration and induction of specific T-cell-mediated immune responses. DC obtained from PI3Kgamma-/- mice showed a reduced ability to respond to chemokines in vitro and ex vivo and to travel to draining lymph nodes under inflammatory conditions. PI3Kgamma-/- mice had a selective defect in the number of skin Langerhans cells and in lymph node CD8alpha- DC. Furthermore, PI3Kgamma-/- mice showed a defective capacity to mount contact hypersensitivity and delayed-type hypersensitivity reactions. This defect was directly related to the reduced ability of antigen-loaded DC to migrate from the periphery to draining lymph nodes. Thus, PI3Kgamma plays a nonredundant role in DC trafficking and in the activation of specific immunity. Therefore, PI3Kgamma may be considered a new target to control exaggerated immune reactions.  相似文献   
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