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TaNHX2基因植物表达载体的构建及在拟南芥中的功能分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将TaNHX2基因重组于质粒pBIN438的CaMV 35S启动子下游,构建含TaNHX2基因的植物双元表达载体pBIN438-TaNHX2。采用根癌农杆菌介导的真空渗透法转化拟南芥,得到T0代转基因拟南芥种子。经含Kan的平板筛选及PCR鉴定,获得54株阳性植株,选取生长一致的转基因阳性植株进行耐盐、耐旱分析,结果表明TaNHX2能够提高转基因植株的耐盐性和耐旱性。  相似文献   
西南岩溶地区石漠化综合治理研究   总被引:7,自引:6,他引:7  
杜文鹏  闫慧敏  甄霖  胡云锋 《生态学报》2019,39(16):5798-5808
我国西南岩溶地区石漠化是人地矛盾作用下生态系统退化的过程或结果,石漠化不仅带来水土流失加剧、旱涝灾害频发、生物多样性降低等生态问题,还会带来贫困落后等一系列社会问题。20世纪80年代开始进行的石漠化治理工作已经成为我国西南岩溶地区生态文明建设的重要举措与必由之路,通过近40年来的石漠化治理使得我国西南岩溶地区石漠化问题恶化的趋势开始得到扭转。面向生态文明新时期的建设目标,石漠化脆弱区仍存在人地矛盾难以全面消除、治理成果可持续性亟待提升等问题,石漠化防治需要从多年来石漠化治理研究与实践探索积累中汲取有益于促进人地和谐、提升生态系统可持续性的治理经验与做法。因此,本文以石漠化治理典型区域调研资料与文献资料为数据基础,从石漠化治理目标、技术、措施和模式四个层面梳理石漠化治理经验与做法,归纳总结出石漠化综合治理四点配置原则:(1)以治理目标与预期周期为导向,确立石漠化治理采取的措施;(2)针对解决的关键生态退化问题,结合区域特征遴选石漠化治理技术;(3)针对石漠化退化阶段的差异,确定石漠化治理途径措施;(4)结合石漠化综合治理模式的共性特征,以小流域为基本单元,因地制宜的选择与构建石漠化综合治理模式。以期通过对实践经验的总结为石漠化治理过程中选择具备区位适宜性和机理明晰性的生态技术提供参考。  相似文献   
黑河流域生态经济带分异协调规律与耦合发展模式   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:17  
方创琳 《生态学报》2002,22(5):699-708
在西北干旱地区建设黑河流域生态经济带,是从根本上高效配置流域水资源,彻底化解流域上,下游利益冲突,实现利益共享,保护流域生态环境,推进流域可持续发展,全面实施国务院黑河流域分水方案的重要途径,通过对黑河流域生态经济带上-中-下游投入产出效益的比较分析和流域上、中、下游生态-生产、生活系统发展分异及互动协调关系的分析,提出了黑河流域生态经济带上-中-下游多维互动的协调耦合发展模式,进而提出了黑河流域生态经济带建设与发展的主要途径,包括推进黑河流域经济发展一体化和集成管理公司化,大力推行全流域水资源的差异化有偿使用制度,实施流动上、中、下游的水权转让贸易,实行规范的流域财政转移支付制度,建立流域资源与生态环境和经济的整合帐户体系,实行跨行政区域河流边界水量水质达标交接制度,等等。  相似文献   
肇庆市景观生态规划研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
肇庆市生态资源丰富,自然保护现状良好,生态环境建设潜力大,但整个生态缺乏合理规划,与经济发展联系不大,对经济发展贡献率低,与旅游规划脱节,致使各地旅游形象不突出,特色不鲜明,景观整体性和连续性遭受破坏,景观、景区间协调不足,过渡不自然,景观视线范围内荒山和采矿点依稀可见,没有充分发挥生态在旅游中的作用。针对以上问题和矛盾,文章对肇庆市景观生态进行功能分区和规划设计,为肇庆市城市规划及景观生态建设提供一定的依据。  相似文献   
板书担负着知识传递和课堂文化传承的双重任务。设计良好的板书不仅有助于学生对知识的记忆、理解和建构,还有助于打造严肃活泼的课堂氛围、塑造立德树人的课堂灵魂、促进教学反思和提升育人质量。笔者以板书教学在生物化学课程中的实践为例,按照针对学生要实现的教学目标,对板书进行了分类,分别介绍了每类板书在多媒体时代的必要性和适用范围,以期使板书这一传统教学形式在新时代课堂教学中发挥其重要作用。  相似文献   
Although it was claimed that the Kuwait Master Plans have helped guide the development in Kuwait from a small mud brick town of 150,000 inhabitants to today's modern metropolis of about 3 million inhabitants, this article argues that the implementation of the first plan in 1952 planted the seeds of human and ecological risk problems in Kuwait, which were intensified later in the 1960s and 1970s. As the latest 2007 Master Plan comprises major development projects, which could certainly have adverse ecological impacts on the environment and human well-being, this article highlights the importance of integrating environmental impact assessment (EIA) and the development projects within the Master Plan as a tool for sustainable development and as an assessment of human and ecological risks before the implementation of such projects. According to the current status, the level of collaboration among the concerned organizations responsible for preparing the Master Plans and conducting the EIA is behind the ambition. This article recommends setting out documented environmental criteria for land use planning and major development projects implementation, so as to control pollution and prevent any environmental change that might impair the public's health or influence future ecological stability.  相似文献   
微生物学作为生物学专业的基础课,在构建学生知识体系、课堂价值观引领方面具有重要作用。为实现"金课"建设目标,微生物学理论课在建设过程中,秉承着夯实基础、注重前沿的理念,在课程内容设计上注重不同课程的衔接和过渡,在教学方法上通过开展特色专题讲座、建设精品教材、应用"对分易"平台、举办"我是主讲人"等活动,以识"微"见远的理念,提升教学质量,延伸教学效果。与此同时,深刻认识到对人才培养而言,既要育智,更要育人。因此在教学中注重结合专业内容,激发学生的社会责任感和使命感;以榜样力量给予学生学习的目标与指引,立德树人,进而实现课程全方位育人的目标。  相似文献   
Correcting Misperceptions about the History of Castanea Stands in Satoyama in Japan. Mistaken ideas about the naturalness of past and present landscapes are widespread in diverse cultures and in the scientific literature, and many of these ideas are only now being seriously challenged by current research (e.g., Erickson 2006; Fairhead and Leach 1996; Hall 1998; Ramankutty and Foley 1999; Willis et al. 2004). For example, the chestnut, Castanea crenata, has long been an important tree in Japanese culture, which has been cultivated, among other things, for its much loved edible nut and its valuable timber. Today, the widely-held view in Japan, which also appears in the scholarly and popular literature, is that in the past Castanea stands covered a large area throughout Japan, and these stands only disappeared because of economic development, especially in association with railway construction. Otaru, Hokkaido, is one of the places where people believe Castanea stands covered a large area and were deforested only recently. Local people in Otaru believe that the stand in Temiya Park has existed since the Jomon Period. For a more accurate historical perspective on Japanese forestation, we have performed pollen analysis to clarify the timing of the introduction of the Castanea tree into Otaru region and to reveal the history of this specific Castanea stand in Temiya Park. The results indicate that Castanea was first found in Otaru region 7100 B.P., but that it was not cultivated extensively until recently. Based on our study, and on data from this area dating to the late 19th century, we concluded instead that the Castanea stand we studied in Temiya Park, Otaru, was established after the mid-20th century. We believe the results of this study are applicable to Castanea stands in other parts of Japan as well.  相似文献   
在豆田群落中,常见的天敌昆虫及有益生物为12科13种,它们对寄主均有很强的选择性.小花蝽是大豆蚜的主要天敌,系优势种,其次是龟纹瓢虫.大青叶蝉的主要天敌是蜘蛛类,三突花蛛和草间小黑蛛为优势种.在长期不施用农药的环境下,天敌自然种群对控制害虫发生危害的作用明显.经数学分析,建立了12个数学模型,进一步揭示了两种刺吸类害虫与其天敌之间的关系;天敌种群消长、害虫种群消长与时间变动的关系.尤其通过对豆田群落生物的多样性、稳定性动态分析,表明豆田群落在8月9日至8月29日多样性指数和稳定性指数最大;同时亦表明豆田群落的多样性指数愈高,群落的稳定性愈强.  相似文献   
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