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Abstract: We used radiotelemetry to locate daytime forms of endangered Lower Keys marsh rabbits (LKMRs; Sylvilagus palustris hefneri) throughout their range so we could determine habitat characteristics of diurnal cover. We typically found forms (n = 1,298) of 36 rabbits in brackish wetlands in patches of saltmarsh or buttonwoods. In freshwater wetlands, forms (n = 54) were located most often in patches of freshwater hardwoods embedded in or adjacent to freshwater marshes. Forms (n = 942) in brackish wetlands were characterized by thick groundcover (>75%), whereas those (n = 42) in freshwater wetlands had both thick groundcover and canopy vegetation. The mean minimum convex polygon around forms of 15 rabbits was 1.4 ha (SD = 1.7), with smaller ranges characterized by thick bunchgrasses or clump-forming sedges. To increase the amount of annual space usable by LKMRs, managers should provide more saltmarsh habitat interspersed with buttonwoods and enhance ground cover in existing habitat.  相似文献   
Question: Which are the success and failure of restoration measures, particularly sod‐cutting and hydrological measures, in small wetlands on mineral soils in The Netherlands. Location: Twente, in the eastern part of The Netherlands. Methods: Success or failure of restoration measures has been assessed by comparing experimental plots with that in reference plots for (1) species richness, (2) re‐establishment of endangered species and (3) species composition, including life forms and Red List species. In total 119 samples were taken in 42 permanent plots in fen meadows, small‐sedge marshes, wet heathlands, and soft‐water pools. Topsoil samples were analysed for pH, Ca, Mg, Na, K and Cation Exchange Capacity. Gradient analysis was carried out by means of Canonical Correspondence Analysis. Results: Sod‐cutting, in combination with re‐wetting measures (infilling of ditches and drains), led to restoration of communities of soft‐water pools and small sedge marshes within five years. This rapid recovery is probably related to the presence of persistent seed banks of the component species of these communities. Complete restoration of fen meadows took longer (10–15 yr). Apparently, many species of fen meadows have short‐lived seed banks. Sod‐cutting of a degraded wet heathland and a soft‐water pool was only successful temporarily, probably as a consequence of low water tables. Conclusions: To prevent depletion of (persistent) soil seed banks, sod‐cutting in nutrient‐poor wetlands is not recommended in areas where the groundwater regime and the base status of the soil can not be restored to levels required by plant communities of wet heathlands.  相似文献   
Restoration of reclaimed marshes in the United Kingdom, referred to as managed realignment, is both a scientific and a political issue. A cross‐party House of Commons report to Government stressed that provision of long‐term sustainable coastal defenses must start with the premise that “coasts need space” and that government must work to increase public awareness, scientific knowledge, and political will to facilitate such a retreat from the almost sacrosanct existing shoreline. Government, in turn, has agreed with the basis of the report but is aware of conflicting interests, not least the European legislation, which has designated large areas of reclaimed marshes as Special Areas of Conservation that cannot legally be restored to their former tidal processes. Against this background, it is essential that scientific research provides convincing arguments for the necessity for managed realignment, the location, extent, and type of marshlands that need to be restored to provide sustainable flood defenses, maintain and enhance conservation status, and ensure a healthy functioning estuarine system. We examine the political and scientific issues involved, discuss model predictions and field experiments into realignment techniques, and outline the preliminary results of such experiments showing the evolution of restored intertidal wetlands in the United Kingdom.  相似文献   
A growing number of studies have assessed the functional equivalency of restored and natural salt marshes. Several of these have explored the use of functional trajectories to track the increase in restored marsh function over time; however, these studies have disagreed as to the usefulness of such models in long‐term predictions of restored marsh development. We compared indicators of four marsh functions (primary production, soil organic matter accumulation, sediment trapping, and maintenance of plant communities) in 6 restored and 11 reference (matched to restored marshes using principal components analysis) salt marshes in the Great Bay Estuary. The restored marshes were all constructed and planted on imported substrate and ranged in age from 1 to 14 years. We used marsh age in a space‐for‐time substitution to track constructed salt marsh development and explore the use of trajectories. A high degree of variability was observed among natural salt marsh sites, displaying the importance of carefully chosen reference sites. As expected, mean values for constructed site (n = 6) and reference site (n = 11) functions were significantly different. Using constructed marsh age as the independent variable and functional indicator values as dependent variables, nonlinear regression analyses produced several ecologically meaningful trajectories (r 2> 0.9), demonstrating that the use of different‐aged marshes can be a viable approach to developing functional trajectories. The trajectories illustrated that although indicators of some functions (primary production, sediment deposition, and plant species richness) may reach natural site values relatively quickly (<10 years), others (soil organic matter content) will take longer.  相似文献   
We used wetland mesocosms (1) to experimentally assess whether inoculating a restored wetland site with vegetation/sediment plugs from a natural wetland would alter the development of invertebrate communities relative to unaided controls and (2) to determine if stocking of a poor invertebrate colonizer could further modify community development beyond that due to simple inoculation. After filling mesocosms with soil from a drained and cultivated former wetland and restoring comparable hydrology, mesocosms were randomly assigned to one of three treatments: control (a reference for unaided community development), inoculated (received three vegetation/sediment cores from a natural wetland), and stocked + inoculated (received three cores and were stocked with a poorly dispersing invertebrate group—gastropods). All mesocosms were placed 100 m from a natural wetland and allowed to colonize for 82 days. Facilitation of invertebrate colonization led to communities in inoculated and stocked + inoculated treatments that contrasted strongly with those in the unaided control treatment. Control mesocosms had the highest taxa richness but the lowest diversity due to high densities and dominance of Tanytarsini (Diptera: Chironomidae). Community structure in inoculated and stocked + inoculated mesocosms was more similar to that of a nearby natural wetland, with abundance more evenly distributed among taxa, leading to diversity that was higher than in the control treatment. Inoculated and stocked + inoculated communities were dominated by non‐aerial invertebrates, whereas control mesocosms were dominated by aerial invertebrates. These results suggest that facilitation of invertebrate recruitment does indeed alter invertebrate community development and that facilitation may lead to a more natural community structure in less time under conditions simulating wetland restoration.  相似文献   
Most of the wetlands located along the Indian River Lagoon (IRL) ineast-central Florida (USA) have been impounded since the 1950's and1960's to reduce mosquito reproduction. Impounded marsh (i.e.,impoundment) dikes physically separate the wetlands from the estuary toallow artificial flooding of the impoundments during the mosquito breedingperiod (May to October). Presently, Rotational ImpoundmentManagement (RIM) is the preferred impoundment management techniquein the IRL. Impoundments maintained under RIM have culverts installedthrough the dikes which are kept closed during the mosquito breedingseason (to control mosquitos) and are allowed to remain open for theremainder of the year (to allow tidal flow). A 24.3 ha impoundment8 km north of Sebastian Inlet that had been isolated from the IRL for over39 years was studied for 12 months to determine habitat use by fishes aftertidal reconnection and the implementation of RIM. Fish sampling wasconducted with a seine in the perimeter ditch and with clover and minnowtraps in the upper marsh and tidal creek areas of the impoundment. Waterlevel, impoundment bottom topography, and the seasonal nursery functionof the impoundment were factors that contributed to observed patterns offish habitat use during the study. Within the first 15 weeks of perimeterditch sampling, an increase from 9 to 40 species was observed. Transientspecies used the perimeter ditch almost exclusively and entered theimpoundment primarily during the spring open period. Juvenile Pogonias cromis (Linnaeus), Elops saurus Linnaeus, Centropomusundecimalis (Bloch), and Megalops atlanticus Valenciennes were themost abundant recreationally important species, respectively. Habitat useby the most abundant resident species (Gambusia holbrooki Girard,Poecilia latipinna (Lesueur), Cyprinodon variegatus Lacepède, andFundulus confluentus Goode & Bean) was influenced primarily bywater level fluctuations. Resident species used the upper marsh and tidalcreek habitats during summer flooded periods and the cyprinodontids leftthe interior surface of the impoundment last as water levels decreased. Thisstudy is the first to document the recovery of fish populations in areconnected impoundment north of Sebastian Inlet using both active andpassive sampling techniques.  相似文献   
In 1931 a red-colored, sandy marker horizon was placed on the emergingSkallingen salt marsh. Sedimentation on top of the marker horizon sincethen shows two opposing tendencies. Coincident with salt marshdevelopment the sediments display up to 1964 a fining upward sequencewith an increasing content of organic matter. Since 1964 a nearby creekhas meandered towards the sampling plot. Consequently, the sedimentsbecome coarser with a decreasing organic matter content. Themorphological induced changes in sedimentary conditions strongly influencemetal content in the sediments and thereby hide anthropogenic inducedconcentration variations. Thus, an apparently diminishing Zn content (perkg dry weight) since 1964 could indicate lesser load to the area. However,corrected for grain size effects there is an increasing content of Zn. Othermetal concentrations (e.g. Cu) show a diminishing trend when corrected forgrain size effects and therefore indicate a reduced anthropogenic inducedload of these metals to the salt marsh.  相似文献   
The integrity of coastal salt marshes can be determined from the extent to which they provide key ecosystem services: food and habitat for fish and wildlife, good water quality, erosion and flood control, and recreation and cultural use. An outline of a new approach for linking ecosystem services with metrics of structure and function to evaluate the ecological integrity of salt marshes is described. One main objective of the approach is to determine whether differences in structure and function can be detected among salt marshes with similar geomorphology and hydrology but different degrees of anthropogenic stress. The approach is currently being applied to salt marshes of Narragansett Bay, RI, USA. Stable nitrogen isotopic ratios of the marsh biota reflected the nitrogen sources from the adjacent watersheds and were significantly correlated with percent residential land use. Results show that plant zonation significantly ( r = —0.82; p < 0.05) relates with percent residential land use and is potentially a sensitive indicator of anthropogenic disturbance of New England salt marshes. We are currently examining species diversity, denitrification rates, and susceptibility to erosion among the sites for additional indicators of salt marsh condition. Our results to date suggest that this approach will provide the methods needed for managers to systematically monitor and evaluate the integrity of salt marshes  相似文献   
Abstract. The plant and sediment dynamics in salt marshes are strongly interrelated, but few data are available to document their interaction. Puccinellia maritima is a perennial grass that occurs widely in salt marshes and this study examines its role in the stabilization or trapping of sediment in the pioneer zone and its response to burial, a characteristic phenomenon in accreting salt marshes. Puccinellia not only appears to limit erosion but also to significantly enhance accretion. The functional role of this species is largely dependent on the local disturbance regime. The response of Puccinellia to burial was studied in a series of burial treatments. Growth performance of Puccinellia was stimulated by burial of 4 mm sediment and reduced by burial of 8 mm/month. Burial under 12 mm of sediment led to high mortality of up to 97%. Response was determined by the instantaneous thickness of sediment rather than by the total quantity. Morphological response to burial consisted mainly of stem elongation. Plants collected from accretion zones in the field also produced tillers with adventitious roots at successive soil layers. The range of burial tolerances found for Puccinellia fits well with its occurrence in locations with up to 8 mm sediment accretion per tidal cycle, a common situation in the salt marsh studied.  相似文献   
Forty seven vibracores and fifteen radiocarbon dates have beenobtained to outline the Holocene history of the North Inlet saltmarsh basin. Marsh deposits date from about 3500 years BP and havetransgressed over a Late Pleistocene beach-ridge terrain that waspartly eroded by Late Holocene tidal channel meandering. Marsh mudalso has prograded southward over shallow subtidal estuarine Macomamuds which date from about 4500 years BP and which are stillaccumulating in adjacent Winyah Bay. The southward migration of themarsh environment probably is due to the southward migration ofboth North Inlet and the mouth of Winyah Bay. The stratigraphy ofthe North Inlet basin offers no evidence for Late Holocene sea-level oscillations.Application of this model of marsh history to the study long-term ecosystem succession driven by slowly rising sea level isdiscussed.  相似文献   
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