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Ecosystem services are the numerous, essential processes that natural ecosystems provide free to human societies. Examples include the maintenance of breathable air; the movement, storage, and purification of water; the breakdown of wastes; and the provision of food, building materials, and medicines. However, the exponential increases in human population and concomitant environmental destruction make it likely that the level of ecosystem services available per capita will decline. There are three possible scenarios. First, if present practices continue, ecosystem services per capita will surely decline. Second, if a no-net-loss policy is implemented for habitats and species, ecosystem services per capita will still decline due to increases in human population, but the declines will be less precipitous. Third, if habitat is restored (including concomitant ecosystem services) at a rate exceeding that of destruction, then, perhaps the current level of ecosystem services per capita can be maintained, or even expanded to provide increased levels of ecosystem services per capita to more of the world's people.  相似文献   
Populations of the puritan tiger beetle Cicindela puritana in the eastern United States were found to be highly threatened at the Connecticut River, whereas several large populations on the western shore and newly discovered populations on the eastern shore of the Chesapeake Bay appeared to be less endangered. We assessed if the disjunct C. puritana subgroups are genetically distinct and therefore should be treated as separate units for conservation purposes. A total of 13 individuals from the Connecticut River and 27 individuals from the Chesapeake Bay were each analysed by sequencing of up to 837 base pairs of mitochondrial DNA per individual. Five different haplotypes could be distinguished. In a phylogenetic analysis of these DNA sequences that included four related Cicindela species as out-groups, haplotypes from the Chesapeake Bay represent a distinct clade. The conservation status of these populations was evaluated using a phylogenetic approach based on cladistic analysis and the framework of the phylogenetic species concept. According to this analysis, beetles from the Connecticut River and the Chesapeake Bay have to be considered as independent units. Populations from the eastern and western shore of Chesapeake Bay are not split in more than one unit using the same criteria, although they exhibited some degree of genetic subdivision. The results from the mtDNA analysis were corroborated by ecological parameters in that the Chesapeake Bay populations can be distinguished from all congeners by their different tat association.  相似文献   
近50年青藏高原的气候变化速率是全球平均值的2倍,对高原有蹄类的种群分布和多样性维持带来严重影响。本研究以西藏类乌齐马鹿国家级自然保护区的马鹿种群为例,通过2013年和2021年对马鹿和牦牛种群数量、分布的调查,并整合了物种分布模型和种群动态模型,评估了当前和未来气候变化及人类活动(放牧、道路、居民点等)对马鹿种群适应性分布的影响。研究表明,马鹿种群在2013—2021年由890头增加到1 400头,根据种群增长模型预计在2050年马鹿种群数量将达到1 735头,但其适宜栖息地在2050年代下降43.4%,2070年代下降5.1%,表明马鹿种群增长与适宜栖息地缩小之间的冲突将不利于马鹿种群的可持续发展。同时,当前马鹿与牦牛栖息地重合率为19%,2050年代为60%,2070年代为37%,且牦牛与马鹿存在食物竞争,这在一定程度上减少了马鹿原有的适宜栖息地。为保护马鹿,建议减少牦牛的饲养量1 000~1 500头。本研究将种群增长模型、种间竞争关系与物种分布模型整合,把气候变化对物种的影响延伸到种群层面,对其他物种的保护具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   
Anuran males emit advertisement calls for the purpose of attracting females and repelling conspecific males. Call transmission is influenced by the acoustics of the propagation environment, including vegetation. Thus, forestry monocultures of non-native trees represent artificial environments that could modify call transmission. These monocultures have substituted large areas of Atlantic Forest in southern Brazil, representing a conservation challenge. Considering this context, we hypothesized that anurans have calls that are less attenuated in their native environment than in forest plantations. To test it, we performed sound transmission experiments using calls of three anuran species native to southern Brazil: Boana bischoffi, B. leptolineata, and Hylodes meridionalis. We compared sound attenuation between the native forest and forestry monocultures (Eucalyptus sp. and Pinus sp. forests), and included distance from the sound source, air temperature, humidity, and vegetation density as cofactors in linear mixed models. Our results show that the advertisement calls of the two tree frogs (Boana) attenuate less in tree plantations than in native forests, while the third species shows either no differences or less attenuation in native forests. Our results can be understood according to differences in natural history and microhabitat use among the studied species. The two tree frog species vocalize perched from vegetation so their calls become better transmitted in forestry monocultures, which have fewer trees than the native forest. On the other hand, H. meridionalis calls from rocks on streams and the propagation is finely tuned to this peculiar microhabitat. We discuss the conservation implications of our findings for anurans and for the Atlantic Forest. Abstract in Portuguese and Spanish are available with online material.  相似文献   
Most studies comparing biodiversity between natural and human-modified landscapes focus on patterns in species occurrence or abundance, but do not consider how different habitat types meet species' breeding requirements. Organisms that use or nest in tree cavities may be especially threatened by habitat conversion due to the loss of their nesting sites. Although cavity-nesting bird diversity is highest in the tropics, little is known about how tropical birds use cavities, how agriculture affects their reproductive biology, and how effective nest boxes could be as a conservation strategy in tropical agriculture. Here, we explored how habitat conversion from tropical forests to pasture affects the abundance, nesting habitat availability, and nest success of cavity-nesting birds in Northwest Ecuador. We conducted bird surveys and measured natural cavity availability and use in forest and agriculture. We also added artificial nest boxes to forest and agriculture to see whether cavity limitation in agriculture would elicit higher use of artificial nest boxes. We found evidence of cavity limitation in agriculture—there were many more natural cavities in forest than in agriculture, as well as more avian use of nest boxes placed in agriculture as compared to forest. Our results suggest that it is important to retain remnant trees in tropical agriculture to provide critical nesting habitat for birds. In addition, adding nest boxes to tropical agricultural systems could be a good conservation strategy for certain species, including insectivores that could provide pest-control services to farmers. Abstract in Spanish is available with online material.  相似文献   
Ecological networks have classically been studied at site and landscape scales, yet recent efforts have been made to collate these data into global repositories. This offers an opportunity to integrate and upscale knowledge about ecological interactions from local to global scales to gain enhanced insights from the mechanistic information provided by these data. By drawing on existing research investigating patterns in ecological interactions at continental to global scales, we show how data on ecological networks, collected at appropriate scales, can be used to generate an improved understanding of many aspects of ecology and biogeography—for example, species distribution modelling, restoration ecology and conservation. We argue that by understanding the patterns in the structure and function of ecological networks across scales, it is possible to enhance our understanding of the natural world.  相似文献   
The depletion of biodiversity is a major environmental challenge of the present time, with the agricultural sector being a significant contributor to the loss. Therefore, farmers' decisions and practices are pivotal in safeguarding biodiversity at the farm level. Accordingly, this study aimed to unravel the key factors influencing farmers' intention to conserve biodiversity (ICB), and in doing so, it adopted the protection motivation theory (PMT) as the theoretical framework. The study's statistical population comprised 412 farmers residing in Bavi County in the southwestern region of Iran. The research employed a questionnaire as the data collection instrument, and the research hypotheses were tested using structural equation modeling (SEM). The findings indicated that the respondents held a perception of high costs associated with implementing biodiversity conservation behaviors. They believed that such measures would not be easy to implement, and they would incur both monetary and non-monetary costs. Furthermore, the findings of the study revealed that the variables of SE and ICB among the studied farmers were lower than the theoretical median of 3, indicating that farmers may not have a strong desire and self-efficacy to engage in biodiversity conservation practices. Through the application of SEM, the study determined that the PMT accounts for 65.2% of farmers’ ICB. Additionally, perceived severity and self-efficacy were found to have the strongest effects on farmers’ ICB (as the first and second determinants), highlighting the importance of these variables in predicting farmers’ conservation behaviors. Overall, it can be concluded that these results have significant implications for policymakers in the agricultural sector, providing valuable insights into how to promote biodiversity conservation practices among farmers.  相似文献   
Involuntary temporary feed restriction on commercial cattle is likely to become more frequent with forage shortages in the context of climate change. If general consequences of feed restriction have been the subject of an abundant scientific literature, focus on the inter-individual variability of response is scarce. Here, we explore the response profile in terms of BW, body condition score, milk production, calf weight and cyclicity resumption of 293 lactations from 169 Charolais cows during a winter feed restriction in early lactation and its subsequent recovery at grazing using a principal component analysis followed by a hierarchical clustering on principal component. Results show a very continuous range of response profiles that was divided into three clusters: one with light animals having an intermediate response in terms of milk production and body maintenance, one with animals prioritising body maintenance and cyclicity resumption over milk production and calf weight, and the last one with animals prioritising milk production and calf weight over the rest. Among the animals performing more than one lactation, 57% remain in the same cluster on two successive lactations. This work highlights that an average group response to feed restriction may hide various resilience individual profiles. Further studies are required to determine the existence of a genetic component as well as the consequences of not taking this phenomenon into consideration with the regular use of feed restriction in commercial farms.  相似文献   
To address aspects of the evolution and natural history of green turtles, we assayed mitochondrial (mt) DNA genotypes from 226 specimens representing 15 major rookeries around the world. Phylogenetic analyses of these data revealed (1) a comparatively low level of mtDNA variability and a slow mtDNA evolutionary rate (relative to estimates for many other vertebrates); (2) a fundamental phylogenetic split distinguishing all green turtles in the Atlantic-Mediterranean from those in the Indian-Pacific Oceans; (3) no evidence for matrilineal distinctiveness of a commonly recognized taxonomic form in the East Pacific (the black turtle C.m. agassizi or C. agassizi); (4) in opposition to published hypotheses, a recent origin for the Ascension Island rookery, and its close genetic relationship to a geographically proximate rookery in Brazil; and (5) a geographic population substructure within each ocean basin (typically involving fixed or nearly fixed genotypic differences between nesting populations) that suggests a strong propensity for natal homing by females. Overall, the global matriarchal phylogeny of Chelonia mydas appears to have been shaped by both geography (ocean basin separations) and behavior (natal homing on regional or rookery-specific scales). The shallow evolutionary population structure within ocean basins likely results from demographic turnover (extinction and colonization) of rookeries over time frames that are short by evolutionary standards but long by ecological standards.  相似文献   
The safest and most economical and convenient way of preserving the genetic resources of the majority of crop plants is by long-term seed storage. The technology is well developed, but recent research resulting from a greater understanding of behaviour at very low water potentials is leading to further improvements  相似文献   
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