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In contrast to many studies on the habitat quality of road verges for butterflies in relation to management regimes, little is known about whether road verges also function as corridors linking fragmented grassland habitats. We experimentally compared movements of four model species, two small blues and two medium browns, with one habitat specialist and one habitat generalist in each size and phylogenetic category. A total of 425 individual butterflies were caught and translocated to an experimental arena with three 2 × 30 m grassland strips that approximated road verges; one with adult feeding resources, one sheltered from the wind, and one without food and shelter. Movements in grassland strips were compared to movements in continuous grassland habitat. Results indicated that (1) individuals did not use the low-quality strip, (2) only specialists used strips but not in the same way according to their size and phylogenic category, and (3) strip use could not be predicted from habitat selection. This finding supports the idea that corridors of intermediate quality are the most efficient to promote dispersal rates in fragmented landscapes. Road verges cover 250,000 ha in Sweden, which is nearly the total amount of seminatural grasslands. Our results suggest that, to benefit butterfly dispersal among grassland patches, road verges should be managed to create a more favourable microclimate (e.g. sheltered from wind, high temperatures).  相似文献   
Protected areas such as nature reserves have been found to be effective in preventing habitat destruction and protecting ecosystems within their borders. Recent studies however found extensive loss of tropical forest habitat around protected areas, vastly contributing to increase the levels of ecological isolation. Using high-resolution satellite data we investigated the isolation trend occurring in the W-Arly-Pendjari (WAP) ecological complex in West Africa. A land-cover change analysis was performed for the period 1984–2002: savanna vegetation extension and loss were derived within the complex and in a 30 km peripheral buffer. Sample regions in the buffer were also analysed using selected spatial indicators to quantify temporal trends in habitat fragmentation. Implications for change in relative capacity to conserve biodiversity were discussed through the calculation of the species richness capacity (SRC). More than 14.5% of savanna habitat was lost in the WAP peripheral areas, while 0.3% was converted inside the complex. The degree of fragmentation of remnant savanna habitat has also drastically increased. Despite the effectiveness of the park conservation programme, we found through the SRC approach that the WAP complex is decreasing its potential capacity to conserve species richness. This process is mainly due to the rapid and extended agricultural expansion taking place around the complex. A better understanding of the ecological dynamics occurring in the peripheral regions of reserves and the consideration of development needs are key variables to achieve conservation goals in protected areas.  相似文献   
气候变化对邛崃山系大熊猫主食竹和栖息地分布的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
气候变化对生物多样性的影响,特别是珍稀濒危物种的影响是当前的研究热点。全球气候变化对大熊猫的影响一直受到广泛关注。根据野外调查的大熊猫活动痕迹点、竹类分布点和主食竹扩散距离数据,采用Maxent模型,利用植被、地形、气候等因素,在RCP8.5下分析了2050年和2070年邛崃山系大熊猫主食竹分布及栖息地变化趋势。结果显示:(1)未来大熊猫适宜生境及主食竹气候适宜区面积均有所减少,到2070年分别减少37.2%和4.7%;(2)未来主食竹分布范围总体向高海拔扩展,但面积持续减少,到2070年分布面积比当前减少8.3%;(3)大熊猫栖息地未来有向高海拔扩张的趋势,在低海拔地区退缩明显,到2070年较当前减少27.2%;但到2070年大熊猫栖息地面积加上非栖息地有主食竹分布的面积,较现有大熊猫栖息地面积大1.5%;(4)受气候变化影响较严重的区域是邛崃山系南部以及低海拔地区,其余区域所受影响相对较小;(5)未来需要加强对受气候变化影响严重区域的监测与保护,特别是邛崃山系中部的大熊猫集中分布区。  相似文献   
It is estimated that only 10–15% of the world's insect fauna has been described and named. Efforts to inventory insect biodiversity are hampered by this taxonomic impediment, which is compounded by the logistical problems of an insufficient taxonomic workforce and their remote location in museums thousands of miles from the areas of highest biodiversity. Compared to most other invertebrate groups however, the taxonomic impediment is relatively benign in the order Orthoptera. This is a small to medium-sized order (approximately 20 000 described species) which is well known taxonomically, owing to the group's agricultural importance worldwide. Furthermore, orthopteran taxonomists are now fortunate to have a published up-to-date catalogue of all known species, which has just become accessible as a regularly updated database on the World Wide Web. Whilst new information technology, in the form of e-mail networks, World Wide Web sites and CD-ROM information archives, is already enhancing communication between specialists and helping to reduce the logistical problems of documenting orthopteran biodiversity, a major reinvestment in basic taxonomic research is needed if we are to reduce the existing taxonomic impediment significantly. There is general agreement that an internationally coordinated approach will be necessary and priorities must be set to tackle the biodiversity/systematics crisis. In the future, the Orthoptera can make an important contribution to invertebrate faunal surveys and have potential as an indicator taxon. Furthermore, the Orthoptera Species File establishes a taxonomic framework which could be readily enlarged to include geographic data and phenology of species from existing museum specimens.  相似文献   
Sparsely distributed species attract conservation concern, but insufficient information on population trends challenges conservation and funding prioritization. Occupancy‐based monitoring is attractive for these species, but appropriate sampling design and inference depend on particulars of the study system. We employed spatially explicit simulations to identify minimum levels of sampling effort for a regional occupancy monitoring study design, using white‐headed woodpeckers (Picoides albolvartus), a sparsely distributed, territorial species threatened by habitat decline and degradation, as a case study. We compared the original design with commonly proposed alternatives with varying targets of inference (i.e., species range, space use, or abundance) and spatial extent of sampling. Sampling effort needed to achieve adequate power to observe a long‐term population trend (≥80% chance to observe a 2% yearly decline over 20 years) with the previously used study design consisted of annually monitoring ≥120 transects using a single‐survey approach or ≥90 transects surveyed twice per year using a repeat‐survey approach. Designs that shifted inference toward finer‐resolution trends in abundance and extended the spatial extent of sampling by shortening transects, employing a single‐survey approach to monitoring, and incorporating a panel design (33% of units surveyed per year) improved power and reduced error in estimating abundance trends. In contrast, efforts to monitor coarse‐scale trends in species range or space use with repeat surveys provided extremely limited statistical power. Synthesis and applications. Sampling resolutions that approximate home range size, spatially extensive sampling, and designs that target inference of abundance trends rather than range dynamics are probably best suited and most feasible for broad‐scale occupancy‐based monitoring of sparsely distributed territorial animal species.  相似文献   
Pleistocene fragmentation of the Great BahamaBank resulted in one large and several smallpopulations of rock iguanas (Cycluracychlura). We explore patterns of geneticvariation within and among these islandpopulations using mitochondrial sequence data(partial ND4 to tRNALeu) in combinationwith eight polymorphic microsatellite loci (2to 10 alleles). Genetic data support twophylogeographically distinct groups, AndrosIsland and the Exuma cays. This resultconflicts with current subspecific taxonomy inwhich three subspecies are described. Analysesof allelic data indicate that most islandpopulations are currently demographicallyindependent. Pairwise Fst values between eightisland populations range from 0.18 to 0.63, and6 of 135 individuals are misassigned in anassignment test. Population-genetic diversityis characterized using standard measures suchas number of alleles and heterozygosity (H) inaddition to a normalized Shannon-Weaver indexof diversity (D). We find genetic diversity inthe Andros Island population comparable to thatin other non-piscine animals (avg. # ofalleles = 5, avg. H = 0.56, avg. D = 0.66) while inthe Exuma cays populations these measures aremuch lower (avg. # of alleles = 2.75–1.625, avg.H = 0.43–0.17, avg. D = 0.45–0.18). These dataare used to discuss conservation managementstrategies, including prioritization andtranslocation.  相似文献   
We located 4 brown howlers (1 adult male, 2 adult females, and 1 juvenile male) showing abnormally lighter pelage in 3 social groups comprising 5, 6, and 9 individuals in a 20 ha-forest fragment in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Two additional groups composed only of normally colored individuals also live in the fragment, which is isolated from nearby fragments by 267–1009 m. They were the only brown howlers with abnormal pelage color out of a total of 386 individuals belonging to 67 groups in 21 fragments in the 5876-ha study area. The isolation of the forest fragment, its high howler density (2.2 individuals⁄ha), and large group size (8.8 ± 2.4 individuals) may decrease the likelihood of successful immigration into the population, leading to an increased probability of inbreeding that may facilitate the expression of rare alleles.  相似文献   
生物多样性保护,必须考虑保护与发展这一对矛盾的合理解决,如果要同时满足保护和发展的要求,两者的利益都应考虑。基于社区发展的生物多样性保护(Community-basedconservation,CBC)策略就是在这一理念指导下应运而生的,它强调社区居民在保护行动中的主动参与,使他们的意见和利益能在土地利用决策中得到重视,在社区经济发展的基础上达到保护的目的。该模式在全球生物多样性保护中发挥了重要作用,但这种模式是多学科交叉的产物,其成功关键在于资源管理权力的转移,对有关问题进行了分析。在我国浑善达克沙地退化生境恢复和生物多样性保护实践中,采用CBC模式,通过政府、科学家以及社区居民共同参与,对当地自然条件和社会经济基础综合分析,使大面积的退化沙地草地得以恢复。具体地,在有水分、电力、肥料、交通等有保证的土地上进行高效集约化利用,腾出大量退化土地进行封育,借助自然力恢复受损的生境。同时积极建设生态小城镇,提高社区居民的生活水平,使生物多样性得到保护和草地资源得到可持续利用,在环境改善的同时促进了经济发展。  相似文献   
Ecological and financial constraints limit restoration efforts, preventing the achievement of desired ecological outcomes. Harvesting invasive plant biomass for bioenergy has the potential to reduce feedback mechanisms that sustain invasion, while alleviating financial limitations. Typha × glauca is a highly productive invasive wetland plant that reduces plant diversity, alters ecological functioning, its impacts increase with time, and is a suitable feedstock for bioenergy. We sought to determine ecological effects of Typha utilization for bioenergy in a Great Lakes coastal wetland by testing plant community responses to harvest‐restoration treatments in stands of 2 age classes and assessing community resilience through a seed bank study. Belowground harvesting increased light penetration, diversity, and richness and decreased Typha dominance and biomass in both years post‐treatment. Aboveground harvesting increased light and reduced Typha biomass in post‐year 1 and in post‐year 2, increased diversity and richness and decreased Typha dominance. Seed bank analysis revealed that young stands (<20 years) had greater diversity, richness, seedling density, and floristic quality than old stands (>30 years). In the field, stand‐age did not affect diversity or Typha dominance, but old stands had greater Typha biomass and slightly higher richness following harvest. Harvesting Typha achieved at least 2 desirable ecological outcomes: reducing Typha dominance and increasing native plant diversity. Younger stands had greater potential for native recovery, indicated by more diverse seed banks. In similar degraded wetlands, a single harvest of Typha biomass would likely result in significant biodiversity and habitat improvements, with the potential to double plant species richness.  相似文献   
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