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Persistence of conidia of an isolate of Erynia radicans (Syn. Zoophthora radicans) was investigated in relation to the meteorological conditions which occurred during autumn-winter of 1990–91 in the coastal plain in Israel. Capilljconidia shielded from the sun, placed on the abaxial surface of leaves of Plumeria acuminata, persisted for 24 h to at least 120 h. Exposed capilliconidia, placed on the adaxial surface of the same leaves, died within 24 h. Almost all the primary conidia shielded from the sun (placed on the abaxial surface of the same leaves) died within a single day. Conidial viability was expressed in subsequent germination on an agar medium. Capilliconidial persistence was closely related to the daily air temperatures, expressed as cumulative day-degrees. Differences in relative humidity had no substantial effect on capilliconidial mortality. At daytime temperatures of ≤ 20°C, mortality after 24 h incubation was lowest (≤ 34%) and the persistence duration, longest (at least 120 h). Increases in daytime temperature up to 24°C for a few hours increased mortality (37–57% after 24 h incubation) and shortened the persistence duration (72–120 h). Exposure to 24–29°C during daytime greatly increased mortality (65–58% after 24 h) and further shortened the persistence duration (24–48 h). Daytime temperatures of > 29°C were lethal to all capilliconidia within 24 h. Temperature had a profound effect on capilliconidial persistence also under controlled environmental conditions. The significance of capiliiconidial persistence is discussed in relation to activity of the fungus in its natural environment.  相似文献   
To determine its accurate taxonomic position, a tidal pool bloom-forming dinoflagellate, Scrippsiella hexapraecingula was re-investigated using light, scanning and transmission electron microscopy together with a phylogenetic analysis based on concatenated ribosomal DNA sequences. The culture strains used in this study were established from intertidal rock pool samples taken from Jogashima, Kanagawa prefecture and Heisaura, Chiba prefecture, Japan and were identified as S. hexapraecingula originally described by Horiguchi and Chihara from a tidal pool in Hachijo Island, Tokyo, Japan in 1983. The thecal plate arrangement was determined as Po, X, 4′, 3a, 6″, 6c, 5s, 5″′, 2″″. The internal structure was investigated for the first time. The organism has typical dinoflagellate cellular organelles such as a dinokaryotic nucleus, mitochondria with tubular cristae, trichocysts and pusule. The chloroplast was single and connected to the central pyrenoid (stalked type). The eyespot found in the sulcus is of the B type with two rows of superficial intraplastidal lipid globules directly overlain by an extraplastidal single layer of crystalline bricks enveloped by a common membrane. The apical pore is plugged by a double-layered stub-like structure. Stalk building material for attachment covered the apical pore. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that S. hexapraecingula was most closely related to a freshwater dinoflagellate, Peridiniopsis borgei, the type species of the genus Peridiniopsis. However, clear differences exist between these two organisms, including their thecal plate arrangement, habitat and habit. As a result, a new genus, Chiharadinium Dawut & T. Horiguchi gen. nov. has been proposed rather than attempting to accommodate S. hexapraecingula in the genus Peridiniopsis. The new combination, Chiharadinium hexapraecingulum (T. Horiguchi & Chihara) Dawut & T. Horiguchi comb. nov. has been proposed.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. The nuclear apparatus of H. vermiculare consists of a single moniliform macronucleus and about 25 micronuclei. the micronuclei are about 3 μm in diameter and characterized by a meshwork of thick condensed chromatin. Mitosis is intranuclear and acentric as in all other ciliates. In metaphase, interpolar and chromosomal microtubules are abundant and the length of the micronuclei increases to about 5 μm. In late anaphase, interzonal microtubules become prominent and the spindle elongates to about 50 μ. In meta- and anaphase, the microtubules of the spindle are attached to the polar vesicles, and in anaphase, chromosomes become attached to it. In contrast to most other eukaryotes, micronuclear mitosis is not strictly bound to cell division in H. vermiculare. While most of the micronuclei divide prior to cytokinesis, others retain their interphasic shape or degenerate. In addition, some micronuclei divide in the interdivision period, i.e. between two successive divisions of the cell and macronucleus. Mating cells of H. vermiculare become joined to each other in the cilia-free region covering the cytostome. In the course of conjugation, the cell membranes and the underlying oral filamentous sheaths of both cells fuse, thus uniting the endoplasm of both cells in the mouth region. Synaptonemal complexes in the meiotic chromosomes are more distinct in H. vermiculare than in most other dilates. the micrographs presented here depict dearly the central filament, transverse elements, and other substructures.  相似文献   
Unformulated conidia of Beauveria bassiana were stored at five different temperatures (0°, 10°, 20°, 30° and 40°C) at six different relative humidities (RH) (0, 33, 53, 75, 85 and 98%). Conidial viabilities and virulence against third instar larvae of Helicoverpa armigera were determined over a 24‐month period. Conidia survived longest at lower temperatures (0–20°C) and lower RH levels (0–53% RH). At higher temperatures (30–40°C) conidia did not survive. When the temperature was decreased from 30°C to 0°C, at nearly all RH levels the longevity of conidia increased. Conidia remained virulent for third instar larvae of H. armigera under favourable storage conditions for 24 months.  相似文献   
Light and electron microscopy was used to study the ultrastructural effects of June Yellows (JY) in leaves of strawberry. Four cultivars of strawberry, affected to different extents by JY, were compared with healthy (JY-free) cv. Cambridge Favourite and with strawberry infected with strawberry crinkle rhabdovirus, Fragaria vesca infected with strawberry mottle virus (SMotV), raspberry and black currant showing virus-induced yellowing and with strawberry and raspberry showing chaemeric yellow sectors in the leaves. Except for isometric virus-like particles detected in SMotV-infected F. vesca, no virus-like particles or structures of other pathogenic agents were found in any of the tissues examined. Leaf cells of JY-affected strawberry showed severe disruption of chloroplasts and plasmalemma, whorls of membranous vesicles and decreased vacuole size. The extent and severity of these abnormalities increased with increased severity of JY symptoms but, even in leaves with mild JY symptoms, chloroplast abnormalities were obvious. In the most severely affected leaves, the cells lacked discrete vacuoles and extensive hypertrophy was seen in other organelles such as nuclei and mitochondria. Few, if any, ultrastructural abnormalities were observed in virus-infected strawberry or F. vesca, or in chaemeric leaves of strawberry and raspberry. By contrast, in raspberry and black currant with yellowed leaves caused by virus infection, the cells showed enlarged chloroplasts, decreased vacuole size and vesicle formation. However, chloroplast enlargement and disruption in this material seemed due to increased size of starch grains which were largely absent from swollen chloroplasts of JY-affected strawberry. The ultrastructural abnormalities observed in JY-affected strawberry are, therefore, not inconsistent with the possibility that a pathogenic agent may be involved in the condition.  相似文献   
A virus infection is described within the unilocular sporangia of Feldmannia sp., a filamentous brown alga (Phaeophyceae). The alga is easily maintained in culture and vegetative growth is vigorous, but formation of icosahedral virions 150 nm in diameter completely displaces production of zoospores. The viruses, estimated at 1–5 × 106 per sporangium, are eventually released by rupture of the sporangial wall. Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) isolated from the viruses can be readily digested with restriction endonucleases and consists of ca. 170 kbp of double-stranded DNA.  相似文献   
The ultrastructure of Hymenomonas coronata Mills was reinvestigated to determine the microarchitecture of the flagellar apparatus. Cell morphology and flagellar apparatus structure are very similar to those of Pleurochrysis. Some important variations occur. First, a crystalline root (= compound root) is absent on microtubular root 1. Second, a two-stranded microtubular root emanates at a right angle from microtubular root 2. Third, a fibrous root emanates from the dorsal region between the basal bodies and extends to the cell's right, paralleling microtubular root 3. These similarities and variations in flagellar apparatus characters are discussed in reference to known variations in the Prymnesiophyta.  相似文献   
Structural changes of tissues in unpollinated ovaries of Pisum sativum L. cv. Alaska after treatment with different plant growth substances (gibberellic acid, 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, and 6-benzyladenine) or decapitation of the plant were studied. All the treatments resulted in the prevention of cellular disorganization associated with ovary senescence. They effected the enlargement of mesocarp cells and the differentiation of endocarp cells in very similar patterns, suggesting a similar induction of the structural processes involved in fruit development. Ultrastructural changes in mesocarp cells after treatment with gibberellic acid showed that rapid enlargement of mesocarp cells was sustained mainly by a reorganization of the membrane systems directed to the sysnthesis of primary cell wall. Early changes in the subcellular components in mesocarp cells were observed as the first symptoms in ovary senescence.  相似文献   
Two closely related, photosynthetic species belonging to the genus Dinophysis were examined, D. acuminata Claparède et Lachmann and D. fortii Pavillard. Typical dinoflagellate features include the amphiesmal covering enclosing the cells and the structure of the nucleus and mitochondria. Many other characteristics seem to be specific to the order Dinophysiales. Many rhabdosomes are present, and complex mucocysts are found beneath the amphiesma. The thecal pores are unusual with the base of the pore occluded by a thin disc that is continuous with the main amphiesmal plate. The structure of the apical pore is also distinctive. Chloroplasts are grouped together in chromatospheres, enclosed by a double membrane, and contain paired thylakoids with electron dense contents in the lumen. The two pusules are extensive, each branching off the flagellar canal, and consisting of a large antechamber and a number of convoluted sacs. The entrance of each antechamber, and site of an emerging flagellum, is surrounded by a striated fibrous collar. Near the flagellar pore is a prominent microtubular/microbody complex which penetrates deep into the cell cytoplasm. Consideration is given to taxonomic position of the Dinophysiales and also to the nature and origins of the chloroplasts.  相似文献   
The marine dinoflagellate Gonyaulax tamarensis Lebour is best known for its propensity to form blooms known as red tides in coastal waters worldwide. This paper examines the sexual cycle of this organism using light and electron microscopy. Sexual reproduction begins with contact between thecate gametes which subsequently shed their thecae to fuse along their pellicular layers. Nuclear fusion occurs well after cytoplasmic fusion and is characterized by several distinctive features: a highly vesiculate nucleoplasm without microtubules; nucleoli and V-shaped chromosomes abut the nuclear envelope distal to the region of nuclear contact; and each chromosome possesses a longitudinal line, the central chromosomal axis. Fusion results in a planozygote with numerous cytoplasmic storage products and a slightly thickened layer beneath the pellicle. Subsequent loss of thecal plates and a thickening of the sub-pellicular layer results in a non-motile hypnozygote. A newly-formed hypnozygote possesses numerous minute papillae along its outer surface, formed by the up-folding of the accumulating wall layer. Maturation of the hypnozygote wall results in a smooth three-layered wall, the outermost layer of which is the pellicular layer. Hypnozygote germination produces a large quadriflagellate plan-omeiocyte with a single nucleus and thecal plates identical to vegetative cells. Two subsequent divisions, presumably meiotic, result in Jour cells morphologically identical to vegetative cells.  相似文献   
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