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Growth rates, accumulation dynamics, and species succession of periphytic diatom communities were examined in the presence and absence of natural ultraviolet (UV) radiation using a series of outdoor, continuous-flow experimental flumes located on the South Thompson River, British Columbia. In a short-term experiment (2–3 wk), log-phase growth rates of naturally seeded diatom communities comprised of Tabellaria fenestrata (Lyngb.) Kütz., T. flocculosa (Roth) Kütz., Fragilaria crotonesis Kitton, and F. vaucheriae (Ehr.) Peter. exposed to 90% ambient photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) + UV were 30–40% lower than growth rates under 90% PAR alone. UV inhibition of growth rate was independent of the degree of P limitation within the range of relative specific growth rates (μ:μmax-P) of 0.5–1.0. In a long-term trial, inhibition of attached diatom accumulation under 90% PAR + UV during the first 2–3 wk was corroborated. Reduction of full sunlight to 50% PAR + UV prevented the initial inhibition phase. The initial inihibitory effect of 90% PAR + UV on algal accumulation was reversed after 3–4 wk, and by 5 wk total diatom abundance (chlorophyll a, cell numbers and cell biovolumes) in communities exposed to PAR + UV were 2–4-old greater than in communities protected from UV. Under 90% PAR + UV and 50% PAR + UV, a succession to stalked diatom genera (Cymbella and Gomphoneis) occurred. Species succession under UV radiation doubled the mean cell size of the diatom communities. The shift from inhibition to a long-term increase in the autotrophic community under PAR + UV compared to PAR alone provides further evidence against the use of short-term incubation experiments to define the long-term implications of increases in UVB. These results suggest that the ecological effects of present-day levels of UVB and UVB:UVA ratios on autotrophic communities are not well understood and might be mediated through complex trophic level interactions.  相似文献   
The validity of Connell's intermediate disturbance hypothesis in phytoplankton communities was tested on data from a hypertrophic, shallow lake, Hjarbæk Fjord, Denmark.The present data from Hjarbæk Fjord demonstrate the difficulties in distinguishing stress from disturbance in a phytoplankton community, and show that great changes in the phytoplankton community can take place within few days.A collapse of blue-green algae in late June 1986 caused remineralization of nutrients and resulted in a rapid increase of fast-growing small chlorococcal green algae and phytoplankton species diversity, without any external disturbances acting on the lake. External disturbances in the form of wind action and brackish water intrusion occurred several days after the onset of these events. Carbon depletion and pH 11.0 were severe stress factors on the phytoplankton community. They were induced by calm, warm weather, but eventually acted as a kind of disturbance to the normally well circulated lake.  相似文献   
Phytoplankton biomass, morphological and taxonomic composition, species diversity and productivity were analyzed in a shallow lake of the Middle Paraná River floodplain (El Tigre, 31 ° 41 S and 60° 42 W), between November 1986 and July 1988. Lake inundation (filling and through-flow phases) constituted an intense long-term perturbation in the physical and chemical environment. As the lake filled with river water, K-selected species (netplanktonic filamentous bluegreens, > 37 µm, with low surface area/volume (SA/V) ratios) that had existed prior to filling (late spring 1986) were replaced in summer-fall by r-selected species (nannoplanktonic chlorophytes and cryptophytes, < 37 µm, mainly stout forms with high SA/V ratios). During the through-flow phase, lentic phytoplankton was replaced by lotic flagellate populations due to the direct flushing by river water. During the period of falling water (drainage and isolation phases), nanoplanktonic algae with similar characteristics to those of the filling phase dominated in late winter-spring. Later in the isolation phase, these were succeeded by K-selected species (netplanktonic algae, mainly motile spherical dinoflagellates and filamentous bluegreens with low SA/V ratios). Simultaneously, primary production per unit biomass decreased and total biomass and specific diversity increased. Seasonal changes of phytoplankton in floodplain lakes can be interpreted as the interaction between true successional development (as observed in the drainage and isolation phases) and intermediate disturbance. Using Reynolds' terminology, short-term disturbance (slight inflow of nutrient-rich river water) caused reversion to an earlier stage in the former succession, and long-term disturbance (lake inundation) truncated the successional progression and a new (or shifted) succession was initiated.  相似文献   
The purpose of this work was to test whether induction of massive -carotene synthesis in the alga Dunaliella bardawil is triggered by oxygen radicals. The following results were obtained: (i) The induction of -carotene synthesis is preceded by a lag period of about 4 h during which the cells swell and photosynthesis is partially inhibited, (ii) Addition of promoters of oxygen radicals or of azide (an inhibitor of catalase and superoxide dismutase) during the induction period, under conditions which are suboptimal for massive -carotene accumulation, greatly enhances -carotene synthesis, photodegradation of chlorophyll and inhibition of photosynthesis, (iii) High irradiance, which induces massive -carotene accumulation, also induces a high catalase activity. It is suggested that photosynthetically produced oxygen radicals are involved in triggering massive -carotene accumulation in D. bardawil.  相似文献   
Summary The occurrence of cells resembling mammalian Langerhans cells in the avian epidermis was studied by ATPase histochemistry, Ia immunoreactivity and electron microscopy. The existence of MHC class II antigen-(Ia) expressing, ATPase-positive dendritic cells, which are ultrastructurally similar to mammalian Langerhans cells except for the absence of Birbeck granules, was demonstrated. These cells may be a basic component of the immune system of birds.  相似文献   
A facultatively anaerobic bacterium, strain P-88, was enriched selectively under dual limitation by glutamate and oxygen in a chemostat. The new strain is a gram-negative motile rod. The mol% guanine plus cytosine of the DNA is 51.4±0.6 mol%. The organism grows on citrate as a sole source of carbon and energy, does not form acetoin, does not induce lysine decarboxylase and was thus classified as a species of the genus Citrobacter. A remarkable characteristic of the new isolate is its ability to grow on several amino acids with either a respiratory or a fermentative type of metabolism. Under strictly anoxic conditions glutamate was fermented to acetate, H2, CO2 and ammonia. Asparagine, aspartate and serine could also be fermented. Furthermore, all type strains of the genus Citrobacter were shown to have the same fermentative abilities. Based on enzyme activities determined in cell-free extracts a combination of the methylaspartate pathway and the mixed acid fermentation of Enterobacteriaceae is proposed to explain the glutamate fermentation pattern observed in cultures of strain P-88. Analysis of the growth of strain P-88 in continuous culture with various degrees of oxygen supply, demonstrated that the bacterium can rapidly switch between oxic and anoxic metabolism. Cultures of strain P-88 grown under oxygen limitation simultaneously respire and ferment glutamate, suggesting that the organism is particularly well adapted to growth in microoxic environments.  相似文献   
《Journal of Asia》2023,26(2):102045
Thambus planifrons Muona & Meng sp. nov. and Otho rutriclypeus Muona & Meng sp. nov. are described from China. Both genera are recorded for the first time from China. Except for the European T. friwaldszkyi Bonvouloir, 1871, and the Japanese T. curvicaria Hisamatsu, 1956, all other previously known species belonging to Otho were from the Americas. Eight Otho species have been described from disparate parts of Asia earlier.urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:10B667F6-F11E-454B-9653-D66A2D7ABFA1.  相似文献   
《Journal of Asia》2023,26(2):102050
Phloeocharis Mannerheim is the largest genus within the problematic rove beetle subfamily Phloeocharinae, with a single extinct and 44 recent species recorded from the Holarctic Region. Until now, the oldest fossil record of Phloeocharis was known from Late Cretaceous (Turonian) amber from New Jersey, USA. Here we describe 2Phloeocharis burmana n. sp. from mid-Cretaceous (Albian–Cenomanian) Kachin amber from northern Myanmar, as the earliest extinct species of this genus. Our finding also sheds light on the biogeography of Phloeocharis, since no recent or extinct species have so far been recorded from the Oriental Region. Furthermore, the discovery of 2P. burmana n. sp. extends the Mesozoic diversity of the phloeocharine rove beetles both taxonomically and morphologically, particularly from Kachin amber.  相似文献   
Ecosystem management in the face of global change requires understanding how co-occurring threats affect species and communities. Such an understanding allows for effective management strategies to be identified and implemented. An important component of this is differentiating between factors that are within (e.g. invasive predators) or outside (e.g. drought, large wildfires) of a local manager's control. In the global biodiversity hotspot of south-western Australia, small- and medium-sized mammal species are severely affected by anthropogenic threats and environmental disturbances, including invasive predators, fire, and declining rainfall. However, the relative importance of different drivers has not been quantified. We used data from a long-term monitoring program to fit Bayesian state-space models that estimated spatial and temporal changes in the relative abundance of four threatened mammal species: the woylie (Bettongia penicillata), chuditch (Dasyurus geoffroii), koomal (Trichosurus vulpecula) and quenda (Isoodon fusciventor). We then use Bayesian structural equation modelling to identify the direct and indirect drivers of population changes, and scenario analysis to forecast population responses to future environmental change. We found that habitat loss or conversion and reduced primary productivity (caused by rainfall declines) had greater effects on species' spatial and temporal population change than the range of fire and invasive predator (the red fox Vulpes vulpes) management actions observed in the study area. Scenario analysis revealed that a greater extent of severe fire and further rainfall declines predicted under climate change, operating in concert are likely to further reduce the abundance of these species, but may be mitigated partially by invasive predator control. Considering both historical and future drivers of population change is necessary to identify the factors that risk species recovery. Given that both anthropogenic pressures and environmental disturbances can undermine conservation efforts, managers must consider how the relative benefit of conservation actions will be shaped by ongoing global change.  相似文献   
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