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L. David Smith 《Oecologia》1992,89(4):494-501
Summary This study is the first to demonstrate experimentally that autotomy (self-amputation of a body part) adversely affects competition for mates. Experiments were conducted using blue crabs Callinectes sapidus Rathbun to examine the consequences of limb loss and pairing precedence on mate acquisition by males. Two adult males of equivalent size were introduced sequentially into pools containing a sexually-receptive female and observed after 24 h and 48 h. One male in each pair was left intact, while the other experienced: (1) no autotomy, (2) autotomy of one cheliped, or (3) autotomy of both chelipeds, one walking leg, and one swimming leg. In the absence of a competitor (first 24 h), both intact and injured males established precopulatory embraces with females. Intact males were highly successful (84–95%) in defending females from intact or injured intruders in the second 24 h period. Both autotomy treatments, however, significantly reduced the ability of males to defend females from intact intruders. Females in experiments suffered greater frequency of limb loss than did males. In the field, paired blue crabs showed significantly higher incidence of limb loss than unpaired crabs. Limb loss frequency increases with body size, and field observations indicated that larger males may be more successful than smaller males in obtaining females. Both experimental manipulations and field studies provide strong evidence for mate competition in this ecologically and commercially important portunid species.  相似文献   
The root‐borer Agrilus hyperici was established successfully in Australia in 1940 for the biological control of the weed Hypericum perforatum. It failed to spread widely, however, and surveys in 1980 found that it survived in only one area; near Mudgee in New South Wales. Two isolated populations were found here, both restricted to sheltered creek systems. The distribution of the larger population, at Piambong, was confined to an area of about 10 km2. In 1981–82, 76.8% of plants in the core of this area showed damage by larvae to their roots. Although the level of attack was lower than that known from southern Europe, survivorship patterns from larva to adult were similar, confirming A. hyperici to be a ’K‐selected’ insect. The population declined significantly following a severe drought in 1982. Consideration of the early history of their introductions coupled with knowledge of their biologies suggest that strong competition by Chrysolina spp., strongly ‘r‐selected’ insects introduced at the same time, may have restricted the development of A. hyperici. The danger of co‐releasing insects with different life‐history strategies is discussed.  相似文献   
Intraspecific host discrimination and larval competition were studied forMicroplitis croceipes (Cresson),Microplitis demolitor Wilkinson,Cotesia kazak (Telenga), andHyposoter didymator (Thunberg), solitary endoparasitoids of the tobacco budworm,Heliothis virescens (F.). In ovipositional choice tests between unparasitized and parasitized hosts, the mean number of ovipositions for unparasitized hosts was significantly higher than the mean number of ovipositions for hosts parasitized once by a conspecific female forC. kazak andH. didymator, demonstrating that females of these two species discriminate against hosts recently (within a few seconds) parasitized by a conspecific female. No significant difference in oviposition occurred between these two kinds of hosts forM. croceipes andM. demolitor. Mean percent parasitization by a second conspecific female was determined at 24, 48, and 72 h delays in time between the first and second female attack, and with no delay. Except for the 0 h time delay forC. kazak andH. didymator, percent parasitization by a second conspecific female generally decreased as the delay in time between the first and second female attack increased. When the second parasitization immediately followed the first, one parasitoid larva always eliminated the other by physical combat. With a 24 or 48 h delay between the first and second parasitization, the younger larva was the victor over the older larva forM. croceipes, M. demolitor andC. kazak in at least 50% of the cases. Elimination of older larvae by younger larva was by physical attack. However, forH. didymator, the older instar was the victor, and elimination of younger larvae by older larvae was probably through physiological processes. Further, older larvae ofH. didymator apparently killed the eggs of the second female by physiological processes.   相似文献   
A simple differential equation model was developed to describe the competitive interaction that may occur between species through reproductive interference. The model has the form comparable to Volterra's competition equations, and the graphical analysis of the outcome of the two-species interaction based on its zero-growth isoclines proved that: (1) The possible outcome in this model, as in usual models of resource competition, is either stable coexistence of both species or gradual exclusion of one species by the other, depending critically upon the values of the activity overlapping coefficient cij; (2) but, for the same cij-values, competitive exclusion is much more ready to occur here than in resource competition; (3) and moreover, the final result of the competition is always dependent on the initial-condition due to its non-linear isoclines, i.e., even under the parameter condition that generally allows both species to coexist, an extreme bias in intial density to one species can readily cause subsequent complete exclusion of its counterparts. Thus, it may follow that the reproductive interference is likely to be working in nature as an efficient mechanism to bring about habitat partitioning in either time or space between some closely related species in insect communities, even though they inhabit heterogeneous habitats where resource competition rarely occurs so that they could otherwise attain steady coexistence.  相似文献   
Field experiments using small replicated enclosures focused on interactions between larval populations of Epitheca cynosura and Ladona deplanata (Odonata: Anisoptera) — two species that emerge in early spring. The presence of Epitheca reduced the total biomass of Ladona, but Ladona had no significant effect on Epitheca. These early-emerging species reduced the biomass of small instars of late-emerging Anisoptera which colonized enclosures during the experiments; and the late-emerging Anisoptera seem to have inhibited colonization by Zygoptera larvae. Results are consistent with the importance of predatory (cannibalism or mutual predation) interactions in this community.  相似文献   
Summary Nemesia strumosa plants were discovered which had styles capable of discriminating among incompatible pollen tubes from different pollinators, allowing growth of some but not others. All but 3 of 26 families tested had at least some members with discriminating styles (DS). Presence and level of DS was independent of S genotype. Plants with pseudo-self-compatiblity (PSC) levels greater than 10% had the trait, though many plants with strong DS had PSC levels less than 10%. Self pollination of highly DS plants produced mostly DS offspring, but of differing sensitivities. Some progenies from crosses between a family of highly DS plants and unrelated, probably low DS plants segregated half DS and half non-DS, while others consisted of mostly DS or mostly non-DS. The DS phenomenon is probably caused by PSC genes.Scientific Journal Series Paper No. 11,677 of the Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station  相似文献   
N. Collins 《Hydrobiologia》1980,68(2):99-112
The population of Ephydra cinerea was studied during three summers when dissolved solids levels were about 130 g/l. All life stages are present year-round, but there is apparently some coordination of the initial pulse of adult emergence in June. There are probably 1–2 generations per year.Eggs are deposited on the water surface; inputs to three locations were similar. Larvae successfully avoid the large benthic area covered by an anaerobic monimolimnion. They tend to immigrate from substrates where they grow relatively poorly, and to remain on substrates where they grow better. Consequently, larval densities are more than ten times higher on reef and shallow water mud substrates than on sand. This marked spatial specialization in the absence of substrate-specific predators or competitors illustrates the power of habitat quality by itself in determining spatial patterns of abundance in a lake.Experiments showed larval growth on the reef was inversely related to density, and the lake as a whole produced relatively larger flies in a year when larval and pupal densities were relatively low. Yearly production by E. cinerea is roughly 50 g/m2, about 88% of which comes from reefs and shallow water mud areas covering only 18% of the bottom area.Past studies indicate that blue-green algae dominate the lake's benthic flora when salt concentrations are high (due to low lake levels), and diatoms take over when salt concentrations are low. Fly abundance appears to be inversely related to salinity.The lake's present high planktonic primary production is equal to that of eutrophic freshwater lakes, yet it has water clarity more characteristic of an oligotrophic lake. The high water clarity (which makes possible the high benthic production) probably depends on the absence of phytoplankters that can both tolerate the high salinity and avoid being eaten by Artemia salina. Continued dilution of the lake will probably upset this situation and result in reorganization of the lake's energy flow pattern.  相似文献   
The growth interactions amongst the blue-green algal species Anabaena oscillarioides, Microcystis aeruginosa and the green alga, Chlorella sp. were studied both in mixed cultures and in filter cultures separated by a membrane filter in the two arms of an interaction U-tube. The role of nutrients especially phosphate upon the interaction has also been studied. Anabaena and Microcystis both inhibited the growth of Chlorella while Microcystis also inhibited the growth of Anabaena. The inhibitory effect of Microcystis was found to be dependent on high concentrations of the initial algal inocula and independent of the initial concentration of nutrients such as inorganic phosphate, indicating that the nature of the inhibition is probably due to the production of inhibitory extracellular products by Microcystis. On the other hand, the inhibitory effect of Anabaena on Chlorella is the consequence of nutrient competition with Anabaena competing more effectively for the available phosphate.  相似文献   
树木视觉形态性状是城市绿地微景观美学质量的重要影响因素之一,树木视觉形态性状的变化与其周围邻体木的竞争作用息息相关,但邻体竞争对树木视觉性状的作用机制尚不明确。研究于2022年8-10月对北京市城市公园中常见的针叶树种白皮松、侧柏、油松、圆柏展开调查,从树冠形态、干冠协调、树干形态3个方面构建了9个树木视觉形态性状指标,采用3个不同的竞争指标分析邻体竞争对针叶树种视觉形态性状的影响。结果表明,针叶树的树冠形态对邻体竞争的响应比较敏感,竞争中的白皮松、侧柏、油松、圆柏偏冠指数与孤立木相比分别提高了16.95%、28.95%、22.76%、17.67%;树冠缺失率分别提高了3.92%、6.09%、4.87%、4.95%。与孤立木相比,部分针叶树种高径比、分枝角变异度在多侧竞争环境中显著提高,而树冠舒展度则显著降低。邻体竞争强度越大,针叶树树冠的偏移与缺失程度越大。当针叶树受到强烈的侧方竞争时,对象木树冠和树干的径向生长显著受阻,表现为树冠舒展度大幅度下降、高径比显著提高,使树冠向细高方向发展。当针叶树上方的生长空间被占据时,其轴向生长同样受到严重阻碍,树木的冠径比和高径比维持较稳定状态。总体而言,四种针叶树种在视觉形态上对竞争胁迫的响应具有一定差异性,其中油松最为敏感,圆柏次之。综上,在城市森林微景观中,邻体竞争会导致针叶树种的树冠及树形发生明显变化,这种变化主要受综合资源竞争的影响,与其周围潜在生长空间的大小及对称性有关。在城市森林景观营建时,建议将针叶树栽植在对称的竞争环境中,但是其邻体木不宜过高,通过四周邻体木的适度竞争,能够促进针叶树的轴向生长,同时降低树冠偏移或变形的风险,提高其视觉美学效果。  相似文献   
杨月伟  刘季科  刘震 《生态学报》2005,25(6):1523-1528
在野外围栏条件下,采用2×2×2析因实验,测定外部因子食物、捕食,以及同域分布物种黑线姬鼠的种间竞争对东方田鼠扩散和活动距离的独立作用及其交互作用的效应。研究结果表明,在所有的扩散个体中,幼体扩散的比例为71.0%。雄体扩散的比例为80.5%。东方田鼠扩散的趋势与其种群密度及补充量的变动一致。食物对扩散具有显著独立作用;捕食对扩散的作用接近显著;种间竞争对扩散的直接效应不显著;食物、捕食与种间竞争交互作用对扩散的效应亦不显著。在诱捕期内雄性的长距离活动比例及其诱捕期间长距离活动比例均显著大于诱捕期内雌性及其诱捕期间的长距离活动比例。不同处理种群间,仅雄体在诱捕期间的长距离活动比例具有显著差异;食物对雄体的长距离活动具有直接和间接(通过密度)的效应;而预防捕食者和竞争物种对不同处理种群雄体的长距离活动则无一致的效应。  相似文献   
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