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Anthropogenic activities such as uncontrolled deforestation and increasing greenhouse gas emissions are responsible for triggering a series of environmental imbalances that affect the Earth's complex climate dynamics. As a consequence of these changes, several climate models forecast an intensification of extreme weather events over the upcoming decades, including heat waves and increasingly severe drought and flood episodes. The occurrence of such extreme weather will prompt profound changes in several plant communities, resulting in massive forest dieback events that can trigger a massive loss of biodiversity in several biomes worldwide. Despite the gravity of the situation, our knowledge regarding how extreme weather events can undermine the performance, survival, and distribution of forest species remains very fragmented. Therefore, the present review aimed to provide a broad and integrated perspective of the main biochemical, physiological, and morpho‐anatomical disorders that may compromise the performance and survival of forest species exposed to climate change factors, particularly drought, flooding, and global warming. In addition, we also discuss the controversial effects of high CO2 concentrations in enhancing plant growth and reducing the deleterious effects of some extreme climatic events. We conclude with a discussion about the possible effects that the factors associated with the climate change might have on species distribution and forest composition.  相似文献   
The effect of environmental factors is essential to the success of parasitoids as biological control agents, as it determines their foraging activity, development, and survival. The larval‐pupal parasitoid wasp Aganaspis daci (Weld) (Hymenoptera: Figitidae) is known to have a very low fertility (i.e., offspring production) in the field in certain Mediterranean areas, probably due to its inability to efficiently oviposit under such climatic conditions. In this study, the percentage of parasitism and induced mortality (mortality of host pupae attributed to parasitoids, from which adults do not emerge) caused by this wasp to the Mediterranean fruit fly (medfly), Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Tephritidae), was assessed under field conditions across 1 year, using medfly‐infested apples and parasitoid‐confined release in a lemon orchard of southeastern Spain. As A. daci is known to have very few emergences in the field, fertility was assessed in the laboratory from parasitized pupae recovered from the field. We found average parasitism rates of 27% and high induced mortality rates of 66% under field conditions. Consequently, medfly population reduction (total mortality of C. capitata caused by A. daci, i.e., induced mortality + % parasitism) was, on average, 87%. Parasitism and induced mortality varied throughout the year, depending on the average temperature and relative humidity. The interaction of these factors resulted in the highest parasitism rates at low mean temperature and humidity values; likewise, the highest percentages of induced mortality were obtained with a combination of high mean temperature and low mean humidity values. In conclusion, A. daci may exert a strong impact on medfly populations, being a good candidate for inundative field releases for the management of C. capitata in the Mediterranean Basin.  相似文献   
This paper reviews the literature on survival estimates for different species of raptors and owls, examines the methods used to obtain the estimates, and draws out some general patterns arising. Estimating survival usually involves the marking of birds so that they can be recognized as individuals on subsequent encounters. Annual survival can then be estimated from: (1) birds ringed at known age (usually as nestlings) and subsequently reported by members of the public (usually as found dead), the ratio of recoveries at different ages being used to calculate annual survival; (2) marked breeding adults, trapped or re‐sighted in subsequent years in particular study areas, with the proportion re‐trapped (or re‐sighted) in each year being taken as the minimum annual survival; (3) live encounter (trapped or re‐sighted) of birds marked either as nestlings or breeding adults analysed using the capture–mark–recapture (or re‐sighting) methods to estimate annual survival; (4) a combination of reports of known‐age dead birds and re‐trapping/re‐sighting of live birds; (5) use of radio‐ or satellite‐tracking to follow the fates of individuals; and (6) the integration of these methods with other information, such as change in numbers between years, to derive estimates of survival and other demographic parameters. Studies confined to particular areas usually give estimates of ‘apparent annual survival’, because they take no account of birds that leave the area. However, radio‐ or satellite‐tracking makes it possible to estimate true survival, including survival of prebreeders that have low natal‐site fidelity (this usually requires satellite telemetry). As in other birds, the preferred method for estimating survival has changed over time, as new and more robust methods of estimation have been developed. Methods 1 and 2 were the first to be developed, but without statistical underpinning, while methods 3–6 were developed later on the basis of formal statistical models. This difference has to be borne in mind in comparing older with newer estimates for particular species. Published survival estimates were found for three species of Cathartidae, one of Pandionidae, 29 of Accipitridae, 12 of Falconidae, one of Tytonidae and nine of Strigidae, almost all from temperate Northern Hemisphere species. In most of these species more than one estimate was available, and in some separate estimates for different age or sex groups. The main patterns to emerge included: (1) a significant tendency for annual adult survival to increase with body weight, smaller species having annual survival rates mainly of 60–70%, medium‐sized species having rates mainly in the range 70–90% and the largest having rates of > 90%, in the absence of obvious human‐caused losses; (2) a lower survival in the first or prebreeding years of life than in subsequent years; (3) a lack of obvious or consistent differences in survival between the sexes, where these could be distinguished; and (4) in the few species for which enough data were available, a decline in annual survival rates in the later years of life.  相似文献   
大规模虫害爆发可造成区域森林死亡, 近年的气候变化进一步增加了虫害的频度和危害程度。森林和林地植物死亡会导致植被生产力降低, 改变生态系统结构和功能, 使森林由一个净的碳汇转变为一个碳源。因此, 加深虫害对树木危害机制的认识有重要意义。虫害造成的叶损失(虫害叶损失)降低树木光合作用能力, 增加非结构性碳(NSC)消耗, 使得树木体内碳储备降低, NSC降低到一定程度会导致树木因碳饥饿而死亡。外部环境和树木自身的补偿性机制也会对这个过程产生正或负的影响。在近年气候变化背景下, 树木死亡在全球尺度上增多, 重新激起了人们对碳饥饿的重视, 碳饥饿被视为解释树木死亡的主要生理机制之一。该文介绍了碳饥饿的定义, 综述了虫害叶损失减少树木NSC储备与树木生长、死亡的关系, 以及树木虫害和叶损失与气候变化之间的关系, 并对今后的研究进行了展望。  相似文献   
Context and objective: To evaluate if YKL-40 can provide prognostic information in patients with ischemic heart failure (HF) and identify patients who may benefit from statin therapy.

Materials and methods: The association between serum YKL-40 and predefined outcome was evaluated in 1344 HF patients assigned to rosuvastatin or placebo.

Results: YKL-40 was not associated with outcome in adjusted analysis. In YKL-40 tertile 1, an effect on the primary outcome (HR 0.50, p?=?0.006) and CV death (HR 0.54, p?=?0.040) was seen by rosuvastatin in adjusted analysis.

Conclusions: A beneficial modification of outcome was observed with statin therapy in patients with low YKL-40 levels.  相似文献   

基于抚育间伐效应的长白落叶松人工林两阶段枯死模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1972和1974年分别在黑龙江省江山娇林场及孟家岗林场设置10块长白落叶松人工林固定样地(8块抚育间伐样地、2块对照样地),采用连年复测数据,分析抚育间伐对人工长白落叶松样地枯死与单木枯死的影响.基于二分类变量Logistic回归,建立了样地枯死及样地内单木枯死概率的两阶段模型(Ⅰ:抚育间伐后样地水平枯死概率模型;Ⅱ:枯死样地中单木水平枯死概率模型),采用广义估计方程(GEE)方法对模型参数进行估计.根据敏感度和特异度曲线相交点确定枯死概率最优临界点.结果表明: 样地数据按照抚育间伐次数分为4组分别建模(模型1~模型4).在模型1中,地位指数、林分年龄的自然对数、抚育间伐年龄及强度为显著自变量;模型2~模型4采用主成分分析法建模,主成分包含林分年龄、每公顷株数、平均胸径及抚育间伐因子,说明抚育间伐因子对样地枯死概率有显著影响.抚育间伐对枯死样地中单木枯死概率无显著影响,单木枯死概率模型中显著性自变量为林分初植密度、年龄、林木胸径的倒数及林分中大于对象木的所有林木断面积之和.样地枯死概率模型及单木枯死概率模型Hosmer和Lemeshow拟合优度检验均不显著,模型AUC均在0.91以上,估计正确率均超过80%,说明模型拟合效果较好.  相似文献   
Since its discovery in the winter of 2005-2006, white-nose syndrome (WNS) has killed over one million little brown bats (Myotis lucifugus) in the American northeast. Although many studies have reported die-offs of bats at winter hibernacula, it is important to understand how bat mortality linked to WNS at winter hibernacula affects bat activity levels in their summer ranges. In the summer (May-August) of 2007, 2008 and 2009, we recorded echolocation calls to determine bat activity at sites along the Hudson River, NY (within approx. 100 km of where WNS was first reported). We documented a 78 per cent decline in the summer activity of M. lucifugus, coinciding with the arrival and spread of WNS. We suggest that mortality of M. lucifugus in winter hibernacula is reflected by reduced levels of activity in the summer and that WNS affects the entire bat population of an area, and not only individual hibernacula.  相似文献   
Nonhuman primate ageing resembles its human counterpart. Moreover, ratings of subjective well-being traits in chimpanzees, orang-utans and rhesus macaques are similar to those of humans: they are intercorrelated, heritable, and phenotypically and genetically related to personality. We examined whether, as in humans, orang-utan subjective well-being was related to longer life. The sample included 184 zoo-housed orang-utans followed up for approximately 7 years. Age, sex, species and number of transfers were available for all subjects and 172 subjects were rated on at least one item of a subjective well-being scale. Of the 31 orang-utans that died, 25 died a mean of 3.4 years after being rated. Even in a model that included, and therefore, statistically adjusted for, sex, age, species and transfers, orang-utans rated as being "happier" lived longer. The risk differential between orang-utans that were one standard deviation above and one standard deviation below baseline in subjective well-being was comparable with approximately 11 years in age. This finding suggests that impressions of the subjective well-being of captive great apes are valid indicators of their welfare and longevity.  相似文献   
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