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The African American Langston Hughes (1902–1967) and the Nigerian Nnamdi Azikiwe (1904–1996) were alumni of Lincoln University, transatlantic culture warriors, and literary collaborators. In their friendship of thirty years, the two leaders of twentieth century black discourse shared more in common than there had ever been in relationships between African and African American elites. Surprisingly, very little attention has been paid to the meeting of two great minds who individually and collectively stirred the imagination of their successors across Africa and the black Diaspora. By excavating the influences and unusual similarities in their childhood and adult experiences and by a close reading of their poetry, this paper examines the cultural kinship as well as the shared vision of social justice between Hughes and Zik. Obiwu is a writer, literary historian, and comparative theorist. His publications include Rituals of the Sun (poetry collection), Igbos of Northern Nigeria (Diasporaic studies), and the seminal essay “The History of Nigerian literature, 1772–2006.” He is director of the writing center at Central State University, Wilberforce, Ohio.  相似文献   
The ability to learn is common to most animal species: the need to exploit past experience being obviously extremely important for survival, many animals have evolved ways of coping with it. Although the complexity of learning needed for optimal survival may be different in different species, the basic mechanisms appear to be fairly constant even in phylogenetically distant ones. This homogeneity across species in learning mechanisms is in some ways surprising in view of the large phylogenetic differences and of the considerable variability not only in the general plan of their bodily structures, but also, more specifically, in their neural organization and in their behavioral adaptations. One possible explanation is that animals have acquired learning very precociously, and that the original and basic mechanisms have proved so efficient and faultproof as to be preserved from then on without any significant modification. Most researchers of the subject seem to accept the equation «intelligence=learning capability», operationally very useful because it leads to a variety of formal tests. Some researchers, stressing that behavior is subject to the same evolutionary principles as any other character of the organism and acknowledging some problems in the accepted laws of learning, have tried to find a satisfactory answer to the question of animal intelligence by attempting a synthesis between the concepts of animal learning psychology and those of ethology. To some extent, dissatisfaction with established learning theories originated within the theories themselves: the study of phenomena such as autoshaping, selective attention, preferential learning of some responses amongst the many possible, conditioned learning of taste aversions, etc. Further difficulties for conditioning theories arose from the discovery of ethological phenomena. Other researchers have attempted to check the hypothesis that animals possess cognition. A number of complex experimental situtations have been devised to this purpose, but the results still are far from conclusive.  相似文献   
Allometric methods can be used to test quantitative theories of the relationship between brain size and body size across species, and to search for ecological, behavioural, life history, and ontogenetic correlates of brain size. Brain size scales with an allometric exponent of around 0.75 against body size across mammals, but is closer to 0.56 for birds and for reptiles. The slope of the allometric line often varies depending upon the taxonomic level of analysis. However, this phenomenon, at least in mammals, may be a statistical artifact. Brain size for a given body size (relative brain size) varies among orders in birds and mammals, and some dietary associations with relative brain size have been found in particular taxa. Developmental status at birth is the most consistent correlate of relative brain size: precocial neonates have larger brains for a given maternal size than altricial neonates in both birds and mammals. Altricial neonates, however, have more brain growth following birth, and in birds also have larger relative adult brain sizes. Energetic explanations for differences in neonatal brain growth, although attractive on theoretical grounds, have largely failed to stand up to empirical tests.  相似文献   
Relationships of gymnomorph gastropods (Mollusca: gastropoda)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The gastropod families Onchidiidae, Vaginulidae, Rathouisiidae and Rhodopidae have been classified in a subclass Gymnomorpha, in which the genus Smeagol has been more recently included, on the basis of characters related with limacization which should not be used for classification at suprafamilial levels. When only characters not related with limacization are taken into account, the onchidiids are very similar to the ellobiids; Smeagol may be considered an otinid slug; vaginulids and rathouisiids form a monophyletic group of pulmonates, the Rathouisioidea. It is proposed to reject the Rhodopidae from the Pulmonata, and to include the onchidiids and the Rathouisioidea in the order Archeopulmonata, together with the ellobiids, the otinids and the Amphiboloidea.  相似文献   
The shrews of the Sorex araneus group have undergone a spectacular chromosome evolution. The karyotype of Sorex granarius is generally considered ancestral to those of Sorex coronatus and S. araneus. However, a sequence of 777 base pairs of the cytochrome b gene of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) produces a quite different picture: S. granarius is closely related to the populations of S. araneus from the Pyrenees and from the northwestern Alps, whereas S. coronatus and S. araneus from Italy and the southern Alps represent two well-separated lineages. It is suggested that mtDNA and chromosomal evolution are in this case largely independant processes. Whereas mtDNA haplotypes are closely linked to the geographical history of the populations, chromosomal mutations were probably transmitted from one population to another. Available data suggest that the impressive chromosome polymorphism of this group is quite a recent phenomenon.  相似文献   
The storage stability of bilirubin oxidase was studied in water-in-oil CTAB microemulsions with a chloroformrich continuous organic phase. The kinetics of the inactivation process were best described by a double exponential equation. Approximately half of enzymatic activity was lost during a "fast" phase with a half life of ca. 50 min, whereas the remaining activity was lost much more slowly (half life ca. 1000 min). Rates of inactivation were not affected significantly by variation of either solvent composition or concentration of water droplets, but inactivation was more rapid when droplet size was very small. Steady-state enzyme kinetics were studied at various stages in the inactivation process, and it was shown that inactivation occurred without change in the K(m) of the enzyme for bilirubin. Stability was also studied in a liquid/solid two-phase system; it was found that the inactivation process in this system; it was found that the inactivation process in this system was best described by a single exponential term. The rate was similar to the "fast" phase rate observed in the water-in-oil microemulsion system. Inactivation of the enzyme slow. Addition of the surfactant CTAB to the aqueous environment increased the rate of inactivation to levels comparable to those of the "slow" phase observed in water-in-oil microemulsions. (c) 1993 Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
【目的】探究生防菌贝莱斯芽胞杆菌(Bacillus velezensis) XRD006对青皮核桃采后病害的生防能力及其贮藏保鲜效果,解析菌株的基因特性和次级代谢产物,了解菌株的抑菌机制。【方法】通过抑菌试验确定XRD006对青皮核桃采后病原菌的抑制能力。利用活体抑菌及贮藏试验探究生防菌对青皮核桃采后病原菌的抑制能力及对青皮核桃贮藏品质的影响。以全基因组测序了解菌株XRD006的基因组特征及潜在抑菌相关基因;利用antiSMASH软件预测XRD006的次级代谢产物;结合比较基因组学分析XRD006和贝莱斯芽胞杆菌标准株FZB42、SQR9之间的共线性关系和次级代谢产物基因簇差异。利用高效液相色谱(high performance liquid chromatography,HPLC)和质谱鉴定XRD006次级代谢产物并通过牛津杯法测定其抑菌能力。【结果】抑菌试验表明菌株XRD006对青皮核桃采后病原菌隐秘刺盘孢(Colletotrichum aenigma)、暹罗炭疽菌(Colletotrichum siamense)、葡萄座腔菌(Botryosphaeria dothidea)和藤仓...  相似文献   
Population differentiation and evolution in the common guillemot Uria aalge   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Common (Uria aalge) and Brünnich's guillemots (U. Iomvia) are colonial seabirds that nest in temperate to arctic oceans throughout the Northern hemisphere. They are very similar in the characteristics of ecology, demography and life history that are thought to determine the extent of differentiation among populations, yet geographic variation in morphology is notably greater in common guillemots. Despite evidence of strong natal philopatry, previous analyses of allozymes and the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene revealed little genetic differentiation among North Atlantic colonies of Brünnich's guillemots. To determine if the more extensive morphological variability in common guillemots reflects greater genetic variability, we sequenced part of the cytochrome b gene for 160 common guillemots from 10 colonies distributed throughout the Northern hemisphere. Genotype frequencies and phylogenetic relationships among genotypes both indicated that Atlantic and Pacific populations are genetically distinct. Genetic divergence among genotypes suggested that differentiation of these populations has resulted from separation by Pleistocene glaciers and the Bering Landbridge, as well as by currently unsuitable breeding habitat in the Arctic Ocean. Cytochrome b genotype frequencies also differed among Atlantic colonies, and appeared to define a cline similar to that described for morphological characters. Analyses of sequence variation suggested that this variation probably results from secondary contact between two refugial populations from the Pleistocene glaciations, rather than from isolation by distance or selection. In contrast, the Atlantic population of Brünnich's guillemots appears to have arisen through recent expansion of a single homogeneous refugial population.  相似文献   
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