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中国三江源国家公园与韩国智异山国家公园的对比研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自1967年智异山被认定为韩国首个国家公园以来,韩国以国家公园为主体的自然保护地体系建设已历经50余年。这期间韩国在国家公园的建设中积累了大量经验,十分值得我国借鉴。选取我国首个国家公园体制试点——三江源国家公园和韩国首个国家公园——智异山国家公园为研究对象,对二者的管理现状进行了定性分析,并运用基于最优实践的国家公园管理能力评价方法对二者的管理能力进行了定量评价。研究表明:三江源国家公园的管理能力综合得分低于智异山国家公园,在体制建设、保障机制、资源环境管理、社区管理和科普教育五个方面均与智异山国家公园存在一定差距;智异山国家公园在资源本底调查、法制建设、多方参与、环境教育和游憩管理方面的管理能力十分突出,为三江源国家公园管理能力的提升提供了有益借鉴;三江源国家公园在生态补偿和制度约束方面具有比较优势,但在自然资源权属、资源本底调查、社区组织建设和游憩管理方面则亟待提升。在此基础上,针对三江源国家公园建设提出了强化科研支撑、健全多方参与制度、推进全民福利共享三项建议,针对我国国家公园体制建设提出了制定《国家公园法》、设置自然保护地顶层规划两项建议,以期促进三江源国家公园管理能力提升、推动我国国家公园体制建设。  相似文献   
刘锦春  钟章成  何跃军 《生态学报》2007,27(9):3601-3608
通过盆栽水分胁迫试验,采用美国Li-COR公司生产的Li-6400便携式光合测定分析仪,对比研究了水分胁迫对重庆石灰岩地区不同龄级柏木幼苗气体交换的影响。结果表明:水分胁迫降低了两种年龄柏木幼苗的净光合速率、蒸腾速率和气孔导度,1年生幼苗的净光合速率下降的幅度大于5年生幼苗。1年生幼苗的胞间CO2浓度随着水分胁迫强度的增加而升高,而气孔限制值下降,5年生幼苗在重度干旱前,胞间CO2浓度随着水分胁迫强度的增加而降低,气孔限制值上升,但重度干旱后,趋势与1年生幼苗相同,由这些指标的变化趋势分析得出,1年生幼苗的净光合速率的下降是由非气孔限制因素引起的,而5年生幼苗在重度干旱前净光合速率的下降是由气孔限制因素引起,而在重度干旱后转为非气孔因素。1年生幼苗的水分利用效率随着水分胁迫的加剧而降低,5年生幼苗水分利用效率呈上升趋势,说明5年生幼苗更能适应干旱胁迫。干旱胁迫降低了一年生柏木幼苗的表观量子产额、羧化效率以及最大净光合速率即光合能力,但光补偿点、CO2补偿点、光呼吸和暗呼吸却随着水分胁迫的加剧而升高。对于5年生幼苗,干旱胁迫对其表观量子效率、光补偿点、光呼吸及光合能力的影响基本与一年生幼苗一致。但羧化效率、CO2补偿点呈先降后升的趋势,而暗呼吸却先升后降,说明适度的干旱(未遭受重度干旱之前)提高了柏木的CO2利用能力,但因呼吸消耗较多的光合产物还是导致了其光合能力的降低,但降低的程度较一年生幼苗小,表现为对干旱环境更好的适应能力。  相似文献   
首次从长春花中克隆了CrleaCrlea for Catharanthus roseus late embryogenesis abundant)的全长基因,采用荧光定量PCR方法对干旱胁迫下长春花叶片和根部Crlea基因的表达模式进行监测,结果表明,在0.5~8 h的胁迫时间中,叶片和根部的Crlea基因表现出相似的积累模式。长春花Crlea基因的表达随着胁迫时间的延长而表达增强。在叶片中,在6 h和8 h的干旱处理后,Crlea基因表达显著提高,分别是未处理材料的9.984和20.431倍。在根部, 在8 h的处理后,Crlea基因的表达量显著提高(2.831倍于对照)。初步结果表明Crlea基因的表达没有组织特异性,并且为干旱胁迫正调控。  相似文献   
叶恭银  方琦 《昆虫知识》2011,48(6):1531-1538
昆虫种类繁多,它与生态系统中的生物多样性,以及人类的日常生活和生产密切相关。自2000年黑腹果蝇Drosophila melanogaster全基因组测序完成以来,至今已先后开展了88种昆虫全基因组测序工作,这标志着昆虫学研究进入了基因组时代。本文综述了近年来昆虫基因组测序进展,以及基于基因组的昆虫学研究方法及应用等两方面的研究成果。同时,着重介绍了昆虫全基因组测序进程,昆虫基因组在个体生物学、多物种间及种群,及系统生物学研究中的应用等方面的内容。最后,还探讨了基因组时代昆虫学研究所面临的挑战。  相似文献   
江西三清山兰科植物区系分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
江西省三清山兰科植物资源丰富,约21属30种,占江西省兰科植物属种的56.76%、38.46%,占中国兰科植物属种的12.28%、2.41%。区内兰科植物生活型以地生兰为主;分布区式样以温带型为主;区系成分分散,缺乏本地特有成分。与各山地的相似性以及属种分布型比较显示,三清山与5山地在属级水平上相似性系数高,兰科植物区系联系比较紧密,从属分布区类型看,三清山、黄山、天目山和庐山以北温带分布为主,井冈山和武夷山以热带亚洲-热带大洋洲为主;在种级水平上相似性系数较低,种分布区类型均以东亚和中国特有分布为主。按生态型划分,地生兰为主,附生兰为辅,三清山和黄山只有两生态类型,武夷山、天目山、井冈山和庐山生态类型齐全。最后,依据"中国物种红色名录"对各山地珍稀濒危保护物种进行归纳统计。  相似文献   
Variation in susceptibility is ubiquitous in multi‐host, multi‐parasite assemblages, and can have profound implications for ecology and evolution in these systems. The extent to which susceptibility to parasites is phylogenetically conserved among hosts can be revealed by analysing diverse regional communities. We screened for haemosporidian parasites in 3983 birds representing 40 families and 523 species, spanning ~ 4500 m elevation in the tropical Andes. To quantify the influence of host phylogeny on infection status, we applied Bayesian phylogenetic multilevel models that included a suite of environmental, spatial, temporal, life history and ecological predictors. We found evidence of deeply conserved susceptibility across the avian tree; host phylogeny explained substantial variation in infection status, and results were robust to phylogenetic uncertainty. Our study suggests that susceptibility is governed, in part, by conserved, latent aspects of anti‐parasite defence. This demonstrates the importance of deep phylogeny for understanding present‐day ecological interactions.  相似文献   
Coloration in three of four species of the genus Neurergus including N. microspilotus is characterized by the presence of yellow spots on a dark skin, but there is no available information about changes in spot configuration, speed of development and degree of association between melanophore‐free region and the lateral line. In this study, spot numbers, spot circularity, spot size and spot asymmetry were studied during larval to adult growth in N. microspilotus during July 2012 to June 2015. The mean numbers of spots increased during the late larval stage till postmetamorphic period from 13.33 ± 3.77 to 22.53 ± 4.09 and reached 42.62 ± 4.06 in adults. At the same time, the extent of spots gradually decreased in size from 5.80 ± 1.00 to 3.57 ± 0.97 mm2 and reached 3.55 ± 1.42 mm2 in adults, but the spot circularity increased from 0.48 ± 0.23 to 0.78 ± 0.49 and reached 0.80 ± 0.15 in adults. In adults, the numbers, circularity, size and asymmetry of spots remain stable with little but non‐significant changes during the study period. Histological study shows that formation of a melanophore‐free region correlates with the development of the lateral line receptors. This study demonstrates that the effects of lateral line on chromatophores persist through middle larval stages but diminish as metamorphosis completes.  相似文献   
Neisseria meningitidis is a major cause of bacterial meningitis and septicemia worldwide. In China, serogroup A strains were responsible for over 95% of the cases, while serogroup B strains were mainly the cause of localized outbreaks and sporadic cases. Before 2003, serogroup C strains were only re-covered from a few sporadic cases. However, a sudden increase in the number of cases due to sero-group C strains occurred during 2003—2005 in Anhui Province, China. Many cases were found in other provinces at the same time. Multilocus sequence typing (MLST) results indicated that the unique se-quence type 4821 clone meningococci, a new hyper-virulent lineage, was responsible for the serogroup C meningitis outbreaks. We have completed the project of sequencing the whole genome of the Chi-nese N. meningitidis serogroup C representative isolate 053442. We fabricated a whole-genome mi-croarray of N. meningitidis isolate 053442 and analyzed the genome composition differences among 81 serogroup C isolates which were isolated from 14 provinces of China during 1966—2005. The com-parative genomic hybridization (CGH) result shows that the genome compositions of nearly all sero-group C isolates are similar to that of 053442. The products of many absent open reading frames (ORFs) are conserved hypothetical proteins. The results will provide a valuable resource from which one can analyze the genome composition and genetic background of serogroup C meningococci in China.  相似文献   
利用光学显微镜和石蜡切片技术对生长在盐碱地的大车前和平车前的营养器官进行了比较解剖学研究。结果表明二者的解剖结构存在差异:平车前根的木栓层较大车前的狭窄,栓内层细胞层数较少;平车前叶表皮的细胞角质膜较薄,孔下室较小,构成维管束鞘的薄壁细胞较大车前小,束鞘细胞两层。二者都具有适应盐渍环境的结构特征:营养器官中通气组织发达;根结构中薄壁组织和木栓发达;叶表皮角质层发达。  相似文献   
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