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Stipa shanxiensis, a cryptic species within Stipa grandis that originated from central and western China, is described based on morphological, genomic, and ecological data from field and common garden experiments. Stipa shanxiensis morphologically resembles S. grandis, although phylogenetically it is closely related to the less morphologically similar Stipa baicalensis and Stipa krylovii. Of the eight significant morphological differences between S. shanxiensis and S. grandis, the two, cauline ligules longer than 2 cm with a filiform apex, and hairs shorter than 0.2 mm on the adaxial surface of the cauline uppermost leaves can be used to distinguish the species. Results from a common garden experiment verified that the two diagnostic characteristics were relatively stable and less morphologically plastic in response to environmental variation. Furthermore, a significant ecological divergence was found between S. shanxiensis and S. grandis, such that the former preferred warmer and more humid climates, and their predicted distribution was generally separated. Taken together, our results highlight that the integrative taxonomic approach was valuable for recognizing a new cryptic species in Stipa. In particular, we find that common garden experiments involving the effects of growth stage and characteristic position helped to morphologically diagnose cryptic species. These findings may also facilitate our understandings of ecological adaption and phenotypic plasticity in response to environmental change.  相似文献   
The assessment of genetic differentiation in functional traits is fundamental towards understanding the adaptive characteristics of forest species. While traditional phenotyping techniques are costly and time‐consuming, remote sensing data derived from cameras mounted on unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) provide potentially valid high‐throughput information for assessing morphophysiological differences among tree populations. In this work, we test for genetic variation in vegetation indices (VIs) and canopy temperature among populations of Pinus halepensis as proxies for canopy architecture, leaf area, photosynthetic pigments, photosynthetic efficiency and water use. The interpopulation associations between vegetation properties and above‐ground growth (stem volume) were also assessed. Three flights (July 2016, November 2016 and May 2017) were performed in a genetic trial consisting of 56 populations covering a large part of the species range. Multispectral (visible and near infrared wavelengths), RGB (red, green, blue) and thermal images were used to estimate canopy temperature and vegetation cover (VC) and derive several VIs. Differences among populations emerged consistently across flights for VC and VIs related to leaf area, indicating genetic divergence in crown architecture. Population differences in indices related to photosynthetic pigments emerged only in May 2017 and were probably related to a contrasting phenology of needle development. Conversely, the low population differentiation for the same indices in July 2016 and November 2016 suggested weak interpopulation variation in the photosynthetic machinery of mature needles of P. halepensis. Population differences in canopy temperature found in July 2016 were indicative of variation in stomatal regulation under drought stress. Stem volume correlated with indices related to leaf area (positively) and with canopy temperature (negatively), indicating a strong influence of canopy properties and stomatal conductance on above‐ground growth at the population level. Specifically, a combination of VIs and canopy temperature accounted for about 60% of population variability in stem volume of adult trees. This is the first study to propose UAV remote sensing as an effective tool for screening genetic variation in morphophysiological traits of adult forest trees.  相似文献   
Standard metabolic rates (SMR) were measured empirically for carmine shiner Notropis percobromus and common shiner Luxilus cornutus to develop SMR models that predict metabolic responses of each species under thermal conditions observed in the wild. SMR increased significantly with body mass and rising water temperature, ranging from 0.05 mg O2 h−1 at 10°C to 0.89 mg O2 h−1 at 20°C for N. percobromus weighing 0.6–2.5 g and from 0.11 mg O2 h−1 at 10°C to 0.98 mg O2 h−1 at 20°C for L. cornutus weighing 0.8–6.6 g. SMR models significantly differed between sympatric species on account of differences in model intercepts (RA) and temperature coefficients (RQ), however, the allometric relationships between mass and SMR did not significantly differ between species. Known distribution of N. percobromus and L. cornutus includes the Birch River located in Manitoba, Canada, where N. percobromus is listed as Endangered. Little is known about the physiology of N. percobromus or the species' ability to acclimate or adapt to different environmental conditions. While size differences between species contributed, in part, to differences in SMR predictions for Birch River populations, SMR trends (< 2 mg O2 h−1) for individuals weighing 1 g were similar for both species across daily temperatures. Respirometry experiments contributed to developing species-specific SMR models and inform on the effect of natural and anthropogenic stressors, namely water temperature, on the conservation of N. percobromus in this ecosystem.  相似文献   
Acoustic signals play a key role in shaping the relationships in birds. Common cuckoos Cuculus canorus are known to produce various call types, but the function of these calls has only been studied recently. Here, we used a combination of field recordings (conducted in 2017) and playback experiments (conducted in 2018) to investigate the functional significance of common cuckoo calls. We found significant differences in the characteristics between male two‐element “cu‐coo” and three‐element “cu‐cu‐coo” calls, with these two call types being used in different contexts. The three‐element male “cu‐cu‐coo” calls were associated with females emitting their “bubbling” call. Playback experiments revealed that both males and females exhibit stronger responses to playing female “bubbling” calls than with the calls of the Eurasian sparrowhawk (Accipter nisus) serving as a control, suggesting a significant intraspecific communication function for this call type. However, we did not find any evidence to support mate attraction in male calls, as females were not stimulated by playback of male calls compared with sparrowhawk calls in the control group.  相似文献   
Rodents often act as important hosts for ticks and as pathogen reservoirs. At northern latitudes, rodents often undergo multi‐annual population cycles, and the periodic absence of certain hosts may inhibit the survival and recruitment of ticks. We investigated the potential role of common shrews (Sorex araneus) to serve as a supplementary host source to immature life stages (larvae and nymphs) of a generalist tick Ixodes ricinus and a small mammal specialist tick Itrianguliceps, during decreasing abundances of bank voles (Myodes glareolus). We used generalized mixed models to test whether ticks would have a propensity to parasitize a certain host species dependent on host population size and host population composition across two high‐latitude gradients in southern Norway, by comparing tick burdens on trapped animals. Host population size was defined as the total number of captured animals and host population composition as the proportion of voles to shrews. We found that a larger proportion of voles in the host population favored the parasitism of voles by Iricinus larvae (estimate = −1.923, p = .039) but not by nymphs (estimate = −0.307, p = .772). Itrianguliceps larvae did not show a lower propensity to parasitize voles, regardless of host population composition (estimate = 0.875, p = .180), while nymphs parasitized shrews significantly more as vole abundance increased (estimate = 2.106, p = .002). These results indicate that common shrews may have the potential to act as a replacement host during periods of low rodent availability, but long‐term observations encompassing complete rodent cycles may determine whether shrews are able to maintain tick range expansion despite low rodent availability.  相似文献   
鲤鱼SOCS-4基因克隆、鉴定及表达模式分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
细胞因子是调节机体免疫和神经内分泌功能的生物活性物质,其信号的激发、放大和持续在时间和空间上都受到严格调控。细胞因子信号传导抑制因子(Suppressorof cytokine signaling,SOCS)是细胞因子信号通路的负调节因子,通过负反馈抑制细胞因子的信号传递,防止过度的信号反应干扰机体代谢平衡和细胞功能。在哺乳动物中,SOCS系统对生长激素(GH)、表皮生长因子  相似文献   
In this study, we take advantage of a natural experiment--a 2004 mass die-off of the Common Murre in Alaska to determine whether closely related mtDNA haplotypes differ in their probability of being eliminated during such a short term but a marked event removing hundreds of thousands of individuals. We sequenced complete mtDNA ND2 gene (1041 bp) for 168 Common Murres sampled from seven breeding colonies across Alaska before the 2004 die-off and 127 dead murres washed ashore during the die-off. We found little mtDNA variation and lack of geographical structuring among the seven Common Murre breeding colonies in Alaska. A comparison of the single-dominant mtDNA haplotype's frequency between live murres sampled on breeding colonies before the die-off (73.2%; 95% confidence interval 66.3-79.9%) and dead murres sampled during the die-off (59.1%; 95% confidence interval 50.4-67.4%; Fisher's exact P=0.01) showed that carriers of the dominant haplotype were significantly less likely to die than carriers of other haplotypes. At the same time, the ratio of non-synonymous to synonymous substitutions did not differ between live (10:35) and dead birds (18:34; Fisher's exact P=0.26), indicating that non-synonymous substitutions were as likely to be eliminated as synonymous substitutions. These results are consistent with the possibility of positive selection on the dominant mtDNA haplotype during the die-off.  相似文献   
目的:探讨腹腔镜下胆道镜经胆囊管行胆道探查取石术(LTCBDE)的可行性以及安全性。方法:124 例胆囊合并胆总管结石 患者,根据手术方式分为LTCBDE 组和腹腔镜胆总管切开取石T管引流术(LCTD组),各62 例,比较两组的手术情况、疗效及安 全性。结果:LTCBDE 的手术时间、术后引流时间、肛门排气时间、术后住院时间及补液量较LCTD 组显著减少(P<0.05);LTCBDE 组并发症发生率及复发率分别为3.23%、1.61%,显著低于LCTD 组的20.97%、11.29%(P<0.05)。结论:LTCBDE 创伤小、患者痛 苦少、术后恢复快、并发症少且复发率低,是治疗胆囊结石合并胆总管结石的一种安全可行的微创治疗手段,值得在临床中推广 应用。  相似文献   
Knowledge about the maturity status of specimens included in evolutionary, taxonomic or life history investigations is fundamentally important. This study investigated the use of the degree of cranial suture fusion, the developmental status of cranial bones, and the degree of tooth wear as indicators for cranial maturity status in Delphinus sp. from New Zealand waters. In total, 15 sutures, one joint and three nonmetric characters were assessed on 66 skulls obtained from stranded and bycaught individuals sampled between 1932 and 2011. A suture index (SI) was computed based on 10 sutures, in which degree of fusion was correlated with age and the three misclassification indices (MI), calculated for a given suture, were <50%. In addition to these, five premaxilla‐maxilla fusion and seven tooth wear categories were assessed. Results suggest that New Zealand Delphinus sp. skulls should be regarded as cranially mature if at least two of the following criteria are met: (1) individuals assessed as sexually mature, (2) aged ≥ 11 yr, (3) SI ≥ 8, and (4) premaxilla‐maxilla fusion ≥ 75% of the length of the dorsal side of the rostrum. Presence of any number of rostral teeth worn to the gum line provided further evidence for cranial maturity.  相似文献   
Environmental differences among populations are expected to lead to local adaptation, while spatial or temporal environmental variation within a population will favour evolution of phenotypic plasticity. As plasticity itself can be under selection, locally adapted populations can vary in levels of plasticity. Nine‐spined stickleback (Pungitius pungitius) originating from isolated ponds (low piscine predation risk, high competition) vs. lake and marine populations (high piscine predation risk, low competition) are known to be morphologically adapted to their respective environments. However, nothing is known about their ability to express phenotypic plasticity in morphology in response to perceived predation risk or food availability/competition. We studied predator‐induced phenotypic plasticity in body shape and armour of marine and pond nine‐spined stickleback in a factorial common garden experiment with two predator treatments (present vs. absent) and two feeding regimes (low vs. high). The predation treatment did not induce any morphological shifts in fish from either habitat or food regime. However, strong habitat‐dependent differences between populations as well as strong sexual dimorphism in both body shape and armour were found. The lack of predator‐induced plasticity in development of the defence traits (viz. body armour and body depth) suggests that morphological anti‐predator traits in nine‐spined stickleback are strictly constitutive, rather than inducible. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, ??, ??–??.  相似文献   
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