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We recorded and characterized the echolocation calls emitted by the common vampire bat Desmodus rotundus during foraging in natural habitats in Chile. Signal design typically shows multiple harmonics consisting of a brief quasi-constant frequency (QCF) component at the beginning of the pulse followed by a downward frequency modulated component. Calls are characterized by long durations (5.5 ms) and emitted as single pulses or in groups of 2–3 pulses at a repetition rate of 29 Hz. The higher frequency ranges (85–35 kHz) and the unusual QCF component that characterized multiharmonic signals of free-flying D. rotundus in Chile is a remarkable feature for acoustic identification with other Chilean bats.  相似文献   
Climate niche models project that subalpine forest ranges will extend upslope with climate warming. These projections assume that the climate suitable for adult trees will be adequate for forest regeneration, ignoring climate requirements for seedling recruitment, a potential demographic bottleneck. Moreover, local genetic adaptation is expected to facilitate range expansion, with tree populations at the upper forest edge providing the seed best adapted to the alpine. Here, we test these expectations using a novel combination of common gardens, seeded with two widely distributed subalpine conifers, and climate manipulations replicated at three elevations. Infrared heaters raised temperatures in heated plots, but raised temperatures more in the forest than at or above treeline because strong winds at high elevation reduced heating efficiency. Watering increased season‐average soil moisture similarly across sites. Contrary to expectations, warming reduced Engelmann spruce recruitment at and above treeline, as well as in the forest. Warming reduced limber pine first‐year recruitment in the forest, but had no net effect on fourth‐year recruitment at any site. Watering during the snow‐free season alleviated some negative effects of warming, indicating that warming exacerbated water limitations. Contrary to expectations of local adaptation, low‐elevation seeds of both species initially recruited more strongly than high‐elevation seeds across the elevation gradient, although the low‐provenance advantage diminished by the fourth year for Engelmann spruce, likely due to small sample sizes. High‐ and low‐elevation provenances responded similarly to warming across sites for Engelmann spruce, but differently for limber pine. In the context of increasing tree mortality, lower recruitment at all elevations with warming, combined with lower quality, high‐provenance seed being most available for colonizing the alpine, portends range contraction for Engelmann spruce. The lower sensitivity of limber pine to warming indicates a potential for this species to become more important in subalpine forest communities in the coming centuries.  相似文献   
The frequency and distribution of the major vernalization requirement genes and their effects on growth habits were studied. Of the 551 bread wheat genotypes tested, seven allelic combinations of the three Vrn-1 genes were found to be responsible for the spring habit, three for the facultative habit and one for the winter habit. The three Vrn-1 genes behaved additiveiy with the dominant allele of Vrn-A1 exerting the strongest effect. The allele combinations of the facultative genotypes and the discovery of spring genotypes with "winter" allele of Vrn-1 implied the presence of as yet unidentified alleles/genes for vernalization response. The dominant alleles of the three Vrn-1 genes were found in all ten ecological regions where wheat is cultivated in China, with Vrn-D1 as the most common allele in nine and Vrn-A1 in one. The combination of vrn-A1vrn-B1Vrn-D1 was the predominant genotype in seven of the regions. Compared with landraces, improved varieties contain a higher proportion of the spring type. This was attributed by a higher frequency of the dominant Vrn-A1 and Vrn-B1 alleles in the latter, Correlations between Vrn-1 allelic constitutions and heading date, spike length, plant type as well as cold tolerance were established.  相似文献   
Refuges provide shelter from predators, and protection from exposure to the elements, as well as other fitness benefits to animals that use them. In ectotherms, thermal benefits may be a critical aspect of refuges. We investigated microhabitat characteristics of refuges selected by a heliothermic scincid lizard, Carlia rubrigularis, which uses rainforest edges as habitat. We approached lizards in the field, simulating a predator attack, and quantified the refuge type used, and effect of environmental temperatures (air temperature, substrate temperature and refuge substrate temperature) on the amount of time skinks remained in refuges after hiding (emergence time). In respone to our approach, lizards were most likely to flee into leaf litter, rather than into rocks or woody debris, and emergence time was dependent on refuge substrate temperature, and on refuge substrate temperature relative to substrate temperature outside the refuge. Lizards remained for longer periods in warmer refuges, and in refuges that were similar in temperature to outside. We examined lizard refuge choice in response to temperature and substrate type in large, semi‐natural outdoor enclosures. We experimentally manipulated refuge habitat temperature available to lizards, and offered them equal areas of leaf litter, woody debris and rocks. When refuge habitat temperature was unmanipulated, lizards (85%) preferred leaf litter, as they did in the field. However, when we experimentally manipulated the temperature of the leaf litter by shading, most skinks (75%) changed their preferred refuge habitat from leaf litter to woody debris or rocks. These results suggest that temperature is a critical determinant of refuge habitat choice for these diurnal ectotherms, both when fleeing from predators and when selecting daytime retreats.  相似文献   
黄芪注射液的急性毒性和长期毒性试验   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的:测定黄芪注射液急性毒性和长期毒性反应.方法:小鼠静脉注射和腹腔注射黄芪注射液的急性毒性,大鼠腹腔注射黄芪注射液6 g/kg(d,14 g/kg(d和33g/kg(d的长期毒性(30 d).结果:黄芪注射液小鼠静脉注射和腹腔注射LD50分别为90.39g/kg和108.11g/kg,其95%可信限分别为87.57~93.31g/kg和102.90~113.58g/kg;大鼠连续注射30 d后,摄食量增加,体重增长一致,尿常规,血液学和血液生化测定指标均在正常范围,脏器系数和病理学检查无异常.结论:黄芪注射液对受试动物未见有明显急性和长期毒性作用.  相似文献   
Effects of differences in long-term water supply were examined on soil characteristics, primary production and species composition in a wet and a dry site of an upland herbaceous grassland. Also the responses of species to N and P enrichments were examined. N and P concentrations of non-legume species were positively related, indicating that biomass N:P ratios seem to be mainly determined by N:P supply ratios. Forbs had generally higher concentrations than graminoids. Intermittent water inundation of soil in the wet site resulted in greater soil N and P availability. The greater productivity of this site promoted the growth of forbs. A fertilizer experiment showed that biomass was limited by N only in the wet site, but by both nutrients in the dry one. The species with the higher N and P concentrations were favored more after N and P enrichment, respectively; however, species enhancement was not related to N:P ratios of species. This indicates that N and P concentrations of species, rather than N:P ratios of species, are better predictors of species responses to N and P enrichment. N:P ratios of whole communities were 8.73 for the wet and 11.36 for the dry site. These values in comparison with the responses of plant communities to N and P fertilization show that thresholds of N:P ratios indicative of N or P limitation are much lower than those found for European wetlands.  相似文献   
Several studies have shown multiple confounding factors influencing soil respiration in the field, which often hampers a correct separation and interpretation of the different environmental effects on respiration. Here, we present a controlled laboratory experiment on undisturbed organic and mineral soil cores separating the effects of temperature, drying–rewetting and decomposition dynamics on soil respiration. Specifically, we address the following questions:
  • 1 Is the temperature sensitivity of soil respiration (Q10) dependent on soil moisture or soil organic matter age (incubation time) and does it differ for organic and mineral soil as suggested by recent field studies.
  • 2 How much do organic and mineral soil layers contribute to total soil respiration?
  • 3 Is there potential to improve soil flux models of soil introducing a multilayer source model for soil respiration?
Eight organic soil and eight mineral soil cores were taken from a Norway spruce (Picea abies) stand in southern Germany, and incubated for 90 days in a climate chamber with a diurnal temperature regime between 7 and 23°C. Half of the samples were rewetted daily, while the other half were left to dry and rewetted thereafter. Soil respiration was measured with a continuously operating open dynamic soil respiration chamber system. The Q10 was stable at around 2.7, independent of soil horizon and incubation time, decreasing only slightly when the soil dried. We suggest that recent findings of the Q10 dependency on several factors are emergent properties at the ecosystem level, that should be analysed further e.g. with regard to rhizosphere effects. Most of the soil CO2 efflux was released from the organic samples. Initially, it averaged 4.0 μmol m?2 s?1 and declined to 1.8 μmol m?2 s?1 at the end of the experiment. In terms of the third question, we show that models using only one temperature as predictor of soil respiration fail to explain more than 80% of the diurnal variability, are biased with a hysteresis effect, and slightly underestimate the temperature sensitivity of respiration. In contrast, consistently more than 95% of the diurnal variability is explained by a dual‐source model, with one CO2 source related to the surface temperature and another CO2 source related to the central temperature, highlighting the role of soil surface processes for ecosystem carbon balances.  相似文献   
The identification of promising metabolic engineering targets is a key issue in metabolic control analysis (MCA). Conventional approaches make intensive use of model-based studies, such as exploiting post-pulse metabolic dynamics after proper perturbation of the microbial system. Here, we present an easy-to-use, purely data-driven approach, defining pool efflux capacities (PEC) for identifying reactions that exert the highest flux control in linear pathways. Comparisons with linlog-based MCA and data-driven substrate elasticities (DDSE) showed that similar key control steps were identified using PEC. Using the example of l-methionine production with recombinant Escherichia coli, PEC consistently and robustly identified main flux controls using perturbation data after a non-labeled 12C-l-serine stimulus. Furthermore, the application of full-labeled 13C-l-serine stimuli yielded additional insights into stimulus propagation to l-methionine. PEC analysis performed on the 13C data set revealed the same targets as the 12C data set. Notably, the typical drawback of metabolome analysis, namely, the omnipresent leakage of metabolites, was excluded using the 13C PEC approach.  相似文献   
Climate change will alter precipitation patterns with consequences for soil C cycling. An understanding of how fluctuating soil moisture affects microbial processes is therefore critical to predict responses to future global change. We investigated how long‐term experimental field drought influences microbial tolerance to lower moisture levels (“resistance”) and ability to recover when rewetted after drought (“resilience”), using soils from a heathland which had been subjected to experimental precipitation reduction during the summer for 18 years. We tested whether drought could induce increased resistance, resilience, and changes in the balance between respiration and bacterial growth during perturbation events, by following a two‐tiered approach. We first evaluated the effects of the long‐term summer drought on microbial community functioning to drought and drying–rewetting (D/RW), and second tested the ability to alter resistance and resilience through additional perturbation cycles. A history of summer drought in the field selected for increased resilience but not resistance, suggesting that rewetting after drought, rather than low moisture levels during drought, was the selective pressure shaping the microbial community functions. Laboratory D/RW cycles also selected for communities with a higher resilience rather than increased resistance. The ratio of respiration to bacterial growth during D/RW perturbation was lower for the field drought‐exposed communities and decreased for both field treatments during the D/RW cycles. This suggests that cycles of D/RW also structure microbial communities to respond quickly and efficiently to rewetting after drought. Our findings imply that microbial communities can adapt to changing climatic conditions and that this might slow the rate of soil C loss predicted to be induced by future cyclic drought.  相似文献   
This paper has two purposes. The first is to review the past studies on the structure, biosynthesis, and immunological properties of a class of glycoproteins, the lysosomal enzymes, in Dictyostelium discoideum. The second purpose is to present new data on the analysis of mutant strains altered in the biosynthesis of the lipid-linked precursor of N-linked oligosaccharides, and on the characterization of new carbohydrate antigenic determinants found on multiple proteins in Dictyostelium. We will also show how a combination of genetic, biochemical and immunochemical approaches have been used to unravel a portion of the glycosylation pathway in Dictyostelium.The long-term goal of these studies is to use Dictyostelium discoideum as a model system to understand the functions of a variety of glycoconjugates in a multicellular organism. The existence of a large number of mutant strains which are altered in a variety of cellular functions, development and the posttranslational modification of multiple proteins, offers a great opportunity to explore this area.  相似文献   
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