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分析了《基础生物化学》(第二版)实验教材中实验“酵母核糖核酸组分鉴定”中存在的问题,提出了改进建议。  相似文献   
中国植物园五十年   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
概述了中国 14 0多个植物园过去 5 0年发展的历史过程、分布和特征 ,以及植物园在研究、保护、展示和利用生物多样性等方面的功能。评述了中国植物园早期在经济作物烟草、药用植物薯蓣和野生果树资源研究中对社会和经济发展的贡献 ,以及近年来在种子科学、物种保护、经济植物引种驯化和育种等方面的理论和应用研究成果。介绍了中国植物园活植物收集的现状。其中木兰科、姜科、苏铁类、药用植物、猕猴桃属和杜鹃属等收集圃的建设已属世界领先。介绍了植物园科普和旅游的发展和中国植物园特有的盆景艺术园和硅化木收集园  相似文献   
This paper addresses the visual culture of late-19th-century experimental physiology. Taking the case of Johann Nepomuk Czermak (1828–1873) as a key example, it argues that images played a crucial role in acquiring experimental physiological skills. Czermak, Emil Du Bois-Reymond (1818–1896) and other late-19th-century physiologists sought to present the achievements and perspective of their discipline by way of immediate visual perception (unmittelbare Anschauung). However, the images they produced and presented for this purpose were strongly mediated. By means of specifically designed instruments, such as the cardioscope, the contraction telegraph, and the frog pistol, and of specifically constructed rooms, so-called spectatoriums, physiologists trained and controlled the perception of their students before allowing them to conduct experiments on their own. Studying the material culture of physiological image production reveals that technological resources such as telegraphy, photography, and even railways contributed to making physiological facts anschaulich. At the same time, it shows that the more traditional image techniques of anatomy played an important role in physiological lecture halls, especially when it came to displaying the details of vivisection experiments to the public. Thus, the images of late 19th century physiology stood half-way between machines and organisms, between books and instruments.This paper was written in the context of ten project, The Experimentalizaiton of Life: Configurations of Life Sciences, Art, and Technology (1830–1930). The project is based at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science (Dept. III: Hans-Jörg Rheinberger), Berlin, and receives funding from the Volkswagen Stiftung, Hannover. A first draft of this paper was presented, accompanied by Sven Dierig on the Virtual Laboratory, at the Institute of Theater Sciences, Free university Berlin, in December 2000. I would like to thank Sven Dierig and the other members of the project as well as Nick Hopwood, Skúli Sigurdsson and the anonymous referees and the editors of this journal for their helpful comments on an earlier version of this paper. Thanks also to Laurie McLaughlin and Nancy Anderson for helping me with the English version of the text.  相似文献   
李建明  王文龙  王贞  罗婷  李宏伟  金剑 《生态学杂志》2013,24(12):3537-3545
采用野外模拟降雨试验方法,研究了神府东胜煤田开采造成的弃土弃渣体产流产沙规律及其减水减沙效益.结果表明: 随降雨强度的增大,弃土弃渣体产流的起始时间呈递减趋势,且差异达几倍至十几倍.弃渣体比弃土体更快到达稳定流速,平均流速大小为弃土体>沙多石少弃渣体>沙少石多弃渣体.弃土弃渣体产流6 min后的径流率达到稳定,与降雨强度呈显著相关.弃土弃渣体侵蚀主要发生在产流开始后的前6 min,弃土体产流后前6 min的平均含沙量是6 min后的0.43~4.27倍,弃渣体为1.43~54.93倍.弃土体和沙多石少弃渣体径流量与降雨强度呈线性函数关系,沙少石多弃渣体呈幂函数关系.弃土体和沙少石多弃渣体的次侵蚀量与降雨强度之间分别呈指数函数和幂函数相关.弃土体侵蚀量与径流量呈线性函数关系.在降雨强度为1.0和1.5 mm·min-1条件下,弃渣体采用鱼鳞坑及植被防护的产流滞后降雨时间为24 min,减水效益为29.5%~52.9%,减沙效益为85.7%~97.9%.  相似文献   
The coldwater crayfish Orconectes eupunctus is endemic to the Spring and Eleven Point Rivers of Arkansas and Missouri, and appears to have been displaced from a portion of its range by the recently introduced ringed crayfish Orconectes neglectus. We examined competition among juveniles as a potential mechanism for this crayfish species displacement through laboratory and field experiments. Orconectes eupunctus juveniles survived and grew in stream cages in their former range, implicating biotic interactions rather than habitat degradation in the displacement. Laboratory experiments revealed O. neglectus juveniles were dominant in the presence of limited food, whereas size rather than species determined occupancy of limited shelter. In a field competition experiment using stream cages, O. neglectus juveniles did not inhibit growth or reduce survival of O. eupunctus juveniles. Consequently, laboratory evidence of O. neglectus dominance did not correspond with competition under field conditions. Combined with previous studies examining the effects of O. neglectus on O. eupunctus, these results suggest that competition may not be a factor in this crayfish species displacement. Alternate mechanisms for the apparent displacement of O. eupunctus by O. neglectus, such as differential predation or reproductive interference, should be investigated.  相似文献   
全球变化已对陆地生态系统结构和功能产生深远影响,明确生态系统对全球变化的响应和适应机制是实现人类对生态系统服务可持续利用的前提.联网实验是理解区域乃至全球尺度生态系统结构功能对全球变化要素响应和适应的重要手段.科学的顶层设计有利于实现联网数据间融合、比对以及分析,进而支撑普适性生态学理论的发展.本文从全球变化联网控制实...  相似文献   
Symmetric and asymmetric protoplast fusion between long term cell suspension-derived protoplasts of Triticum aestivum (cv. Jinan 177) and protoplasts of Haynaldia villosa prepared from one-year-old embryogeneric calli was performed by PEG method. In asymmetric fusion, donor calli were treated with gamma ray at a dose of 40, 60, 80 Gy (1.3 Gy/min) respectively and then used to isolate protoplasts. Results of morphological, cytological, biochemical (isozyme) and 5S rDNA spacer sequence analysis revealed that we obtained somatic hybrid lines at high frequency from both symmetric and asymmetric fusion. Hybrid plants were recovered from symmetric and low dose γ-fusion combinations. GISH (genomic in situ hybridization) analysis proved exactly the existence of both parental chromosomes and the common occurrence of several kinds of translocation between them in the hybrid clones regenerated from symmetric and asymmetric fusion. And the elimination of donor DNA in hybrid clones regenerated from asymmetric fusion  相似文献   
李际 《生态学杂志》2019,30(2):449-455
全球野外实验网络是近年来兴起的生态学实验方法,产生了“协同分布式实验”(CDE)、“分布式协作实验”(DCE)的野外实验网络和英国生物学记录中心(BRC)的野外观察网络等具体方法,但均存在尺度小、周期短或数据偏差问题.野外实验网络的协议设计应秉持实验优于观察测量、数据数量优于数据质量和尺度优于操作的原则.综合上述方法,本研究提出利用公众科学(citizen science)获得大范围、多尺度和长周期的数据,采用环境因子作为协变量对公众参与者的实验数据集进行验证后,将其作为后验概率与作为主观概率的生态学家实验数据集进行比对,以完成数据有效性验证,克服公众参与者数据质量瑕疵,并提出了相应的统计学模型.讨论了生态学实验数据中应用先验概率、先验与后验概率的逻辑关系以及后验概率发现演化过程新关系的可能性.这种方法更符合统计学采样规范,并增加了大尺度时空的样本量.该方法有望为生态学研究所寻找的一般性理论提供方法支持,新方法可称之为“协同分布式实验2.0”(CDE 2.0).  相似文献   
对成都市温江区不同栽植年限园林植物土壤动物群落特征进行调查分析,4次取样共捕获土壤动物10258只,隶属26目78科。不同园林植物土壤动物类群数存在显著差异,基本以红花檵木、银杏样地最高,结缕草样地最低,各栽植年限土壤动物类群数均低于周边农田和撂荒地;桂花样地土壤动物类群数、个体数受季节变化影响较小,其余样地土壤动物个体数具有明显的季节动态,而类群数随季节变化不显著;土壤动物多样性指数受园林植物种类及栽植年限影响,银杏样地土壤动物密度-类群指数(DG)及Margalef丰富度指数(D)和结缕草样地土壤动物Shannon多样性指数(H)D指数均随栽植年限增加而显著降低,桂花样地土壤动物DG指数、D指数则随栽植年限增加显著升高,红花檵木样地土壤动物多样性各指数随栽植年限增加未表现规律性变化,其中土壤动物DG、DH指数各栽植年限基本以桂花样地最低;聚类及典型关联分析(CCA)表明,园林植物种类对样地生境的影响大于栽植年限,土壤动物对不同生境因子响应不同,其中速效P、土壤pH对土壤动物影响较大。土壤动物群落特征受园林植物种类、栽植年限及栽培管理方式的影响,而过度人为干扰、单一植物连栽会对土壤动物产生不利影响,并可能导致土壤地力衰退。  相似文献   
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