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Four experimental stream channels were used to study instantaneous downstream dispersal rates of young trout, Salmo trutta L., and salmon, S. salur L ., relative to four different water velocities.
Young salmon showed a high rate of dispersal at a low velocity of 7.5 cm s−1 and lower rates at higher velocities of 25 to 70cm s−1. Trout showed their lowest rate at 25cm s−1 with a slightly higher rate at 7.5 cm s−1 and increasingly higher rates at velocities in excess of 25 cm s−1. These results are consistent with field observations on the velocity preferences of young trout and salmon.  相似文献   
In N-limited continuous chemostat cultures of the green alga Haematococcus lacustris (Gir.) Rostaf. (UTEX 16), the steady-state astaxanthin content of the cells was determined by the specific growth rate of the cultures. The highest, pigment content was obtained at the lowest dilution rate. The specific rate of astaxanthin accumulation was, however, a function of the photon flux density measured at the illuminated culture surface. In nongrowing Haematococcus cultures, the specific rate of astaxanthin accumulation was determined by the growth rate of the culture during growth phase. The highest possible cellular astaxanthin content of all cultures was comparable and independent of the culture parameters.  相似文献   
Inadequate rates (IR) in FNAC from different sources were compared. The rates were lowest when FNAC was performed by a cytopathologist (12%) and highest when done by a non-cytopathologist (32%). These differences were mirrored in high IRs in breast cancer cases. IR was not significantly improved when non-cytopathologist FNAC was attended by a cytotechnician.  相似文献   
Variation in the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene (nucleotide and amino acid sequences) is evaluated for 9 genera and 15 species of American opossums in the family Didelphidae, using the American caenolestid rat opossumLestoros and the New Guinean peroryctid bandicootEchimypera as outgroups. Phylogenetic analyses (parsimony and distance) strongly support the monophyly of the Didelphidae and delineate two major clades; (1)Didelphis andPhilander are strongly aligned sister taxa, withMetachirus weakly but consistently associated with them, and (2)Marmosa plusMicoureus, withMonodelphis falling outside that pair. The generaMarmosops, Caluromys, andGlironia exhibit varied relationships, depending upon the method of analysis and data (DNA or amino acid sequences) used, but generally are placed individually or in combinations near or at the base of the didelphid radiation. Some aspects of these relationships are consistent with current taxonomic views, but others are in marked contrast. Specifically, a clade comprised of the mouse opossumsMarmosa, Micoureus, andMarmosops is strongly rejected by log-likelihood analysis, contrary to expectations from some current classifications. Also, the woolly opossumsCaluromys andGlironia also do not form a sister-taxon relationship, as suggested by their placement in a subfamily separate from the remaining didelphids examined. However, such a relationship cannot be rejected from log-likelihood analyses. The relationships suggested fromcyt-b sequences are strongly concordant with those based on DNA-DNA hybridization analyses. In addition to systematic and phylogenetic properties, molecular evolution of the didelphid cytochrome b gene sequence is characterized according to nucleotide bias and rate differentials at each codon position and across the entire sequence.To whom correspondence should be addressed.  相似文献   
采用基因工程方法制取人胸腺素α原获得成功。用20ug/ml植物血球凝集素(PHA)和500U/ml重组人白细胞介素2(IL-2)联合刺激人胎儿胸腺细胞,从中提取总RNA,经反转录PCR获得了人胸腺素α原cDNA;将之克隆入pUC19中,序列测定表明与已报道序列一致,进一步将之亚克隆入原核表达载体pBV220,转化大肠杆菌DH5a.观察到在不改变氨基酸编码的前提下,增加胸腺素a原上游引物中A、T含量,可以明显提高胸腺素α原的表达量,同时,不同培养基对它的表达也有影响。胸腺素α原在大肠杆菌中以可溶形式表达,不需复性。初步活性测定显示,它可明显刺激人外周血淋巴细胞E-玫瑰花结形成率。重组人胸腺素α原在大肠杆菌中表达,为其临床应用及基础研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   
Genetic parameters of size through sexual maturity have been relatively unexplored for Pacific salmon. In this study, individually tagged coho salmon were raised in freshwater, and the heritabilities of size and growth rate were estimated at several intervals between 13 and 24 months of age (spawning). Heritability estimates for size were moderate to high from 13 to 19 months of age, ranging from 0.36 to 0.50, and lower from 21 months to spawning at 24 months, ranging from 0.17 to 0.32. Heritabilities of specific growth rates estimated over 3-month intervals were moderate from 16 to 21 months of age, ranging from 0.21 to 0.34. Genetic and phenotypic correlations between sizes measured at different ages were moderate to high, ranging from about 0.7 to 1.0. Correlations between growth rate and size indicated that the larger fish were the fastest growing between 16 and 19 months of age and were slower growing between 19 and 21 months of age.  相似文献   
The field metabolic rates (FMR) and rates of water flux were measured in two species of varanid lizards over five periods of the year in tropical Australia. The energetics of these species were further investigated by directly measuring activity (locomotion) and body temperatures of free-ranging animals by radiotelemetry, and by measuring standard metabolic rate (over a range of body temperatures) and activity metabolism in the laboratory. Seasonal differences in the activity and energetics were found in these goannas despite similar, high daytime temperatures throughout the year in tropical Australia. Periods of inactivity were associated with the dry times of the year, but the onset of this period of inactivity differed with respect to habitat even within the same species. Varanus gouldii, which inhabit woodlands only, were inactive during the dry and late dry seasons. V. panoptes that live in the woodland had a similar seasonal pattern of activity, but V. panoptes living near the floodplain of the South Alligator River had their highest levels of activity during the dry season when they walked long distances to forage at the receding edge of the floodplain. However, during the late dry season, after the floodplain had dried completely, they too became inactive. For V. gouldii, the rates of energy expenditure were 196 kJ kg–1 day–1 for active animals and 66 kJ kg–1 day–1 for inactive animals. The rates of water influx for these groups were respectively 50.7 and 19.5 ml kg–1 day–1. For V. panoptes, the rates of energy expenditure were 143 kJ kg–1 day–1 for active animals and 56 kJ kg–1 day–1 for inactive animals. The rates of water influx for these two groups were respectively 41.4 and 21.0 ml kg–1 day–1. We divided the daily energy expenditure into the proportion of energy that lizards used when in burrows, out of burrows but inactive, and in locomotion for the two species during the different seasons. The time spent in locomotion by V. panoptes during the dry season is extremely high for a reptile (mean of 3.5 h/day spent walking), and these results provide an ecological correlate to the high aerobic capacity found in laboratory measurements of some species of varanids.  相似文献   
The relative uptake rates of N, P, K, S, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, and Al were estimated in beech seedlings pot cultured in the field in six acid soils (treatments). The relative uptake rates were compared with the relative growth rates. The relative uptake rates of N, K and Ca agreed well with the growth rates of the seedlings irrespective of widely differing soil conditions (acid sand-clayey till, pH 4–6). The relative uptake rates of P, Fe, and Al differed from that predicted by the growth rate. The uptake rates of Fe and Al were highest at the lowest growth rates, and the P uptake rate was lower than the growth rate in these treatments. Thus the P availability probably limited growth in an eluvial (E) horizon of a podzol, and possibly in the illuvial (B) horizon of a podzol and in an acid clayey till (Dystric Cambisol). Low P uptake was associated with a tendency towards higher relative root growth rates. In terms of the concept of steady state nutrition the high relative root growth rate in some treatments may be interpreted as an acclimation to low P supply. The P limitation seemed to be related to interactions among Fe, Al and organic compounds of the soil solution.FAX no: +4646104423  相似文献   
The noncoding region between tRNAPro and the large conserved sequence block is the most variable region in the mammalian mitochondrial DNA D-loop region. This variable region (ca. 270 bp) of four species of Equus, including Mongolian and Japanese native domestic horses as well as Przewalskii's (or Mongolian) wild horse, were sequenced. These data were compared with our recently published Thoroughbred horse mitochondrial DNA sequences. The evolutionary rate of this region among the four species of Equus was estimated to be 2–4 × 10–8 per site per year. Phylogenetic trees of Equus species demonstrate that Przewalskii's wild horse is within the genetic variation among the domestic horse. This suggests that the chromosome number change (probably increase) of the Przewalskii's wild horse occurred rather recently.Correspondence to: N. Ishida  相似文献   
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