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RAPD (Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA) technique has been widely used in animal, plant, human and microorganism research since it was first established by Williams in 1990[1-3]. But, because of low annealed temperature and short 10-nt primers, the resolution and repetition is low in RAPD. The stability of RAPD is influenced by many factors such as the concentration of template, primers, dNTP, Mg++,and Taq DNA polymerase[4-6]. The influence on amplified products of different commercial Taq DNA polymerase in RAPD was studied in this paper.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT Barrow's Goldeneyes (Bucephala islandica) are secondary cavity nesters found in western North America and, to a lesser extent, in eastern North America. The eastern North American population is concentrated in the province of Québec and totals about 2000 pairs. Characteristics of nest cavities used by Barrow's Goldeneyes have been described in western North America, but no nest cavities have been found in eastern North America. From 2004 to 2008, we searched for nest cavities in the species’ core breeding area in the boreal forests north of the St. Lawrence River. We captured 12 adult females on their breeding grounds and fitted them with transmitters, but none apparently nested so we conducted ground searches in areas near lakes where paired birds were observed. We found 11 cavities, with 10 in dead, decaying trees and one in the dead part of a dying tree. Nine cavities were in white birch (Betula papyrifera) trees. Mean cavity height was 3.5 ± 1.6 (SD) m (range = 1.2–6.6 m) and mean diameter at breast height (DBH) of cavity trees was 37.8 ± 4.7 cm (range = 32.2–47.5 cm). In contrast to the population in western North America, Barrow's Goldeneyes in eastern North America appear to rely on the availability of natural cavities formed in large, decaying trees for nesting. Current forestry regulations in Québec do not promote the retention of either large trees or older forests, reducing the availability of potential nest cavities for Barrow's Goldeneyes and likely threatening their long‐term conservation. Therefore, we recommend that guidelines be developed to promote silvicultural practices aimed at preserving the long‐term availability of large (DBH ≥ 30 cm) decaying trees across the breeding range of Barrow's Goldeneyes.  相似文献   
在规模化培养条件下,根据虫草素、腺苷收率确定高活性蛹虫草菌株CMCX33最佳采收时间。从不同培养时期的蛹虫草子实体性状、产量及虫草素、腺苷含量及收率等进行比较分析。试验范围内,培养65 d的菌株CMCX33子实体呈现良好的商品性状,生物学效率最高(平均生物学效率103.0%);培养早期(35~55 d)腺苷含量呈快速累积、虫草素含量缓慢增加趋势,培养55 d时腺苷含量达到较高水平(2.42 mg/g),随着培养时间的增加,腺苷平均含量虽然呈小幅度下降趋势,但相对稳定,培养65 d时腺苷收率最高(平均收率0.23%);虫草素含量呈先快速增加后减少趋势,培养70 d时虫草素含量达到峰值(平均含量4.79 mg/g),该时期菌株CMCX33子实体的生长进入衰退期,生物学效率明显下降,虫草素总收率与培养65 d的子实体相同(虫草素平均收率0.44%)。综合考虑,高活性蛹虫草菌株CMCX33最佳采收时期为65 d。明确高活性蛹虫草菌株CMCX33最佳采收时期,为其应用研究及配套栽培技术规程的建立提供参考。  相似文献   
The high yields required for the economical production of chemicals and fuels using microbes can be difficult to achieve due to the complexities of cellular metabolism. An alternative to performing biochemical transformations in microbes is to build biochemical pathways in vitro, an approach we call synthetic biochemistry. Here we test whether the full mevalonate pathway can be reconstituted in vitro and used to produce the commodity chemical isoprene. We construct an in vitro synthetic biochemical pathway that uses the carbon and ATP produced from the glycolysis intermediate phosphoenolpyruvate to run the mevalonate pathway. The system involves 12 enzymes to perform the complex transformation, while providing and balancing the ATP, NADPH, and acetyl‐CoA cofactors. The optimized system produces isoprene from phosphoenolpyruvate in ~100% molar yield. Thus, by inserting the isoprene pathway into previously developed glycolysis modules it may be possible to produce isoprene and other acetyl‐CoA derived isoprenoids from glucose in vitro.  相似文献   
Pollination improves the yield of most crop species and contributes to one-third of global crop production, but comprehensive benefits including crop quality are still unknown. Hence, pollination is underestimated by international policies, which is particularly alarming in times of agricultural intensification and diminishing pollination services. In this study, exclusion experiments with strawberries showed bee pollination to improve fruit quality, quantity and market value compared with wind and self-pollination. Bee-pollinated fruits were heavier, had less malformations and reached higher commercial grades. They had increased redness and reduced sugar–acid–ratios and were firmer, thus improving the commercially important shelf life. Longer shelf life reduced fruit loss by at least 11%. This is accounting for 0.32 billion US$ of the 1.44 billion US$ provided by bee pollination to the total value of 2.90 billion US$ made with strawberry selling in the European Union 2009. The fruit quality and yield effects are driven by the pollination-mediated production of hormonal growth regulators, which occur in several pollination-dependent crops. Thus, our comprehensive findings should be transferable to a wide range of crops and demonstrate bee pollination to be a hitherto underestimated but vital and economically important determinant of fruit quality.  相似文献   
Commercial cellulase preparations are potentially effective for processing biomass feedstocks in order to obtain bioethanol. In plant cell walls, cellulose fibrils occur in close association with xylans (monocotyls) or xyloglucans (dicotyls). The enzymatic conversion of cellulose/xylans is a complex process involving the concerted action of exo/endocellulases and cellobiases yielding glucose and xylanases yielding xylooligomers and xylose. An overview of commonly measured cellulase-, cellobiase-, and xylanase-activity, using respectively filter paper, cellobiose, and AZCL-dyed xylan as a substrate of 14 commercially available enzyme preparations from several suppliers is presented. In addition to these standardized tests, the enzyme-efficiency of degrading native substrates was studied. Grass and wheat bran were fractionated into a water unsoluble fraction (WUS), which was free of oligosaccharides and starch. Additionally, cellulose- and xylan-rich fractions were prepared by alkaline extraction of the WUS and were enzymatically digested. Hereby, the capability of cellulose and xylan conversion of the commercial enzyme preparations tested was measured. The results obtained showed that there was a large difference in the performance of the fourteen enzyme samples. Comparing all results, it was concluded that the choice of an enzyme preparation is more dependent on the characteristics of the substrate rather than on standard enzyme-activities measured.  相似文献   
We report the thermotolerance of new bivoltine silkworm, Bombyx mori strains NB4D2, KSO1, NP2, CSR2 and CSR4and differential expression of heat shock proteins at different instars. Different instars of silkworm larva were subjected to heat shock at 35°C, 40°C and 45°C for 2 hours followed by 2 hours recovery. Heat shock proteins were analyzed by SDS‐PAGE. The impact of heat shock on commercial traits of cocoons was analyzed by following different strategies in terms of acquired thermotolerance over control. Comparatively NP2 exhibited better survivability than other strains. Resistance to heat shock was increased as larval development proceeds in the order of first instar > second instar > third instar > fourth instar > fifth instar in all silkworm strains. Expression of heat shock proteins varies in different instars. 90 kDa in the first, second and third instars, 84 kDa in the fourth instar and 84, 62, 60, 47 and 33 kDa heat shock proteins in fifth instar was observed in response to heat shock. Relative influence of heat shock on commercial traits that correspond to different stages was significant in all strains. In NB4D2, cocoon and shell weight significantly increased to 17.52% and 19.44% over control respectively. Heat shock proteins as molecular markers for evaluation and evolution of thermotolerant silkworm strains for tropics was discussed.  相似文献   
Using molecular tools to examine Gobiidae, the second most abundant taxon in ichthyoplankton samples in the Gulf of Riga (Baltic Sea), the sand goby Pomatoschistus minutus was the most abundant taxon (82% of all individuals analysed), the common goby Pomatoschistus microps constituted 12% and the black goby Gobius niger 6%. The spatiotemporal distribution of P. microps and G. niger indicated a preference for habitats closer to the river inlet and their abundances increased slightly towards the end of the sampling period in summer. The species composition was interpreted in the context of the prevailing habitat conditions, characterized by extremely low water transparency, low salinity, limited spread of vegetated area and dominance of sandy–muddy substrata.  相似文献   
An esterase with excellent stereoselectivity for (+)-trans-ethyl chrysanthemate was purified to homogeneity from Arthrobacter globiformis SC-6-98-28. The purified enzyme hydrolyzed a mixture of ethyl chrysanthemate isomers stereoselectively to produce (+)-trans-acid with 100% stereoisomeric purity. The apparent molecular weight of the purified enzyme was 43,000 on SDS–polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and 94,000 on gel filtration chromatography. The optimum conditions for the ester hydrolysis were pH 10.0 at 45°C. The purified esterase hydrolyzed short-chain fatty acid esters, but did not have detectable activity on long-chain water-insoluble fatty acid esters. The enzyme activity was inbibited by diisopropyl fluorophosphate and phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride.  相似文献   
This study used mtDNA sequence and microsatellite markers to elucidate the population structure of Scomberomorus semifasciatus collected from 12 widespread sampling locations in Australia. Samples (n = 544) were genotyped with nine microsatellite loci, and 353 were sequenced for the control (384 bp) and ATPase (800 bp) mtDNA gene regions. Combined interpretation of microsatellite and mtDNA data identified four genetic stocks of S. semifasciatus: Western Australia, north-west coast of the Northern Territory, Gulf of Carpentaria and the eastern coast of Queensland. Connectivity among stocks across northern Australia from the Northern Territory to the eastern coast of Queensland was high (mean F(ST) = 0·003 for the microsatellite data and Φ(ST) = 0·033 and 0·009 for control region and ATPase, respectively) leading to some uncertainty about stock boundaries. In contrast, there was a clear genetic break between the stock in Western Australia compared to the rest of northern Australia (mean F(ST) = 0·132 for the microsatellite data and Φ(ST) = 0·135 and 0·188 for control region and ATPase, respectively). This indicates a restriction to gene flow possibly associated with suboptimal habitat along the Kimberley coast (north Western Australia). The appropriate scale of management for this species corresponds to the jurisdictions of the three Australian states, except that authorities in Queensland and Northern Territory should co-ordinate the management of the Gulf of Carpentaria stock.  相似文献   
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