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旋纹潜蛾Leucoptera malifoliella (Costa)是苹果和梨上一种偶发性害虫。本文依据文献和我们的研究, 综述了旋纹潜蛾的分布与危害、 寄主植物、 形态、 习性、 天敌和防治技术。旋纹潜蛾在北京1年4代, 越冬代成虫在苹果花蕾露红期时开始羽化, 可持续1个多月, 盛期发生在苹果的花期。幼虫分为3个龄期, 其各龄的平均头壳宽度分别为0.23, 0.33和0.44 mm。2011年旋纹潜蛾在北京昌平王家园果园大发生。2011年春天在该果园用性诱剂引诱到大量的旋纹夜蛾成虫, 第1代的卵量很低, 且当年的种群数量一直很低, 可能的原因是越冬期的干旱影响了蛹的活力, 从而影响成虫的产卵量。在防治上, 以保护寄生蜂为主, 可人工清除越冬蛹, 大发生时在卵盛期用灭幼脲喷雾防治。本文还提供了该虫为害状、 成虫、 卵、 幼虫、 茧和部分天敌的彩色图片。  相似文献   
黄琼  胡杰  王勤 《昆虫学报》2013,56(6):594-604
酚氧化酶是黑色素合成和昆虫免疫的关键酶, 通常以无活性的酚氧化酶原形式存在。为给黄粉虫Tenebrio molitor遗传分化和免疫防御研究提供参考, 本研究采用PCR和RACE技术克隆了黄、 黑两种色型黄粉虫幼虫的酚氧化酶原基因Tm-ppo, 对其cDNA序列及其推导的氨基酸序列进行生物信息学分析, 采用实时荧光定量PCR检测其在两种色型黄粉虫不同发育阶段mRNA表达水平上的动态变化。结果表明: 从黄、 黑两种色型黄粉虫幼虫中克隆出的两个Tm-ppo cDNA序列全长均为2 199 bp, 碱基序列一致性为99%, 包含一个2 055 bp的开放阅读框, 编码684个氨基酸, 它们的编码蛋白有3个氨基酸差异: 第176位(P→A)、 256位(V→A)和648位(I→M)。这两个基因分别被命名为Tm-ppo-1和Tm-ppo-2 (GenBank登录号分别为JX987235和JX987234)。 Tm-ppo-1和Tm-ppo-2编码的酚氧化酶原异构体蛋白(分别为Tm-PPO-1和Tm-PPO-2)存在一个可能的酚氧化酶原水解活化位点(R50~F51残基之间)和一个双铜结合中心(第196~239位残基和第344~411位残基); 同时含有一个类似巯基酯区域的序列(第579~588位残基)及一个C 末端保守基序(第634~645位残基); 但它们无氨基端疏水信号肽序列, 也不存在跨膜区域。Tm-PPO-1和Tm-PPO-2的二级结构由大量的α 螺旋、 β-折叠和无规则卷曲组成; 三级结构分为前导域(第16~66位残基)、 不相邻的功能域Ⅰ(第3~15位残基和第67~181位残基)、 功能域Ⅱ(第182~419位残基)和功能域Ⅲ(第420~679位残基)4部分。此外, Tm-ppo-1和Tm-ppo-2在黄、 黑两种色型黄粉虫的各发育期均有表达, 并且不同发育阶段的mRNA表达水平呈现明显的变化规律: 幼虫期﹥成虫期﹥蛹期。同时, 环境温度对Tm-ppo-1和Tm-ppo-2的mRNA表达具有显著影响: 与常温对照组(25~30℃)相比, 42℃暴露24 h和48 h的两种色型黄粉虫幼虫、 蛹和成虫的mRNA表达量明显下调。相同试验条件下, 黑色型黄粉虫幼虫和成虫的Tm-ppo-2 mRNA表达量明显高于黄色型幼虫和成虫的Tm-ppo-1 mRNA表达量, 但两种色型黄粉虫蛹的Tm-ppo异构体表达量无显著差异。本研究为进一步探讨黄粉虫的遗传分化和免疫防御提供了有益参考。  相似文献   
报道生于斑茅Saccharum arundinaceum枯叶上散斑壳属Lophodermium一新种,即斑茅生散斑壳Lophodermium saccharicola。对该种提供了中英文形态描述、图解和讨论。供研究标本保藏于安徽农业大学森林菌物标本室(AAUF)。  相似文献   
采用L9(34)正交试验设计,研究插穗类型(A)、生长调节剂种类(B)及其浓度(C)对花叶夹竹桃插穗生根和苗木生理指标的影响。结果表明,影响花叶夹竹桃插穗生根和扦插苗生理指标的主要因素是插穗类型和生长调节剂种类;筛选出花叶夹竹桃扦插的最佳组合为A1B1C1,即以木质化程度较轻的上部枝条作为插穗,用200 mg/L NAA处理,进行扦插育苗效果最好。  相似文献   
为了确定豆科作物作为林果行间套种作物的适宜性, 于2014年通过田间试验和盆栽试验对4种豆科作物的耐阴能力及其光合生理进行了研究。测定全光和弱光处理(全光的48%)下豆科作物在初花期的叶片光合特征参数、光合色素含量与核酮糖-1,5-二磷酸羧化酶(RuBPCase)活性, 监测其生长发育对弱光的响应。结果表明: 弱光使供试作物的最大净光合速率、光饱和点、光补偿点、表观量子效率和暗呼吸速率不同程度地向耐阴植物变化; 弱光还使供试作物的净光合速率、气孔导度、蒸腾速率、瞬时水分利用效率和RuBPCase活性不同程度地下降, 而胞间CO2浓度显著上升; 遮阴后, 乌豇豆(Vigna cylindrica)和绿豆(Vigna radiata)的叶绿素(Chl) a和Chl b含量显著增加, Chl a/b值显著降低, 大猪屎豆(Crotalaria assamica)和望江南(Senna occidentalis)的光合色素含量也有不同程度的变化; 弱光使供试作物茎变细, 侧枝数减少, 生物量和干物质积累效率降低, 根冠比降低, 根瘤量减少, 叶片变小变薄, 叶片数减少, 叶面积指数降低; 弱光胁迫下, 大猪屎豆不开花, 望江南只开花不结实, 而绿豆和乌豇豆开花数减少, 花期缩短, 种子产量显著降低。根据供试作物的光合特性和生长发育对弱光的响应, 得出它们的耐阴能力排序是: 乌豇豆>绿豆>望江南>大猪屎豆, 其中乌豇豆和绿豆适宜与林果套种, 而望江南和大猪屎豆不适宜套种。  相似文献   
该研究集成高分辨率无人机(UAV)影像和激光雷达(LiDAR)点云数据估算亚热带天然次生林林分基本特征变量。首先, 基于LiDAR点云和反距离加权插值法构建林下高精度数字高程模型(DEM); 然后利用UAV影像对序列构建植被冠层上层三维点云, 并借助DEM进行高度信息归一化, 提取高度和冠层点云密度相关的特征变量; 最后, 构建预测模型并估算Lorey’s高、林分密度、胸高断面积、蓄积量。结果表明: 联合提取的特征变量与Lorey’s高的敏感性最高, 蓄积量次之, 林分密度和胸高断面积最低; 利用UAV灵活快速的手段获取森林冠层信息, 辅以高精度LiDAR数据获取的地形信息, 两者互补实现一种可重复的快速、廉价和灵活的林分特征的反演方式。  相似文献   
Rhododendron cyanocarpum is a narrow endemic species with pink and white floral color. In the present study, to investigate the significance of petal color morphs, we examined color morph frequencies, petal color reflectance and other associated floral characters, effective pollinators, visitation frequencies, and fruit production in the field. In all surveyed known populations, plants with pink color morph dominanted and comprised 77%-100% of individuals. Two peaks at 430 nm and 650 nm were found in the petal color reflectance of pink flowers, and only one peak at 430 nm was found in the reflectance spectrum of white flowers. In addition, color morphs were also associated with colors of style and stigma, lengths of corolla, calyx and pedicel, the closest distance between stigma and stamen, but not with style length and nectar production. Moreover, higher visitation frequency of their shared pollinators (bumblebees) and fruit production were observed of pink flowers than white flowers. Despite a briefly temporal and spacial study, we suggest that color morph frequencies, visit frequencies of bumblebees and fruit production, all favor to be stablilizing selection for the pink color morph.  相似文献   
Aims Interspecific and intraspecific variation in flower color in natural populations provides an opportunity for us to understand the evolution and maintenance of diversity of floral traits. Compared to corolla color, little is known about the color polymorphism of sexual organs in flowering plants. To explore evolutionary transitions of androecium color and polymorphism within species, interspecific and intraspecific variation in androecium (anther and pollen) color in the genus Epimedium (Berberidaceae) was investigated.Methods To explore the geographical patterns of anther/pollen color variation in Epimedium species, data of 45 species were collected and their phylogeny was constructed based on available DNA sequences. To investigate whether intraspecific variation in androecium color relates to habitat preference, three environmental factors were measured in the field population of Epimedium pubescens in northeastern Sichuan, China, which plants had green or yellow androecia. Vegetative and reproductive traits of this species were compared between the two color morphs.Important findings Androecium (anther and pollen) color polymorphism in field populations of Epimedium pubescens is reported here where nine populations are monomorphic with a green androecium but three populations are dimorphic with individuals having either a green or a yellow androecium. Inflorescence stalk height, stalk diameter, leaf number, flower number and spur length (as well as spur and nectar volume) were not significantly different between two morphs. Compared to the yellow morph, the green morph had relatively larger leaves and anthers, but smaller sepals. The green morph produced more pollen and larger seeds, but the same number of ovules. Seed set was not significantly different between green and yellow morph. Investigations of environmental factors in the color dimorphic populations of E. pubescens indicated that the green morph was more likely to occur in habitats with relatively lower light intensity. The distribution survey of 45 Epimedium species showed that species with a green androecium tended to appear at lower elevations. Comparative phylogenetic analysis showed that transitions from yellow to a green androecium or to androecial color dimorphism occurred at least seven times. This genus, characterized by anther color diversity and containing some species with anther color polymorphism, provides a model system in which to study the evolution and maintenance of colorful sexual organs in flowering plants.  相似文献   
Aims Exotic fast-growing tree species have been commonly planted as pioneer species to facilitate ecological restoration in South China. Their growth and resource utilization behavior related to intrinsic physiology and structural properties have profound influences on forest ecosystem. However, the contrastive research focusing on water utilization features along with xylem anatomical properties between native and exotic species is scarce in South China. The objective of this study is to investigate the sapwood anatomical characteristics and water utilization conditions of native and exotic fast-growing species, and to elucidate the relationship between sap-flux density and conduit features.Methods We measured sap-flux density, conduit length, diameter and density of four native species (Schima superba, Michelia macclurei, Castanopsis hystrix and Castanopsis fissa) and four exotic species (Eucalyptus citriodora, Eucalyptus urophylla × grandis, Acacia auriculaeformis and Acacia mangium). Sap flux density was measured based on the Granier's thermal dissipation probe method. The whole-tree water transport was quantified by multiplying sap-flux density by sapwood area. The measurements of conduit characteristics were conducted by using segregation and slice method.Important findings Sapwood area increased with the growing diameter at breast height (DBH) as a power function. Native species had a larger water-conducting tissue area than exotic species at the same DBH value when trees grew to a size with a certain value of DBH. The conduit diameter of exotic species was significantly larger than that of native species. Conversely, native species, such as S. superba and M. macclurei, had longer conduit length and higher conduit density than other tree species. Based on a physiological interpretation of the measured conduit characteristics, native tree species developed a safe water transport system while exotic fast-growing tree species come into being an efficient system instead. Water transport increased with the growing DBH as a power function, and the exponent for native species (1.60) was higher than that for exotic species (1.22). Under the combined impact of sap-flux density and sapwood area, native species presented a larger water transport at a larger DBH value, indicating that growth advantage of exotic fast-growing species might weaken as DBH increased.  相似文献   
A series of color‐tunable Ca3–2x‐y‐zSiO4Cl2 (CSC):xCe3+,xLi+,yMn2+,zEu2+ phosphors with low temperature phase structure was synthesized via the sol–gel method. An energy transfer process from Ce3+ to Mn2+ in CSC:0.01Ce3+,0.01Li+,yMn2+ (y = 0.03–0.09) and the mechanism was verified to be an electric dipole–dipole interaction. The Ce3+ and Mn2+ emission intensities were greatly enhanced by co‐doping Eu2+ ions into CSC:0.01Ce3+,0.01Li+,0.07Mn2+ phosphors due to competitive energy transfers from Eu2+/Ce3+ to Mn2+, and Ce3+ to Eu2+. Under 332 nm excitation, CSC:0.01Ce3+,0.01Li+,0.07Mn2+,zEu2+ (z = 0.0005–0.002) exhibited tunable emission colors from green to white with coexisting orange, green and violet‐blue emissions. These phosphors could have potential application in white light‐emitting diodes.  相似文献   
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