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The two sibling ant species Temnothorax nylanderi and Temnothorax crassispinus are widely distributed throughout deciduous forests in Europe. Their resemblance in morphology and similar ecological requirements suggest that they evolved from the same ancestral species in different glacial refugia and re-immigrated into Central Europe after the last ice age. Here, we show that the two species are parapatrically distributed in south-eastern Germany and hybridize along a narrow contact zone close to the continental divide. Phylogeographical data based on the mitochondrial genes cytochrome oxidase subunit I and cytochrome b suggest that the dominant haplotypes for T. nylanderi and T. crassispinus might have diverged already 1.5–2 Mya. Intraspecific variability is extremely low in both species, which might be explained by severe bottlenecks during rapid postglacial expansion into Central Europe.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 88 , 223–234.  相似文献   
Charcoal rot caused by Macrophomina phaseolina is a serious disease of sesame in Pakistan. M. phaseolina sesame isolate was subjected to growth rate test at 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40°C. The optimum temperature for fungal growth and microsclerotia production was found to be 30–35°C. Gray to black, radial fungal colonies with intermediate mycelial growth and jet black oval to round microsclerotia were observed at this optimum range. M. phaseolina was found to be pathogenic against all the 18 tested plant species and this pathogenicity proved its necrophytic behavior. Seed infection efficiency of M. phaseolina was 100% with significant reduction in seed index. For two consecutive years 21 mutants/varieties were screened in the field for their reactions to charcoal rot disease. During 2007 three mutants NS11704S1, NS11304S2 and NS26004 were ranked as resistant while others were moderately resistant to highly susceptible. During 2008 all mutants showed a susceptible to highly susceptible reaction with variable disease reactions. All over screening results revealed that four mutants viz, NS13P1, NS163-1, NS270P1 and NS26004 showed about 50% stand with consistent performance during both years under optimum disease conditions and can be used to manage the disease following the disease management strategies, however in the future improvement for high seed yield along with resistance is a prerequisite for sustainable high production.  相似文献   
p53基因对人胃癌细胞系恶性生长的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以p53cDNA为探针,用Southern印迹法对人胃癌细胞系BGC823进行了检测,发现该细胞中P53基因存在异常.将可在真核细胞表达的重组野生型P53质粒PC53一SN3和突变型P53质粒PC53—SCX3,用脂质体介导法,分别导入BGC823细胞,获得了较长时间耐受G418的多个阳性克隆.Southern印迹法证实阳性克隆细胞中有外源性P53基因存在.比较BGC823细胞,转染野生型及突变型P53质粒的3种细胞生长曲线和软琼脂集落形成状况发现,野生型P53基因对BGC823细胞恶性生长有一定抑制作用.  相似文献   
New Zealand fur seals are one of many pinniped species that survived the commercial sealing of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries in dangerously low numbers. After the enforcement of a series of protection measures in the early twentieth century, New Zealand fur seals began to recover from the brink of extinction. We examined the New Zealand fur seal populations of Banks Peninsula, South Island, New Zealand using the mitochondrial DNA control region. We identified a panmictic population structure around Banks Peninsula. The most abundant haplotype in the area showed a slight significant aggregated structure. The Horseshoe Bay colony showed the least number of shared haplotypes with other colonies, suggesting a different origin of re-colonisation of this specific colony. The effective population size of the New Zealand fur seal population at Banks Peninsula was estimated at approximately 2500 individuals. The exponential population growth rate parameter for the area was 35, which corresponds to an expanding population. In general, samples from adjacent colonies shared 4.4 haplotypes while samples collected from colonies separated by between five and eight bays shared 1.9 haplotypes. The genetic data support the spill-over dynamics of colony expansion already suggested for this species. Approximate Bayesian computations analysis suggests re-colonisation of the area from two main clades identified across New Zealand with a most likely admixture coefficient of 0.41 to form the Banks Peninsula population. Approximate Bayesian computations analysis estimated a founder population size of approximately 372 breeding individuals for the area, which then rapidly increased in size with successive waves of external recruitment. The population of fur seals in the area is probably in the late phase of maturity in the colony expansion dynamic.  相似文献   
【目的】评价日粮中不同水平亮氨酸对繁殖期意大利蜜蜂Apis mellifera ligustica蜂群群势及工蜂发育的影响。【方法】选取重庆荣昌本地繁殖期意大利蜜蜂21群,随机分为7组,分别饲喂添加0,15.30,17.50,26.25,35.00,43.75和52.5 g/kg亮氨酸的试验日粮,每12 d测定各组蜂群群势、封盖子量、蜂群取食量和营造王台情况,24 d后测定蜂群采集行为、工蜂初生重、工蜂虫体蛋白质含量及工蜂寿命。【结果】当亮氨酸添加水平为43.75和52.50 g/kg时能够显著提高繁殖期意大利蜜蜂的蜂群群势、封盖子量、蜂群取食量及采集行为(P0.05)。与空白对照组相比,基础日粮组及各亮氨酸添加组的新出房蜂和6日龄幼虫体蛋白质含量较高(P0.05);各亮氨酸添加组的工蜂初生重显著高于空白组(P0.05);不同亮氨酸添加水平对意大利蜜蜂工蜂寿命影响较小。此外,亮氨酸添加水平26.25,35.00和43.75 g/kg能够在饲喂0-24 d时促进蜂群营造自然王台,刺激蜂群分蜂。【结论】配方日粮中43.75和52.5 g/kg的亮氨酸能够显著促进繁殖期意大利蜜蜂蜂群发展,其中43.75 g/kg的亮氨酸饲喂量还能刺激蜂群营造自然王台,激发蜂群分蜂。  相似文献   
Summary. By combining different methods we evaluate whether the ant Tetramorium rhenanum is specifically separated from T. moravicum or whether it is a conspecific microgyne form. High-precision morphometry shows a clear difference in queen size. Sequence comparison of 1031 bp of COI reveals that T. rhenanum falls into a clade with T. moravicum, which is significantly separated from T. forte and T. chefketi. T. rhenanum shares at least two haplotypes with T. moravicum and is considered as a junior synonym. Sexual behaviour and colony foundation experiments corroborate conspecificity. The queen dimorphism is discussed in the context of social parameters such as queen number and reproductive strategy.Received 10 June 2004; revised 28 October 2004; accepted 12 November 2004.  相似文献   
Genetic dominance and worker interactions affect honeybee colony defense   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Colonies of honeybees (Apis mellifera L.) were established thatvaried in the proportions of their workers that were of Europeanand hybrid (Africanized x European) descent. Colony defensiveresponses increased with higher proportions of hybrid workers.Colonies consisting exclusively of hybrid workers did not differin their response from "pure" Africanized colonies, suggestingthat the strong defensive behavior of Africanized workers isgenetically dominant. European workers became more defensivein colonies that also contained hybrid workers, whereas hybridworkers became less defensive in the same mixed colonies. Inmixed colonies hybrid workers were individually more likelythan Europeans to sting a leather target but not more likelyto guard the entrance.  相似文献   
Parasites have detrimental effects on their hosts’ fitness. Therefore, behavioural adaptations have evolved to avoid parasites or, when an individual is already in contact with a parasite, prevent or minimize infections. Such anti‐parasite behaviours can be very effective, but can also be costly for the host. Specifically, ectoparasites can elicit strong host anti‐parasite behaviours and interactions between fleas (Siphonaptera) and their hosts are one of the best studied. In altricial bird species, nest fleas can negatively affect both parent and offspring fitness components. However, knowledge on the effects of fleas on precocial bird species is scarce. Research on geese in the Canadian Arctic indicated that fleas have a negative impact on reproductive success. One possible hypothesis is that fleas may affect female incubation behaviour. Breeding females with many fleas in their nest may increase the frequency and/or duration of incubation breaks and could even totally desert their nest. The aim of our study was to 1) determine if a similar negative relationship existed between flea abundance and reproductive success in our study colony of Arctic breeding barnacle geese Branta leucopsis and 2) experimentally quantify if such effects could be explained by a negative effect of nest fleas on female behaviour. We compared host anti‐parasite and incubation behaviour between experimentally flea‐reduced and control nests using wildlife cameras and temperature loggers. We found that flea abundance was negatively associated with hatching success. We found little experimental support, however, for changes in behaviour of the breeding female as a possible mechanism to explain this effect.  相似文献   
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