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The thermal denaturation of Lactobacillus confusus l-2-Hydroxyisocaproate Dehydrogenase (l-HicDH) has been studied by Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC). The stability of this enzyme has been investigated at different pH conditions. The results of this study indicate that the thermal denaturation of this enzyme is irreversible and the T m is dependent on the scan-rate, which suggests that the denaturation process of l-HicDH is kinetically determined. The heat capacity function of l-HicDH shows a single peak with the T m values between 52.14°C and 55.89°C at pH 7.0 at different scan rates. These results indicate that the whole l-HicDH could unfold as a single cooperative unit, and intersubunit interactions of this homotetrameric enzyme must play a significant role in the stabilization of the whole enzyme. The rate constant of the unfolding is analyzed as a first order kinetic constant with the Arrhenius equation, and the activation energy has been calculated. The variation of the activation energy values obtained with different methods does not support the validity of the one-step irreversible model. The denaturation pathway was described by a three-state model, N → U → F, in which the dissociation of the tetramer takes place as an irreversible step before the irreversible unfolding of the monomers. The calorimetric enthalpy associated with the irreversible dissociation and the calorimetric enthalpy associated with the unfolding of the monomer were obtained from the best fitting procedure. Thermal unfolding of l-HicDH was also studied using Circular Dichroism (CD) spectroscopy. Both methods yielded comparable values.  相似文献   
The genes encoding the catalytic domains (CD) of the three endoglucanases (EG I; Cel7B, EG II; Cel5A, and EG III; Cel12A) from Trichoderma reesei QM9414 were expressed in Escherichia coli strains Rosetta-gami B (DE3) pLacI or Origami B (DE3) pLacI and were found to produce functional intracellular proteins. Protein production by the three endoglucanase transformants was evaluated as a function of growth temperature. Maximal productivity of EG I-CD at 15°C, EG II-CD at 20°C and EG III at 37°C resulted in yields of 6.9, 72, and 50 mg/l, respectively. The endoglucanases were purified using a simple purification method based on removing E. coli proteins by isoelectric point precipitation. Specific activity toward carboxymethyl cellulose was found to be 65, 49, and 15 U/mg for EG I-CD, EG II-CD, and EG III, respectively. EG II-CD was able to cleave 1,3–1,4-β-d-glucan and soluble cellulose derivatives. EG III was found to be active against cellulose, 1,3–1,4-β-d-glucan and xyloglucan, while EG I-CD was active against cellulose, 1,3–1,4-β-d-glucan, xyloglucan, xylan, and mannan.  相似文献   
李萌  宋慧  姚旭  张爽  张宇 《菌物研究》2010,8(2):93-95
应用垂直板聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳对不同低温、不同缓化方式处理后的侧耳属(Pleurotus)不同栽培种12个菌株进行酯酶(EST)同工酶谱分析。结果表明:不同菌株对低温的耐受能力不同,缓化方式对于酯酶基因表达的影响不同,但低温并没有使其酯酶酶活力完全丧失。  相似文献   
枇杷果皮响应高温强光胁迫的蛋白质组分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探讨枇杷[Eriobotrya japonica(Thunb.)Lindl.]果皮在高温强光胁迫下的蛋白质组分变化,采用蛋白质组学方法分析了果实日灼抗性差的枇杷种质‘WDYDB’果皮蛋白质对高温强光胁迫的应答反应。结果表明,在自然高温强光胁迫与遮光处理(对照)下,枇杷果皮蛋白质双向电泳图谱中表达量差异在2倍以上的蛋白点共有31个;通过MALDI-TOF-TOF/MS质谱分析成功鉴定出26个差异蛋白点,包括11个下调蛋白和15个上调蛋白。根据这些蛋白功能,可将其分为防御应答、碳水化合物和能量代谢、光合作用、其它等4类蛋白。同时,对这些蛋白质在高温强光胁迫下的功能和作用进行了讨论。这些差异蛋白质参与了枇杷对高温强光胁迫的响应。  相似文献   
对两种不同生长光强下(自然光的8%和50%)西双版纳热带雨林木本植物藤黄(Garcinia han-buryi)幼苗经夜间低温(4℃)处理后荧光特性和活性氧代谢的研究结果表明,低温使藤黄叶片光合机构PSⅡ原初光能转化效率(Fv/Fm)、PSⅡ非环式电子传递的量子效率(ФPSⅡ)、非光化学猝灭系数(NPQ)下降,原初荧光(F0)上升。低温胁迫消除后,生长在50%光强下藤黄叶片的Fv/Fm和F0在3d后仍不能完全恢复,而生长在8%光强下藤黄叶片的Fv/Fm和F0基本恢复,说明低温使生长在8%光强下藤黄的光合机构PSⅡ反应中心受到可逆失活,而生长在50%光强下藤黄的光合机构受到氧化伤害。随着低温胁迫时间的延长,两种生长光强藤黄叶片活性氧保护酶(SOD,CAT,APX)的活性虽升高,但O2^-的生成速率、H2O2和MDA含量积累增加。而在恢复阶段,生长在8%光强比生长在50%光强下藤黄叶片的活性氧含量下降得快,进一步说明生长在高光强的植物比生长在低光强的植物受低温伤害大。  相似文献   
There is a crucial need in the study of global change to understand how terrestrial ecosystems respond to the climate system. It has been demonstrated by many researches that Normalized Different Vegetation Index (NDVI) time series from remotely sensed data, which provide effective information of vegetation conditions on a large scale with highly temporal resolution, have a good relation with meteorological factors. However, few of these studies have taken the cumulative property of NDVI time series into account. In this study, NDVI difference series were proposed to replace the original NDVI time series with NDVI difference series to reappraise the relationship between NDVI and meteorological factors. As a proxy of the vegetation growing process, NDVI difference represents net primary productivity of vegetation at a certain time interval under an environment controlled by certain climatic conditions and other factors. This data replacement is helpful to eliminate the cumulative effect that exist in original NDVI time series, and thus is more appropriate to understand how climate system affects vegetation growth in a short time scale. By using the correlation analysis method, we studied the relationship between NOAA/AVHRR ten-day NDVI difference series and corresponding meteorological data from 1983 to 1999 from 11 meteorological stations located in the Xilingole steppe in Inner Mongolia. The results show that: (1) meteorological factors are found to be more significantly correlation with NDVI difference at the biomass-rising phase than that at the falling phase; (2) the relationship between NDVI difference and climate variables varies with vegetation types and vegetation communities. In a typical steppe dominated by Leymus chinensis, temperature has higher correlation with NDVI difference than precipitation does, and in a typical steppe dominated by Stipa krylovii, the correlation between temperature and NDVI difference is lower than that between precipitation and NDVI difference. In a typical steppe dominated by Stipa grandis, there is no significant difference between the two correlations. Precipitation is the key factor influencing vegetation growth in a desert steppe, and temperature has poor correlation with NDVI difference; (3) the response of NDVI difference to precipitation is fast and almost simultaneous both in a typical steppe and desert steppe, however, mean temperature exhibits a time-lag effect especially in the desert steppe and some typical steppe dominated by Stipa krylovii; (4) the relationship between NDVI difference and temperature is becoming stronger with global warming. __________ Translated from Acta Phytoecologica Sinica, 2005, 29(5): 753–765 [译自: 植物生态学报]  相似文献   
王秀伟  毛子军  孙涛  吴海军 《生态学报》2011,31(12):3358-3367
为探明温度与液流速度对树干表面CO2释放通量的影响,采用红外气体分析法(IRGA)原位连续测定白桦、兴安落叶松和水曲柳树干表面CO2释放通量,同时测定树干液流速度及树干温度。3树种树干CO2释放通量和液流速度在昼夜变化和季节变化上有一定规律,春、秋季节树干表面CO2释放通量昼夜动态均呈明显的单峰型曲线,但是峰值出现的时间有所区别: 6月份树干表面CO2释放通量峰值出现在夜间,温度峰值则在白天;9月份树干表面CO2 释放通量和液流速度及树干温度在昼夜间的变化规律总体上呈相同趋势,均为白天升高,晚上降低,呈单峰曲线,峰值基本在中午出现。3树种树干表面CO2释放通量有明显的季节性规律,即6月份的CO2释放通量明显高于9月份。9月份和6月份白桦、兴安落叶松和水曲柳的日平均树干表面CO2释放通量分别为0.82,3.32μmol m-2 s-1;0.74,3.78μmol m-2 s-1和1.98,4.98μmol m-2 s-1;6月份和9月份日平均液流速度分别为2.48,10.02g?cm-2?h-1;4.78,10.71g?cm-2?h-1和2.69-7.93g?cm-2?h-1。树干表面CO2释放通量与树干温度和液流速度相关关系显著,6月份和9月份树干表面CO2释放通量与树干温度均呈正相关;树干表面CO2释放通量与液流速度间的相关关系6月与9月不同,6月份液流速度与树干表面CO2释放通量呈负相关,而9月份呈正相关。实验发现,除落叶松外,同1株树24小时周期内水曲柳和白桦液流上升期和下降期液流速度对树干表面CO2 释放通量的影响不一致,可能是由于上下午之间温度不同,导致树干内部CO2溶解度不同,使上下午树干内部CO2与表面通量的平衡发生改变,这种改变存在种间差异,表明温度和液流的共同作用影响树干CO2释放通量。水曲柳月份间树干表面CO2释放通量的差异受液流速度影响较大,白桦和兴安落叶松树干表面CO2释放通量的月份间变化则是液流速度和温度的共同作用的结果。我们的结论是,温度是影响树干呼吸速率的关键因子,但树干呼吸产生的CO2向大气的释放也同时受树干液流速度的影响。温度与液流对春秋季节3树种树干表面CO2释放通量的影响有所不同。  相似文献   
Social attraction, that is, mimicking of active and productive colonies via audio playback of calls of breeding conspecifics and the use of decoys, is commonly used to attract birds to newly established or restored breeding sites. However, little is known about the relative importance of aural versus visual cues for identify nesting areas. Such information is important for design and evaluation of management protocols. We studied the effectiveness of decoys (visual cues) and playbacks (audio cues) as methods for restoring a colony of common terns (Sterna hirundo) at Muskeget Island, Massachusetts, USA. We used a 2-year, crossover experiment with 3 treatment areas: audio and visual, audio only, and visual only. We reversed treatment areas in the second year to control for previous nesting area or substrate preference. In both years, nests were built 9–101 m downwind of loudspeakers. There was no overlap in areas used for nesting between years and no nests were built within decoy plots in either year. Behavioral observations showed that birds responded to decoys only when within range of sound treatments. Conspecific vocalizations appear to be important proximate cues for seabird colony site selection and should be given priority in management protocols using social attraction. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   
青藏高原高寒灌丛非生长季节CO2通量特征   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
利用2003年和2004年涡度相关系统通量观测资料,对青藏高原高寒灌丛非生长季节CO2通量特征及其主要影响因子进行了分析。(1)从净生态系统CO2交换(NEE)日变化特征看,除13:00~19:00时有较小的CO2净释放以外,其余时段NEE均很小;(2)高寒灌丛非生长季月份间NEE差异明显,4月和10月是CO2净释放量较大,1月和12月CO2净释放量较小;(3)相对温带草原(高杆草大草原)草地类型,低温抑制下的青藏高原高寒灌丛生态系统非生长季节日平均CO2释放率较低;(4)高寒灌丛非生长季NEE日变化模式与5 cm土壤温度变化呈显著正相关,土壤温度是影响非生长季节青藏高原高寒灌丛NEE变化的主导气候因子,同时NEE变化还受降水的影响。  相似文献   
An automatic gas exchange system was used to continuously measure water and carbon fluxes of attached shoots of Scots pine trees (Pinus sylvestris L.) grown in environment-controlled chambers for a 3-year period (1998-2000) and exposed to either normal ambient conditions (CON), elevated CO2 (+350 micro mol mol-1; EC), elevated temperature (+2-6 degrees C; ET) or a combination of EC and ET (ECT). EC treatment enhanced the mean daily total carbon flux per unit projected needle area (Fc.d) by 17-21 %, depending on the year. This corresponds to a 16-24 % increase in light-use efficiency (LUE) based on incident photosynthetically active radiation. The EC treatment reduced the mean daily total water flux (Fw.d) by 1-12 %, corresponding to a 13-35 % increase in water-use efficiency (WUE). The ET treatment increased Fc.d by 10-18 %, resulting in an 8-19 % increase in LUE, and Fw.d by 48-74 %, resulting in a reduction of WUE by 19-34 %. There was no interaction between CO2 and temperature elevation in connection with either carbon or water fluxes, as the carbon flux responded similarly in both ECT and EC, while the water flux in the ECT treatment was similar to that in ET. Regressions indicated that the increase in maximum LUE was greater with increasing air temperature, whereas changes in WUE were related only to high vapour pressure deficit. Furthermore, changes in LUE and WUE caused by ECT treatment displayed strong diurnal and seasonal variation.  相似文献   
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