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The contents of mycosporine-like amino acids (MAAs) were compared in the two color morphs (dark-gray and brown colonies) of the tropical ascidian Didemnum molle (Herdman, 1886), which harbors the photosymbiotic prokaryote Prochloron. The colonies of each color morph were exclusively distributed in shallow reef lagoons at the different sites. Spectroscopic and chromatographic analyses showed that the Prochloron cell density and MAA concentration in the dark-gray colonies were an estimated 1.4 and 2.4 times higher, respectively, than in the brown colonies. The significant difference in MAA contents between the color morphs was primarily due to the difference in shinorine contents (p < 0.01, Mann–Whitney U-test). The high concentration of MAAs in the dark-gray colonies may provide better conditions for Prochloron cells, compared to the brown colonies with lower MAA concentrations.  相似文献   
Sea ice conditions in the Antarctic affect the life cycle of the emperor penguin (Aptenodytes forsteri). We present a population projection for the emperor penguin population of Terre Adélie, Antarctica, by linking demographic models (stage‐structured, seasonal, nonlinear, two‐sex matrix population models) to sea ice forecasts from an ensemble of IPCC climate models. Based on maximum likelihood capture‐mark‐recapture analysis, we find that seasonal sea ice concentration anomalies (SICa) affect adult survival and breeding success. Demographic models show that both deterministic and stochastic population growth rates are maximized at intermediate values of annual SICa, because neither the complete absence of sea ice, nor heavy and persistent sea ice, would provide satisfactory conditions for the emperor penguin. We show that under some conditions the stochastic growth rate is positively affected by the variance in SICa. We identify an ensemble of five general circulation climate models whose output closely matches the historical record of sea ice concentration in Terre Adélie. The output of this ensemble is used to produce stochastic forecasts of SICa, which in turn drive the population model. Uncertainty is included by incorporating multiple climate models and by a parametric bootstrap procedure that includes parameter uncertainty due to both model selection and estimation error. The median of these simulations predicts a decline of the Terre Adélie emperor penguin population of 81% by the year 2100. We find a 43% chance of an even greater decline, of 90% or more. The uncertainty in population projections reflects large differences among climate models in their forecasts of future sea ice conditions. One such model predicts population increases over much of the century, but overall, the ensemble of models predicts that population declines are far more likely than population increases. We conclude that climate change is a significant risk for the emperor penguin. Our analytical approach, in which demographic models are linked to IPCC climate models, is powerful and generally applicable to other species and systems.  相似文献   
Breeding at the right time is essential for animals in seasonal climates in order to ensure that the energy demands of reproduction, particularly the nutritional requirements of growing young, coincide with peak food availability. Global climate change is likely to cause shifts in the timing of peak food availability, and in order to adapt successfully to current and future climate change, animals need to be able to adjust the time at which they initiate breeding. Many animals use environmental cues available before the breeding season to predict the seasonal peak in food availability and adjust their phenology accordingly. We tested the hypothesis that regulation of breeding onset should reflect the scale at which organisms perceive their environment by comparing phenology of three seabird species at a North Sea colony. As predicted, the phenology of two dispersive species, black-legged kittiwake ( Rissa tridactyla ) and common guillemot ( Uria aalge ), correlated with a large-scale environmental cue (the North Atlantic Oscillation), whereas a resident species, European shag ( Phalacrocorax aristotelis ), was more affected by local conditions (sea surface temperature) around the colony. Annual mean breeding success was lower in late years for European shags, but not for the other two species. Since correlations among climate patterns at different scales are likely to change in the future, these findings have important implications for how migratory animals can respond to future climate change.  相似文献   
Sánchez  Juan Armando 《Hydrobiologia》2004,530(1-3):283-290
Multi-branched arborescent networks are common patterns for many sessile marine modular organisms but no clear understanding of their development is yet available. This paper reviews new findings in the theoretical and comparative biology of branching modular organisms (e.g. Octocorallia Cnidaria) and new hypotheses on the evolution of form are discussed. A particular characteristic of branching Caribbean gorgonian octocorals is a morphologic integration at two levels of colonial organization based on whether the traits are at the module or colony level. This revealed an emergent level of integration and modularity produced by the branching process itself and not entirely by the module replication. In essence, not just a few changes at the module level could generate changes in colony architecture, suggesting uncoupled developmental patterning for the polyp and branch level traits. Therefore, the evolution of colony form in octocorals seems to be related to the changes affecting the process of branching. Branching in these organisms is sub-apical, coming from mother branches, and the highly self-organized form is the product of a dynamic process maintaining a constant ratio between mother and daughter branches. Colony growth preserves shape but is a logistic growth-like event due to branch interference and/or allometry. The qualitative branching patterns in octocorals (e.g. sea feathers, fans, sausages, and candelabra) occurred multiple times when compared with recent molecular phylogenies, suggesting independence of common ancestry to achieve these forms. A number of species with different colony forms, particularly alternate species (e.g. sea candelabrum), shared the same value for an important branching parameter (the ratio of mother to total branches). According to the way gorgonians branch and achieve form, it is hypothesized that the diversity of alternate species sharing the same narrow variance in that critical parameter for growth might be the product of canalization (or a developmental constraint), where uniform change in growth rates and maximum colony size might explain colony differences among species. If the parameter preserving shape in the colonies is fixed but colonies differ in their growth rates and maximum sizes, heterochrony could be responsible for the evolution among some gorgonian corals with alternate branching.  相似文献   
Scaling Theory: Application to Marine Ornithology   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The problem of scale has three components: (a) direct measurement is usually confined to small areas and brief periods, (b) the most pressing issues occur at the scale of ecosystems and decades, but (c) direct scale-up fails when pattern and process at small scales differ from those at larger scales. Recognition of this dilemma has grown exponentially since around 1980. The problem of scale is particularly acute for seabirds, which inhabit one of the most extensive habitats on the planet—the surface of the ocean. The application of power laws is a promising solution to the problem. Power laws have a long empirical tradition, are readily estimated from data, and now have a theoretical basis. Power law behavior (with nonintegral exponents) appears in systems with episodically warring exponential rates. In marine ornithology, examples of areas where power laws can be applied include patchy spatial distributions, the association of predator with prey, the scaling of food intake to body size, and fractal habitat structure. Scaling theory and power laws are applicable to a wide variety of ecosystem phenomena and dynamics, including fluxes of material and energy. Received 7 May 2001; accepted 12 April 2002.  相似文献   
Abstract Observations of the large earth bumblebee, Bombus terrestris (L.), in native vegetation were collated to determine the extent to which this exotic species has invaded Tasmanian native vegetation during the first 9 years after its introduction. The range of B. terrestris now encompasses all of Tasmania's major vegetation types, altitudes from sea level to 1260m a.s.L, and the entire breadth of annual precipitation in the state from more than 3200 mm to less than 600 mm. Observations of workers carrying pollen, together with the presence of large numbers of bumblebees at many localities across this range indicate that colonies are frequently established in native vegetation. Evidence that colonies are often successful was obtained from repeated observations of the species during more than 1 year at particular sites. Unequivocal evidence of colonies was obtained from six National Parks, including four of the five in the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area (WHA). Indeed, the species has been present in the WHA for at least as long as it has in the city of Hobart, where it was first recorded. In southwestern Tasmania, evidence of colonies was obtained up to 40km from gardens, 61 km from small towns and 93 km from large towns. Hence, contrary to previous suggestions, the species is established in the most remote parts of Tasmania and is not dependent on introduced garden plants. Given their strong record of invasion, it is likely that B. terrestris will form feral populations on the mainland of Australia and in many other parts of the world if introduced. Because of their likely negative impacts on native animals and plants, and potential to enhance seed production in weeds, the spread of bumblebees should be avoided.  相似文献   
The nest density distribution of yellow-legged gulls Larus cachinnans was investigated on the large Marseille archipelago colony (south-east France) which houses c. 18 000 breeding pairs. The study was performed at two investigation scales, including both mean nesting density on the nine study islands and density distribution within 171 sampling plots. The mean nesting density on each island was negatively correlated with island surface area and with the distance from the initial colony location (south-east end of the archipelago). No significant correlation was found with the other island parameters analysed (maximum elevation, shape index and distance from continent). A partial least squares regression performed between denstiy data from 171 500 m2 sampling plots and environmental variables showed that the mostly explaining factors were island isolation and percentage of rocks in the plots (positive correlation), and distance of the island from the south-east end of the archipelago, island area, distance from plot to seaside and percentage of stone in the plots (negative correlation). Thus in our case, vegetation parameters (cover and height) were not influencial factors in nest density distribution.  相似文献   
1. The puffin, a long-lived seabird, was studied on the Isle of May, East Scotland between 1990 and 1992. During two of these years, parental effort was experimentally decreased by supplementary feeding of young. This aimed to identify inter-year reproductive costs, and show whether they took the form of reduced adult survival, reduced fledging success and/or a reduction in the 'quality' of offspring in the following year.
2. The feeding treatment significantly reduced the daily number of feeds delivered by experimental parents by 67% in 1990 and 87% in 1991.
3. The proportions of experimental and control parents returning to the colony in the year following manipulation did not differ significantly, although in 1991, 2·5 times as many controls (young unfed) as experimental birds (young fed) failed to return.
4. The fledging success of experimental pairs in the year following manipulation (68%) was significantly higher than that of controls (24%).
5. Experimental pairs raised young with significantly higher body condition (Residual Peak Mass) than that of controls in the year following manipulation (1992).
6. Experimental parents did not differ from controls in their body condition (Lipid Reserve Mass) or rate of reserve depletion, either in the year of manipulation or in the following breeding season; hence there was no evidence for a role of the measured component of body condition in the cost mechanism.
7. The study demonstrated inter-year reproductive costs for puffins and supported the hypothesis that long-lived species reduce the 'quality' of their offspring or abandon a breeding attempt rather than compromise their survival and future opportunities to reproduce.  相似文献   
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