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Summary Allozyme variation as detected by starch gel electrophoresis was used to assess the extent and spatial organization of genetic variation across the entire range of Glycine canescens sensu lato. Eleven enzyme systems were assayed in 116 accessions of this taxon and 102 alleles were detected at a total of 31 loci. Eighty-one percent of loci were polymorphic. Most of this variation occurred between and very little within accessions. Three major groupings were detected. These groupings (groups 1, 2, and 3) also differed with respect to mean seed size and their geographic distribution. A further ten accessions stood out from these distinct groups. These accessions were most closely related to group 3 but were variable among themselves. In general, they were collected from highly dissected terrain, often in the remote interior of the continent. A final group of 18 problematic accessions (group X), originally tentatively identified as G. canescens on morphological grounds, was shown to be isozymically distinct from this species and was reclassified as one form of the polytypic species G. clandestina.  相似文献   
An algorithm of automatic classification is proposed and applied to a large collection of perennial ryegrass wild populations from France. This method is based on an ascendant hierarchical clustering using the Euclidian distance from the principal components extracted from the variance-covariance matrix between 28 agronomic traits. A contiguity constraint is imposed: only those pairs of populations which are defined as contiguous are grouped together into a cluster. The definition of contiguity is based on a geostatistical parameter: the range of the variogramme, i.e. the largest distance above which the variance between pairs of population no longer increases. This method yields clusters that are generally more compact than those obtained without constraint. In most cases the contours of these clusters fit well with known ecogeographic regions, namely, for macroclimatic homogeneous conditions. This suggests that selective factors exert a major influence in the genetic differentiation of ryegrass populations for quantitatively inherited adaptive traits. It is proposed that such a method could provide useful genetic and ecogeographic bases for sampling a core collection in widespread wild species such as forage grasses.Institut National de la Recherche Agrononique  相似文献   
We estimated phylogenetic relationships among 26 species of garter snakes (genus Thamnophis ) using allozyme and mitochondrial cytochrome b gene nucleotide sequence variation. Parsimony analyses of the two data sets give substantially different estimates of phylogeny. Several lines of evidence indicate that much of this conflict is due to error associated with the restricted number of characters in each data set. Such sampling error may be reduced by combining all the characters; we therefore present an estimate of phylogeny based on parsimony analysis of all the data combined. All our analyses support several conclusions in conflict with previous views: a very distant relationship between T.errans and T. elegans , non-monophyly of the elegans group (even excluding T: errans ), and nesting of the form validus (previously considered a member of the genus Nerodia ) within Thamnophis.
The combined analysis gives an almost fully resolved tree. However, bootstrapping indicates only weak support for many clades in this tree. Furthermore, paraphyly of the assemblages of cytochrome b gene lineages within T. elegans and T. radix indicate the potential for discordance between the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and species phylogenies through the sorting of ancestral mtDNA polymorphisms. These problems suggest the need for assaying additional characters, especially ones likely to be independent of those used in the present study.  相似文献   
热带林茎流收集及计算方法探索   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
热带林茎流收集及计算方法探索周光益,吴仲民,李意德,陈步峰(中国林科院热带林业研究所,广州510520)CollectionandCalculationMethodsforStemflowinTropicalForest.¥ZhouGuangyi;W...  相似文献   
Summary Optimal exploitation of crop genetic resources requires a knowledge of the range and structure of the variation present in the gene pool of interest. Avena sterilis L., the cultivated oat progenitor, contains a store of genetic diversity that is readily accessible to the oat breeder. The objectives of the present paper were: (1) to evaluate isozyme polymorphisms in a sample of A. sterilis accessions from the U.S. National Small Grains Collection, (2) to analyze the distribution of isozyme diversity across the geographic range of the accessions, (3) to classify the accessions into groups based on isozyme variation, and (4) to suggest strategies for efficient sampling of this germplasm collection. One thousand and five accessions from 23 countries and 679 collection sites were screened for variation using 23 enzyme systems. Due to limited information about the genetic relationship among individual members of families of isozymes in hexaploid oat species, data were recorded solely for band presence. The frequencies of bands in accessions from the various countries were used to calculate the probability of genotypic identity (Ix.y), the probability of a unique genotype (Ux.y), and an adjusted polymorphic index (Hx). Accessions from Turkey and Lebanon had the largest polymorphic index values, Turkish and Moroccan accessions displayed the greatest numbers of bands. Accessions from Iran, Turkey, Iraq, and Lebanon had the largest mean probabilities of containing unique genotypes. Based on isozyme data, Turkey appeared to represent the center of diversity in this germplasm collection. Band frequencies calculated among countries were used in a principal component analysis. Accessions from Israel and Morocco clustered together; accessions from Iran, Iraq, Turkey, and Ethiopia formed another group; and Algerian accessions formed an outlying group. Several isozyme bands had a regional distribution. These results suggested that choosing accessions from countries based on their groupings in the principal component analysis should secure a greater range of diversity than sampling from the collection at random. Cluster analyses based on Jaccard's distances calculated for all pairwise combinations of the 1005 accessions revealed six broad genetic groups of accessions. Groups 1 and 6 contained accessions from many countries and encompassed half of all accessions. Groups 2 and 4 were heavily populated by accessions from Israel and Morocco. Groups 3 and 5 were composed almost exclusively of accessions from Iran, Iraq, and Turkey. By selecting representative accessions from these six groups, oat breeders could most effectively sample the range of genetic variation in this A. sterilis collection.  相似文献   
The use of plant genetic resources contained in a large collection may be enhanced by specifying subsamples, called core samples. Five strategies for selecting a core sample from a collection of 3000 durum wheat accessions were applied and evaluated using four qualitative and eight quantitative spike characters. Each of the following strategies generated about 500 accessions for the core sample: random, random-systematic according to chronology of entry of the accessions into the collection, stratified by countryof-origin, stratified by log frequency by country-of-origin, and stratified by canonical variables. The first three strategies produced samples representative of the whole collection, but the remaining two produced the desired effect of increasing frequencies from less-represented countries-of-origin for several characters. The stratified canonical sample increased phenotypic variances. The quality of core samples is dependent upon good passport and evaluation data to partition the collection. The multivariate approach is extremely useful, but requires considerable data from the whole collection. Ecogeographic origin may be used in the absence of evaluation data on several characters to select useful core samples.  相似文献   
The nature and evolution of positive emotion is a major question remaining unanswered in science and philosophy. The study of feelings and emotions in humans and animals is dominated by discussion of affective states that have negative valence. Given the clinical and social significance of negative affect, such as depression, it is unsurprising that these emotions have received more attention from scientists. Compared to negative emotions, such as fear that leads to fleeing or avoidance, positive emotions are less likely to result in specific, identifiable, behaviours being expressed by an animal. This makes it particularly challenging to quantify and study positive affect. However, bursts of intense positive emotion (joy) are more likely to be accompanied by externally visible markers, like vocalisations or movement patterns, which make it more amenable to scientific study and more resilient to concerns about anthropomorphism. We define joy as intense, brief, and event-driven (i.e. a response to something), which permits investigation into how animals react to a variety of situations that would provoke joy in humans. This means that behavioural correlates of joy are measurable, either through newly discovered ‘laughter’ vocalisations, increases in play behaviour, or reactions to cognitive bias tests that can be used across species. There are a range of potential situations that cause joy in humans that have not been studied in other animals, such as whether animals feel joy on sunny days, when they accomplish a difficult feat, or when they are reunited with a familiar companion after a prolonged absence. Observations of species-specific calls and play behaviour can be combined with biometric markers and reactions to ambiguous stimuli in order to enable comparisons of affect between phylogenetically distant taxonomic groups. Identifying positive affect is also important for animal welfare because knowledge of positive emotional states would allow us to monitor animal well-being better. Additionally, measuring if phylogenetically and ecologically distant animals play more, laugh more, or act more optimistically after certain kinds of experiences will also provide insight into the mechanisms underlying the evolution of joy and other positive emotions, and potentially even into the evolution of consciousness.  相似文献   
We study bias-reduced estimators of exponentially transformed parameters in general linear models (GLMs) and show how they can be used to obtain bias-reduced conditional (or unconditional) odds ratios in matched case-control studies. Two options are considered and compared: the explicit approach and the implicit approach. The implicit approach is based on the modified score function where bias-reduced estimates are obtained by using iterative procedures to solve the modified score equations. The explicit approach is shown to be a one-step approximation of this iterative procedure. To apply these approaches for the conditional analysis of matched case-control studies, with potentially unmatched confounding and with several exposures, we utilize the relation between the conditional likelihood and the likelihood of the unconditional logit binomial GLM for matched pairs and Cox partial likelihood for matched sets with appropriately setup data. The properties of the estimators are evaluated by using a large Monte Carlo simulation study and an illustration of a real dataset is shown. Researchers reporting the results on the exponentiated scale should use bias-reduced estimators since otherwise the effects can be under or overestimated, where the magnitude of the bias is especially large in studies with smaller sample sizes.  相似文献   
具有节点偏置的高阶神经网络模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在汪涛文献基础上提出了一个具有节点偏置的高阶神经网络模型、给出了模型的哈密顿量和学习算法,证明了学习算法的收敛性,该模型能对每一神经元自动引入一个节点偏置使得网络能够存储所有学习图样包括相关图样,其存储容量远高于Hebb—rule—like学习算法下的高阶神经网络模型.对由30个神经元组成的二阶神经网络进行了计算机仿真,结果证实了上述结论.此外,对初始突触强度对学习效果的影响和不同存储图样数目下的平均吸引半径进行了仿真计算并分析了所得结果.新模型的特点使其具有良好的应用前景  相似文献   
植物标本标签的计算机印制数据系统   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
陈涛   《广西植物》1996,16(1):95-98
本文讨论了主要用以印制标本采集记录标签的数据系统及其数据库建库方案与编程原理。该系统可在IBM及其兼容系列个人计算机上使用,适合用于个人或科研与教学机构中小型标本采集信息管理;可用以数据的检索、标本标签的印制和植物名录的打印;也可用以地区性的植物区系与生态学研究。  相似文献   
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