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Native tropomyosin from rabbit skeletal muscle (RSTm) consists mainly of alpha alpha and alpha beta coiled coils (alpha/beta approximately 3-4/1). In some extant studies, no beta beta molecules have been found. In this study, RSTm from several different preparations was disulfide cross-linked, both preparation and cross-linking being done under nondenaturing conditions. The cross-linked product was assayed for the presence of beta beta molecules cross-linked at both C36 and C190 (beta = beta). In such cross-linked RSTm, 3-8% beta = beta is detected by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, C4 reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography, and a free-solution capillary electrophoresis experiment. This percentage becomes approximately 4-10% beta beta when corrected for incomplete double cross-linking and is independent of protein concentration (0.1-10.0 mg/mL), indicating that the observed beta beta species are not artifacts due to intermolecular cross-linking. Upon denaturation and subsequent renaturation either by heating to 55 degrees C or by incubating at 45 degrees C followed by quenching to room temperature, or by guanidine hydrochloride exposure followed by phased renaturation by dialysis, the fraction of beta beta increases, indicating that the reassociation favors homodimer formation somewhat over random association. This result differs from the random association observed when the sulfhydryl on one of the chains is carboxyamidomethylated (Holtzer, M.E., Breiner, T., & Holtzer, A., 1984, Biopolymers 23, 1811-1833), and from the overwhelming heterodimer preferences reported for tropomyosins from other organisms (Lehrer, S.S., Qian, Y., & Hvidt, S., 1989, Science 246, 926-928; Lehrer, S.S. & Qian, Y., 1990, J. Biol. Chem. 265, 1134-1138).  相似文献   
Comparisons were made with human subjects of repellency of free flying Anopheles gambiae using soaps containing deet and permethrin or permethrin alone. The reduction in biting did not differ statistically significantly between these two forms of repellent soap. Some mosquitoes which touched the permethrin soap layer without biting died within the next day. The soap with deet was compared with the same amount of deet in a commercially available stick or as a liquid. Only in the latter form did the repellent show resistance to being washed off by cold water.Electrically heated vaporizing mats containing bio-allethrin were shown to be more effective than smouldering coils containing natural pyrethrins, in that there was more complete prevention of biting, and more rapid knock-down and kill. Operation of the vaporizing mat caused deposition of insecticide on the room surfaces.  相似文献   
Predicting oligomerization states of coiled coils.   总被引:8,自引:5,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
An algorithm based on the profile method was developed that faithfully distinguishes between the amino acid sequences of dimeric and trimeric coiled coils. Normalized sequence profiles derived from nonhomologous, two- and three-stranded, coiled-coil sequences with unambiguous registers were used to assign dimer and trimer propensities to test sequences. The difference between the dimer and trimer profile scores accurately reflected the preferred oligomerization state. The method relied on two strategies that may be generally applicable to profile calculations--profile values of solvent-exposed residues and of amino acids that were underrepresented in the data-base were given zero weight. Differences between the dimer and trimer profiles revealed sequence patterns that match and extend experimental studies of oligomer specification.  相似文献   
蛋白质结构中卷曲螺旋的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
卷曲螺旋 (coiledcoil)是存在于多种天然蛋白质中的结构模式 .近年来 ,通过对天然蛋白质中卷曲螺旋结构以及根据已有知识设计合成的卷曲螺旋结构的研究 ,已基本掌握了这类结构模式的特点 ,并将特异的卷曲螺旋结构应用于生化分析、工业、医药卫生等领域 .本文主要从天然蛋白质中卷曲螺旋的主要存在形式及其生物学功能、卷曲螺旋的主要结构特点、影响卷曲螺旋稳定性和结构特异性的因素、卷曲螺旋结构设计及其应用以及今后卷曲螺旋研究的主要发展方向等几个方面对近年来卷曲螺旋结构的研究进展情况进行了综述 .  相似文献   
The GCN4 leucine zipper is a peptide homodimer that has been the subject of a number of experimental and theoretical investigations into the determinants of affinity and specificity. Here, we utilize this model system to investigate electrostatic effects in protein binding using continuum calculations. A particularly novel feature of the computations made here is that they provide an interaction-by-interaction breakdown of the electrostatic contributions to the free energy of docking that includes changes in the interaction of each functional group with solvent and changes in interactions between all pairs of functional groups on binding. The results show that (1) electrostatic effects disfavor binding by roughly 15 kcal/mol due to desolvation effects that are incompletely compensated in the bound state, (2) while no groups strongly stabilize binding, the groups that are most destabilizing are charged and polar side chains at the interface that have been implicated in determining binding specificity, and (3) attractive intramolecular interactions (e.g., backbone hydrogen bonds) that are enhanced on binding due to reduced solvent screening in the bound state contribute significantly to affinity and are likely to be a general effect in other complexes. A comparison is made between the results obtained in an electrostatic analysis carried out calculationally and simulated results corresponding to idealized data from a scanning mutagenesis experiment. It is shown that scanning experiments provide incomplete information on interactions and, if overinterpreted, tend to overestimate the energetic effect of individual side chains that make attractive interactions. Finally, a comparison is made between the results available from a continuum electrostatic model and from a simpler surface-area dependent solvation model. In this case, although the simpler model neglects certain interactions, on average it performs rather well.  相似文献   
α‐Helical coiled coil structures, which are noncovalently associated heptad repeat peptide sequences, are ubiquitous in nature. Similar amphipathic repeat sequences have also been found in helix‐containing proteins and have played a central role in de novo design of proteins. In addition, they are promising tools for the construction of nanomaterials. Small‐angle X‐ray scattering (SAXS) has emerged as a new biophysical technique for elucidation of protein topology. Here, we describe a systematic study of the self‐assembly of a small ensemble of coiled coil sequences using SAXS and analytical ultracentrifugation (AUC), which was correlated with molecular dynamics simulations. Our results show that even minor sequence changes have an effect on the folding topology and the self‐assembly and that these differences can be observed by a combination of AUC, SAXS, and circular dichroism spectroscopy. A small difference in these methods was observed, as SAXS for one peptide and revealed the presence of a population of longer aggregates, which was not observed by AUC. Copyright © 2013 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Rho‐associated coiled‐coil kinase 1 (ROCK1) is proposed to be implicated in Aβ suppression; however, the role for ROCK1 in amyloidogenic metabolism of amyloid precursor protein (APP) to produce Aβ was unknown. In the present study, we showed that ROCK1 kinase activity and its APP binding were enhanced in AD brain, resulting in increased β‐secretase cleavage of APP. Furthermore, we firstly confirmed that APP served as a substrate for ROCK1 and its major phosphorylation site was located at Ser655. The increased level of APP Ser655 phosphorylation was observed in the brain of APP/PS1 mice and AD patients compared to controls. Moreover, blockade of APP Ser655 phosphorylation, or inhibition of ROCK1 activity with either shRNA knockdown or Y‐27632, ameliorated amyloid pathology and improved learning and memory in APP/PS1 mice. These findings suggest that activated ROCK1 targets APP Ser655 phosphorylation, which promotes amyloid processing and pathology. Inhibition of ROCK1 could be a potential therapeutic approach for AD.  相似文献   
The FtsLB complex is a key regulator of bacterial cell division, existing in either an off state or an on state, which supports the activation of septal peptidoglycan synthesis. In Escherichia coli, residues known to be critical for this activation are located in a region near the C-terminal end of the periplasmic coiled-coil domain of FtsLB, raising questions about the precise role of this conserved domain in the activation mechanism. Here, we investigate an unusual cluster of polar amino acids found within the core of the FtsLB coiled coil. We hypothesized that these amino acids likely reduce the structural stability of the domain and thus may be important for governing conformational changes. We found that mutating these positions to hydrophobic residues increased the thermal stability of FtsLB but caused cell division defects, suggesting that the coiled-coil domain is a “detuned” structural element. In addition, we identified suppressor mutations within the polar cluster, indicating that the precise identity of the polar amino acids is important for fine-tuning the structural balance between the off and on states. We propose a revised structural model of the tetrameric FtsLB (named the “Y-model”) in which the periplasmic domain splits into a pair of coiled-coil branches. In this configuration, the hydrophilic terminal moieties of the polar amino acids remain more favorably exposed to water than in the original four-helix bundle model (“I-model”). We propose that a shift in this architecture, dependent on its marginal stability, is involved in activating the FtsLB complex and triggering septal cell wall reconstruction.  相似文献   
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