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高源  孙丽丽  曹传旺 《昆虫学报》2021,64(10):1218-1234
昆虫口腔分泌物(oral secretion, OS),又称返吐液,是昆虫唾液腺分泌的唾液和肠道分泌物的混合液。昆虫取食寄主植物过程中,OS随之分泌至植物中,并影响植物的防御反应。RNA干扰(RNAinterference, RNAi)是研究昆虫基因功能有价值的反向遗传学工具,也是目前最有可能应用于害虫防治的新技术。本文主要综述了昆虫OS对寄主植物防御的影响、昆虫OS效应子的鉴定和OS效应子基于RNAi技术在害虫防治中可行性及应用前景。昆虫OS对寄主植物防御的影响主要表现为干扰植物的茉莉酸信号通路、筛管阻塞、Ca2+通路等防御反应,进而促进昆虫摄取食物。目前,昆虫OS效应子主要鉴定手段是通过昆虫唾液腺转录组分析和OS蛋白组分析;而已鉴定的OS效应子主要来源于刺吸式口器昆虫,在咀嚼式口器昆虫中的报道甚少;功能研究发现昆虫OS效应子在寄主植物中的表达会影响昆虫存活率、繁殖力和取食能力及昆虫和植物的其他重要生理指标,并通过鉴定OS效应子与植物防御机制的相互作用关系,进而证明OS效应子在昆虫与寄主植物关系中的重要性。基于RNAi技术,通过注射、饲喂和植物介导RNAi等方法在多种昆虫中产生了OS效应子基因下调和生长发育受影响的现象,由此说明OS效应子基因已具备作为RNAi靶标的条件。虽然目前研究尚处于实验室阶段,但已证明其应用于害虫防治方面具有一定的可行性。昆虫口腔分泌物是研究昆虫与寄主植物相互作用机制的新方向。最后,对OS未来潜在的研究方向进行了展望,以期对我国害虫防治的研究提供理论指导。  相似文献   
Insect species inventories along with pest prevalence, foraging behavior of pollinators and their effect on fruit set of mango were studied in a mango‐based agroforestry area in Bangladesh during January to June 2013. Of 1751 collected insects, 11 species in five orders and nine families were pests, 13 species in six orders and eight families were predators and eight species belonging to three orders and seven families were found as pollinators. The pests exerted significantly higher abundance but lower diversity than pollinator, predator and other insects. The pollinator richness was found to be lowest but showed higher as well as similar diversity to other category insects. Three pest species prevailed throughout the season and hoppers showed significant abundance. Among the predators, ants were most abundant. Sulphur butterfly and syrphid fly revealed statistically identical and higher abundance than other pollinators. During the flowering season, pests were dominant and the abundance of insects was observed to peak at 11.00 h. The pollinators differed in their landing duration on flowers and their activity led to higher levels of fruit set. This study provides baseline information on insect abundance in an agroforestry system, which stresses the importance of conservation of beneficial insects.  相似文献   
棉田非靶标害虫发生丰度与气象因子的关联性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
【背景】近年来,全球气候条件不断变化,其对农田生态系统和病虫草害发生的影响较大。【方法】于2009~2013年在河南安阳田间小区系统调查了转基因棉田和非转基因棉田主要害虫种群丰度,结合5年间本地气象因素,分段分析了影响棉田主要害虫发生的关键气象因子及其关键影响时期。【结果】不同害虫发生危害的关键气象因子及其关键影响时期不同,且不同害虫种群丰度与气象因子及其影响时期有不同的相关性。影响棉蚜的关键性气象因子是1~8月的平均气温,与相对湿度和降雨量相关性较低;影响棉叶蝉的关键气象因子是1~4月的降雨量,其次是1~8月的相对湿度,而平均气温与其相关性很低;5~8月降雨量对烟粉虱有一定的抑制作用,平均气温和相对湿度对其无显著影响;影响棉蓟马的关键气象因子是平均气温,其次是5~8月相对湿度,降雨量与棉蓟马丰度相关性较低;平均气温、相对湿度和降雨量与盲蝽种群丰度的相关性很低,其发生危害可能是多种气象因子协同作用的结果。【结论与意义】本研究结果可为气候变化条件下棉田主要害虫的预测预报和防御提供理论依据。  相似文献   
【目的】苹果绵蚜是我国重要的入侵害虫,对苹果生产造成了严重危害。近年来,苹果绵蚜扩散面积增大,危害加重。了解苹果绵蚜入侵过程中的分子生态变化,可为该虫的综合防控提供依据。【方法】利用微卫星标记技术,选择6个微卫星位点对山东省6个地区(烟台、威海、青岛、潍坊、聊城、泰安)2012—2015年苹果绵蚜种群遗传结构变化规律进行分析。【结果】2012—2015年,山东省6个地区的苹果绵蚜遗传多样性随时间推移逐渐降低。其中,2012年的遗传多样性极显著高于2013—2015年;2013—2015年之间虽然差异不显著,但随时间推移,等位基因观测值(Na)和期望杂合度(He)等遗传多样性指数有逐渐降低的趋势。通过无限等位基因模型、双相突变模型和逐步突变模型分析发现,6个地区的苹果绵蚜均经历了瓶颈效应,是遗传多样性降低的主要原因。对6个微卫星位点分析发现,Erio20、Erio75和Erio78扩增到的苹果绵蚜等位基因数量以及这3个位点的多样性指数随时间推移逐渐降低。【结论】Erio20、Erio75和Erio78是引起苹果绵蚜遗传多样性降低的主要多态位点。苹果绵蚜可能进化出了"超级克隆"基因型,因此,其可在我国适应不同生态环境并增大扩散范围。  相似文献   
Large‐scale field experiments on the Mediterranean corn borer, Sesamia nonagrioides Lefèbvre (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), were carried out in 2004–2006 on maize [Zea mays L. (Poaceae)] fields using (Z)‐11‐hexadecenyl trifluoromethyl ketone, an antagonist analog of the pheromone of this species, to evaluate a possible reduction of damage caused by this pest. The effect of the treatments on the European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis Hübner (Lepidoptera: Crambidae), a sympatric species, was also determined. Evaluation of the success of the experiments was assessed by counting (i) the number of males caught by pheromone traps in treated and untreated fields, (ii) the number of plants attacked by both insects in both plots, and (iii) the number of larvae present in infested plants in both fields. Effectiveness of the treatment was high for the second generation of the Mediterranean corn borer, the most harmful to the crop (86–90% reduction in the number of plants attacked and 67–98% reduction in the number of larvae per plant in treated fields in comparison to untreated fields), and moderate for the third generation (reduction of 41–71% and 33–77%, respectively). Treatments were also effective for the second generation of the European corn borer (61–75% reduction in the number of plants attacked, 58–78% reduction in the number of larvae found per plant) as well as for the third generation (69–97% and 70–98% reduction, respectively). By plotting the amount of the antagonist remaining on the dispensers after 40–45 days of exposure with time, the mean release rate of the compound was calculated to be 2.2%/day in 2004, 1.95%/day in 2005, and 2.1%/day in 2006, with 26% of the initial compound remaining after 20 days of experimentation. The emission rate appears to cover the flight of the most damaging second generation of both insects. Prospects of using trifluoromethyl ketones as new potential agents for pest control are also outlined.  相似文献   
Abstract. Mating behaviour, sperm transfer and sperm precedence were studied in the moth Spodoptera litura (Fabr.) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). There existed a rhythmic, diel pattern of mating behaviour of this moth during the scotophase, presumably set with respect to an endogenous activity rhythm. Approximately 30 min after copulation had started, the formation of the corpus of the spermatophore began in the bursa copulatrix of the female moth, but full inflation of the corpus was not completed until 45–60 min after mating had started. The mature spermatophore contained about 350 eupyrene sperm bundles and a large number of individual (loose) apyrene spermatozoa. The mating status and the age of the male insect influenced the number of sperm transferred to the female within the spermatophore, and also affected the consequent fertility. There was no evidence of sperm reflux within the male tract. Within the female, dissociation of eupyrene sperm bundles was evident within the spermatophore less than 15 min after the completion of mating. Spermatozoa began to move from the bursa (in which the spermatophore is lodged) into the spermatheca 30–45 min after the end of the copulation, and the quantity of sperm in the spermatheca reached a plateau at 90 min after mating. Apyrene sperm reached the spermatheca first, followed by eupyrene sperm. Examination of total (apyrene plus eupyrene) sperm in the female tract showed that 86% of mated females received an apparently normal amount of total sperm from the male. Examination of eupyrene sperm alone showed that 81% of matings resulted in an apparently normal transfer of eupyrene sperm. A small proportion (approximately 8%) of the matings, however, were identified as transferring a clearly subnormal quantity of eupyrene sperm to the spermatheca. The eggs produced as a result of such pairings displayed much reduced fertility (about 43%) compared to those from matings confirmed to have transferred normal quantities of sperm, which showed about 92% fertility. This shows that the availability of eupyrene sperm in the spermatheca may be an important constraint on fertility in normal populations of insects. In the laboratory, S. litura females exhibited multiple matings. Of the females, 93% mated, and the mean frequency of mating was 1.69. Mating with a fertile male led to the oviposition of an increased number of eggs. This effect continued even when the female subsequently mated with an infertile male. Displacement of sperm from previous matings is known to be an important factor in the evolution of multiple mating strategies. Our results on sperm utilization by S. litura indicated that after a second mating, the sperm utilized for subsequent fertilization were almost exclusively from the last mating with little mixing. The proportion of eggs fertilized by sperm from the second mating (P2) was calculated as 0.95, indicating almost complete sperm precedence from the last mating.  相似文献   
Since plants can be transformed genetically to produce functional antibodies, an immunological approach may be developed for controlling their arthropod pests. Specific antibodies would protect plants from arthropods if they could gain access to the pest antigen in sufficient amounts such that the normal function of the antigen is disrupted. In order to study the fate of ingested antibodies in the body of the European corn borer (ECB), Ostrinia nubilalis (Hübner), (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), we fed the larvae on serum-containing diet. When larvae were fed on the serum-containing diet for various lengths of time between 12 and 96 h, no significant differences were noted in the immunoglobulin G (IgG) concentration in their body. Immediately after the larvae stopped feeding, the concentrations of the IgG in their midgut was about one half that of the diet itself, but it decreased significantly after 6 h and again after 18 h (about 3 and 10 fold, respectively). Immediately after the larvae stopped feeding, the concentration of the IgG in their hemolymph was about 1/500 that in the diet. The concentration of IgG in the hemolymph of ECB larvae was influenced directly by the titer of antibodies in their diet. During the first 6 h after the larvae stop feeding the concentration of IgG in their hemolymph did not decrease significantly; however, it did so after 18 h (about 6 fold). The possibility that specific antibodies will gain access to antigens in the ECB body is discussed.  相似文献   
Historically, shooting has been a popular method for controlling foxes in Australia, but past research has shown it to be an ineffective method for significantly reducing fox population numbers. These past studies investigated shooting when conducted in isolated, one‐off programmes. In more recent years large, coordinated group fox management programmes has become popular in both agricultural and conservation areas. These landscape scale programmes give more chance of long‐term respite from predation damage by slowing down the immigration rates of foxes into the culled area. Studies have been conducted investigating the effectiveness of large‐scale group fox management programmes that primarily used 1080 baiting as the method of control to protect vulnerable livestock and small animal. This study investigated the potential of a large‐scale group programme that used shooting as the main form of control to reduce the impact of fox predation.  相似文献   

Goal, Scope and Background

Brazil is the world's biggest producer of coffee beans with approx. a 30% market share. Depending on climate conditions, approx. 30 million bags of coffee beans are exported annually from Brazil, while domestic consumption is around 10 million bags, which makes Brazil the world's third largest coffee-consuming country. Therefore, the goal of this paper is to present the LCA of green coffee produced in Brazil for the reference crops 2001/02 and 2002/03 in order to generate detailed production inventory data as well as to identify the potential environmental impacts of its tillage in order to realize how to reduce those impacts and increase the environmental sustainability of this product. Only the inputs and outputs relative to the coffee tillage were considered. The production of fertilizers, correctives and pesticides were not included in the boundary, but only their amounts. The functional unit selected for this study was 1,000 kg of green coffee destined for exportation.


The LCI was performed according to the ISO 14040 standard series. All information considered in this study (use of water, fossil based energy, fertilizers and chemicals) were taken up in in-depth data collection and evaluation by questionnaires applied on a farm level and/or received by mail. Four Brazilian coffee producer regions were evaluated: Cerrado Mineiro, South of Minas Gerais State, the Marília and Alta Mogiana regions in São Paulo State. These regions have the following geographic coordinates: 44 to 50° W longitude and 18 to 24° S latitude. The data refer to a production of 420,000 coffee bean bags and a productive area of approx. 14,300 ha. The varieties of coffee beans considered in this study were Mundo Novo, Catuaí (yellow and red), Icatu (yellow and red), Catucaí (yellow and red) and Obatã. Farm specific data along with agricultural production data have been combined to elaborate a coffee cultivation inventory, which will be applied in an emissions estimation.

Results and Conclusion

The production of 1,000 kg of green coffee in Brazil requires approx. 11,400 kg of water, 94 kg of diesel, 270 kg of fertilizers as NPK, 900 kg of total fertilizers, 620 kg of correctives, 10 kg of pesticides and 0.05 hectare of annual land use. Outputs related to these functional units are approx. 3,000 kg of waste water from coffee washing, 8,500 kg of waste water from the wet method and 750 kg of organic residue that is reincorporated to the tillage as fertilizer. The publication of an LCI of agricultural products is a fundamental step for understanding the potential environmental impacts of each tillage and then establishes the basis for product sustainability. In this way, this work is the first Brazilian initiative for applying LCA to coffee cultivation.

Recommendation and Perspective

Different agricultural practices demonstrate different environmental profiles. The amount of agricultural pesticide is directly related to agricultural practices as tillage rotation, density of plants, etc. This study supplied important results for a better correlation of the agricultural practices and potential environmental impacts of coffee. Future updates of this study will show the evolution of the natural resource management such as land use, new agricultural practices, lower fertilizers and chemicals use.  相似文献   
苹果蠹蛾性信息素的研究和应用进展   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
苹果蠹蛾Cydia pomonella (L.)是我国重要的检疫害虫, 在我国仅分布于新疆和甘肃以西局部地区, 但一直保持向我国东部扩张的趋势。在国际上, 利用性信息素监测和迷向防治苹果蠹蛾已经成为一种切实可行并广泛应用的害虫管理技术。本文综述了苹果蠹蛾性信息素的成分鉴定、人工合成和应用情况的研究进展, 指出了目前存在的问题和应用前景, 以期为我国苹果蠹蛾的防控策略的研究和应用提供参考。  相似文献   
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