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In a mark–recapture study in 2006, migrating European Anguilla anguilla silver eels were caught, tagged and released in the Baltic Sea and recaptures in commercial pound nets examined for possible effects on migration of infection with the swimbladder parasite Anguillicola crassus . The overall recapture rate was 36%. The prevalence of infection was lowest at the northernmost sampling site. There were no significant differences between infected and uninfected A. anguilla in condition indices, body fat content and estimated migration speeds. Parasite infection intensity levels were significantly negatively correlated with times and distances covered between release and recapture, but did not correlate with migration speed. It appears that more heavily infected A. anguilla were relatively more vulnerable to recapture in pound nets. It is hypothesized that parasite-induced damage to the swimbladder inhibited vertical migrations and infected A. anguilla tended to migrate in shallower coastal waters, relatively close to the shore.  相似文献   
We isolated nine microsatellite loci from the Neotropical understorey tree Miconia affinis (Melastomataceae) and optimized them for research on gene flow and genetic structure. Loci screened in 43 individuals from a 2.26-km(2) region were shown to be unlinked and polymorphic, with 5 to 14 alleles per locus and observed heterozygosity ranging from 0.394 to 0.810.  相似文献   
1 Management of vegetational diversity in agroecosystems is a potentially regulating factor of pest population dynamics and may affect developmental stages in different ways.
2 We investigated the population dynamics of red spider mites, coffee leaf miners, and coffee berry borers in three management types of coffee agroforests: increasing plant diversity from a few shade tree species (simple-shade agroforests), intermediate-shade tree species (complex-shade agroforests) to high-shade tree species (abandoned coffee agroforests) in Ecuador. Furthermore, we studied how changes in agroforestry management affect population stage structure of each coffee pest.
3 Our results show that agroforestry management affected seasonal patterns of coffee pests in that higher densities of red spider mites were observed from August to December, coffee leaf miners from December to February, and coffee berry borers from May to July. Moreover, specific developmental stages of red spider mites, coffee leaf miners, and coffee berry borers differed in their responses to agroforestry management. During all stages, red spider mite reached higher densities in simple-shade agroforests compared with complex-shade and abandoned agroforests. Meanwhile, coffee leaf miner densities decreased from simple-shade to complex-shade and abandoned agroforests, but only for larvae, not pupae. Similarly, only coffee berry borer adults (but not eggs, larvae and pupae) demonstrated a response to agroforestry management. Environmental variables characterizing each agroforestry type proved to be important drivers of pest population densities in the field.
4 We emphasize the importance of considering seasonal differences and population structure while investigating arthropod responses to different habitat types because responses change with time and developmental stages.  相似文献   
石斛篓象的生物学特性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
石斛篓象Nassophasis sp.为石斛的重要害虫之一,在云南普洱地区1年发生2~3代,世代重叠。3~4月和9~10月为幼虫发生高峰期,6月、12月为成虫发生高峰期。石斛篓象以幼虫蛀茎为害为主,成虫亦为害石斛茎、叶,石斛篓象对球花石斛为害最为严重。昼间取食的成虫数量关系为午后(13:00~14:00)>傍晚(17:30~18:30)>清晨(8:30~9:30);各时段成虫数量与平均温度有一定正相关;成虫在清晨较喜食叶,在午后、傍晚则较喜食茎。  相似文献   
Medically important arthropods, including fleas, play an important role in causing clinical disorders and disease in man and domestic animals. This study was conducted to determine the seasonal flea infestations for domestic dogs from different geographic regions of Iran. A total of 407 fleas, belonging to 5 different species, were recovered from 83 domestic dogs from 3 regions. There was a distinctive pattern of species distribution and infestations with the highest infestation rates observed in a temperate climate and higher rainfall. Additionally, fleas were observed over all seasons, except February and March, with the highest infestation rate observed in August (24.7%) and the lowest rate in January (1.7%). They also parasitize dogs with a different spectrum of species. The cat flea, Ctenocephalides felis (67.5%), exhibited the highest prevalence among all flea species found on dogs. Thus, climatic conditions and seasonal patterns impact on flea infestation and must be considered in developing control programs.  相似文献   
Coffea arabica occurs naturally in the montane rainforests of Ethiopia, but large areas of these unique forests have been converted to other land-uses. In the remaining forest, wild coffee is managed and harvested with increasing intensity because of rising coffee prices in the world market. This study evaluated the impact of coffee management on wild coffee populations and the forest vegetation as a basis for conservation planning in southwestern Ethiopia. Vegetation surveys and yield assessments were carried out in unmanaged natural forest and in managed semi-forest coffee (SFC) systems. Analyses show that wild coffee density and coffee yields were low in natural forest (max. 15 kg ha−1 year−1). In SFC systems, 30% of the canopy trees and most undergrowth vegetation were removed. This stimulated wild coffee growth and strongly enhanced yields (max. 54 kg ha−1 year−1), but severely disturbed forest structure. Species richness increased by 26% because of an increase in species of ruderal and secondary vegetation; however, species richness and abundance of typical forest species declined. Conservation of the natural forest therefore requires the control of wild coffee management. Wild coffee certification is discussed as one tool to reconcile conservation measures and the interests of local farmers.  相似文献   
Vegetation composition and forest stand development are frequently mediated by browsing herbivores. These relationships have received little attention in a forest restoration context even though White‐tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) is likely to influence these agriculture, forest, and restored ecosystem mosaic landscapes. Tree species composition, herbaceous vegetation, and deer browsing patterns were assessed 5 and 7 years following bottomland hardwood forest restoration on a 526‐ha site in the Cache River watershed in southern Illinois, United States. Light‐seeded tree species (Fraxinus pennsylvanica, Acer negundo, Liquidambar styraciflua, and Platanus occidentalis) of volunteer origin dominated the woody vegetation component, with especially high stocking and density near existing forest cover and potential seed sources. At more distant locations, presumably planted Quercus spp. were more likely to dominate and were the only tree species found in 15% of plots in year 7. Quercus stocking increased over the course of the study, constituting 7% of trees during year 7. Deer herbivory was associated with reduced stem height and disproportionately impacted seedlings of Quercus palustris and Celtis spp. Our results suggest that deer browsing influences forest stand composition and density as a function of distance from the nearest forest edge. Herbaceous vegetation had little impact on early stand development. Continued spread of the exotic and invasive Lonicera japonica and potential mortality of F. pennsylvanica due to an anticipated Emerald ash borer (Agrilus planipennis) epidemic, combined with low stand density and delayed canopy closure, may result in persistent overstory gaps and compromise long‐term restoration success.  相似文献   
Summary The Scientific Research Center of Yucatán (CICY, for its Spanish acronym) was founded in November 1979 as part of an effort to decentralize scientific activities from Mexico City. Several of the research programs carried out at CICY make use of plant tissue culture techniques for their development. For this article, we have reviewed results obtained in research projects oriented towards basic plant biology questions, as well as towards the micropropagation of economically important species, and the production of secondary metabolites.  相似文献   
Abstract  The use of Beauveria bassiana proparations for control of coffee stem borers, Xylotrechus quardripes Chevr. and Acalolepta cervinus (Hope), as tested in the laboratory and field conditions. The results show that each instar of coffee stem borers could be infected and killed successfully when being inoculated or contacted with B. bassiana . The control efficacy under indoor cultivation conditions exceeded 90% within 15 days. Jamming drilled hole with fungal mud resulted in the accumulative mortality and corrected mortality of > 90% within 20 days. In the field, three methods, jamming drilled holes with bamboo sticker, bamboo sticker with fungal mud, and fungal mud only, were employed, and each led to the control effect of > 90% within 20 days. However, spraying suspensions and dusting powder of B. bassiana ww insignificant. The yield of fresh coffee fruits in biological control area waa 125.7 kg/0.067 ha greater than that of control area when being harvested in February. Compared the cost of microbial control with that of chemical control, B. bassiana proved to be a profitable, effective, and safe biocontrol agent against coffee stem-borer.  相似文献   
The soil Coleoptera community was sampled with pitfall traps in shaded and unshaded coffee agroecosystems in Veracruz, Mexico. The insect collection resulted in a total of 31 species which belong to nine families. The most frequent families collected in this study (in terms of species and number of organisms) were Scarabaeidae and Carabidae.Species diversity was measured using the Hill's family of diversity numbers. The Coleoptera community was more diverse in shaded than in unshaded coffee. Also, the collected organisms were more evenly distributed between species in shaded coffee.The diversity of the scarab beetles was shown to be strongly affected by the degree of forest perturbation. The richness and evenness of scarab beetles was correlated with the diversity of shade trees present in coffee agro-ecosystems; scarab richness drops from 19 species collected in virgin tropical rain-forests, to five species in polyspecific shade (more than ten species of shade trees) and six species in monogeneric shade (three species of shade trees) coffee agro-ecosystems, and to three scarab species in unshaded coffee. Evenness in scarab beetles follows a similar pattern: a single species tends to gradually become dominant as more shade trees are removed from the agro-ecosystem. It is suggested that some shade trees should be preserved within the agro-ecosystem during the intensification of coffee production in Mexico.  相似文献   
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