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互花米草原产于北美洲大西洋沿岸和墨西哥海湾,经引种和其他原因,已扩散到包括中国在内的多个国家和地区,并对被入侵地生态系统的结构和功能均造成了显著影响。有关该物种的入侵机制和控制策略是当前入侵生态学研究领域的热点。互花米草生物质材料中富含黄酮类物质,与该物种向海扩张的能力可能存在一定联系。鉴于黄酮广泛的应用价值,能否借助黄酮成分的开发带动生物质的收割,以达到有效控制该物种的目的,也是当前研究者所关注的问题。以芦丁为标准参照物,NaNO2-Al( NO3)3法比较温室互花米草不同器官中总黄酮含量的差异,分析盐城滩涂互花米草越冬芽黄酮含量与所在地理位置之间的关系,采用L9(34)正交试验对干储互花米草叶总黄酮的提取工艺进行优化。互花米草叶片中黄酮类物质远高于根、根状茎、茎、叶鞘、颖稃及种子。盐城滩涂上互花米草越冬芽的黄酮含量随着由陆向海方向基本呈升高趋势。互花米草总黄酮最佳提取工艺为料液比1∶30,乙醇浓度70%,水浴温度80℃,水浴时间2h。互花米草植物材料中,尤其在叶部,黄酮含量十分丰富。该黄酮物质与互花米草在海岸带盐沼生态系统中的适应和向海扩张也存在正相关关系,可作为探索互花米草入侵机制的一个方向。利用本研究中所得优化提取工艺可从互花米草干储生物质中获得稳定的黄酮来源。配合黄酮经济成分的开发而推动生物质材料的收割利用,将成为互花米草生态控制的一项潜在策略。  相似文献   
西南干旱河谷是分布于我国亚热带横断山区的隐域性河谷景观, 其环境受季风气候、岭-谷地形环境和人类开发活动的共同影响。适应于季节性干旱和垂直气候分异, 干旱河谷具有独特的植被和丰富的物种多样性资源。在过去几十年中, 干旱河谷的气候变化以增温为一致特征, 同时经历着广泛的人类活动干扰, 特别是道路建设、水利工程、矿山开发和城镇化驱动的土地利用变化, 造成了普遍的植被破坏、生境退化和生物入侵, 给乡土植物多样性资源和生态系统稳定性带来了严重威胁, 然而至今对干旱河谷生物多样性的保护仍基本属于空白。因此, 建议及时建立干旱河谷的生物多样性保护体系; 因地制宜采取退化植被修复、立体农业规划、特色植物资源利用和风景旅游开发等措施, 以维持干旱河谷生态系统的可持续性; 落实生态文明建设的相关政策, 以保障西南生态屏障的生态安全和生态服务能力。  相似文献   
基于可变模糊评价模型的东山湾生态系统健康评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陆志强  李吉鹏  章耕耘  马丽 《生态学报》2015,35(14):4907-4919
根据东山湾海域环境污染现状和生态系统的特点,从水质环境、沉积物环境、生物残毒以及海洋生物方面构建了东山湾生态系统健康评价指标体系,提出了基于可变模糊评价模型的海湾生态系统健康评价方法,并利用该方法对东山湾生态系统健康状况进行了评价。结果表明:东山湾春季生态系统健康指数为2.36,秋季为2.44,均处于"良与中之间,偏良"水平,春季略优于秋季。影响东山湾生态系统健康状况的主要负面指标因子为鱼卵及仔鱼密度(春秋季健康指数均值为4.95)、营养水平(秋季健康指数为4.47)和底栖生物生物量(春季健康指数为3.59)。实例研究表明该方法通过准则参数α和距离参数p的不同组合变化,以线性与非线性相结合,能够较客观系统、标准量化地评价海湾生态系统健康状况的优劣,。  相似文献   
Intensive weed control and plot preparation practices have become a critical and integral part of productive beech forest management in Turkey’s coastal Black Sea region (BSR). This study was conducted in an eastern beech forest of 100+ year old in the BSR to evaluate ecosystem effects of three different experimental Rhododendron ponticum understory control methods with a randomised block design, including manual grubbing, foliar and cut stump spraying with imazapyr (Arsenal) and foliar and cut stump spraying with triclopyr (Garlon). Untreated vegetation plots served as controls. Evaluation of these treatments included their effects on understory and forest floor biomass and nutrients (C, N, P, S, K, Ca and Mg) and effects on soils, including bulk density, pH, soil nutrients (C, N, P and S), exchangeable cations (K, Ca and Mg) and soil cation exchange capacity (CEC). Grubbing and imazapyr treatments had greatly reduced the amount of understory biomass 5 years after application (P = 0.002). Triclopyr treatment also had a major effect on understory vegetation control, but by 5 years later, about 10% of the rhododendron originally present on these plots had gradually re‐sprouted and partially covered the plots. Five years after woody vegetation control treatments, at the 0‐ to 20‐cm depth, treatments did not appear to affect soil bulk density, pH and CEC. For the upper 20‐cm soil depth, the exchangeable soil K concentration at the 10‐ to 20‐cm depth on triclopyr‐treated plots was 33% higher than on grubbing plots, and it was twice that of imazapyr application plots. Imazapyr plots had almost 11 times more dead organic matter on the forest floor than there was on grubbing plots. Forest floor C concentrations on imazapyr plots were 26 and 14% greater than those on grubbing and triclopyr plots, respectively. Total ecosystem (forest floor + understory + soil exchangeable) Ca content was 50% higher on imazapyr plots than that on triclopyr plots, while the ecosystem K pool on imazapyr treatment plots was 27% lower than that on triclopyr plots. Herbicides can be used as an alternative for achieving some forest management objectives when other vegetation control methods are not feasible or economical. It is recommended that vegetation control not be used on steep slopes because of greater risk of soil erosion. There may be benefits in encouraging slash disposal by fire after imazapyr treatments, thus removing recalcitrant understory residues left on the forest floor and releasing the essential nutrients within them.  相似文献   
中国土地利用多功能性动态的区域分析   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
当前,国际学术界针对土地利用的研究正由土地利用格局变化向土地空间多功能变化及其可持续性的方向发展,其宗旨是确定和度量土地多元化利用所提供的产品、服务和功能,及其带来的环境和社会经济效应,实现对土地利用的科学管理。基于可持续发展三维度的理念及其指标体系,界定并定量评价了我国区域土地利用的10项功能,深入研究了在经济快速发展、生态环境保护紧密相随的过去20a间,各项功能的时空变化特征。研究表明,我国土地多功能性的10项功能中,就业支持功能表现出区域增减不一的特点,生态过程维持功能具有高度的稳定性。健康保障、交通功能、居住家园、生物性土地生产、人工化土地生产、资源供给与维持、污染接收器、景观与文化支持功能在各个区域得到了不断改善与提高,但各个功能变化的强势区和弱势区在时空分布上表现出了很强的区域性特点。区域自然条件禀赋、社会经济条件以及土地利用政策在功能变化中起着关键作用。研究结果揭出中国区域土地多功能性尚存在巨大的提升空间;土地政策应具有系统性、功能针对性和时空针对性,并应关注土地利用功能变化的链发效应。  相似文献   
We investigated how the legacy of warming and summer drought affected microbial communities in five different replicated long‐term (>10 years) field experiments across Europe (EU‐FP7 INCREASE infrastructure). To focus explicitly on legacy effects (i.e., indirect rather than direct effects of the environmental factors), we measured microbial variables under the same moisture and temperature in a brief screening, and following a pre‐incubation at stable conditions. Specifically, we investigated the size and composition of the soil microbial community (PLFA) alongside measurements of bacterial (leucine incorporation) and fungal (acetate in ergosterol incorporation) growth rates, previously shown to be highly responsive to changes in environmental factors, and microbial respiration. We found no legacy effects on the microbial community size, composition, growth rates, or basal respiration rates at the effect sizes used in our experimental setup (0.6 °C, about 30% precipitation reduction). Our findings support previous reports from single short‐term ecosystem studies thereby providing a clear evidence base to allow long‐term, broad‐scale generalizations to be made. The implication of our study is that warming and summer drought will not result in legacy effects on the microbial community and their processes within the effect sizes here studied. While legacy effects on microbial processes during perturbation cycles, such as drying–rewetting, and on tolerance to drought and warming remain to be studied, our results suggest that any effects on overall ecosystem processes will be rather limited. Thus, the legacies of warming and drought should not be prioritized factors to consider when modeling contemporary rates of biogeochemical processes in soil.  相似文献   
The impact of extreme drought and heat stress that occurred in the Midwestern U.S. in 2012 on evapotranspiration (ET), net ecosystem productivity (NEP), and water‐use efficiency (WUE) of three perennial ecosystems (switchgrass, miscanthus, prairie) and a maize/soybean agroecosystem was studied as part of a long‐term experiment. Miscanthus had a slower initial response but an eventually drastic ET as drought intensified, which resulted in the largest water deficit among the crops. The substantially higher ET at peak drought was likely supplied by access to deep soil water, but suggests that stomatal conductance of miscanthus during the drought may respond differently than the other ecosystems, consistent with an anisohydric strategy. While there was a discrepancy in the water consumption of maize and switchgrass/prairie in the early time of drought, all these ecosystems followed a water‐saving strategy when drought intensified. The gross primary production (GPP) of miscanthus dropped, but was reversible, when temperature reached 40 °C and still provided the largest total GPP among the ecosystems. Increased ET for miscanthus during 2012 resulted a large decline in ecosystem WUE compared to what was observed in other years. The biophysical responses of miscanthus measured during an extreme, historic drought suggest that this species can maintain high productivity longer than other ecosystems during a drought at the expense of water use. While miscanthus maintained productivity during drought, recovery lagged associated with depleted soil moisture. The enhanced ET of miscanthus may intensify droughts through increase supply of deep soil moisture to the atmosphere.  相似文献   
农业生态系统中磷循环的研究进展   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
1 引 言能量转化和物质循环是农业生态系统最基本的功能特征。1976年在荷兰召开的第一次农业生态系统矿质养分循环研讨会标志着从系统层次研究物流的开始,但物流仍是系统研究的薄弱环节,特别是较高系统层次准确的物流的数量概念更为缺乏[1,2]。生态系统中营养元素的输入、输出状况反映了一个地区生产发展水平的高低和生态系统功能的强弱;而投入、产出的动态变化,则显示了一定时期内营养元素循环的基本规律[3]。在各种水平(如地球、陆地、国家或生态系统)上的有关磷循环的论文也发表了不少,借以阐述各组成部分中磷的数量及其相互间的转化速…  相似文献   
为揭示凋落物去除和添加处理对草原生态系统碳通量的影响, 2013和2014年连续两年在成熟群落围封样地进行凋落物去除实验、在退化群落放牧样地进行凋落物添加实验, 并运用静态箱法探讨碳通量变化规律并分析其主要影响因子。结果表明: 两种群落的净生态系统CO2交换(NEE)有明显的季节性变化。对成熟群落而言, 去除50%凋落物显著增加了NEE, 去除100%凋落物显著降低了NEE, 而对生态系统总初级生产力(GEP)和生态系统呼吸(ER)均无显著影响; 对退化群落而言, 凋落物添加显著增加了GEPNEE, 而对ER无显著影响。两种群落的GEP与10 cm土壤温度显著正相关, 但NEEGEP的变化规律与土壤温度相反, 与10 cm土壤湿度相同。由此可见, 凋落物去除和添加处理对生态系统碳通量的影响主要是改变土壤湿度和地上生物量,而不是改变土壤温度。该研究为合理利用凋落物改善草地生态系统管理和促进草地恢复提供了理论依据。  相似文献   
随着生态文明理念的不断落实和土地多功能管理的转型,土地整治的生态化发展开始进入全面创新与实践探索的关键时期.系统梳理土地整治的生态环境效应理论研究与实践探索的发展过程,明确“新时代”下学科研究的服务方向和实施路径,对于实施“生态化”土地整治战略非常重要.本文以2000年以来国内外有关土地整治生态环境效应的文献为分析对象,采用Citespace 1.0软件的文献计量分析及文献归纳方法,对土地整治的生态环境效应研究热点进行识别,并从生态环境要素、生态景观、生态系统服务3个方面总结并提炼了土地整治生态环境影响的作用机制.在此基础上,从区域生态系统服务水平测度及障碍因子诊断、土地整治对区域生态系统服务的影响效应及其机制、基于生态系统服务提升的生态化土地整治模式构建等方面提出未来“生态化”土地整治的应用路径,旨在为我国“山水林田湖草”生命共同体的修复与建设提供科学依据.  相似文献   
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