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辽河三角洲湿地以丹顶鹤生境保护为核心的退耕预案研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
在遥感 (RS)和地理信息系统 (GIS)的支持下 ,结合野外实地调查 ,运用预案研究方法和景观生态决策与评价支持系统(L EDESS)的决策与规划评价思想 ,针对辽河三角洲大洼小三角洲部分的过度农业开发对野生动物生境的严重影响后果 ,对本区土地利用规划进行了以丹顶鹤生境保护为核心的退耕预案设计 ,并对其生态后果进行了空间模拟和评价。根据不同的经济和生态发展要求设计了 4个预案 ,分别为 1988年原状 (预案 1)、1998年原状 (预案 2 )、苇带设计 (预案 3)和生境恢复 (预案 4 ) ,通过对各预案进行生境适宜性、生态承载力及经济效益评价 ,可以得到以下结论 :预案 1尽管生态效益很高 ,但经济效益很低 ,在区域发展需求下由现状年恢复到预案 1具有不现实性 ;而预案 2为强烈经济需求下的典型发展模式 ,生态效益偏低 ,与经济效益的比例失调 ;预案 3和预案 4为生态与经济的协调发展模式及丹顶鹤生境恢复提供了有效参考 ,可将其视为近期和远期规划目标分步实施。这说明合理的土地开发利用方式和生境恢复措施不仅可以获得经济的高效发展 ,而且还可为稳定的生态环境提供有力保障 ,从而为区域经济与环境的协调发展提供参考性依据 ,具有一定的典型性  相似文献   
Over the past 30 years, the use of constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment has been a topic of significant research culminating in a good data base from which simplistic equations have been derived to aid in the design of these facilities to meet long term water quality treatment performance criteria. Over the past decade, the use of treatment wetlands has extended to stormwater and combined sewer overflow (CSO) management applications. Designing constructed wetlands for stormwater and CSO applications have unique challenges stemming from the highly stochastic nature of the hydraulic and pollutant loading on a stormwater wetland compared with wastewater treatment systems. This paper explores the possibility of adapting the simplistic models for wastewater wetlands for interim use in developing design guidelines for stormwater wetland systems. A procedure that takes into account the unsteady intermittent nature of stormwater inflows to these wetlands has been incorporated into one of these simplistic models and a case study presented to demonstrate the application of the procedure.  相似文献   
Large-scale industrial activities can have negative effects on wildlife populations. Some of these effects, however, could be reduced with effective planning prior to development. The Coastal Plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, in northeastern Alaska, USA, is an important maternal denning area for polar bears (Ursus maritimus). Recent legislation has opened the area for potential oil and gas development. As a result, there is interest in conducting winter seismic surveys across the area that could disturb denning female polar bears and lead to decreased cub survival. We sought to demonstrate how different seismic survey designs, with and without aerial den detection surveys, could affect the level of potential effect on denning polar bears during spring (Feb–Apr). We developed 5 hypothetical seismic survey designs for a portion of the Coastal Plain ranging from no spatial or temporal restrictions on activities to explicit consideration of when and where operations can occur. We evaluated how many dens might be disturbed by seismic surveys and the average distance activity came within simulated polar bear dens. Survey design had a large effect on the estimated number of dens that could be disturbed; the scenario with the highest spatial and temporal specificity reduced the number of dens disturbed by >90% compared to the scenario with no restrictions on when and where activity could occur. The use of an aerial den detection survey prior to seismic activity further reduced the number of dens disturbed by 68% across all scenarios. The scenario with the highest spatial and temporal specificity always had the lowest level of disturbance for all scenarios with and without the aerial survey included. Our study suggests that large reductions in the probability of disturbance can occur through careful planning on the timing and distribution of proposed activities even when surveys are planned in areas with a high density of polar bear dens. Published 2019. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public domain in the USA. The Journal of Wildlife Management published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   
温州沿海岛屿众多,水文环境复杂,疣荔枝螺(Reishia clavigera)是岩相潮间带常见种,对其群体间遗传多样性的分析,有助于合理保护和开发利用种质资源。本实验对温州沿海14个典型岛屿的158个疣荔枝螺个体,进行细胞色素氧化酶亚基Ⅰ(COⅠ)基因片段序列测定,得到158 条长度为672 bp的序列,A、T、C、G 四种碱基含量分别为23.0%、38.4%、17.4%和21.2%。共检测到保守位点562个,变异位点108 个,其中包括简约信息位点57 个,单突变位点51 个。所有个体的核苷酸多样性指数Pi为0.008 0 ± 0.029 7,单倍型多样性为指数Hd为0.978 ± 0.006,平均核苷酸差异度为5.328。群体间遗传距离在0.005 7 ~ 0.011 1之间,群体内遗传距离在0.005 7 ~ 0.010 8之间,不同疣荔枝螺群体之间的遗传距离处于同一水平。霓屿岛和大竹峙岛群体内遗传距离最小,洞头岛群体内遗传距离最大。共检测到102 个单倍型,大部分单倍型聚合为一支,没有形成明显的区系结构,各个岛屿的疣荔枝螺存在基因交流。  相似文献   
Abstract Since 1990 under the Eastern Habitat Joint Venture over 100 small wetlands have been restored in Prince Edward Island, Canada. Wetlands were restored by means of dredging accumulated sediment from erosion to emulate pre‐disturbance conditions (i.e., open water and extended hydroperiod). In 1998 and 1999 we compared waterfowl pair and brood use on 22 restored and 24 reference wetlands. More pairs and broods of Ring‐necked Ducks, Gadwall, Green‐winged Teal, and American Black Ducks used restored versus reference wetlands. In restored wetlands waterfowl pair density and species richness were positively correlated with wetland/cattail area, percent cattail cover, and close proximity to freshwater rivers. In addition, a waterfowl reproductive index was positively correlated with percent cattail cover. Green‐winged Teal pair occurrence in restored wetlands was positively correlated with greater amounts of open water and water depths. American Black Duck pairs occurred on most (86%) restored wetlands. Restored small wetlands likely served as stopover points for American Black Duck broods during overland or stream movements, whereas they likely served as a final brood‐rearing destination for Green‐winged Teal broods. We suggest that wetland restoration is a good management tool for increasing populations of Green‐winged Teal and American Black Ducks in Prince Edward Island.  相似文献   
生态修复是指在不同人为干预程度下,协助已遭受退化、损伤或破坏的生态系统恢复的过程。我国海岸带地区资源丰富、位置优越,但过度的开发建设活动严重破坏了当地的生态环境,急需对受损的海岸带生态系统进行保护和修复。以东营市海岸带地区为例,运用InVEST模型对其2005、2010、2015和2018年4个时间段的碳储存功能进行评估并分析碳储存及"碳源碳汇"的动态变化,以间接反映出区域生态系统的稳定性和健康程度。结果表明,2005-2018年东营市海岸带碳储存功能持续减弱,13年间碳储存总量减少了1.341×106 t,生态系统碳储存功能受到严重破坏,其中有8.68×104 hm2生态系统碳储存功能评价等级为差和极差,空间上受损最为严重的区域主要分布在岸线附近的北部、东北部和东南部。按照东营市海岸带碳损失空间差异和生态系统演替规律,从3个方面提出相应的修复方案,包括加强恢复区保护力度、稳定碳储存能力,整顿辅助区粗放模式、塑造碳储存廊道和退还重建区滨海湿地、扭转碳损失趋势,以期通过改善和恢复研究区海岸带生态系统碳储存功能,实现对受损生态系统的有效保护和修复。  相似文献   
王玉  郝清玉 《广西植物》2022,42(8):1304-1314
木麻黄无法天然更新已严重影响了海南岛木麻黄海防林发挥其永续的防护效能。该文以海口木麻黄海防林为原生境试验基地,采用5因素2水平的因子试验设计方法,共设计36个处理组合,探究木麻黄种子萌发及幼苗存活的影响因素及障碍因子。结果表明:(1)木麻黄种子发芽率最高的处理组合为林窗-不浇水-沙土-保水-盖土(GJ0SBM),发芽率为37.33%,显著高于其他处理组合(P<0.05);平均株高最高的处理组合为林窗-浇水-红土-不保水-不盖土(GJRB0M0),平均株高为6.43 cm/53 d,显著高于其他处理组合(P<0.05);存活率最高的组合为林窗-浇水-沙土-保水-盖土(GJSBM),存活率为79.00%/73 d,显著高于其他处理组合(P<0.05)。(2)林分光照条件和盖土方式是木麻黄种子发芽率及发芽势的影响因素,保水方式对种子发芽速度有显著影响。(3)林分光照条件是影响木麻黄幼苗株高的影响因素。(4)浇水方式是影响木麻黄幼苗存活率的主要影响因素。综上所述,木麻黄自身无法天然更新的障碍机制不在于种子萌发,而是因为木麻黄幼苗在海南旱季因缺乏必要的水分而无法存活,从而导致其...  相似文献   
E. T. BAUDER 《Freshwater Biology》2005,50(12):2129-2135
1. Vernal pools are small precipitation‐fed temporary wetlands once common in California. They are known for their numerous narrowly endemic plant and animal species, many of which are endangered. These pools experience the typical wet season/dry season regime of Mediterranean climates. Their hydrological characteristics are determined by a complex interaction between the highly variable climate and topographic relief. 2. Hypotheses regarding the effects on ponding of total precipitation, storm intensity and pattern were examined using long‐term weather records combined with two decades of data on the length and depth of inundation in 10 individual pools. Similarly, data on pool landscape position and microtopography allowed examination of the interactions between topography and rainfall amount and pattern. 3. The total amount of precipitation and length of inundation were strongly correlated. Landscape position affected ponding duration, with collector pools holding water longer than headwater pools. Basin microtopography interacted with climatic variability to determine the nature and extent of within‐basin microhabitats sufficiently different in hydrological and/or soil conditions to support or exclude individual species. The effect on hydroperiod of precipitation concentrated in a few months rather than spread more evenly over the season depended on total precipitation. 4. Changes in climate, the mound‐and‐depression landscape or pool microtopography could have profound impacts on the hydrology of individual pools as well as the array of hydrological conditions in the system. Given the individualistic responses of the numerous endemic species supported by vernal pools, any of these environmental changes could diminish their sustainability and increase the risk of species extinction. Conservation, restoration and management decisions should take these factors into account.  相似文献   
O'Sullivan  P. E. 《Hydrobiologia》1992,(1):421-434
Palaeolimnological studies of sediments from Slapton Ley and Loe Pool, two coastal freshwater lakes in Southwest England, show that in the period since 1945, they have been eutrophicated by nutrient inputs from intensification of agriculture, but also from sewage effluent. Two simple models have been used to identify the main sources of catchment outputs, and in the case of Slapton Ley, to evaluate historical changes in land use, and their likely effect on lake trophic status.Restoration strategies may also be evaluated using the same models. They suggest that in order to reduce loads on either lake to within OECD permissible limits, not only will all sewage inputs need to be prevented, and non-phosphate detergents used, but also losses from agricultural land must be reduced. This could take the form of the keeping of fewer cattle (the main source of organic nitrogen and phosphorus in both catchments), or the zoning of the respective catchments so that steep slopes close to riparian zones are not used, as at present, for the grazing of livestock.A better option, however, would appear to be the establishment along most of the rivers draining into these lakes, of buffer strips of woodland at least 15 m wide. According to the models, this measure, along with treatment or diversion of sewage effluent, would reduce phosphorus loads upon the lakes to within acceptable limits.  相似文献   
Summary A constructed urban wetland in Adelaide was surveyed 18 months and 10 years after construction to see how shoreline vegetation, soil electrical conductivity (EC), texture and pH changed over time and to provide data for future site management. Multivariate analysis detected four plant associations at 18 months: salt‐tolerant taxa on conductive clays; a weed‐dominated community on lower EC soil; and two smaller waterlogged, low EC clusters dominated by Common Reed (Phragmites australis) and Sea Club‐Rush (Bolboschoenus caldwellii), respectively. At 10 years, site cover and heterogeneity was higher, with the margins dominated by Phragmites and salt‐tolerant species. EC was much lower and more uniform, and the soils were heavier and more alkaline. Managed storm water flushing apparently lowered soil EC, but possibly also disturbed the shoreline. However, weeds were still common, and the potential for domination by Phragmites at the expense of other native shoreline species means that ongoing monitoring and hydrological and vegetation management are essential to maintain site habitat diversity.  相似文献   
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