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描述了贵州水城矿区汪家寨组 (晚二叠世晚期 )煤核中一种脱落的具解剖构造的鳞木类叶座。这些叶座在大小和形态上与鳞皮鳞木 (LepidodendronlepidophloidesYao)很相似 ,很可能属于同一种植物的不同保存类型的叶座。将鳞皮鳞木与已知几个鳞木类植物叶座属 ,如鳞木属、鳞皮木属、封印木属和华夏木属进行了对比 ,认为鳞皮鳞木具有这几个属的混合特征 ,将其归入上述任何一属似乎都不太妥当。该类植物有可能代表了一个新属。由于茎的其他部分构造不明以及这些叶座与生殖构造的联系目前尚不清楚 ,因此 ,本文暂时采用鳞皮鳞木这一种名 ,其确切归属留待对其茎的其他部分的解剖构造以及与生殖器官之间的联系都清楚了以后再行决定。首次较详细地报道华夏植物区鳞木类植物叶座的解剖构造。  相似文献   
Tens of thousands of stream kilometers worldwide are degraded by a legacy of acid loads, high metal concentrations, and altered habitat caused by acid mine drainage (AMD) from abandoned underground and surface mines. As the primary production base in streams, the condition of algal‐dominated periphyton communities is particularly important to nutrient cycling, energy flow, and higher trophic levels. Here, we synthesize current knowledge regarding how AMD‐associated stressors affect (i) algal communities and their use as ecological indicators, (ii) their functional roles in stream ecosystems, and (iii) how these findings inform management decisions and evaluation of restoration effectiveness. A growing body of research has found ecosystem simplification caused by AMD stressors. Species diversity declines, productivity decreases, and less efficient nutrient uptake and retention occur as AMD severity increases. New monitoring approaches, indices of biological condition, and attributes of algal community structure and function effectively assess AMD severity and effectiveness of management practices. Measures of ecosystem processes, such as nutrient uptake rates, extracellular enzyme activities, and metabolism, are increasingly being used as assessment tools, but remain in their infancy relative to traditional community structure‐based approaches. The continued development, testing, and implementation of functional measures and their use alongside community structure metrics will further advance assessments, inform management decisions, and foster progress toward restoration goals. Algal assessments will have important roles in making progress toward improving and sustaining the water quality, ecological condition, and ecosystem services of streams in regions affected by the legacy of unregulated coal mining.  相似文献   
煤炭是我国的主要能源,大型露天煤矿的开发推动了地区经济与社会的发展,但同时也引发了区域生态环境问题。因此,探讨矿产开发对区域景观格局的影响,并阐明景观格局动态与生态系统初级生产力的关系,对生态环境的保护具有重要意义。以内蒙古草原区的黑岱沟露天煤矿为例,利用3S(RS、GIS和GPS)技术,在野外实地调查的基础上,分析了1987年以来矿产开发导致的土地利用/覆盖变化、景观格局动态及其与生态系统初级生产力之间的关系,主要结果如下:(1)提出了界定最适研究区范围的方法,认为沿矿区边界向外建立10 km的缓冲区是该研究最适研究区域的大小;(2)草地和耕地是研究区主要的土地利用/覆盖类型,但是在过去20多年间其面积在逐渐减少,而工矿仓储用地及住宅用地面积在急剧增加;(3)矿产开发导致景观格局发生变化,并且在两种不同的空间尺度(研究区和矿区)上表现出总体变化趋势的一致性,但在后期有较大差异;(4)初级生产力变化呈现下降趋势,并且矿区的降低更为突出;(5)以生长季降水量为控制因子的偏相关分析表明,景观配置(平均斑块周长面积比、景观形状指数)与初级生产力呈正相关关系,在研究区尺度上尤其显著,但在矿区尺度上,景观结构组成(斑块密度、均匀度指数和多样性指数)更为重要,与初级生产力呈显著负相关;(6)受复垦规模和演替进程的影响,局限在矿区排土场上的植被重建尚不能改变研究区尺度景观-生态系统初级生产力之间的关系。可见,景观格局的变化以及景观格局与生态系统初级生产力之间的关系均存在尺度依赖性。  相似文献   
The high moisture content of sub-bituminous coal is associated with the interactions between coal and water. Because of complex composition and structure, the graphite surface modified by hydroxyl, carboxyl and carbonyl groups was used to represent the surface model of sub-bituminous coal according to XPS results. Density profiles for oxygen atoms and hydrogen atoms indicate that the coal surface properties affect the structural and dynamic characteristics of the interfacial water molecules. The interfacial water exhibits much more ordering than bulk water. The results of radial distribution functions, mean square displacement and local self-diffusion coefficient for water molecule related to three oxygen moieties confirmed that the water molecules prefer to absorb with carboxylic groups, and adsorption of water molecules at the hydroxy and carbonyl is similar.  相似文献   
Rhodococcus rhodochrous IGTS8 was previously isolated because of its ability to use coal as its sole source of sulfur for growth. Subsequent growth studies have revealed that IGTS8 is capable of using a variety of organosulfur compounds as sources of sulfur but not carbon. In this article, the ability of IGTS8 to selectively remove organic sulfur from water-soluble coal-derived material is investigated. The microbial removal of organic sulfur from coal requires microorganisms capable of cleaving carbon-sulfur bonds and the accessibility of these bonds to microorganisms. The use of water-soluble coal-derived material effectively overcomes the problem of accessibility and allows the ability of microorganisms to cleave carbon-sulfur bonds present in coal-derived material to be assessed directly. Three coals, two coal solubilization procedures, and two methods of biodesulfurization were examined. The results of these experiments reveal that the microbial removal of significant amounts of organic sulfur from water-soluble coal-derived material with treatment times as brief as 24 h is possible. Moreover, the carbon content and calorific value of biotreated products are largely unaffected. Biotreatment does result, however, in an increased hydrogen and nitrogen content and a decreased oxygen content of the coal-derived material. The aqueous supernatant obtained from biodesulfurization experiments does not contain sulfate, sulfite, or other forms of soluble sulfur at increased concentrations in comparison with control samples. Sulfur removed from water-soluble coal-derived material appears to be incorporated into biomass. (c) 1992 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
National governments and international organizations perceive bioenergy, from crops such as Miscanthus, to have an important role in mitigating greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and combating climate change. In this research, we address three objectives aimed at reducing uncertainty regarding the climate change mitigation potential of commercial Miscanthus plantations in the United Kingdom: (i) to examine soil temperature and moisture as potential drivers of soil GHG emissions through four years of parallel measurements, (ii) to quantify carbon (C) dynamics associated with soil sequestration using regular measurements of topsoil (0–30 cm) C and the surface litter layer and (iii) to calculate a life cycle GHG budget using site‐specific measurements, enabling the GHG intensity of Miscanthus used for electricity generation to be compared against coal and natural gas. Our results show that methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions contributed little to the overall GHG budget of Miscanthus, while soil respiration offset 30% of the crop's net aboveground C uptake. Temperature sensitivity of soil respiration was highest during crop growth and lowest during winter months. We observed no significant change in topsoil C or nitrogen stocks following 7 years of Miscanthus cultivation. The depth of litter did, however, increase significantly, stabilizing at approximately 7 tonnes dry biomass per hectare after 6 years. The cradle‐to‐farm gate GHG budget of this crop indicated a net removal of 24.5 t CO2‐eq ha?1 yr?1 from the atmosphere despite no detectable C sequestration in soils. When scaled up to consider the full life cycle, Miscanthus fared very well in comparison with coal and natural gas, suggesting considerable CO2 offsetting per kWh generated. Although the comparison does not account for the land area requirements of the energy generated, Miscanthus used for electricity generation can make a significant contribution to climate change mitigation even when combusted in conventional steam turbine power plants.  相似文献   
研究了低温胁迫下嫁接和自根黄瓜叶片Mn-SOD、Cu/Zn-SOD和CAT mRNA基因表达和酶活性变化及其与抗冷性的关系.结果表明:低温胁迫下,嫁接与自根黄瓜叶片Cu/Zn-SOD、Mn-SOD mRNA基因相对表达量变化分别与其Cu/Zn-SOD、Mn-SOD活性变化相吻合,而CATmRNA相对表达量变化与其CAT活性变化并不一致;嫁接黄瓜叶片Cu/Zn-SOD和Mn-SOD mRNA相对表达量及SOD、Cu/Zn-SOD和Mn-SOD活性均高于自根黄瓜,MDA含量和电解质渗漏率均低于自根黄瓜,嫁接黄瓜较高的SOD基因表达量调控的较高SOD活性是其抗冷性强于自根黄瓜的主要因素;嫁接黄瓜的功能叶CAT mRNA相对表达量略高于自根黄瓜,而幼叶CAT mRNA相对表达量低于后者,但两者CAT活性差异不大,说明低温胁迫对嫁接黄瓜叶片CAT mRNA相对表达量及CAT活性的影响不大.  相似文献   
Packs of autumn-shed maple leaves were placed at coal ash effluent-exposed and reference sites in streams on December 5, 1977 and removed after 27 and 96 days. Leaf surface area (cm2/leaf) and disc weight (ash-free dry wt/15 mm disc) were greater at the effluent-exposed site than at the reference site after 96 days (p < .001). ATP content of leaves from the reference stream quadrupled between 27 and 96 days while ATP content of effluent-exposed leaves remained low. Macroinvertebrates colonized the leaf packs in the reference site but were not found on or in effluent-exposed packs. We concluded that leaf processing beyond the leaching of soluble organics did not occur in the effluent-exposed packs owing to reduced colonization and decomposition by fungi. Since stream invertebrates prefer decomposed leaf material and animals grow faster on leaves colonized by microbes, the ash effuent appears to indirectly affect macroinvertebrates by interfering with leaf decomposition and thus reducing the quality of their food.  相似文献   

Petroleum tar produced during the processing of crude oil is one of the earth's major pollutants. The potential of certain soil bacteria in the biodegradation of petroleum tar was assessed to develop an active indigenous bacterial consortium for bioremediation of petroleum tar–polluted sites of Assam, India. In vitro enrichment cultures of five Pseudomonas spp. were found to metabolize petroleum tar. The Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) analyses of the enrichment cultures revealed the presence of the functional groups, viz., –OH, –CHO, C?O, and –COOH, which provided evidence for the biodegradation of petroleum tar. Further, gas chromatography–flame ionization detection (GC-FID) analyses revealed complete degradation of low-molecular-weight hydrocarbons, and the subsequent appearance of some additional peaks reflected the formation of intermediate metabolites during the degradation of petroleum tar. A mixed culture with 0.1% Tween 80 as a surfactant exhibited almost complete degradation in contrast to the degradation by the mixed culture without Tween 80. This confirmed the effect of a surfactant for acceleration of the biodegradation process of petroleum tar.  相似文献   
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