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It has long been assumed that Al3+ is an important rhizotoxic ion in acid soils around the world, but the toxicity of Al3+ relative to mononuclear hydroxy-Al [AlOH2+ and Al(OH)+2] has been examined in detail only for an Al-sensitive wheat variety ( Triticum aestivum L. cv. Tyler). That plant appears to be sensitive to Al3+ but not to AlOH2+ and Al(OH)+2. New experiments, and reanalyses of previously published experiments, provide evidence that dicotyledonous species may be sensitive to mononuclear hydroxy-Al and that Al3+ may be nontoxic, or less toxic, to those plants. Despite these consistently measured differences between wheat and the dicotyledons, the determination of relative toxicities (Al3+ vs mononuclear hydroxy-Al) may be an intractable problem. Because of hydrolysis equilibria, (AlOH2+) and (Al(OH)+2) are equivalent to (Al3+)k1(H+)−1 and (l3+)k2(H+)−2, respectively, in which k1 and k2 are the first and second hydrolysis constants (braces denote activities). Thus, any expression of root elongation as a function of mononuclear hydroxy-Al can be alternatively expressed as a function of (Al3+) and (H+). Toxicity attributed to mononuclear hydroxy-Al may actually be Al3+ toxicity that increases as pH rises (i.e. Al3+ toxicity ameliorated by H+).  相似文献   
Tomato root growth and distribution were related to inorganic nitrogen (N) availability and turnover to determine 1) if roots were located in soil zones where N supply was highest, and 2) whether roots effectively depleted soil N so that losses of inorganic N were minimized. Tomatoes were direct-seeded in an unfertilized field in Central California. A trench profile/monolith sampling method was used. Concentrations of nitrate (NO3 -) exceeded those of ammonium (NH4 +) several fold, and differences were greater at the soil surface (0–15 cm) than at lower depths (45–60 cm or 90–120 cm). Ammonium and NO3 - levels peaked in April before planting, as did mineralizable N and nitrification potential. Soon afterwards, NO3 - concentrations decreased, especially in the lower part of the profile, most likely as a result of leaching after application of irrigation water. Nitrogen pool sizes and rates of microbial processes declined gradually through the summer.Tomato plants utilized only a small percentage of the inorganic N available in the large volume of soil explored by their deep root systems; maximum daily uptake was approximately 3% of the soil pool. Root distribution, except for the zone around the taproot, was uniformly sparse (ca. 0.15 mg dry wt g-1 soil or 0.5 cm g-1 soil) throughout the soil profile regardless of depth, distance from the plant stem, or distance from the irrigation furrow. It bore no relation to N availability. Poor root development, especially in the N-rich top layer of soil, could explain low fertilizer N use by tomatoes.  相似文献   
小麦幼苗根系镉螯合素   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从经Cd~(2+)处理的小麦幼苗根系中分离得到一种镉结合复合物(Cd-BC)。通过SephadexG75,DEAE-52柱层析纯化,鉴定了此复合物性质:(1)紫外吸收光谱在255~265 tim间有一个“肩”,A_(250)/A_(280)>1;(2)在Sephadex G75柱层析上的表观分子量约为10kD,但在SDS-聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳上呈现的条带紧接着前沿,分子量非常小;(3)氨基酸组分分析,约90%的氨基酸残基为Glu/Gln,Cys和Gly,三者比例约为4:4:1。结果说明小麦幼苗根系Cd-BC是寡聚肽,是植物镉螯合素(Cd-PCs)的聚合体。  相似文献   
HnifU, a gene exhibiting similarity tonifU genes of nitrogen fixation gene clusters, was identified in the course of expressed sequence tag (EST) generation from a human fetal heart cDNA library. Northern blot of human tissues and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using human genomic DNA verified that the hnifU gene represented a human gene rather than a microbial contaminant of the cDNA library. Conceptual translation of the hnifU cDNA yielded a protein product bearing 77% and 70% amino acid identity to NifU-like hypothetical proteins fromHaemophilus influenzae andSaccharomyces cerevisiae, respectively, and 40–44% identity to the N-terminal regions of NifU proteins from several diazatrophs (i.e., nitrogen-fixing organisms). Pairwise determination of amino acid identities between the NifU-like proteins of nondiazatrophs showed that these NifU-like proteins exhibited higher sequence identity to each other (63–77%) than to the diazatrophic NifU proteins (40–48%). Further, the NifU-like proteins of non-nitrogenfixing organisms were similar only to the N-terminal region of diazatrophic NifU proteins and therefore identified a novel modular domain in these NifU proteins. These findings support the hypothesis that NifU is indeed a modular protein. The high degree of sequence similarity between NifU-like proteins from species as divergent as humans andH. influenzae suggests that these proteins perform some basic cellular function and may be among the most highly conserved proteins. Correspondence to: C.-C. Liew  相似文献   
A natural abundance hydrogen stable isotope technique was used to study seasonal changes in source water utilization and water movement in the xylem of dimorphic root systems and stem bases of several woody shrubs or trees in mediterranean-type ecosystems of south Western Australia. Samples collected from the native treeBanksia prionotes over 18 months indicated that shallow lateral roots and deeply penetrating tap (sinker) roots obtained water of different origins over the course of a winter-wet/summer-dry annual cycle. During the wet season lateral roots acquired water mostly by uptake of recent precipitation (rain water) contained within the upper soil layers, and tap roots derived water from the underlying water table. The shoot obtained a mixture of these two water sources. As the dry season approached dependence on recent rain water decreased while that on ground water increased. In high summer, shallow lateral roots remained well-hydrated and shoots well supplied with ground water taken up by the tap root. This enabled plants to continue transpiration and carbon assimilation and thus complete their seasonal extension growth during the long (4–6 month) dry season. Parallel studies of other native species and two plantation-grown species ofEucalyptus all demonstrated behavior similar to that ofB. prionotes. ForB. prionotes, there was a strong negative correlation between the percentage of water in the stem base of a plant which was derived from the tap root (ground water) and the amount of precipitation which fell at the site. These data suggested that during the dry season plants derive the majority of the water they use from deeper sources while in the wet season most of the water they use is derived from shallower sources supplied by lateral roots in the upper soil layers. The data collected in this study supported the notion that the dimorphic rooting habit can be advantageous for large woody species of floristically-rich, open, woodlands and heathlands where the acquisition of seasonally limited water is at a premium.  相似文献   
In comparison to wild type Arabidopsis thaliana, the auxin resistant mutants axr1 and axr2 exhibit reduced inhibition of root elongation in response to auxins. Several auxin-regulated physiological processes are also altered in the mutant plants. When wild-type, axr1 and axr2 seedlings were grown in darkness on media containing indoleacetic acid (IAA), promotion of root growth was observed at low concentrations of IAA (10?11 to 10?7M) in 5-day-old axr2 seedlings, but not in axr1 or wild-type seedlings. In axr1 there was little or no measurable root growth response over the same concentration range. In wild type, root growth was inhibited at concentrations greater than 10?10M and no detectable root growth response was observed at lower concentrations. In addition, production of lateral roots in response to IAA increased in axr2 seedlings and decreased in axr1 seedlings relative to wild type. Promotion of root elongation and initiation of lateral roots in axr2 seedlings in response to auxin indicate that axr2 seedlings are able to perceive and respond to IAA.  相似文献   
We studied the effects of mycorrhizal pitch pine (Pinus rigida) roots on litter decomposition, microbial biomass, nematode abundance and inorganic nutrients in the E horizon material of a spodosolic soil, using field microcosms created in a regenerating pitch pine stand in the New Jersey Pinelands. Pine roots stimulated litter decomposition by 18.7% by the end of the 29 month study. Both mass loss and N and P release from the litter were always higher in the presence of roots than in their absence. Nutrient concentrations in decomposing litter were similar, however, in the presence and absence of roots, which suggests that the roots present in the with-root treatment did not withdraw nutrients directly from the litter. The soil was slightly drier in the presence of roots, but there was no discernible effect on soil microbial biomass. The effects of roots on soil extractable inorganic nutrients were inconsistent. Roots, however, were consistently associated with higher numbers of soil nematodes. These results suggest that, in soils with low total C and N contents, roots stimulate greater activity of the soil biota, which contribute, in turn, to faster litter decomposition and nutrient release.Contribution No. 95-22 from the Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences.Contribution No. 95-22 from the Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences.  相似文献   
Minirhizotron observations of roots of leeks and Brussels sprouts grown in the Wageningen Rhizolab were used to study the dynamics of root length. Day of appearance and the time of decay were assessed for individual root segments visible on the minirhizotron surface.A Brussels sprouts crop produced much more root length than leeks, but the average longevity of these roots was about half that of leek roots.To investigate whether root colour or UV fluorescence could be used as a quantitative index of root functionality or root age, changes in root colour (on a scale of greys) over time were measured with interactive image analysis. In both crops a gradual change towards black was found with ageing. Measurements of the intensity of the UV fluorescence showed that leek roots fluoresced more than Brussels sprouts roots. Over time, UV fluorescence decreased in Brussels sprouts roots but increased in leek roots. It is concluded that UV fluorescence cannot be used as a universal indicator of root age or root functionality, but in some plant species it may be used to separate (transparent) roots from the background with image analysis techniques.  相似文献   
A review is given of the prospects for using process-oriented models of water and nutrient uptake in improving integrated agriculture. Government-imposed restrictions on the use of external inputs will increase the likelihood of (temporary) nutrient or water stress in crop production in NW Europe and thus a better understanding is required of shoot-root-soil interactions than presently available. In modelling nutrient and water uptake, three approaches are possible: 1) models-without-roots, based on empirically derived efficiency ratios for uptake of available resources, 2) models evaluating the uptake potential of root systems as actually found in the field and 3) models which also aim at a prediction of root development as influenced by interactions with environmental factors. For the second type of models the major underlying processes are known and research can concentrate on model refinement on the one hand and practical application on the other. The main parameters required for such models are discussed and examples are given of practical applications. For the third type of models quantification of processes known only qualitatively is urgently needed.  相似文献   
杉木,火力楠纯林及混交林细根周转的研究   总被引:87,自引:13,他引:74  
系统研究了杉木、火力楠纯林及混交林细根生物量、生产力及年周转率。结果表明,杉木、火力楠纯林及混交林活细根生物量分别为880、3035和1560kg.ha^-1;死细根生物量为235、398和565kg.ha^-1;细根年周转率为1.29、1.42和1.40;年生产量为1137、4318和2179kg.ha^-1;年死亡量为497.595和1149kg.ha^-1,分别相当于林分枯枝落叶年凋落量为3  相似文献   
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