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Previous studies found that the activity of Sortase A, a bacterial surface protein from Staphylococcus aureus, was inhibited by curcumin and its analogues. To explore this inhibitory mechanism, Sortase A and its inhibitors in complex systems were studied by molecular docking, molecular modelling, binding energy decomposition calculation and steered molecular dynamics simulations. Energy decomposition analysis indicated that PRO-163, LEU-169, GLN-172, ILE-182 and ILE-199 are key residues in Sortase A-inhibitor complexes. Furthermore, interactions between the methoxyl group on the benzene ring in the conjugated molecule (curcumin, demethoxycurcumin, bisdemethoxycurcumin) and VAL-168, LEU-169 and GLN-172 induce the inhibitory activity based on the energy decomposition and distance analyses between the whole residues and inhibitors. However, because of its coiled structure, the non-conjugated molecule, tetrahydrocurcumin, with key residues in the binding sites of Sortase A, interacted weakly with SrtA, leading to the loss of inhibitory activity. Based on these results, the methoxyl group on the benzene ring in the conjugated molecule largely influenced the inhibitory activity of the Sortase A inhibitors.  相似文献   
The rice blast disease caused by the fungus Magnaporthe grisea is one of the most devastating rice diseases, but there is no effective fungicide toward chitinase which is a key enzyme of M. grisea. In this study, we observed that distortion and cell-wall damage of M. grisea hyphae were significantly under the scanning electron micrograph after a 24-h treatment with 10?mg/L isobavachalcone (IBC) extracted from Psoralea corylifolia L. To further explore the effect of IBC on the cell wall of M. grisea, we examined changes in enzymes associated with cell wall degradation by enzyme activity experiments, treated liquid culture mycelia with 10?mg/L IBC for 1?h. Results displayed that chitinase was obviously more active than control group. To illustrate the interactions between IBC and chitinase, the studies of homology modeling and molecular docking were carried out successively. The results revealed that IBC had hydrogen bonds with residues ASP267 and ARG276 of chitinase. Besides, these nonpolar residues TYR270, PRO271, VAL272, LEU310, PRO311, TYR316, and LEU317 were able to form strong hydrophobic interactions. Binding energies of the chitinase-IBC complexes were calculated by MM-GBSA showed that the ΔGbind score of molecular dynamics had lower binding energy and more stable than docking complexes. All above, IBC owns significant agonistic activity in chitinase and would be a potent fungicide to inhibit the growth of M. grisea. We hope the above information provides an important insight for understanding the interactions between IBC and chitinase, which may be useful in the discovery of a novel potent agonist.

Communicated by Ramaswamy H. Sarma  相似文献   

Aqueous solutions of Candida antarctica lipase B (CALB) were simulated considering three different water models (SPC/E, TIP3P, TIP4P) by a series of molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of three different box sizes (L = 9, 14, and 19 nm) to determine the diffusion coefficient, the water viscosity and the protein density. The protein–water systems were equilibrated for 500 ns, followed by 100 ns production runs which were analysed. The diffusional properties of CALB were characterized by the Stokes radius (RS), which was derived from the diffusion coefficient and the viscosity. RS was compared to the geometric radius (RG) of CALB, which was derived from the protein density. RS and RG differed by 0.27 nm for SPC/E and by 0.40 and 0.39 nm for TIP3P and TIP4P, respectively, which characterizes the thickness of the diffusive hydration layer on the protein surface. The simulated hydration layer of CALB resulted in agreement with those experimentally determined for other seven different proteins of comparable size. By avoiding the most common pitfalls, protein diffusion can be reliably simulated: simulating different box sizes to account for the finite size effect, equilibrating the protein–water system sufficiently, and using the complete production run for the determination of the diffusion coefficient.  相似文献   
Thrombin is a key component for chemotherapeutic and antithrombotic therapy development. As the physiologic and pathologic roles of the light chain still remain vague, here, we continue previous efforts to understand the impacts of the disease-associated single deletion of LYS9 in the light chain. By combining supervised and unsupervised machine learning methodologies and more traditional structural analyses on data from 10 μs molecular dynamics simulations, we show that the conformational ensemble of the ΔK9 mutant is significantly perturbed. Our analyses consistently indicate that LYS9 deletion destabilizes both the catalytic cleft and regulatory functional regions and result in some conformational changes that occur in tens to hundreds of nanosecond scaled motions. We also reveal that the two forms of thrombin each prefer a distinct binding mode of a Na+ ion. We expand our understanding of previous experimental observations and shed light on the mechanisms of the LYS9 deletion associated bleeding disorder by providing consistent but more quantitative and detailed structural analyses than early studies in literature. With a novel application of supervised learning, i.e. the decision tree learning on the hydrogen bonding features in the wild-type and ΔK9 mutant forms of thrombin, we predict that seven pairs of critical hydrogen bonding interactions are significant for establishing distinct behaviors of wild-type thrombin and its ΔK9 mutant form. Our calculations indicate the LYS9 in the light chain has both localized and long-range allosteric effects on thrombin, supporting the opinion that light chain has an important role as an allosteric effector.  相似文献   
Adenosine is a ubiquitous endogenous nucleoside that controls numerous physiological functions via interacting with its specific G-coupled receptors. Activation of adenosine receptors (AdoRs), particularly A2B AdoRs promotes the release of inflammatory cytokines; reduces vascular permeabilization and induces angiogenesis, thereby making A2B AdoR becomes a potentially pharmacological target for drug development. Presently, for investigating the structural determinants of 164 xanthine derivatives as A2B AdoR antagonists, we performed an in silico study integrating with 3D-QSAR, docking and molecular dynamics (MD) simulation. The obtained optimal model shows strong predictability (Q2?=?0.647, R2ncv?=?0.955, and R2pred?=?0.848). Additionally, to explore the binding mode of the ligand with A2B AdoR and to understand their binding mechanism, docking analysis, MD simulations (20?ns), and the calculation of binding free energy were also carried out. Finally, the structural determinants of these xanthine derivatives were identified and a total of 20 novel A2B AdoR antagonists with improved potency were computationally designed, and their synthetic feasibility and selectivity were also evaluated. The information derived from the present study offers a better appreciation for exploring the interaction mechanism of the ligand with A2B AdoR, which could be helpful for designing novel potent A2B AdoR antagonists.

Communicated by Ramaswamy H. Sarma  相似文献   

In this work, the binding mechanism of new Polyketide Synthase 13 (Pks13) inhibitors has been studied through molecular dynamics simulation and free energy calculations. The drug Tam1 and its analogs, belonging to the benzofuran class, were submitted to 100 ns simulations, and according to the results obtained for root mean square deviation, all the simulations converged from approximately 30 ns. For the analysis of backbone flotation, the root mean square fluctuations were plotted for the Cα atoms; analysis revealed that the greatest fluctuation occurred in the residues that are part of the protein lid domain. The binding free energy value (ΔGbind) obtained for the Tam16 lead molecule was of ?51.43 kcal/mol. When comparing this result with the ΔGbind values for the remaining analogs, the drug Tam16 was found to be the highest ranked: this result is in agreement with the experimental results obtained by Aggarwal and collaborators, where it was verified that the IC50 for Tam16 is the smallest necessary to inhibit the Pks13 (IC50 = 0.19 μM). The energy decomposition analysis suggested that the residues which most interact with inhibitors are: Ser1636, Tyr1637, Asn1640, Ala1667, Phe1670, and Tyr1674, from which the greatest energy contribution to Phe1670 was particularly notable. For the lead molecule Tam16, a hydrogen bond with the hydroxyl of the phenol not observed in the other analogs induced a more stable molecular structure. Aggarwal and colleagues reported this hydrogen bonding as being responsible for the stability of the molecule, optimizing its physic-chemical, toxicological, and pharmacokinetic properties.  相似文献   
Doramapimod (BIRB-796) is widely recognized as one of the most potent and selective type II inhibitors of human p38α mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK); however, the understanding of its binding mechanism remains incomplete. Previous studies indicated high affinity of the ligand to a so-called allosteric pocket revealed only in the ‘out’ state of the DFG motif (i.e. Asp168-Phe169-Gly170) when Phe169 becomes fully exposed to the solvent. The possibility of alternative binding in the DFG-in state was hypothesized, but the molecular mechanism was not known. Methods of bioinformatics, docking and long-time scale classical and accelerated molecular dynamics have been applied to study the interaction of Doramapimod with the human p38α MAPK. It was shown that Doramapimod can bind to the protein even when the Phe169 is fully buried inside the allosteric pocket and the kinase activation loop is in the DFG-in state. Orientation of the inhibitor in such a complex is significantly different from that in the known crystallographic complex formed by the kinase in the DFG-out state; however, the Doramapimod’s binding is followed by the ligand-induced conformational changes, which finally improve accommodation of the inhibitor. Molecular modelling has confirmed that Doramapimod combines the features of type I and II inhibitors of p38α MAPK, i.e. can directly and indirectly compete with the ATP binding. It can be concluded that optimization of the initial binding in the DFG-in state and the final accommodation in the DFG-out state should be both considered at designing novel efficient type II inhibitors of MAPK and homologous proteins.

Communicated by Ramaswamy H. Sarma  相似文献   

Cuticle-degrading serine protease Ver112, which derived from a nematophagous fungus Lecanicillium psalliotae, has been exhibited to have high cuticle-degrading and nematicidal activities. We have performed molecular dynamics (MD) simulation based on the crystal structure of Ver112 to investigate its dynamic properties and large-scale concerted motions. The results indicate that the structural core of Ver112 shows a small fluctuation amplitude, whereas the substrate binding sites, and the regions close to and opposite the substrate binding sites experience significant conformational fluctuations. The large concerted motions obtained from essential dynamics (ED) analysis of MD trajectory can lead to open or close of the substrate binding sites, which are proposed to be linked to the functional properties of Ver112, such as substrate binding, orientation, catalytic, and release. The significant motion in the loop regions that is located opposite the binding sites are considered to play an important role in modulating the dynamics of the substrate binding sites. Furthermore, the bottom of free energy landscape (FEL) of Ver112 are rugged, which is mainly caused by the fluctuations of substrate binding regions and loops located opposite the binding site. In addition, the mechanism underlying the high flexibility and catalytic activity of Ver112 was also discussed. Our simulation study complements the biochemical and structural studies, and provides insight into the dynamics-function relationship of cuticle-degrading serine protease Ver112.  相似文献   
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