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The interaction between the hermit crab, Pagurus longicarpus, and the shell epibiont, Hydractinia symbiolongicarpus, varies from mutualism to parasitism based on the environmental context. We tested the hypothesis that this interaction also varies as a function of hermit crab sex. Given that recent work showed a negative effect of Hydractinia on female reproduction, we predicted a greater frequency of males in Hydractinia shells in the field and a stronger preference by males than females for shells with Hydractinia. Field collections documented a significantly greater proportion of males than females occupying shells with Hydractinia, and a significantly greater proportion of ovigerous females than non-ovigerous females in shells with Hydractinia. In laboratory shell-switching experiments, a greater proportion of males than females chose to enter shells with Hydractinia, but there was no difference in the proportions of males and females that vacated shells with Hydractinia.We examined whether the presence of Hydractinia influenced predation rates. Blue crabs fed on more than twice as many hermit crabs in shells with Hydractinia as compared to bare shells, but there was no significant difference for stone crabs. Laboratory experiments showed that the force required to crush shells was significantly greater for shells without Hydractinia. Thus, the lower occupancy and preference exhibited by females than males for shells with Hydractinia appears to result both from the decreased reproduction shown in past studies and an increase in predation risk.  相似文献   
Aims Invasive species continue to be a worldwide threat to ecosystems mainly as a cause for biodiversity loss. Forest ecosystems, for example, are subject to a change in species composition due to the invasion of exotic species. Specifying the attributes that cause the strong competitiveness of several exotic species may improve the ability to understand and effectively manage plant invasions in the future. In this study the following hypotheses were tested: (1) biomass production of below- and aboveground plant components of the exotic tree species is higher than that of the natives, resulting in a higher competitiveness of the exotics; (2) the exclusion of root competition has a positive effect on the biomass production of the inferior native species; and (3) mixtures of native and exotic species yield a higher biomass production than the respective monocultures.Methods A pot experiment, containing about 2000 tree seedlings, was established. We investigated the biomass productivity and growth reactions of two native (Quercus robur L., Carpinus betulus L.) and two exotic tree species (Prunus serotina Ehrh., Robinia pseudoacacia L.) in different intra- and interspecific, competitive situations with and without the influence of root competition.Important findings The biomass production of both exotic species was significantly higher and led to a strong competitive advantage, resulting in a biomass decrease of the less competitive native species. The high belowground biomass of both exotic species had a negative effect on the biomass production. The competitive pressure of exotic tree seedlings on the native ones was largely driven by root competition. Furthermore, mixtures of native and exotic tree species had a higher productivity than their growth in monocultures would have predicted. Competition was lower for exotic species in mixtures with the less productive native species compared to the competition in monocultures or in mixture with the other highly productive exotic species. Accordingly, both highly competitive exotic species produced less biomass in mixture with each other compared to monocultures. Despite the significantly higher biomass of P. serotina in all mixtures and in monoculture, R. pseudoacacia seemed to be the dominating species. Due to its strong root competition, R. pseudoacacia significantly reduced the biomass production of P. serotina .  相似文献   
“探究式学习”促使学生的学习方式和教师的教学方式发生深刻的变革.阐述了探究式学习、实验操作技能和探究式实验教学模式这三个概念的内涵.同时,对高中生物一个重要的验证性实验“叶绿体中色素的提取和分离”进行了改进,实施了探究式实验教学设计并进行了教学实践以及分析,旨在探讨如何培养学生的实验操作技能.由此可得出结论:开展探究式实验教学,既能通过规范的实验操作,培养学生的实验操作技能,又能培养学生的综合探究能力并树立实事求是的科学态度;利用随堂式的实验教学评价,能很好发挥探究式学习的成效.  相似文献   
Mating experiments using Drosophila have contributed greatly to the understanding of sexual selection and behavior. Experiments often require simple, easy and cheap methods to distinguish between individuals in a trial. A standard technique for this is CO2 anaesthesia and then labelling or wing clipping each fly. However, this is invasive and has been shown to affect behavior. Other techniques have used coloration to identify flies. This article presents a simple and non-invasive method for labelling Drosophila that allows them to be individually identified within experiments, using food coloring. This method is used in trials where two males compete to mate with a female. Dyeing allowed quick and easy identification. There was, however, some difference in the strength of the coloration across the three species tested. Data is presented showing the dye has a lower impact on mating behavior than CO2 in Drosophila melanogaster. The impact of CO2 anaesthesia is shown to depend on the species of Drosophila, with D. pseudoobscura and D. subobscura showing no impact, whereas D. melanogaster males had reduced mating success. The dye method presented is applicable to a wide range of experimental designs.  相似文献   
河北阳原小长梁遗址1998年发掘报告   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:11  
1998年小长梁遗址发掘采用了全球定位系统进行地理定位。埋藏学分析显示石制品与动物骨骼分布为水动力短距离搬运沉积的特点。动物骨骼有食肉类啃咬, 植物根系腐蚀, 水流冲刷以及可能的石制品切割痕迹。石料打制实验与电脑分析表明, 石料质地裂隙发育和易碎的性质对小长梁石工业废片率高以及石制品尺寸较小的特点有明显的制约作用  相似文献   
长期进行除草剂药效试验可能会导致田间杂草种群发生适应性进化。本研究在安徽南陵县除草剂药效试验专用稻田中采集了1个稗草种群A,并以从常规稻田采集的3个稗草种群为对照,开展同质园栽培试验。结果表明: 与3个对照种群相比,A种群稗草植株的单株种子产量显著减少,种子千粒重显著增加,幼苗生长速率显著加快,结实分蘖数显著增多,生育期显著缩短;A种群稗草成株的株高、生物量及对除草剂五氟磺草胺的敏感性均显著降低。A种群稗草幼苗3~4叶期时经五氟磺草胺推荐剂量2倍量(有效成分60 g·hm-2)处理后,其株高、生物量及成熟种子产量(平均每株1066粒)显著降低,而抽穗期、结实分蘖数、单个总状花序的种子数及种子千粒重无显著差异。因此,种子较重、生活史周期短、植株矮小、结实分蘖多及对除草剂五氟磺草胺具有抗药性,使得A种群稗草对稻作系统具有特异适应性,应防止此类种群扩散至常规稻田。  相似文献   
外源有机酸对小麦幼苗铝毒的缓解作用   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
用Al(50μmol/L)处理水培小麦(Triticum aestivum L.)幼苗24h,显著抑制Al敏感(Scout 66)和耐Al品种(Atlas 66)小麦幼苗根系伸长,明显增加根系的电解质渗漏率。在Al处理同时外加草酸或柠檬酸能缓解Al对小麦根系伸长的抑制作用,同时降低小麦根系的电解质渗漏率。铬花青R染色和碘化丙锭荧光染料染色实验结果显示,用Al(50μmol/L)处理Al敏感小麦Scout 66幼苗24h后,大量Al结合在根尖表面,并降低根尖表面细胞活力。而Al处理同时外加草酸,则减少Al与根尖表面的结合,缓解Al对细胞活力的抑制。分根结果表明,外源草酸有可能通过根系进入植物体内参与内部解Al毒机制。  相似文献   
环境因子对农业土壤有机碳分解的影响   总被引:84,自引:8,他引:84  
为研究环境因子对有机C在农业土壤中分解的影响 ,在不同温度、水分及土壤质地下进行小麦和水稻秸秆及其根培养实验 ,结果表明 ,在同样的水热条件下 ,秸秆有机C的分解量大于根的分解量 .在温度较低情况下 ,升高温度促进了有机C的分解 ;而在温度较高的情况下 ,升高温度对有机C分解的促进作用降低 .在非淹水条件下 ,温度对有机C分解的影响随着时间的延长而逐步减小 .淹水条件下培养一周后 ,温度对有机C分解的影响不随时间而变化 .当含水量为 30 0 g·kg-1和 5 0 0 g·kg-1时 ,有机C分解较快 ,而在 2 0 0 g·kg-1和淹水条件下则分解较慢 ,空白对照培养结果的趋势是分解速率随水分含量的增加而加快 .培养实验的第一个月内 ,小麦秸秆有机C的分解量与土壤粘粒含量呈负相关  相似文献   
增温和刈割对高寒草甸土壤呼吸及其组分的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蒙程  牛书丽  常文静  全权  曾辉 《生态学报》2020,40(18):6405-6415
评估土壤呼吸及其组分对增温等全球变化的响应对于预测陆地生态系统碳循环至关重要。本研究利用红外线辐射加热器(Infrared heater)装置在青藏高原高寒草甸生态系统设置增温和刈割野外控制实验。通过测定2018年生长季(5—9月)土壤呼吸和异养呼吸,探究增温和刈割对土壤呼吸及其组分的影响。研究结果表明:(1) 单独增温使土壤呼吸显著增加31.65% (P<0.05),异养呼吸显著增加27.12% (P<0.05),土壤自养呼吸没有显著改变(P>0.05);单独刈割对土壤呼吸和自养呼吸没有显著影响(P>0.05),单独刈割刺激异养呼吸增加32.54% (P<0.05);(2) 增温和刈割之间的交互作用对土壤呼吸和异养呼吸没有显著影响(P>0.05),但是对自养呼吸的影响是显著的(P<0.05),土壤呼吸和异养呼吸的季节效应显著(P<0.05);(3)土壤呼吸及其组分与土壤温度均成显著指数关系,与土壤湿度呈显著的正相关关系(P<0.05),处理影响它们的响应敏感性。本研究表明青藏高原东缘高寒草甸土壤碳排放与气候变暖存在正反馈。  相似文献   
  1. Soil C is the largest C pool in forest ecosystems that contributes to C sequestration and mitigates climate change. Tree diversity enhances forest productivity, so diversifying the tree species composition, notably in managed forests, could increase the quantity of organic matter being transferred to soils and alter other soil properties relevant to the C cycle.
  2. A ten‐year‐old tree diversity experiment was used to study the effects of tree identity and diversity (functional and taxonomic) on soils. Surface (0–10 cm) mineral soil was repeatedly measured for soil C concentration, C:N ratio, pH, moisture, and temperature in twenty‐four tree species mixtures and twelve corresponding monocultures (replicated in four blocks).
  3. Soil pH, moisture, and temperature responded to tree diversity and identity. Greater productivity in above‐ and below‐ground tree components did not increase soil C concentration. Soil pH increased and soil moisture decreased with functional diversity, more specifically, when species had different growth strategies and shade tolerances. Functional identity affected soil moisture and temperature, such that tree communities with more slow‐growing and shade‐tolerant species had greater soil moisture and temperature. Higher temperature was measured in communities with broadleaf‐deciduous species compared to communities with coniferous‐evergreen species.
  4. We conclude that long‐term soil C cycling in forest plantations will likely respond to changes in soil pH, moisture, and temperature that is mediated by tree species composition, since tree species affect these soil properties through their litter quality, water uptake, and physical control of soil microclimates.
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