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北京城市与西北远郊地表臭氧浓度梯度移动监测研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
北京城市与区域臭氧浓度逐年升高,对自然生态系统已经构成影响。但地表臭氧在北京城市与远郊梯度空间上的连续递变特征机制尚不清楚。采用移动监测车,搭载臭氧分析仪,选择夏季典型臭氧污染天气,以北京教学植物园为对照点,从北京城市中心向西北远郊方向,多点位连续测定地表臭氧浓度。通过分析臭氧浓度和采样点周围归一化植被指数(NDVI)的关系以及典型臭氧污染情况下的天气形势和气团轨迹,探讨北京城市和区域臭氧浓度连续空间变化特征及机制。结果表明:(1)北京西北山区森林区域臭氧浓度显著高于"城市区域",约为城市区域的2.00倍。十三陵是地表臭氧浓度的分界点,从十三陵开始臭氧浓度陡然升高,在西北山区方向保持在高水平。空间上从高到低的顺序是西北山区(254.68μg/m~3)对照点教学植物园(220.89μg/m~3)城市支路(162.84μg/m~3)城市快速路和高速路(103.24μg/m~3);(2)植被分布影响臭氧空间格局。在相同时间范围内,臭氧浓度和NDVI正相关,随NDVI增加臭氧浓度呈Logistic增长;(3)西北山区地表臭氧空间变异系数为0.11,城市支路上平均为0.28,城市快速路上为0.26,高速公路上为0.36。山区地表臭氧浓度的空间变异系数最小,高速公路最大,城市快速路、城市支路空间变异较大;(4)大范围均压场、高压后部、低压前部等稳定型天气型易造成南向弱气流,能够把空气污染物输送到西北远郊,但本研究中监测到的西北山区高浓度臭氧并非当天从城区输送而来。北京城市与区域臭氧格局与植被的关系及成因需要深入研究。  相似文献   
基于地形梯度的岩溶槽谷区土地利用空间格局分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
王权  李阳兵  刘亚香  胡先培 《生态学报》2019,39(21):7866-7880
揭示当前多因素驱动机制下岩溶槽谷区典型地貌单元在地形梯度上土地利用分布的一般规律与差异性特征具有重要意义。以2017年landsat TM高清影像和30 m×30 m DEM(Digital Elevation Model)为数据源,并结合实地调查,通过地形位分布指数、土地利用多样性指数、土地利用程度指数及土地利用相对合理性指数指标计算,探讨岩溶槽谷区地形梯度的土地利用类型空间分布共同特征与差异。结果表明:(1)岩溶槽谷区土地利用类型呈现山坡(高地形位)-槽坝(低地形位)两种分布格局特色存在,且土地利用类型在地形梯度上主要以低、中、高3种地形位组合模式;(2)土地利用类型在地形梯度上呈现梯度效应,表现出各自分布特征与差异;(3)岩溶槽谷区土地利用多样性、土地利用程度和土地利用合理性在地形梯度上分布格局既存在一些共同性特征,又存在各自差异性;(4)地形梯度土地利用特征差异性是受自然因素、社会经济因素、政策因素共同作用的结果。  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to compare the climatic responses of three tree rings proxies: tree ring width (TRW), maximum latewood density (MXD), and blue intensity (BI). For this study, 20 cores of Pinus sylvestris covering the period 1886–2015 were extracted from living non-damaged trees from the Eastern Carpathian Mountains (Romania). Each chronology was compared to monthly and daily climate data. All tree ring proxies had a stronger correlation with the daily climate data compared to monthly data. The highest correlation coefficient was obtained between the MXD chronology and daily maximum temperature over the period beginning with the end of July and ending in the middle of September (r = 0.64). The optimal intervals for the temperature signature were 01 Aug – 24 Sept for the MXD chronology, 05 Aug – 25 Aug for the BI chronology, and both 16 Nov of the previous year – 16 March of the current year and 15 Apr – 05 May for the TRW chronology. The results from our study indicate that MXD can be used as a proxy indicator for summer maximum temperature, while TRW can be used as a proxy indicator for just March maximum temperature. The weak and unstable relationship between BI and maximum temperature indicates that BI is not a good proxy indicator for climate reconstructions over the analysed region.  相似文献   
生态脆弱带内部空间分异结构与脆弱度划分   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
孙武  南忠仁 《生态学报》2002,22(4):445-451
内蒙乌盟后山及河北坝上地区是研究土地利用的人为驱动,气候驱动同全球变化关系的理想剖面。区内气候风蚀力代表了自然地理条件的主分异方向,其值在70-3之间,高低差别很大,区内42a内单位面积上牲畜头数累积减少量以旱作界线附近为最高,向南北两侧减低,且南部高于北部。20世纪80年代沙漠化的发展并没改变本世纪70年代沙漠化程度分布的基本格局。两介时代具有相同的空间分布规律;沿旱作农业北界附近的旗县为沙漠化最严重的地带,向南部坝上农业地带和北部牧业地带递减。虽然社会经济因素仍以西北东南为分异的主方向,但滥垦加剧了农牧交错带梯度分异,旱作界线附近构成了社会经济因子分异的跃变地带。对区内20个旗县13个因子的旋转主成分分析表明,前4个主成分约分别为33%,21%,15%和14%,各自代表社会经济条件,灾害,气候风蚀力和沙尘天气四类要素。根据其分异规律,自东南向西北可将本区划为南部农牧中度脆弱,中部牧农重度脆弱和北部牧业轻度脆弱3个弧形地带。  相似文献   
北京市六环内城市森林结构总体特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市森林结构决定了城市森林的外貌、总体绿量,影响其生态效益.本文对北京市六环外1 km范围内城市森林分层抽样调查,研究其多样性及乔木规格,并根据北京城市特点分析其空间差异,以期找出存在问题及梯度变化规律,为北京城市森林多样性保护及科学管理提供依据.通过对各类城市森林847个标准样方的调查,共记录木本植物50科、106属、159种,本地种占75%;城市森林植物群落仍然是少数物种主导,毛白杨(Populus tomentosa Carr.)与国槐(Sophora japonicaL.)分别为使用数量最多(9.7%)和使用频度最高(28.45%)的树种;乔木平均胸径19.79 cm,平均冠幅5.4 m,规格总体偏小,且规格差异不大.北京市城市森林沿城市发展方向由城内向城外展现出了明显的梯度变化:总物种数4环外多于4环内,最高为4~5环112种;多样性指数逐渐降低;乔木规格减小;“城六区”物种组成、多样性及乔木规格均优于其他行政区.  相似文献   
Jet aerated loop reactors (JLRs) provide high mass transfer coefficients (kLa) and can be used for the intensification of mass transfer limited reactions. The jet loop reactor achieves higher kLa values than a stirred tank reactor (STR). The improvement relies on significantly higher local power inputs (~104) than those obtainable with the STR. Operation at high local turnover rates requires efficient macromixing, otherwise reactor inhomogeneities might occur. If sufficient homogenization is not achieved, the selectivity of the reaction and the respective yields are decreased. Therefore, the balance between mixing and mass transfer in jet loop reactors is a critical design aspect. Monitoring the dissolved oxygen levels during the turnover of a steady sodium sulfite feed implied the abundance of gradients in the JLR. Prolonged mixing times at identical power input and aeration rates (~100%) were identified for the JLR in comparison to the STR. The insertion of a draft tube to the JLR led to a more homogenous dissolved oxygen distribution, but unfortunately a reduction of mixing time was not achieved. In case of increased medium viscosities as they may arise in high cell density cultivations, no gradient formation was detected. However, differences in medium viscosity significantly altered the mass transfer and mixing performance of the JLR.  相似文献   
Abstract: Although the critical role of apolipoprotein E (apoE) allelic variation in Alzheimer's disease and in the outcome of CNS injury is now recognized, the functions of apoE in the CNS remain obscure, particularly with regard to lipid metabolism. We used density gradient ultracentrifugation to identify apoE-containing lipoproteins in human CSF. CSF apoE lipoproteins, previously identified only in the 1.063–1.21 g/ml density range, were also demonstrated in the 1.006–1.060 g/ml density range. Plasma lipoproteins in this density range include low-density lipoprotein and high-density lipoprotein (HDL) subfraction 1 (HDL1). The novel CSF apoE lipoproteins are designated HDL1. No immunoreactive apolipoprotein A-I (apo A-I) or B could be identified in the CSF HDL1 fractions. Large lipoproteins 18.3 ± 6.6 nm in diameter (mean ± SD) in the HDL1 density range were demonstrated by electron microscopy. Following fast protein liquid chromatography of CSF at physiologic ionic strength, apoE was demonstrated in particles of average size greater than particles containing apoA-I. The largest lipoproteins separated by this technique contained apoE without apoA-I. Thus, the presence of large apoE-containing lipoproteins was confirmed without ultracentrifugation. Interconversion between the more abundant smaller apoE-HDL subfractions 2 and 3 and the novel larger apoE-HDL1 is postulated to mediate a role in cholesterol redistribution in brain.  相似文献   
Desiccation and starvation tolerance were measured along latitudinal transects in three Drosophilid species (Drosophila ananassae, D. melanogaster, and Zaprionus indianus) of the Indian subcontinent. In each case, significant latitudinal clines were observed; desiccation tolerance increased with latitude while starvation tolerance decreased. Such field observations suggest that desiccation and starvation tolerance are fitness related traits that are independently selected in nature and genetically independent. It was, however, difficult to relate these genetic changes with precise climatic variables, except winter temperature. The overall negative correlation between the two traits, which was evidenced in natural populations, contrasts with a positive correlation generally observed in various laboratory selection experiments and that also seems to exist between different species. These observations point to the difficulty of interpreting correlations among fitness-related traits when different evolutionary levels are compared, and also different sets of data, that is, field versus laboratory studies.  相似文献   
探究竹子化学计量特征对生长阶段和海拔的响应对于了解其生理生态特征及生长适应策略至关重要。对武夷山沿海拔分布的五种典型竹子叶、枝、秆的碳(C)、氮(N)、磷(P)含量及化学计量内稳态指数(H)进行两个生长阶段的测定。结果显示不论生长阶段的变化,各器官N、P含量的变异系数均显著大于C含量,且秆的N、P含量变异系数要显著大于叶片和竹枝,但不同生长阶段并未改变秆的N∶P (12∶1)。毛竹4月份枝和8月份叶的N、P含量均随海拔增加而降低,而箬竹叶的N、P含量均随海拔增加而增加。海拔和生长阶段的交互作用显著提高了竹秆N含量对生长阶段变化的响应。竹叶N和秆的N、P含量在不同生长阶段具有明显的内稳性调控机制,但竹枝N、P的内稳性特征表现不明显。总而言之,这些结果一方面反映了武夷山五种竹子偏向于选择维持叶N含量的内稳态机制,另一方面调节秆N、P含量的协变来应对海拔和生长阶段变化中养分的利用策略。  相似文献   


The ability of predicting which naturalized non-native species are likely to become invasive can help manage and prevent species invasions. The goal of this study is to test whether invasive angiosperm (flowering plant) species are a phylogenetically clustered subset of naturalized species at global, continental and regional scales, and to assess the relationships of phylogenetic relatedness of invasive species with climate condition (temperature and precipitation).



Time period



Angiosperms (flowering plants).


The globe is divided into 290 regions, which are grouped into seven biogeographic (continental) regions. Two phylogenetic metrics (net relatedness index and nearest taxon index), which represent different evolutionary depths, are used to quantify phylogenetic relatedness of invasive angiosperms, with respect to different tailor-made species pools. Phylogenetic relatedness of invasive angiosperms is related to climatic variables.


The global assemblage of invasive angiosperm species is a strongly phylogenetically clustered subset of the species of the entire global angiosperm flora. Most invasive angiosperm assemblages are a phylogenetically clustered subset of their respective naturalized species pools, and phylogenetic clustering reflecting shallow evolutionary history is greater than that reflecting deep evolutionary history. In general, the phylogenetic relatedness of invasive species is greater in regions with lower temperature and precipitation across the world.

Main conclusions

The finding that invasive angiosperm assemblages across the globe are, in general, phylogenetically clustered subsets of their respective naturalized species pools has significant implications in biological conservation, particularly in predicting and controlling invasive species based on phylogenetic relatedness among naturalized species.  相似文献   
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