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Hongkong kumquat (Fortunella hindsii) is a wild citrus species characterized by dwarf plant height and early flowering. Here, we identified the monoembryonic F. hindsii (designated as ‘Mini‐Citrus’) for the first time and constructed its selfing lines. This germplasm constitutes an ideal model for the genetic and functional genomics studies of citrus, which have been severely hindered by the long juvenility and inherent apomixes of citrus. F. hindsii showed a very short juvenile period (~8 months) and stable monoembryonic phenotype under cultivation. We report the first de novo assembled 373.6 Mb genome sequences (Contig‐N50 2.2 Mb and Scaffold‐N50 5.2 Mb) for F. hindsii. In total, 32 257 protein‐coding genes were annotated, 96.9% of which had homologues in other eight Citrinae species. The phylogenomic analysis revealed a close relationship of F. hindsii with cultivated citrus varieties, especially with mandarin. Furthermore, the CRISPR/Cas9 system was demonstrated to be an efficient strategy to generate target mutagenesis on F. hindsii. The modifications of target genes in the CRISPR‐modified F. hindsii were predominantly 1‐bp insertions or small deletions. This genetic transformation system based on F. hindsii could shorten the whole process from explant to T1 mutant to about 15 months. Overall, due to its short juvenility, monoembryony, close genetic background to cultivated citrus and applicability of CRISPR, F. hindsii shows unprecedented potentials to be used as a model species for citrus research.  相似文献   
1 Although the weaver ant Oecophylla is the first written record of biological control, dating from 304 ad , there have been fewer than 70 scientific publications on this predator as a biological control agent in Asia, from the early 1970s onwards, and fewer than 25 in Africa. 2 Apart from crop‐specific ecological and perceptual factors, a historical review shows that political and market forces have also determined the extent to which Oecophylla was incorporated into research and development programmes. 3 In Africa, research on weaver ants in biological control concentrated on export crops, such as coconut and cocoa, whereas, in Asia and Australia, research focused on fruit and nut crops, primarily destined for domestic markets. 4 Increased evidence of pesticide inefficiency under tropical smallholder conditions, changing paradigm shifts in participatory research and a growing scientific interest in local knowledge in the early 1990s opened up new avenues for research on conservation biological control. 5 Lobbying and advocacy have been needed to ensure that Oecophylla was recognized as an effective biological control agent. 6 With an increased market demand for organic produce, holistic approaches such as conservation biological control, particularly the use of Oecophylla, are increasing in importance. 7 Multi‐stakeholder strategies for collaborative learning are proposed for a better control of major fruit, nut and timber tree pests in Africa, Asia and Australia.  相似文献   
柑橘粉虱Dialeurodes citri Ashmead和柑橘潜叶蛾Phyllocnistis citrella Stainton是柑橘的主要害虫,为了评估施肥对其发生的影响,本研究调查了施用有机肥、化肥、复混肥(有机肥与化肥混合)的砂糖橘苗木上这两种害虫的发生危害情况。结果表明,施用有机肥的苗木上柑橘粉虱的卵和若虫数量显著低于化肥,由柑橘粉虱诱发的煤污病发病程度也显著低于化肥处理。有机肥处理柑橘粉虱成虫数量也最少,但与化肥、复混肥差异未达显著水平。另外,柑橘潜叶蛾为害情况在3种肥料处理之间则没有显著差异。说明施有机肥的砂糖橘对柑桔粉虱的吸引作用最弱,其次为复混肥,化肥最吸引柑橘粉虱。3种施肥处理对柑橘潜叶蛾的吸引作用差异不明显。  相似文献   
Suprapta  Dewa Ngurah  Arai  Kei  Iwai  Hisashi 《Mycoscience》1996,37(1):105-107
Parasitic specialization ofGeotrichum candidum citrus race, the causal agent of citrus sour rot, was investigated. Of seven isolates tested for pathogenecity, all could infect ten species of citrus fruits and edible parts of five species of noncitrus crops. Only one isolate (Ap2), isolated from soil of an apple orchard, could infect apple fruit.  相似文献   
The role of allelopathy in citrus replant problems was investigated in Iraq. The failure of citrus seedlings to grow normally in old citrus orchards was not caused by differences between old and non-citrus soils in electrical conductivity, pH, organic matter, soil texture and those minerals tested. Extracts of soil collected from old citrus orchards significantly reduced the growth of sour orange seedlings. Extracts and decaying sour orange roots reduced the growth of sour orange seedlings as did extracts of non-senescent sour orange leaves and decaying senescent leaves. Thus it appears that allelopathy is at least partly involved in the citrus replant problem.  相似文献   
柑橘丛枝菌根发育状况田间调查   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
对湖北省秭归县柑橘良种示范场、三溪河和邓加坡3个采样点的不同柑橘品种的菌根发育状况进行田间调查。结果表明,调查的柑橘均被丛枝菌根真菌侵染,其发育状况因品种、立地条件而异。在3个采样点中,以柑橘良种示范场的枳/罗伯逊脐橙36号/卡特夏橙菌根侵染率最高;以柑橘良种示范场的枳/罗伯逊脐橙36号/脐血橙根际的孢子密度最高。菌根侵染率与孢子密度间没有显著相关性。  相似文献   
Lectin-binding glycoproteins in seven populations of two burrowing nematode sibling species were probed with five different biotinylated lectins on Western blots, and differences were correlated with nematode ability to parasitize citrus and to overcome citrus rootstock resistance. Banding patterns of molecular weight standards were fit best by an exponential decay function, and a predictive equation was used to estimate molecular weights (r² = 0.999). A band (131 kDa) that labeled with the lectin Concanavalin A (Con A) occurred in extracts from cuticles and egg shells of populations of Radopholus citrophilus that parasitize citrus. Wheat germ agglutin labeled a band (58 kDa) in aqueous homogenates of populations that reproduce in roots of citrus rootstock normally resistant to burrowing nematodes. The two sibling species R. citrophilus and R. similis were distinguished by a high molecular weight Con A-labeled band (608 kDa) from cuticle and egg shells. Probing blots with the lectin Limulus polyphemus agglutinin indicated that each population contained a band (12-16 kDa) specifically inhibited by the addition of 25 mM neuraminic acid, suggesting that glycoproteins with sialic acid moieties are present in burrowing nematodes.  相似文献   
真正柑桔果树群植物的分支学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文用相容性分析方法(Compatability snalysis)分析了真正柑桔果树群(芸香科Rutaceae-柑桔亚科Aurantioideae-柑桔族(Citreae)-柑桔亚族(Citrinae)植物内各属间的分支学关系。给出了建立在7个相容性性状组成的最大族所决定的分支图。性状极性的确定使用了外群法。结果表明,柑桔属(Citrus L.)和多蕊桔属(Clymenia Swing)构成一个单系类群,他们的姐妹群是金柑属(Fortunella Swing.)。被认为起源于中国的3个属,柑桔属(Citrus)、金柑属(Fortunella)和积属(Poncirus Raf.)并未构成一个单系类群。本文还利用分支关系分析和讨论了真正柑桔果树群的种系发生关系。  相似文献   
nC22矿物油及其与吡虫啉混用对柑橘木虱的室内毒力评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】室内评价nC22矿物油单独使用,以及与吡虫啉混用对柑橘木虱Diaphorina citri的毒力,并筛选nC22矿物油对吡虫啉防治柑橘木虱具有增效作用的混配比例,为矿物油防治柑橘木虱的应用提供科学依据。【方法】使用nC22矿物油以及阳性对照nC23和nC28矿物油,采用浸渍法和喷雾法分别检测矿物油对柑橘木虱卵和低龄若虫、高龄若虫、成虫的致死作用,以处理后第7天(卵)和第1天(若虫和成虫)的LC50值评估毒力。将nC22矿物油与吡虫啉以不同配比混配,测定混配液对低龄若虫的毒力,使用交互测定法、共毒因子(co-toxicity factor, CTF)法和共毒系数(co-toxicity coefficient, CTC)法评价矿物油对吡虫啉的增效作用。【结果】单独使用时,nC22矿物油对卵的LC50值低于nC23和nC28矿物油;对低龄若虫和高龄若虫的LC50值与nC23矿物油相当,都低于nC28矿物油;对成虫的LC50值与nC28矿物油相当,都低于nC23矿物油。与吡虫啉混用时,nC22矿物油与吡虫啉混配比例为3∶7, 4∶6和7∶3时,矿物油对吡虫啉有增效作用:交互测定法中柑橘木虱低龄若虫的实际死亡率位于等效线的上方,CTF值分别为34.807, 22.655和40.798,CTC值分别为187.410, 183.876和222.936。3种混配液中7∶3的混配比例对吡虫啉的增效作用最强。【结论】nC22矿物油对柑橘木虱的毒力高于进口nC23矿物油及传统nC28矿物油,且以适当混配比例混用时nC22矿物油对吡虫啉具有显著增效作用,理论上可大幅减少化学杀虫剂的使用量,可进一步通过田间试验进行验证。  相似文献   
叶火香  崔林  何迅民  韩宝瑜 《生态学报》2010,30(22):6019-6026
为评价茶园间作几种常见经济作物对重要害虫假眼小绿叶蝉及其主要天敌蜘蛛类群数量和空间格局的影响,遂选乌牛早品种纯茶园、乌牛早分别与柑桔、杨梅和吊瓜的间作茶园、以及安吉白茶与吊瓜间作茶园,2007年9月上旬—2008年12月下旬,每旬1次调查茶丛上、中、下层叶蝉和各种蜘蛛的数量。结果表明:(1)与纯茶园相比,间作茶园叶蝉种群数量和蜘蛛类群个体数量显著地增加,间作茶园蜘蛛种数显著地增加;(2)间作茶园茶丛上、中、下层叶蝉、蜘蛛个体数量分布明显区别于纯茶园茶丛上、中、下层叶蝉、蜘蛛个体数量分布;(3)茶丛上层的嫩梢是制作高档茶的原料,而纯茶园茶丛上层叶蝉虫口百分率为54.16%,间作茶园茶丛上层叶蝉虫口百分率皆减小,并且叶蝉高峰期间蜘蛛的跟随效应增强;(4)间作增加了经济收入并减少了防治次数。认为:(1)间作可在一定程度上调控叶蝉种群、蜘蛛类群的数量和空间格局;(2)间作可减轻叶蝉为害造成的产值损失,增强了茶园群落对于叶蝉的自然控制潜能。  相似文献   
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