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Abstract The free 4-desmethylsterol composition of plasma-membrane-enriched preparations from white fibrous roots of Rangpur lime (Citrus reticulata var. austera hybrid?), Kharna khatta (C. kharna Raf.) and Etrog citron (C. medica L.) seedlings grown in the presence of 0, 50, or 100 mol m?3 NaCl for 28 d was quantitated by gas chromatography (GC) on analytical capillary (SE-54 fused silica) columns and the sterols were identified by combined gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Only three 4-desmethylsterols were positively identified by GC-MS, viz. campesterol, stigmasterol and sitosterol. Cholesterol could not be positively identified in any of the membrane preparations. Campesterol levels were generally similar for all treatments and for all three genotypes, approximating 30% of the total free 4-desmethylsterol content of the plasma membranes. At all levels of salinity (0, 50 or 100 mol m?3 NaCl) sitosterol levels decreased in the order Rangpur lime > Kharna khatta > Etrog citron and stigmasterol levels decreased in the reverse order. The ratio of sitosterol to stigmasterol was highest in Rangpur lime and lowest in Etrog citron at each level of salinity and was reduced by salt treatment in all three genotypes. Salt-induced reductions in the ratio of ‘more planar’ to ‘less planar’ sterols correlated inversely with the accumulation of Cl? in the leaves of the three genotypes suggesting a role for plasma membrane sterols in the Cl? exclusion mechanism. A model relating sterol structure, membrane sterol composition and membrane permeability to Cl? exclusion ability in citrus is presented.  相似文献   
Huanglongbing (HLB), the most destructive citrus disease worldwide, is associated with the bacteria transmitted by the psyllid Diaphorina citri Kuwayama (Hemiptera: Liviidae). One of the main tactics used to manage this disease is the chemical control of D. citri. In this study, the efficacy of four insecticides commonly used by the citrus growers against the D. citri adults was assessed in two vegetative growth stages of flush: young shoots (~ 10 cm in length) and mature leaves. The bioassays were carried out under the greenhouse and field conditions. The insecticides bifenthrin, dimethoate, imidacloprid and thiamethoxam were tested at the recommended rates of 15, 450, 40 and 25 mg/L of water, respectively. The insecticides were sprayed onto the leaves of each stage until runoff. Psyllid mortality was assessed at different periods after insecticide application (0, 1 and 2 weeks). In both greenhouse and field trees, the period of control was shorter in the young shoots than in the mature leaves. In addition, the efficacy of insecticides rapidly decreased in the young shoots over time, mainly for imidacloprid and bifenthrin (less than 1 week). Thus, these results suggest that the number of spray applications to control D. citri should be more frequent during the flushing period.  相似文献   
Hop stunt viroid as the causal agent of cachexia disease has detected from citrus trees in different areas in Iran. Although cachexia has not been reported as a decline disease for citrus trees, it can impair crop quality and reduce plant yields. This study was undertaken to molecularly detect HSVd among different commercial citrus cultivars and determine genetic diversity of this viroid in Mazandaran province of Iran. Sampling was performed from symptomatic and symptomless citrus cultivars in Mazandaran province. HSVd specific primers were used for molecular detection. SSCP and sequencing were applied to assay HSVd genetic diversity. Results showed the detection of HSVd in all symptomatic Satsuma (25 out of 25), Clementine (25 out of 25), sweet lime (20 out of 20) and sweet orange cv. Valencia (7 out of 7), as well as, 31% (14 out of 22), 100% (12 out of 12) and 33% (5 out of 15) of page mandarin, lemon and grapefruit trees, respectively. 10 different HSVd genomes were identified by sequencing the SSCP profiles among which HSVd‐IR1 had the most frequency.  相似文献   
段志芳  付莉  赵则海 《植物研究》2012,32(2):253-256
根据超声波最佳提取工艺条件提取得到化橘红总黄酮,经乙酸乙酯萃取分为酯溶性和水溶性两部分,比较它们对亚硝化反应的抑制作用,并分别采用硅胶柱层析对酯溶性成分分离纯化,采用大孔吸附树脂法对水溶性成分进行分离纯化,得到4个主要的黄酮类化合物,研究它们对亚硝化反应的抑制作用,以期得到抑制亚硝化活性较强的化合物。结果表明化橘红总黄酮提取率可达26.42%,酯溶性和水溶性部分均能阻断亚硝胺的合成及清除亚硝酸盐,其中水溶性黄酮提取物作用较强,分离得到的4个黄酮类化合物中柚皮苷的抑制作用较强,对亚硝胺的合成的最大阻断率可达94.7%,对亚硝酸盐的最大清除率可达92.3%。  相似文献   
Comparative studies of the ecological and genetic traits of Panonychus citri (McGregor) populations on citrus and other host plants were conducted. Panonychus citri on Osmanthus trees has a unique esterase allele and host range in comparison with populations on other host plants, for example Citrus unshiu and Ilex crenata. Reproductive incompatibility between P. citri populations on C. unshiu and Osmanthus fragrans was found. Therefore, in Japan, P. citri differentiates into two groups one of which associates with Osmanthus, and the other with other host plants. This revised version was published online in November 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
真正柑桔果树群植物的分支学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文用相容性分析方法(Compatability snalysis)分析了真正柑桔果树群(芸香科Rutaceae-柑桔亚科Aurantioideae-柑桔族(Citreae)-柑桔亚族(Citrinae)植物内各属间的分支学关系。给出了建立在7个相容性性状组成的最大族所决定的分支图。性状极性的确定使用了外群法。结果表明,柑桔属(Citrus L.)和多蕊桔属(Clymenia Swing)构成一个单系类群,他们的姐妹群是金柑属(Fortunella Swing.)。被认为起源于中国的3个属,柑桔属(Citrus)、金柑属(Fortunella)和积属(Poncirus Raf.)并未构成一个单系类群。本文还利用分支关系分析和讨论了真正柑桔果树群的种系发生关系。  相似文献   
研究了紫背金盘Ajuga nipponensis Makino各溶剂提取物和部分化合物对桔全爪螨Panonychus citri McGregor雌成螨及其产卵的驱避作用.结果表明,石油醚萃取物、乙酸乙酯萃取物具有较强的生物活性.在0.1 g · L-1时, 石油醚和乙酸乙酯萃取物对该螨处理1d后的产卵忌避率分别为:84.86%、69.88%;2d后为89.49%、82.19%;对雌成螨驱避率分别为:85.08%、68.66%;2d后为50.96%、69.84%.乙酸乙酯萃取物经分离得到四类化合物,结果表明:馏分Ⅰ为长链脂肪酸混合物,具有较强生物活性,2000μg/ml和1000μg/ml处理1d后,产卵忌避率分别为:80.77%、74.77%;2d后为73.81%、72.59%.2000μg/ml处理1d后对雌成螨的驱避率为:69.88%;2d后为74.24%.刺槐素Ⅱ、新克罗烷化合物Ⅲ和β-蜕皮甾酮Ⅳ在2000μg/ml均不表现活性.对馏分Ⅰ中的4个主要化合物单体进行活性测定,结果表明:十六烷酸、十六烷酸甲酯、十六烷酸乙酯和十八烷酸甲酯在2000μg/ml处理时,1d后,产卵驱避率分别为:75.18%、61.76%、59.18%和66.49%;2d后产卵驱避率为:66.67%、31.15%、46.75%和44.84%;雌成螨驱避率分别为:1d后,67.53%、63.79%、59.26%和68.00;2d后,67.23%、43.96%、48.23%和64.19%.在1000μg/ml处理时,1d 后,产卵驱避率分别为:59.21%、59.16%、57.02%和61.40%;1d后,雌成螨驱避率分别为:69.64%、61.43%、55.76%和64.00%.  相似文献   
为探讨柑桔果实中柠檬苦素类物质对实验动物模型的抗炎镇痛作用,本文通过小鼠耳廓肿胀模型和角叉菜胶致大鼠足肿胀模型观察柠檬苦素的抗炎作用;采用小鼠福尔马林实验及扭体实验观察柠檬苦素的镇痛作用。结果表明:柑桔果实中柠檬苦素类物质能显著抑制二甲苯致小鼠耳廓肿胀和角叉菜胶致大鼠足肿胀程度;减少扭体次数;显著提高小鼠福尔马林实验中的痛域。因此,柑桔果实中柠檬苦素类物质对本实验中的动物模型具有显著的抗炎及镇痛作用。  相似文献   
1 Although the weaver ant Oecophylla is the first written record of biological control, dating from 304 ad , there have been fewer than 70 scientific publications on this predator as a biological control agent in Asia, from the early 1970s onwards, and fewer than 25 in Africa. 2 Apart from crop‐specific ecological and perceptual factors, a historical review shows that political and market forces have also determined the extent to which Oecophylla was incorporated into research and development programmes. 3 In Africa, research on weaver ants in biological control concentrated on export crops, such as coconut and cocoa, whereas, in Asia and Australia, research focused on fruit and nut crops, primarily destined for domestic markets. 4 Increased evidence of pesticide inefficiency under tropical smallholder conditions, changing paradigm shifts in participatory research and a growing scientific interest in local knowledge in the early 1990s opened up new avenues for research on conservation biological control. 5 Lobbying and advocacy have been needed to ensure that Oecophylla was recognized as an effective biological control agent. 6 With an increased market demand for organic produce, holistic approaches such as conservation biological control, particularly the use of Oecophylla, are increasing in importance. 7 Multi‐stakeholder strategies for collaborative learning are proposed for a better control of major fruit, nut and timber tree pests in Africa, Asia and Australia.  相似文献   
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