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Insect-plant interactions have played a prominent role in investigating phylogenetic constraints in the evolution of ecological traits. The patterns of host association among specialized insects have often been described as highly conservative, yet not all specialized herbivorous insect lineages display the same degree of fidelity to their host plants. In this paper, we present an estimate of the evolutionary history of the leaf beetle genus Oreina. This genus displays an amazing flexibility in several aspects of its ecology and life history: (1) host plant switches in Oreina occurred between plant families or distantly related tribes within families and thereby to more distantly related plants than in several model systems that have contributed to the idea of parallel cladogenesis; (2) all species of the genus are chemically defended, but within the genus a transition between autogenous production of defensive toxins and sequestration of secondary plant compounds has occurred; and (3) reproductive strategies in the genus range from oviparity to viviparity including all intermediates that could allow the gradual evolution of viviparity. Cladistic analysis of 18 allozyme loci found two most parsimonious trees that differ only in the branching of one species. According to this phylogeny estimate, Oreina species were originally associated with Asteraceae, with an inclusion of Apiaceae in the diet of one oligophagous species and an independent switch to Apiaceae in a derived clade. The original mode of defense appears to be the autogenous production of cardenolides as previously postulated; the additional sequestration of pyrrolizidine alkaloids could have either originated at the base of the genus or have arisen three times independently in all species that switched to plants containing these compounds. Viviparity apparently evolved twice in the genus, once without matrotrophy, through a retention of the eggs inside the female's oviducts, and once in combination with matrotrophy. We hypothesize that the combination of autogenous defense and a life history that involves mobile externally feeding larvae allowed these beetles to switch host plants more readily than has been reported for highly conservative systems.  相似文献   
Since plants can be transformed genetically to produce functional antibodies, an immunological approach may be developed for controlling their arthropod pests. Specific antibodies would protect plants from arthropods if they could gain access to the pest antigen in sufficient amounts such that the normal function of the antigen is disrupted. In order to study the fate of ingested antibodies in the body of the European corn borer (ECB), Ostrinia nubilalis (Hübner), (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), we fed the larvae on serum-containing diet. When larvae were fed on the serum-containing diet for various lengths of time between 12 and 96 h, no significant differences were noted in the immunoglobulin G (IgG) concentration in their body. Immediately after the larvae stopped feeding, the concentrations of the IgG in their midgut was about one half that of the diet itself, but it decreased significantly after 6 h and again after 18 h (about 3 and 10 fold, respectively). Immediately after the larvae stopped feeding, the concentration of the IgG in their hemolymph was about 1/500 that in the diet. The concentration of IgG in the hemolymph of ECB larvae was influenced directly by the titer of antibodies in their diet. During the first 6 h after the larvae stop feeding the concentration of IgG in their hemolymph did not decrease significantly; however, it did so after 18 h (about 6 fold). The possibility that specific antibodies will gain access to antigens in the ECB body is discussed.  相似文献   
Butomus umbellatus L. is a plant species typical of littoral communities of river and stream shores. It can form continuous stands in shallow reservoirs with fluctuating water level. Their expansion is promoted by: (a) intensive vegetative reproduction of plants, (b) crowded sprouting from rhizome fragments on emerged pond bottom, (c) shallow water layer in the year following summer drainage. Expansion of B. umbellatus depends on ploidy level: two cytotypes were found in the Czech and Slovak Republics, differing in their reproductive ability. Seed production of triploids is strongly limited (they are self-incompatible within clones), while diploids can be fully fertile. Nevertheless, even in diploids, the efficiency of seed reproduction under natural conditions is low. Triploids spread by intensive vegetative reproduction, which is decisive for clonal growth of populations and their regeneration after scraping of bottom surface. During seasonal development, maximum of aboveground biomass is produced in early summer, while underground biomass increases till autumn. Growth of the plants is limited by cutting before maximum underground biomass is attained, or by duck grazing.  相似文献   
Complete 18S ribosomal RNA sequence data from representatives of all extant pteridophyte lineages together with RNA sequences from different seed plants were used to infer a molecular phylogeny of vascular plants that included all major land plant lineages. The molecular data indicate that lycopsids are monophyletic and are the earliest diverging group within the vascular land plants, whereasPsilotum nudum is more closely related to the seed plants than to other pteridophyte lineages. The phylogenetic trees based on maximum likelihood, parsimony and distance analyses show substantial agreement with the evolutionary relationships of land plants as interpreted from the fossil record.  相似文献   
以 3个柑桔原生质体融合而来的四倍体体细胞杂种为父本 ,与二倍体单胚性种柚子 (Citrusgrandis)以及单多胚混合型品种“华农本地早”桔 (C.reticulata)有性杂交 ,授粉后 90 d,发现种子干瘪 ,大部分种子的胚败育。将干瘪种子在 MT附加 1mg/L GA3 或 50 0 mg/L麦芽浸出物的培养基中 ,经培养抢救 ,有 2 5.6%的种子萌发成苗或继续进行胚的生长 ,后者进一步诱导能形成丛芽 ,经试管嫁接或诱导生根形成完整植株。共获得 6个组合 73棵完整植株 ,染色体数检查表明 ,2 0株为三倍体 (2 n=3x=2 7) ,32株为二倍体 (2 n=2 x=18) ,8株为非整倍体 ,其它 13株还有待于进一步检查。  相似文献   
A gene (pMON9617; Chi2;1) identified by screening a tomato pistil cDNA library has been found to encode a protein similar in sequence to class II chitinases. Using a baculovirus expression system we show that the Chi2;1 protein is an active endochitinase. The Chi2;1 protein is most similar in sequence to a previously described stylar chitinase (SK2) isolated from potato. Both proteins lack the diagnostic N-terminal cysteine-rich regions and the C-terminal vacuolar targeting signals of class I chitinases and appear to define a novel type of class II endochitinases associated with flowers. Chi2;1 is expressed predominantly in floral organs and its expression within these organs is temporally regulated. The highest level of expression is found in the transmitting tissue of the style where Chi2;1 mRNA begins to accumulate just prior to anthesis. In vegetative tissue, low levels of Chi2;1 mRNA were detected, and these levels did not increase in response to wounding or treatment with ethephon. mRNA from Chi2;1 orthologs was not detected in most other angiosperms tested, even including some members of the Solanaceae, and it is therefore unlikely that Chi2;1 is essential for stylar function. A fragment containing 1.4 kilobase pairs of 5-flanking DNA from the Chi2;1 gene was shown to drive high-level expression of an attached reporter gene in the styles of transgenic tomatoes. This fragment has utility for engineering expression of other coding regions in styles.  相似文献   
Although considerable effort has been directed at identifying and understanding the function and regulation of stress-induced proteins in herbaceous plants, reports concerning woody plants are limited. Studies with herbaceous crops have revealed similarities in the types of proteins that accumulate in response to a wide array of abiotic stresses and hormonal cues such as the accumulation of abscisic acid. Many of the identified proteins appear to be related to dehydrins (the D-11 subgroup of late-embryogenesis-abundant proteins). The objective of the present study was to determine if seasonal induction of dehydrins is a common feature in woody plants and to see if seasonal patterns existed for other stress-induced proteins. Bark tissues from eight species of woody plants were collected monthly for a period of 1.5 years. The species included: peach (Prunus persica) cv. Loring; apple (Malus domestica) cv. Golden Delicious; thornless blackberry (Rubus sp.) cv. Chester; hybrid poplar (Populus nigra); weeping willow (Salix babylonica); flowering dogwood (Cornus florida); sassafras (Sassafras albidum); and black locust (Robinia pseudo-acacia). Immunoblots of bark proteins were probed with a polyclonal antibody recognizing a conserved region of dehydrin proteins, and monoclonal antibodies directed against members of the HS70 family of heat-shock proteins. Some proteins, immunologically related to dehydrins, appeared to be constitutive; however, distinct seasonal patterns associated with winter acclimation were also observed in all species. The molecular masses of these proteins varied widely, although similarities were observed in related species (willow and poplar). Identification of proteins using the monoclonal antibodies (HSP70, HSC70, BiP) was more definitive because of their inherent specificity, but seasonal patterns were more variable among the eight species examined. This study represents only a precursory examination of several proteins reported to be stress related in herbaceous plants, but the results indicate that these proteins are also common to woody plants and that further research to characterize their regulation and function in relation to stress adaptation and the perennial life cycle of woody plants is warranted.  相似文献   
Molecular genetics of sulfate assimilation in plants   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The sulfate assimilation pathway is the primary route by which higher plants obtain the sulfur necessary for growth. Sulfur is involved in a myriad of processes of central importance in metabolism. In the past few years much has been learned about this pathway and its regulation through analysis'of the genes encoding the enzymes and proteins that make up the sulfate assimilation pathway. The recent molecular genetic analysis builds on the biochemical and physiological groundwork of past studies. Further, gene analysis has provided the opportunity to compare directly the evolution of sulfate assimilation in plants and other organisms.,  相似文献   
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