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Carbon and nitrogen partitioning was examined in a wild-type and a nitrate reductase-deficient mutant (A317) of Pisum sativum L. (ev. Juneau), effectively inoculated with two strains of Rhizobium leguminosarum (128C23 and 128C54) and grown hydroponically in medium without nitrogen for 21 days, followed by a further 7 days in medium without and with 5 mM NH4NO3. In wild-type symbioses the application of NH4NO3 significantly reduced nodule growth, nitrogenase (EC activity, nodule carbohydrates (soluble sugars and starch) and allocation of [14C]-labelled (NO3, NH4+, amino acids) in roots. In nodules, there was a decline in amino acids together with an increase in inorganic nitrogen concentration. In contrast, symbioses involving A317 exhibited no change in nitrogenase activity or nodule carbohydrates, and the concentrations of all nitrogenous solutes measured (including asparagine) in roots and nodules were enhanced. Photosynthate allocation to the nodule was reduced in the 128C23 symbiosis. Nitrite accumulation was not detected in any case. These data cannot be wholly explained by either the carbohydrate deprivation hypothesis or the nitrite hypothesis for the inhibition of symbiotic nitrogen fixation by combined nitrogen. Our result with A317 also provided evidence against the hypothesis that NO3 and NH4+ or its assimilation products exert a direct effect on nitrogenase activity. It is concluded that more than one legume host and Rhizobium strain must be studied before generalizations about Rhizobium /legume interactions are made.  相似文献   
Three axenic and rhizosphere microorganism-inoculated shortgrass steppe plant species were evaluated for possible differences in residual organic carbon and nitrogen present as sugars, organic acids and amino acids. IntroducedAgropyron cristatum was compared toA. smithii andBouteloua gracilis, which are dominant species in the native shortgrass steppe. These plants, grown for 90 days in root growth chambers, showed differences in residual organic carbon and nitrogen per gram of root, and rhizosphere microbe presence resulted in additional changes in these compounds. The root biomass ofB. gracilis was significantly increased with microbes present. TheAgropyron species had significantly lower amino acid levels with microbes present, while under the same conditions, theB. gracilis showed significant decreases in residual sugars. Based on the amino acids, sugars and organic acids, the C/N ratio of the sterileA. cristatum was higher than forB. gracilis. Rhizosphere microbe presence did not result in changes in these C/N ratios. These results suggest thatA. cristatum, with microbes present, will have lower levels of amino acids present, whileB. gracilis, with a lower C/N ratio, will have sugars used to a greater extent by the rhizosphere microbes. This resulted in the higher levels of residual soluble organic C and N in the rhizosphere ofB. gracilis, in comparison with the introducedA. cristatum. These differences may be critical in influencing the course of nutrient accumulation and plant competition in short-grass steppe communities, and in understanding basic aspects of plant-rhizosphere microorganism interactions.  相似文献   
Immunogold labelling has been used to determine the cellular distribution of glycine decarboxylase in leaves of C3, C3–C4 intermediate and C4 species in the genera Moricandia, Panicum, Flaveria and Mollugo. In the C3 species Moricandia foleyi and Panicum laxum, glycine decarboxylase was present in the mitochondria of both mesophyll and bundle-sheath cells. However, in all the C3–C4 intermediate (M. arvensis var. garamatum, M. nitens, M. sinaica, M. spinosa, M. suffruticosa, P. milioides, Flaveria floridana, F. linearis, Mollugo verticillata) and C4 (P. prionitis, F. trinervia) species studied glycine decarboxylase was present in the mitochondria of only the bundle-sheath cells. The bundle-sheath cells of all the C3–C4 intermediate species have on their centripetal faces numerous mitochondria which are larger in profile area than those in mesophyll cells and are in close association with chloroplasts and peroxisomes. Confinement of glycine decarboxylase to the bundle-sheath cells is likely to improve the potential for recapture of photorespired CO2 via the Calvin cycle and could account for the low rate of photorespiration in all C3–C4 intermediate species.Abbreviation and symbol kDa kilodaltons - CO2 compensation point  相似文献   
The leaf ultrastructure of NADP-malic enzyme type C4 species possessing different anatomical features in the Cyperaceae was examined: types were the Rhynchosporoid type, a normal Kranz type in which mesophyll cells are adjacent to Kranz cells, and Fimbristyloid and Chlorocyperoid types, unusual Kranz types in which nonchlorophyllous mestome sheath intervenes between the two types of green cells. They show structural characteristics basically similar to the NADP-malic enzyme group of C4 grasses, that is, centrifugally located chloroplasts with reduced grana and no increase of mitochondrial frequency in the Kranz cells. However, the Kranz cell chloroplasts of the Fimbristyloid and Chlorocyperoid types exhibit convoluted thylakoid systems and a trend of extensive development of peripheral reticulum, although those of the Rhynchosporoid type do not possess such particular membrane systems. The suberized lamella, probably a barrier for CO2 diffusion, is present in the Kranz cell walls of the Rhynchosporoid type and in the mestome sheath cell walls of the other two types, and tightly surrounds the Kranz cells (sheaths) that are the sites of the decarboxylation of C4 acids. These ultrastructural features are discussed in relation to C4 photosynthetic function.  相似文献   
Influence of the food plants ofHeliothis armigera (Hb.) on the degree of parasitism by exotic parasiteCotesia kazak Telenga (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) was studied in cages in the laboratory on 7 food plants such as cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.), tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill), okra [Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench], Dolichos (dolichos lablab L.), pigeonpea [Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.], Cowpea (Vigna unquiculata (L.) and chickpea (Cicer arietium L.). To determine the preference of the parasite 2 test methods were employed. In single plant choice test cotton was most preferred. Next in order of preference were tomato and okra. Dolichos, pigeonpea, cowpea and chickpea were least preferred. In multiple choice test, however, cotton and okra were preferred followed by tomato. Parasites were seen visiting these plants very frequently and high parasitism was recorded on these plants. Chick pea, pigeon pea, cowpea and Dolichos were the least preferred food plants. There appears to be some difference in fecundity as affected by some food plants. Exposure on okra, cotton and tomato resulted in higher cocoon production as compared to pigeonpea, Dolichos, cowpea and chickpea. There was, however, no difference in sex-ratio and longevity of the progeny as affected by food plants. This exotic parasite should be released first in crops such as cotton, okra and tomato on whichH. armigera is a very serious pest in India and elsewhere. Contribution No. 140/86 of the Indian institute of Horticultural Research, Bangalore-560 089  相似文献   
Summary Transformation and regeneration procedures for obtaining transgenic Brassica rapa ssp. oleifera plants are described. Regeneration frequencies were increasedby using silver nitrate and by adjusting the duration of exposure to 2,4-D. For transformation, Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain EHA101 containing a binary plasmid with the neomycin phosphotransferase gene (NPT II) and the b-glucuronidase gene (GUS) was cocultivated with hypocotyl explants from the oilseed B. rapa cvs. Tobin and Emma. Transformed plants were obtained within three months of cocultivation. Transformation frequencies for the cultivars Tobin and Emma were 1–9%. Evidence for transformation was shown by NPT II dot blot assay, the GUS fluorometric assay, Southern analysis, and segregation of the kanamycin-resistance trait in the progeny. The transformation and regeneration procedure described here has been used routinely to transform two cultivars of B. rapa and 18 cultivars of B. napus.  相似文献   
Summary As clonal plants grow they move through space. The movement patterns that result can be complex and difficult to interpret without the aid of models. We developed a stochastic simulation model of clonal growth in the tall goldenrod, Solidago altissima. Our model was calibrated with field data on the clonal expansion of both seedlings and established clones, and model assumptions were verified by statistical analyses.When simulations were based on empirical distributions with long rhizome lengths, there was greater dispersal, less leaf overlap, and less spatial aggregation than when simulations were based on distributions with comparatively short rhizome lengths. For the field data that we utilized, variation in rhizome lengths had a greater effect than variation for either branching angles or rhizome initiation points (see text). We also found that observed patterns of clonal growth in S. altissima did not cause the formation of fairy rings. However, simulations with an artificial distribution of branching angles demonstrate that fairy rings can result solely from a plant's clonal morphology.Stochastic simulation models that incorporated variation in rhizome lengths, branching angles, and rhizome initiation points produced greater dispersal and less leaf overlap than deterministic models. Thus, variation for clonal growth parameters may increase the efficiency of substrate exploration by increasing the area covered and by decreasing the potential for intraclonal competition. We also demonstrated that ramet displacements were slightly, but consistently lower in stochastic simulation models than in random-walk models. This difference was due to the incorporation of details on rhizome bud initiation into stochastic simulation models, but not random-walk models. We discuss the advantages and disadvantages of deterministic, stochastic simulation, and random-walk models of clonal growth.  相似文献   
The tumour-inducing T-DNA gene 4 (T-cyt gene) of the nopaline Ti plasmid pTiC58 was cloned and introduced into tobacco cells by leaf disc transformation using Agrobacterium plasmid vectors. Tobacco shoots exposed to elevated cytokinin levels were unable to develop roots and lacked apical dominance. Using exogenously applied phytohormone manipulations we were able to regenerate morphologically normal transgenic tobacco plants which differed in endogenous cytokinin levels from normal untransformed plants. Although T-cyt gene mRNA levels, as revealed by dot-blot hybridization data, in these rooting plants were only about half those in primary transformed shoots the total amount of cytokinins was much lower than in crown gall tissue or cytokinin-type transformed shoots as reported by others. Nevertheless the cytokinin content in T-cyt plants was about 3 times greater than in control tobacco plants.Elevated cytokinin levels have been shown to change the expression of several plant genes, including some nuclear genes encoding chloroplast proteins. Our results show that the mRNA levels of chloroplast rbcL gene increase in cytokinin-type transgenic tobacco plants as compared with untransformed plants. Data obtained suggest that T-cyt transgenic plants are a good model for studying plant gene activity in different parts of the plant under endogenous cytokinin stress.  相似文献   
Seeds from mature flowers of Heracleum laciniatum were collected locally (Tromsø, Norway). Seed coats were removed and the seeds were analyzed for their content of free, free plus ester-conjugate, and total indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) by quantitative gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Seeds contained high levels of free and amide-linked IAA relative to other dicotyledonous seeds for which values have been published. The major amide conjugate in this material was identified as indole-3-acetylaspartate by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry of its bis-methyl ester.  相似文献   
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