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Genetic variation and distances of five Italian native sheep breeds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Genetic distances among five of the most important Italian native sheep breeds were estimated by using gene frequencies of four blood group and seven blood protein loci and by three different computing methods. The values of the three distance matrices were highly correlated. Genetic distances were found within the range values reported in the literature for local breeds. Shorter distances fitted the historical evidence of migrations.  相似文献   
辣椒素引起脊髓P物质释放及其对血压的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
刘燕  韩建德 《生理学报》1990,42(5):446-452
为进一步研究脊髓 P 物质(SP)在调节心血管活动中的作用,在大鼠脊髓蛛网膜下腔注射(ith)辣淑素(cap),以刺激脊髓 SP 能神经末梢释放 SP,结果引起血浆去甲肾上腺素(NA)和肾上腺素(AD)含量增高,及具有剂量依赖性的动脉血压上升,心率升高。ith 具有高度特异性的 SP 受体拮抗剂或 SP 抗血清均可阻断 cap 引起的升压效应,免疫组化测定也观察到注入的cap 剂量越大,脊髓胸段 SP 样免疫阳性反应物的致密度越低,这些观察结果支持 cap 可以引起脊髓内 SP 的释放的说法。在第一颈段(C_1)横断脊髓后 ith cap 所引起的升压效应与完整动物 ith cap 的升压效应无显著差异。以上结果提示脊髓 SP 能神经末梢释放的 SP 可以通过交感肾上腺髓质系统引起心血管兴奋效应,SP 可能是引起交感节前神经元兴奋的神经递质。  相似文献   
Summary The vascular pathways associated with the glomerulus of the Atlantic hagfish, Myxine glutinosa have been studied by scanning electron microscopy of corroded resin casts of the vasculature. Although the overall pattern of the renal vasculature did not differ from earlier reports, a previously unreported vascular pathway which arose from the renal artery and bypassed the glomerular capillaries in 28% of glomeruli was clearly demonstrated. Glomerular bypass shunts either ran to join the loose capillary network around Bowman's capsule and thereby drain into the network of vessels associated with the mesonephric duct (ureter), or ran directly into the ureteral system of vessels and subsequently into the posterior cardinal veins. Glomerular bypass shunts which theoretically permit renal arterial blood to bypass the process of filtration may play a role in the regulation of body fluid volume.  相似文献   
电刺激麻醉兔延髓腹侧化学敏感区头端区引起潮气量(V_T)增加,呼吸频率(f)增快;电刺激压力敏感区(中间区)则使V_T减小,f亦增快。弱刺激时,两者均产生降压反应;刺激增强可诱发双相或升压反应。在出现周期性呼吸时,电刺激化学敏感区可使呼吸节律正常化、V_T增大,而电刺激压力敏感区则导致呼吸暂停。电刺激压力敏感区时,吸气时间(TI)和呼气时间(T_E)均缩短,以T_E变化更明显;由于V_T减小和T_I缩短,V_T/T_I保持相对不变,提示吸气终止的中枢阈值降低。在准备刺激的相应局部预先应用阿托品,可使电刺激化学敏感区产生的通气增强效应翻转,而对电刺激压力敏感区引起的通气抑制无明显影响;用印防己毒素则可选择性消除电刺激压力敏感区的通气抑制和降压效应。本工作表明延髓腹侧存在两个不同的中枢机制,其中化学敏感区产生的通气增强与胆碱能系统有关;压力敏感区产生的通气减弱效应与GABA系统有关。  相似文献   
在动物离心机上测定了7只轻度麻醉家免暴露于+G_Z时心、眼水平动脉压和心率的变化。+G_Z作用5-12s时、心水平动脉压(HABP)降至最低水平,然后开始代偿性回升。当+G_Z增大到一定值时,于加速度达峰值后,HABP降为0 mmHg、并在峰值后5.5±1.7s降到最大负值,继之代偿性升为正值,并常再度降为负值。我们称HABP的这种变化状态为“临界状态”。+G_Z暴露时,心率以两种型式发生改变:第一种,随着G值增大,心率发生不同程度增快,当加速度达某一G值时,心率突然减慢至2次/秒左右;第二种,当G值≥3时,在暴露过程中,心率逐渐减慢,并在某一G值,心率减慢到2次/秒左右。心率和HABP关系密切。当HABP达临界状态时,心率减慢至2次/秒左右并出现明显节律不整。以心率减慢到2次/秒左右作为家免+G_Z耐力终点是合适的,该指标规律性强,重复性好,实验方法对动物无损伤又易实施。按此标准,测得7只家免的+G_Z耐力为4.85±0.47G。  相似文献   
Self-management of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) is dependent on a negative feedback loop of blood glucose (BG) fluctuations, which in turn directs treatment decisions to maintain normal BG. Although this feedback is typically accomplished by self-monitoring of blood glucose (SMBG), SMBG has limitations, and patients often rely on what their BG feels like. Two studies were performed to evaluate whether patients could learn to more accurately feel/discriminate their BG on the basis of internal cues or internal plus external BG cues. In Study I, BG Awareness Training significantly improved pre- to posttreatment BG estimation accuracy, relative to a control group. Study II replicated BG Awareness Training efficacy in improving BG estimation accuracy. Improvement in estimation accuracy was related only to initial accuracy; those who were initially less accurate improved the most. This improvement was represented in a 31% reduction in dangerous BG estimation errors and a 9% increase in accurate estimates. Resulting estimations were, however, still significantly less accurate than SMBG at the end of training.This research was supported by NIH grants AM282880, AM24177, AM22125, and RR00847 and by the Ames Company. The authors express their appreciation for the contribution made by trainers Leslie Butterfield and Linda Zimbelman, by the nursing staff at the University of Virginia's Clinical Research Center and the Diabetes and Nutrition Unit, and by Dr. James May from the Medical College of Virginia in soliciting subjects. We would also like to thank Andrea Snyder for her assistance.  相似文献   
Neurotensin and somatostatin have both been shown to inhibit gastric acid secretion, but no interaction between these peptides has been demonstrated. To determine whether somatostatin might be a mediator of neurotensin's effect on pentagastrin-stimulated gastric acid secretion, we performed the following three experiments. First, we collected 0.2-ml samples of portal venous blood as frequently as every 5 min, and we confirmed a significant release of somatostatin-like immunoreactivity into portal venous blood during neurotensin-induced inhibition of acid secretion. This release of somatostatin-like immunoreactivity and inhibition of acid secretion were only seen in pentobarbital-anesthetized rats, but no sustained release of somatostatin-like immunoreactivity or inhibition of acid secretion occurred in urethane-anesthetized animals. In the second experiment, we analyzed portal plasma by high pressure liquid chromatography, and found that portal somatostatin-like immunoreactivity in blood collected during neurotensin infusion was composed of a single peak corresponding to somatostatin-14. In the third experiment, we found that infusion of antibody to somatostatin prevented neurotensin from inhibiting pentagastrin-stimulated acid secretion. Taken together, these data show that somatostatin, possibly from the stomach itself, is a necessary mediator of neurotensin's inhibitory effect in pentobarbital-anesthetized rats.  相似文献   
ELISA assays have been developed for (1–3)N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase (blood group A transferase) and (1–3)galactosyltransferase (blood group B transferase) activities. In these assays, microtitre plates coated with the bovine serum albumin conjugate of a synthetic Fuc1–2Gal-R acceptor substrate are incubated with the appropriate nucleotide donor (UDP-GalNAc or UDP-Gal) and human serum as the enzyme source. The resulting trisaccharide products Fuc1–2(GalNAc1–3)Gal-R-BSA or Fuc1–2(Gal1–3)Gal-R-BSA are detected and quantified with monoclonal antibodies selected not to cross-react with the substrate structure. With less than a microliter of human serum, product formation is proportional to enzyme concentration and to time of incubation of up to 90 min.  相似文献   
Pancreatic adenocarcinomas induced in Syrian hamsters by treatment with N-nitrosobis(2-oxopropyl) amine express blood group A antigen, which is absent in normal pancreatic cells. On membrane glycoproteins purified from tumors, blood group A antigen has been found to be expressed on multiantennary Asn-linked complex glycans. In this study, we investigated the effect of inhibitors of Asn-glycan processing on blood group A antigen bearing glycan structures in a cell line (PC-1) established from a primary induced pancreatic cancer. Expression of blood group A antigen on cells and in membrane preparations was blocked by treatment with 1-deoxymannojirimycin, an inhibitor of mannosidase I, but was retained after treatment with swainsonine, an inhibitor of mannosidase II. However, swainsonine treatment altered the glycan structure associated with blood group A antigen from an endoglycosidase H resistant type to a sensitive type, indicating that the blood group A structure might shift from a complex type to a hybrid type glycan by this treatment. These results demonstrate that Asn-linked glycans carry the major blood group A antigens in PC-1 cells.  相似文献   
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