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BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Domatia are small organs usually found in the axils of major veins on the underside of leaves and, although they have received wide attention from ecologists, few detailed reports exist on their anatomy or development. This study is focused on the domatia of Cinnamomum camphora (Lauraceae) and is the first comparative study on the anatomy and development of the different shapes of domatia within a single plant. METHODS: Four types of domatia in C. camphora leaves were observed on paraffin sections under a microscope. KEY RESULTS: The domatia consisted of six histological parts: the upper epidermis, the upper mesophyll tissue, spongy tissue, the lower mesophyll tissue, the tissue filling the rim opening, and the lower epidermis. They differed from the non-domatial lamina mainly in the cell structure of the upper and lower mesophyll tissue and the rim tissue. Differences in domatium shapes were mainly associated with differences in the structure of the upper mesophyll and in the number and size of the rim tissue cells. Differences in the development of domatium types were observed in terms of initiation timing, differentiation of the upper mesophyll cells and degree of rim tissue development. CONCLUSIONS: In domatia, active anticlinal division in the lower mesophyll cells, as compared with the upper mesophyll cells, was coordinated with dynamic growth of rim tissue cells and resulted in cavity formation. The anatomical or developmental differences among the four types of domatia were related to the positions of the domatia within a leaf. In terms of the ecological implications, the major anatomical difference between the domatia used by herbivorous and carnivorous mites was in the development of the rim tissue.  相似文献   
本文从植物生长发育的机理发出,从理论推导出植物主茎传导能力与主茎长度、导管长度的关系式,导管越长,榈传导能力越大,香樟主茎长度大于18cm、枸树大于12cm时,传导能力随样品长度线笥变化;较知时,传导能力随样品长度的缩短迅速增加,出现短路现象。试验测定了香樟、枸树主茎水分长距离运输的传导能力分布,结果与理论预示的安全一致,表明理论分析是正确可靠的,这一规律具有普遍意义。  相似文献   
栗链蚧生物学特性及其防治试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
栗链蚧Asterolecanium castaneae Russell是危害锥粟的主要蚧虫之一。栗链蚧在福建一年发生2代,以受精的雌虫在栗树枝条上越冬。防治试验表明,选用50%快灭磷1:1000进行喷雾.原液进行涂干或注射效果最好.40%氧化乐果次之。农药混合试验表明.50%快灭磷 40%氧化乐果 80%敌敌畏原液混合进行涂干效果最好。  相似文献   
以盆栽的1年生香樟实生苗为研究对象,采用指数施肥的方式,测定1~5级细根的C、N、P、K含量,并探讨施肥对香樟幼苗细根养分浓度的影响。结果表明:(1)不同根序细根的全C浓度差异不显著,施肥对细根全C浓度影响不显著(P0.05);(2)在所有根序中,N、P浓度最高的是1级根,但其K浓度却最低;N、P含量最低的是5级根;(3)细根的N、P含量随着根序的增加呈显著的下降趋势(P0.05);(4)施N肥能显著增加1~2级细根的N含量,施P肥能显著增加1级根的P含量,N+P肥较之P肥更能提高1级根对P的吸收;(5)C∶N∶P受根序的影响非常明显,1级根平均为366∶16∶1,5级根则为807∶12∶1,而且C∶N∶P随着根序增加而显著升高,但N∶P无显著影响;(6)虽然施肥对细根C含量无影响,但施N肥或N+P肥对1~2级细根中N的含量有显著性增加。综合分析可知,处理9对香樟苗期养分浓度指标影响最为显著,即施肥量为氮素4g·株-1、磷素4g·株-1、钾素2g·株-1时,对香樟幼苗细根的生长发育有较好地促进作用。研究结果可为香樟的速生丰产及资源的高效利用提供理论依据。  相似文献   
2010年11月-2011年12月, 研究了华西雨屏区31年生香樟人工林土壤表层(0~30 cm)细根生物量及碳储量.结果表明: 香樟人工林土壤0~30 cm层细根总生物量(活根+死根)和碳储量的平均值分别为1592.29 kg·hm-2和660.68 kg C·hm-2,其中活细根贡献率分别为91.1%和91.8%.随着土壤深度的增加,香樟1~5级活细根和死细根的生物量及碳储量均显著减少;随着根序等级的升高,香樟活细根生物量及碳储量显著增加.香樟细根总生物量及碳储量均在秋季最高、冬季最低,死细根生物量及碳储量为冬季最高、夏季最低;1级根和2级根生物量及碳储量均在夏季最高、冬季最低,而3~5级根则为秋季最高、冬季最低.土壤养分和水分的空间异质性是导致细根生物量和碳储量变化的主要原因.  相似文献   
张含眉  童方平  李贵  陈瑞  吴敏  白淑兰 《菌物学报》2021,40(9):2244-2253
以湖南省林业科学院龙伏实验基地的3年生樟根生产(root production method,RPM)苗和同龄常规技术培育的苗木(以下简称常规苗)为研究对象,采集两种苗木的根系和根际土,观察根系上菌根形态,并对其苗木样品进行高通量测序研究,探索二者根系菌根特征及根系、根际土丛枝菌根真菌(arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi,AMF)群落结构及土壤微生境差异,旨在为进行接种有效性菌根苗木来改善常规苗木的土壤微生境,进而培育高质量苗木提供理论依据。结果显示:2种樟苗木根系均显示AM菌根特征,未见外生菌根结构。测序得到属于AMF群落的有效序列共25 738条,隶属1门,2纲,3目,5科,5属,按有效序列占比从高到低依次为AcaulosporaGlomusDiversisporaRhizophagusParaglomus。根生产法(RPM)苗和常规苗的优势属均为AcaulosporaGlomus,只是RPM苗中Glomus占比高(在根、根际土内占比分别为28.04%、57.36%)而常规苗中Acaulospora占比高(在根、根际土内占比分别为99.58%、42.2%)。2种苗木均是根际土内的丰富度指数(Ace和Chao)远高于根系,并且RPM苗根际土的丰富度指数高于常规苗,但二者根系内的丰富度指数无显著差异(P<0.05)。冗余分析结果显示,土壤pH和有效磷是决定AMF群落结构的主要影响因子。不同理化因子对AMF群落的菌属影响程度也不同。  相似文献   
为明确不同化学型樟树(Cinnamomum camphora)叶挥发性成分的异同,以5种不同樟树叶的25个样本为实验材料,采用静态顶空-气相色谱-质谱联用法(SHS-GC-MS)研究了其挥发性成分组成,并运用主成分分析(PCA)、聚类分析(CA)和判别分析(DA)等对不同化学型樟树叶挥发性成分组成进行了多变量分析。研究结果表明,不同化学型樟树叶的挥发性成分共有8种:β-芳樟醇、莰烯、β-愈创木烯、γ-松油烯、α-侧柏烯、2-乙基呋喃、α-石竹烯和大牛儿烯;不同化学型樟树叶的挥发性化合物种类和含量存在显著差异。检测出的平均化合物数量分别为52(异樟)、40(脑樟)、37(油樟)、34(芳樟)和33(龙脑樟)。主成分分析提取了3个主成分因子,累计贡献率达到86.40%。聚类分析和判别分析结果表明,其中的12种挥发性成分能够对5种化学型樟树进行较好的区分,准确率分别为96%和100%。实验结果说明,这12种挥发性成分可以较好地用于樟树化学型分类。  相似文献   
凋落物作为森林生态系统碳库的重要组成部分对森林土壤碳、氮循环具有重要作用.为探讨香樟凋落叶对土壤碳、氮循环的影响,室内模拟研究了10%、20%和30% 3种土壤含水量条件下香樟凋落叶覆盖森林土壤中碳、氮元素的变化.结果表明: 3种含水量条件下香樟凋落叶覆盖均显著增加了土壤CO2排放速率和土壤溶解性有机碳(WSOC)含量,但显著降低了土壤中硝态氮含量,表明香樟凋落叶覆盖能够增强土壤呼吸强度和碳矿化,抑制土壤硝化作用;香樟凋落叶覆盖能够显著增加10%含水量土壤中铵态氮含量,但降低了20%和30%含水量土壤铵态氮含量,表明香樟凋落叶覆盖对土壤铵态氮含量的影响与土壤含水量有关.香樟凋落叶中部分单萜烯浓度在不同土壤含水量条件下分别与土壤CO2排放速率和铵态氮含量呈显著正相关,而与土壤WSOC和硝态氮含量呈显著负相关,说明香樟凋落叶覆盖对土壤碳、氮循环的影响可能与凋落叶中的单萜烯有关.  相似文献   
Monitoring and quantifying the biomass and its distribution in urban trees and forests are crucial to understanding the role of vegetation in an urban environment. In this paper, an estimation method for biomass of urban forests was developed for the Shanghai metropolis, China, based on spatial analysis and a wide variety of data from field inventory and remote sensing.
An optimal regression model between forest biomass and auxiliary variables was established by stepwise regression analysis. The residual value of regression model was computed for each of the sites sampled and interpolated by Inverse-distance weighting (IDW) to predict residual errors of other sites not subjected to sampling. Forest biomass in the study area was estimated by combining the regression model based on remote sensing image data and residual errors of spatial distribution map. According to the distribution of plantations and management practices, a total of 93 sample plots were established between June 2011 and June 2012 in the Shanghai metropolis. To determine a suitable model, several spectral vegetation indices relating to forest biomass and structure such as normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), ratio vegetation index (RVI), difference vegetation index (DVI), soil-adjusted vegetation index (SAVI), and modified soil-adjusted vegetation index (MSAVI), and new images synthesized through band combinations such as the sum of TM2, TM3 and TM4 (denoted Band 234), and the sum of TM3, TM4 and TM5 (denoted Band 345) were used as alternative auxiliary parameters .
Important findings
The biomass density in urban forests of the Shanghai metropolis varied from 15 to 120 t·hm-2. The higher densities of forest biomass concentrated mostly in the urban areas, e.g. in districts of Jing’an and Huangpu, mostly ranging from 35 to 70 t·hm-2. Suburban localities such as the districts of Jiading and Qingpu had lower biomass densities at around 15 to 50 t·hm-2. The biomass density of Cinnamomum camphora trees across the Shanghai metropolis varied between 20 and 110 t·hm-2. The spatial biomass distribution of urban forests displayed a tendency of higher densities in northeastern areas and lower densities in southwestern areas. The total biomass was 3.57 million tons (Tg) for urban forests and 1.33 Tg for C. camphora trees. The overall forest biomass was also found to be distributed mostly in the suburban areas with a fraction of 93.9%, whereas the urban areas shared a fraction of only 6.1%. In terms of the areas, the suburban and urban forests accounted for 95.44% and 4.56%, respectively, of the total areas in the Shanghai metropolis. Among all the administrative districts, the Chongming county and the new district of Pudong had the highest and the second highest biomass, accounting for 20.1% and 19.18% of the total forest biomass, respectively. In contrast, the Jing’an district accounted for only 0.11% of the total forest biomass. The root-mean-square error (RMSE), mean absolute error (MAE) and mean relative error (MRE) of the model for estimating urban forest biomass in this study were 8.39, 6.86 and 24.22%, respectively, decreasing by 57.69%, 55.43% and 64.00% compared to the original simple regression model and by 62.21%, 58.50%, 65.40% compared to the spatial analysis method. Our results indicated that a more efficient way to estimate urban forest biomass in the Shanghai metropolis might be achieved by combining spatial analysis with regression analysis. In fact, the estimated results based on the proposed model are also more comparable to the up-scaled forest inventory data at a city scale than the results obtained using regression analysis or spatial analysis alone.  相似文献   
采用开顶式人工熏气装置,对1年生樟树幼苗进行了为期2个月不同体积分数NO2(0.1、0.5和4.0 μl·L-1)熏气试验,研究其对幼苗生长及光合作用的影响.结果表明:0.5和0.1 μl·L-1 NO2处理促进了樟树幼苗生长,而4.0 μl·L-1 NO2处理则抑制其生长.各处理樟树幼苗叶片净光合速率(Pn)日变化呈不对称的双峰型曲线,存在光合“午休”现象;在光合日进程中,0.5 μl·L-1 NO2处理使叶片Pn提高,最大值达8.542 μmol CO2·m-2s-1,4.0 μl·L-1NO2处理的大多数时段使Pn降低,而0.1 μl·L-1 NO2处理对Pn的影响则依时段而不同;0.5和4.0 μl·L-1 NO2处理提高了叶片气孔导度(Gs)和胞间CO2浓度(Ci)的最大值和最小值,0.1 μl·L-1 NO2处理提高了Ci的最大值和最小值,降低了Gs的最大值和最小值.熏气处理中、后期,0.5μl·L-1 NO2处理叶片的日均净光合速率显著高于其他处理.在熏气处理前期,0.5和4.0 μl·L-1 NO2处理使叶片最大PSⅡ的光能转换效率(Fv/Fm)显著下降;在熏气处理后期,4.0 μl·L-1 NO2处理的叶片Fv/Fm仍显著低于对照.  相似文献   
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