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Résumé La métamorphose des insectes est régie par un équilibre hormonal complexe dans lequel l'hormone juvénile (HJ) joue un rôle important. Au dernier stade larvaire, la teneur en HJ est particulièrement faible dans le corps de l'insecte. Si un régulateur de croissance d'insectes (RCI)-un mimétique de l'HJ-est appliqué à ce moment-là, la mue nymphale est pertubée provoquant des déformations morphogénétiques caractéristiques. La teneur en HJ est également très faible dans les ufs fraîchement pondus. Les traitements aux RCI peuvent par conséquent perturber le développement embryonnaire de certaines espèces et produire ainsi un effet ovicide. Depuis quelques années deux RCI-le fenoxycarb et le CGA 45 128-ont été testés pour leur activité morphogénétique sur le dernier stade larvaire de quelques ravageurs tels qu'Adoxophyes orana F.v.R., ainsi que pour leur activité ovicide sur les ufs frais de Cydia pomonella L. et Grapholita funebrana Tr. Après quelques années d'expérimentation et de commercialisation des RCI dans les vergers européens, il s'avère que l'utilisation de ces produits peu toxiques, sélectifs et peu nocifs pour la faune utile, constitue une amélioration considérable pour l'aménagement de la lutte intégrée.
Insect growth regulators (IGR), mimics of juvenile hormone, as morphological and ovicidal means of control against orchard tortricids
Summary Metamorphosis is regulated by a complex hormonal balance in which juvenile hormone (JH) plays an important part. At the last larval instar the content of JH is particularly low in the insect body. If an insect growth regulator (IGR) — a mimic of JH-is applied at this time, the pupal moult may be disturbed with the characteristic morphogenetical deformations. The JH content is also very low in freshly laid eggs. Therefore IGR treatments may disturb the embryonic development of some species and produce an ovicidal activity. During a few years two IGR-fenoxycarb and CGA 45128-were evaluated for their morphogenetical effect on the last larval instar of Adoxophyes orana F.v.R. and their ovicidal effect on freshly laid eggs of Cydia pomonella L. and Grapholita funebrana Tr. After a few years of experimentation with both compounds and of commercialisation of fenoxycarb in European orchards, IGR confirmed to present a considerable improvement in integrated pest management due to selectivity, and low mammal toxicity.
Lactococci are fastidious bacteria which require an external source of amino acids and many other nutrients. These compounds have to pass the membrane. However, detailed analysis of transport processes in membrane vesicles has been hampered by the lack of a suitable protonmotive force (pmf)-generating system in these model systems. A membrane-fusion procedure has been developed by which pmf-generating systems can be functionally incorporated into the bacterial membrane. This improved model system has been used to analyze the properties of amino acid transport systems in lactococci. Detailed studies have been made of the specificity and kinetics of amino acid transport and also of the interaction of the transport systems with their lipid environment. The properties of a pmf-independent, arginine-catabolism specific transport system in lactococci will be discussed.Abbreviations pmf protonmotive force - transmembrane electrical potential - pH transmembrane pH gradient - PE phosphatidylethanolamine - PC phosphatidylcholine Paper adapted from a treatise Secondary Transport of Amino Acids by Membrane Vesicles Derived from Lactic Acid Bacteria and awarded the Kluyver Prize 1988 by the Netherlands Society of Microbiology.  相似文献   
Thiolutin was found to inhibit the utilization of glucose and other growth substrates in Escherichia coli. The inhibition was detected by a sharp drop of the respiration rate after addition of the antibiotic. The actual function affected was allocated to the cytoplasmic membrane of the bacterial cells by the following evidence:
–  - spheroplasts were affected like intact cells,
–  - individual reactions of either the electron transport chain or the glycolytic pathway were not inhibited,
–  - glucose consumption in the culture stopped and the cells accumulated guanosine tetraphosphate as under starvation conditions,
–  - activation of the cell's apo-glucose dehydrogenase restored respiration via bypassing the glucose phosphotransferase system.
It was concluded that the transport of certain substrates across the membrane was inhibited.  相似文献   
Rivers in northern Queensland are ephemeral and carry water mainly as a direct response to heavy rainfall. Sediment is transported downstream with the runoff and sediment deposition may be a major problem in many proposed reservoirs. Hence information about sediment transport, particularly under high flow conditions, is required for planning and design of water storage reservoirs. In this region, bed material samples can be obtained during low flow periods and suspended sediment sampling during floods is possible but only with difficulty. Little reliable data is available.This paper outlines a possible approach to predicting sediment loads in such rivers. Suspended sediment samples have been analysed to give both particulate concentrations and their grain size distributions. The latter have been compared with bed material size distributions, and the concentrations of suspended bed material and wash load components have been estimated.After investigations of a number of methods for predicting bed material transport, those which treat bed load and suspended load independently have been selected. Field data have been used to determine the wash load and the suspended bed material load. The bed load was then computed so that the total sediment load could be determined.This approach has been applied to the Flinders River at Glendower, based on field data obtained by the Queensland Water Resources Commission in 1982/83.  相似文献   
Summary Palmitate binding to human erythrocyte ghost membranes has been investigated with ghost preparations suspended in 0.2% albumin solutions. Free unbound palmitate in the extracellular water phase was measured in equilibrium studies using albumin-filled acid loaded ghosts as small semipermeable bags. The apparent dissociation constant of binding to the membrane is 13.5 nM and the binding capacity 19 nmoles per 7.2 × 109 cells.The 0°C exchange efflux kinetics of palmitate from albumin-filled ghosts is described by a model, which provides estimates of the rate constant of membrane transfer, k3 = 0.024 s–1, independent of the molar ratio of palmitate to albumin () and of a mean dissociation rate constant of the palmitate-albumin complex, k1 = 0.0015 s–1 at 0.2, allowing for a heterogeneity of the palmitate binding to albumin.The values of a third kinetically determined dependent model constant, Q, the ratio of palmitate bound to the membrane inner surface to palmitate on intracellular albumin, are not different from the Q values obtained by equilibrium experiments.The temperature dependences of k1 and k3 in the interval 0°C to 15°C give activation energies of 96 and 103 kJ/mole, respectively. The 0°C exchange efflux increases about 2 fold in response to a rise of pH from 6 to 9. The results suggest a carrier mediated palmitate flux at low with a Vmax about 2 pmoles min–1 cm–2 at 0°C pH 7.3.  相似文献   
Growth of Propionibacterium freudenreichii was studied with glycerol, lactate, and propionate as energy sources and a three-electrode poised-potential amperometric electrode system with hexacyanoferrate (III) as mediator. In batch culture experiments with glycerol and lactate as substrates, hexacyanoferrate (III) was completely reduced. Growth yields increased and the fermentation patterns were shifted towards higher acetate formation with increasing hexacyanoferrate (III) concentrations (0.25–8.0 mM). In experiments with regulated electrodes, glycerol, lactate, and propionate were oxidized to acetate and CO2, and the electrons were quantitatively transferred to the working electrode. Growth yields of 29.0, 13.4 and 14.2 g cell material per mol were calculated, respectively. The high cell yield obtained during propionate oxidation cannot be explained solely by substrate level phosphorylation indicating that additional energy was conserved via electron transport phosphorylation. Furthermore, this result indicated complete reversibility of the methyl-malonyl-CoA pathway in propionic acid bacteria.  相似文献   
Laboratory cultures of cowpea Rhizobium MNF2030 grew on 4-aminobutyrate (GABA) as sole source of carbon and nitrogen. GABA transport was active since it was inhibited by carbonyl cyanide mchlorophenyl hydrazone and 2,4-dinitrophenol and cells developed a 400-fold concentration gradient across the cell membrane. Arsenite treatment of GABA-grown cells revealed stoichiometric conversion of GABA to pyruvate, indicating that 2-oxoglutarate is not an intermediate in GABA catabolism. GABA catabolism by cells of strain MNF2030 grown on GABA appreared to involve GABA transaminase, succinic semialdehyde dehydrogenase and malic enzyme; the first two enzymes were specifically induced by growth on GABA. The deamination process and removal of NH3 in cells catabolizing GABA involved GABA: 2-oxoglutarate transaminase; glutamate: oxaloacetate aminotransferase; asparate: pyruvate aminotransferase and alanine dehydrogenase.Isolated snakebean bacteroids of strain MNF2030 transported only small amounts of GABA and had uninduced levels of GABA catabolic enzymes, even though the nodules contained significant levels of GABA. The data suggest that GABA is not available to snakebean nodule bacteroids, presumably because of a control imposed by the peribacteroid membrane.Abbreviations CCCP Carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenyl hydrazone - HEPES N-hydroxyethylpiperazine-N-2-ethanesulphonic acid - DTT dithiothreitol - SSAD succinic semialdehyde dehydrogenase - GABAT 4-aminobutyrate transaminase - GABA 4-aminobutyrate  相似文献   
The in situ location of the electron carrier protein cytochrome C 553 (cyt c 553) has been investigated in both vegetative cells and heterocysts of the cyanobacterium Anabaena variabilis ATCC 29413 using the antibody-gold technique, carried out as a post-ernbedding immunoelectron microscopy procedure. When using a rabbit polyclonal anti-cyt c 553 specific antiserum an intense labelling, associated mainly with the cell periphery (cytoplasmic membrane and periplasmic area), was seen in both heterocysts and vegetative cells. The selective release of most of the cellular cyt c 553 during a Tris-EDTA treatment confirms a periplasmic localization of this protein in A. variabilis. The results indicate that most of cyt c 553 is located in the periplasmic space. The roles ascribed to this protein in both respiration and photosynthesis in cyanobacteria are discussed.Abbreviations Cyt c 553 cytochrome c 553 - PBS phosphate buffered saline (20 mM sodium phosphate, 0.9% NaCl, pH 7.4) - PMSF phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride Recipient of a Research Fellowship of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (Bonn, FRG) for a leave to the University of Konstanz.  相似文献   
Summary Canine cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum is phosphorylated by adenosine 3,5-monophosphate (cAMP)-dependent and by calcium · calmodulin-dependent protein kinases on a 27 000 proteolipid, called phospholamban. Both types of phosphorylation are associated with an increase in the initial rates of Ca2+ transport by SR vesicles which reflects an increased turnover of elementary steps of the calcium ATPase reaction sequence. The stimulatory effects of the protein kinases on the calcium pump may be reversed by an endogenous protein phosphatase, which can dephosphorylate both the CAMP-dependent and the calcium · calmodulin-dependent sites on phospholamban. Thus, the calcium pump in cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum appears to be under reversible regulation mediated by protein kinases and protein phosphatases.  相似文献   
In this paper we attempt a functional and spectral characterization of the membrane-bound cytochromes involved in respiratory electron transport by membranes from cells of Chloroflexus aurantiacus grown in the dark under oxygen saturated conditions. We conclude that the NADH-dependent respiration is carried out by a branched respiratory chain leading to two oxidases which differ in sensitivity to CN- and CO. The two routes also show a different sensitivity to the ubiquinone analogue, HQNO, the pathway through the cytochrome c oxidase being fully blocked by 5 M HQNO, whereas the alternative one is insensitive to this inhibitor. The cytochrome c oxidase containing branch is composed by at least two c-type haems with E m 7.0 of +130 and +270 mV ( bands at 550/553 nm and 549 nm, respectively), plus a b-type cytochrome with E m 7.0 of +50 mV ( band at 561 nm). From this, and previous work, we conclude that respiratory and photosynthetic electron transport components are assembled together and function on a single undifferentiated plasma membrane.Abbreviations HQNO heptylhydroxy-quinoline-N-oxide - UHDBT undecyl-hydroxydioxobenthiazole - Q/b-c ubiquinol/cytochrome c oxidoreductase complex - BChl bacteriochlorophyll  相似文献   
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