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Gossypium mustelinum, one of five tetraploid species in the cotton genus, is geographically restricted to a few states in NE Brazil. Allozyme analysis was used to assess levels and patterns of genetic diversity inG. mustelinum and its relationship to the other tetraploid species. Genetic variation was low, with only 6 of 50 loci examined being polymorphic, a mean of 1.14 alleles per locus and a mean panmictic heterozygosity of 0.08. These estimates are low relative to other tetraploid cotton species, but are typical of island endemics. Interpopulational genetic identities were uniformly high, lending support to the concept of there being only one wild species of Brazilian cotton. The limited allelic diversity observed was correlated with geographical distribution, although variability is so limited in the species that geographically marginal populations are electrophoretically ordinary. Phylogenetic and phenetic analyses demonstrate thatG. mustelinum is isolated among polyploid cotton species, occupying one of the three basal clades resulting from an early radiation of polyploid taxa subsequent to polyploid formation. We suggest thatG. mustelinum represents a paleoendemic that presently exists as a series of widely scattered, relictual populations. Despite several centuries of sympatric cultivation ofG. barbadense andG. hirsutum, there was little evidence of interspecific introgression of alleles from cultivated cottons intoG. mustelinum.  相似文献   
Restriction fragment length polymorphisms at the phytohemagglutinin (PHA) locus were determined among 21 genotypes ofPhaseolus vulgaris, P. coccineus, P. acutifolius, P. lunatus, and threeVigna species, using five restriction enzymes and one double digestion, in order to provide molecular evidence for their genetic relatedness. The dissimilarity between genotypes was estimated from binary RFLP data. The dissimilarity was high among species (from 0.75 to 0.95), and of variable extent among genotypes of the same species (0.33–0.89). InP. vulgaris, two different DNA hybridization patterns were found, giving further evidence for two major gene pools in that species. The restriction patterns ofP. vulgaris var.aborigineus, the putative ancestral form ofP. vulgaris, exhibit clear homology toP. vulgaris genotypes. An undefined landrace from Taiwan could be identified as aP. vulgaris genotype. RFLP-based trees for the phytohemagglutinin genes of the species studied were computed with several distance matrix and parsimony methods.  相似文献   
Abstract Genetic diversity of Korean populations in Hosta clausa was investigated using starch gel electrophoresis. Hosta clausa is widespread, grows only along streamsides, and has both sexual and asexual reproduction. Populations of the species are small and isolated. Thirty-two percent of the loci examined were polymorphic, and mean genetic diversity within populations (Hep=0.082) was lower than mean estimates for species with very similar life history characteristics (0.131), particularly for its congener H. yingeri (0.250). The mean number of multilocus genotypes per population was 8.7, and genotypic diversity index (DG) was 0.84. Significant differences in allele frequencies among populations were found in all seven polymorphic loci (P < 0.001). About one-fifth of the total allozyme variation was among populations (GST=0.192). Indirect estimate of the number of migrants per generation (Nm=0.48, calculated from mean GST) and nine private alleles found indicate that gene movement among populations was low. The low levels of genetic diversity within populations and the relatively high levels of genetic diversity among populations suggest that strong moist habitat preferences, clonal reproduction, low level of gene flow among populations, genetic drift, and historical events may have played roles in the genetic structuring of the species.  相似文献   
Connections among species-abundance (i-m i ), species-frequency (i-F i ), and species-sample size (S n -n) relationships were examined on the basis of the mapping data of a natural forest in Thailand. The spatial distribution of individual trees without any discrimination of species was nearly random. Provided that the spatial distribution of each species was random, thei-m i and thei-F i relationship was reconstructed from each other in terms of the total number of species (S) and the total number of individuals (N) in the data. The number of species (S n ) in a subsample consisting ofn individuals was then obtained from thei-F i relationship. Logarithm ofS n increased with logn and showed a convex curve through the origin. The values of diversity indices based onN andS(orn andS n ) were affected by sample size. These trends were further examined on the basis of 944 data sets of biotic communities and three mathematical models of anS-N relationship. The properties of species-area relation were discussed in the light of these results.  相似文献   
Summary Using a series of genetic parameters, attempts have been made for more than two decades to establish the close kinship of human (Homo sapiens) with chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes). Molecular and cytogenetic data presently suggest that the two species are closely related. The recent isolation of a human telomeric probe (P5097-B.5) has prompted us to cross hybridize it to chimpanzee chromosomes in order to explore convergence and/or divergence of the telomeric repeat sequences (TTAGGG)n. On hybridization, the human probe bound to both ends (telomeres) of chimpanzee chromosomes, suggesting a concerted evolution of tandemly repeated short simple sequences (TTAGGG)n. Even the terminal heterochromatin of chimpanzee chromosomes was found to be endowed with telomeric repeats, suggesting that evolution of heterochromatin and capping with tandemly repeated short sequences are highly complex phenomena.  相似文献   
Long-term (1977–90) experimental exclusion of three species of kangaroo rats from study plots in the Chihuahuan Desert resulted in significant increases in abundance of a tall annual grass (Aristida adscensionis) and a perennial bunch grass (Eragrostis lehmanniana). This change in the vegetative cover affected use of these plots by several other rodent species and by foraging birds. The mechanism producing this change probably involves a combination of decreased soil disturbance and reduced predation on large-sized seeds when kangaroo rats are absent. Species diversity of summer annual dicots was greater on plots where kangaroo rats were present, as predicted by keystone predator models. However, it is not clear whether this was caused directly by activities of the kangaroo rats or indirectly as a consequence of the increase in grass cover. No experimental effect on species diversity of winter annual dicots was detected. Our study site was located in a natural transition between desert scrub and grassland, where abiotic conditions and the effects of organisms may be particularly influential in determining the structure and composition of vegetation. Under these conditions kangaroo rats have a dramatic effect on plant cover and species composition.  相似文献   
Summary Optimal exploitation of crop genetic resources requires a knowledge of the range and structure of the variation present in the gene pool of interest. Avena sterilis L., the cultivated oat progenitor, contains a store of genetic diversity that is readily accessible to the oat breeder. The objectives of the present paper were: (1) to evaluate isozyme polymorphisms in a sample of A. sterilis accessions from the U.S. National Small Grains Collection, (2) to analyze the distribution of isozyme diversity across the geographic range of the accessions, (3) to classify the accessions into groups based on isozyme variation, and (4) to suggest strategies for efficient sampling of this germplasm collection. One thousand and five accessions from 23 countries and 679 collection sites were screened for variation using 23 enzyme systems. Due to limited information about the genetic relationship among individual members of families of isozymes in hexaploid oat species, data were recorded solely for band presence. The frequencies of bands in accessions from the various countries were used to calculate the probability of genotypic identity (Ix.y), the probability of a unique genotype (Ux.y), and an adjusted polymorphic index (Hx). Accessions from Turkey and Lebanon had the largest polymorphic index values, Turkish and Moroccan accessions displayed the greatest numbers of bands. Accessions from Iran, Turkey, Iraq, and Lebanon had the largest mean probabilities of containing unique genotypes. Based on isozyme data, Turkey appeared to represent the center of diversity in this germplasm collection. Band frequencies calculated among countries were used in a principal component analysis. Accessions from Israel and Morocco clustered together; accessions from Iran, Iraq, Turkey, and Ethiopia formed another group; and Algerian accessions formed an outlying group. Several isozyme bands had a regional distribution. These results suggested that choosing accessions from countries based on their groupings in the principal component analysis should secure a greater range of diversity than sampling from the collection at random. Cluster analyses based on Jaccard's distances calculated for all pairwise combinations of the 1005 accessions revealed six broad genetic groups of accessions. Groups 1 and 6 contained accessions from many countries and encompassed half of all accessions. Groups 2 and 4 were heavily populated by accessions from Israel and Morocco. Groups 3 and 5 were composed almost exclusively of accessions from Iran, Iraq, and Turkey. By selecting representative accessions from these six groups, oat breeders could most effectively sample the range of genetic variation in this A. sterilis collection.  相似文献   
A study was conducted to rapidly fractionate bovine spermatozoa on the basis of cell-surface H-Y antigen (i.e., Y chromosome-bearing spermatozoa). A novel, rapid immunomagnetic method was developed for removal of spermatozoa that bound to anti-H-Y IgG. Fluorescent labeling and flow cytometry were used to measure the efficiency with which spermatozoa binding to anti-H-Y were removed by the immunomagnetic technique. Washed bovine spermatozoa (n=7 bulls) were treated with a mouse monoclonal IgG antibody to H-Y antigen (MoAb 12/49). Fluorescent labeled goat antibody against mouse IgG was added to label those spermatozoa with cell-surface H-Y antigens. Supermagnetized polymer beads coated with an anti-antibody to the MoAb 12/49 were then added to the spermatozoa. After 20 min of incubation, spermatozoa were exposed for 2 min to a magnet, causing the magnetized particles to adhere to the sides of the tube. Nonmagnetized spermatozoa in the supernatent were aspirated and analyzed for fluorescent label by flow cytometry. Approximately 50% of spermatozoa not subjected to immunomagnetic separation were fluorescent labeled, and about one-half of the spermatozoa were observed microscopically to be bound to the magnetized polymer beads prior to magnetic separation (P<0.05). Following magnetic separation, only 1.2% (P<0.05) of the spermatozoa in the magnetic supernatent were fluorescent labeled. Assuming that only Y chromosome-bearing spermatozoa have cell-surface H-Y antigens, the present immunomagnetic fractionation removed almost all of the Y chromosome-bearing spermatozoa, leaving a population that was greater than 98% X chromosome-bearing spermatozoa.  相似文献   
本文论述了植物雄性不育的类型、原因、诱导和应用,总结了国内外在这方面的研究成果。重点对植物雄性不育的类型给以分析,从而丰富了遗传多样性的内容,展示了雄性不育理论和应用研究的光明前景。  相似文献   
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