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以种子萌发根尖和花药愈伤组织为材料,研究了取样时间、预处理方法对百日草染色体制片的影响。结果表明:根尖上午8:00~9:00,花药愈伤继代3~5d上午9:00~10:00为最佳取样预处理时间;采用三种药剂预处理活体根尖,以4℃下饱和对二氯苯溶液或0.002mol/L的8-羟基喹啉液预处理8h效果最佳,花药愈伤则以饱和对二氯苯溶液预处理6h效果最佳。本实验的预处理温度是固定的,可克服预处理随季节和时间温度的变化而带来的不稳定性,且百日草花药愈伤染色体观察为首次报道。  相似文献   
鱼类性别与性别鉴定   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:10  
性别分化和性别决定相互联系又有所区别,具双向潜力的未分化性腺经过程序性发生的一系列事件,发育成精巢或卵巢,并出现第二性征的过程称为性别分化,而性别决定则是确定性分化方向的方式。    相似文献   
The thermal range for viability is quite variable among Drosophila species and it has long been known that these variations are correlated with geographic distribution: temperate species are on average more cold tolerant but more heat sensitive than tropical species. At both ends of their viability range, sterile males have been observed in all species investigated so far. This symmetrical phenomenon restricts the temperature limits within which permanent cultures can be kept in the laboratory. Thermal heat sterility thresholds are very variable across species from 23 degrees C in heat sensitive species up to 31 degrees C in heat tolerant species. In Drosophila melanogaster, genetic variations are observed among geographic populations. Tropical populations are more tolerant to heat induced sterility and recover more rapidly than temperate ones. A genetic analysis revealed that about 50% of the difference observed between natural populations was due to the Y chromosome. Natural populations have not reached a selection limit, however: thermal tolerance was still increased by keeping strains at a high temperature, close to the sterility threshold. On the low temperature side, a symmetrical reverse phenomenon seems to exist: temperate populations are more tolerant to cold than tropical ones. Compared to Mammals, drosophilids exhibit two major differences: first, male sterility occurs not only at high temperature, but also at a low temperature; second, sterility thresholds are not evolutionarily constrained, but highly variable. Altogether, significant and sometimes major genetic variations have been observed between species, between geographic races of the same species, and even between strains kept in the laboratory under different thermal regimes. In each case, it is easily argued that the observed variations correspond to adaptations to climatic conditions, and that male sterility is a significant component of fitness and a target of natural selection.  相似文献   
细菌人工染色体基因组文库构建方法的改进   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:建立一种改进的更简便、易操作的细菌人工染色体(BAC)文库构建方法。方法:在构建猪霍乱沙门氏菌基因组大片段DNA的BAC文库时,对改进的基因组BAC文库构建方法和常规的BAC文库构建方法进行比较。结果:利用改进的方法可简便快速地构建猪霍乱沙门氏菌基因组BAC文库。结论:使用2种方法构建BAC文库,其转化效率,以及在BAC克隆中插入的DNA片段的大小和BAC克隆的稳定性等都相同,从而表明改进的方法更简单、更方便,它能使BAC文库的构建更为高效。  相似文献   
转基因动物技术的研究进展   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
刘薇  卢光 《遗传》2001,23(3):289-291
转基因动物是其基因组内稳定整合了所导入的外源基因的动物。目前转基因实验动物体系的研究,主要集中在导入方法和提高整合和表达效率两个方面。本文对这两个方面的进展作一综述。 Abstract:Transgenic animals are those whose genome have foreign genes integrated. Nowadays, researches concentrated in the ways of gene transfer and of improving efficiency of integration and expression.The paper has con cluded these two aspects.  相似文献   
We assessed the fertility (reproductive success, litter size, testis weight, spermatocyte-to-spermatid ratio) of F1s and backcrosses between different wild-derived outbred and inbred strains of two mouse subspecies, Mus musculus domesticus and M. m. musculus . A significant proportion of the F1 females between the outbred crosses did not reproduce, suggesting that female infertility was present. As the spermatocyte-to-spermatid ratio was correlated with testis weight, the latter was used to attribute a sterile vs. fertile phenotype to all males. Segregation proportions in the backcrosses of F1 females yielded 11 (inbred) to 17% (outbred) sterile males, suggesting the contribution of two to three major genetic factors to hybrid male sterility. Only one direction of cross between the inbred strains produced sterile F1 males, indicating that one factor was borne by the musculus X-chromosome. No such differences were observed between reciprocal crosses in the outbred strains. The involvement of the X chromosome in male sterility thus could not be assessed, but its contribution appears likely given the limited introgression of X-linked markers through the hybrid zone between the subspecies. However, we observed no sterile phenotypes in wild males from the hybrid zone, although testis weight tended to decrease in the centre of the transect.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 84 , 379–393.  相似文献   
孙仲平  王占斌  徐香玲  李集临 《遗传学报》2004,31(11):1268-1274
将中国春-黑麦(1R-7R)二体附加系与中国春-2C(Aegilops cylindrica)二体附加系杂交,获得F1,对F1体细胞染色体进行C分带鉴定和花粉母细胞减数分裂行为的观察与分析,发现减数分裂行为异常。对自交获得的430株F2进行单株染色体C分带和荧光原位分子杂交鉴定,检测到易位、缺失、等臂染色体、双着丝点染色体等染色体畸变类型。此外还检测到2C与小麦2A、2B、2D染色体的二体或单体自发代换系。杂交F。染色体畸变的规律与频率如下:研究共得到含黑麦染色体的变异22株,变异频率为5,1%。其中含黑麦染色体的易位系为10株,占2,3%;缺失12株,占2.79%;黑麦的等臂染色体3株,占O.7%。易位染色体既有含小麦着丝点的(大部分),也含有黑麦着丝点的(仅1例)。黑麦的染色体畸变中,发生于不同同祖群的频率不同,1R为5个,2R为3个;3R为1个;4R为3个;5R为6个;6R为4个。易位多为端部易位。共鉴定出小麦的缺失系54株,其中A基因组有27个,占6.27%;B基因组有20个,占4,65%;D基因组有7个,占1.66%。对杀配子染色体对小麦及黑麦不同同祖群染色体作用的差异性及作用特点进行了探讨。  相似文献   
Pharmaceutical industries are among the major contributors to industrial waste. Their effluents when wrongly handled and disposed of endanger both human and environmental health. In this study, we investigated the potential genotoxicity of a pharmaceutical effluent, by using the Allium cepa, mouse- sperm morphology, bone marrow chromosome aberration (CA) and micronucleus (MN) assays. Some of the physico-chemical properties of the effluent were also determined. The A. cepa and the animal assays were respectively carried out at concentrations of 0.5, 1, 2.5, 5 and 10%; and 1, 5, 10, 25 and 50% of the effluent. There was a statistically different (p < 0.05), concentration-dependent inhibition of onion root growth and mitotic index, and induction of chromosomal aberrations in the onion and mouse CA test. Assessment of sperm shape showed that the fraction of the sperm that was abnormal in shape was significantly (p < 0.05) greater than the negative control value. MN analysis showed a dose-dependent induction of micronucleated polychromatic erythrocytes across the treatment groups. These observations were provoked by the toxic and genotoxic constituents present in test samples. The tested pharmaceutical effluent is a potentially genotoxic agent and germ cell mutagen, and may induce adverse health effects in exposed individuals.  相似文献   
蛋白质三维结构叠加面临的主要问题是,参与叠加的目标蛋白质的氨基酸残基存在某些缺失,但是多结构叠加方法却大多数需要完整的氨基酸序列,而目前通用的方法是直接删去缺失的氨基酸序列,导致叠加结果不准确。由于同源蛋白质间结构的相似性,因此,一个蛋白质结构中缺失的某个区域,可能存在于另一个同源蛋白质结构中。基于此,本文提出一种新的、简单、有效的缺失数据下的蛋白质结构叠加方法(ITEMDM)。该方法采用缺失数据的迭代思想计算蛋白质的结构叠加,采用优化的最小二乘算法结合矩阵SVD分解方法,求旋转矩阵和平移向量。用该方法成功叠加了细胞色素C家族的蛋白质和标准Fischer’s 数据库的蛋白质(67对蛋白质),并且与其他方法进行了比较。数值实验表明,本算法有如下优点:①与THESEUS算法相比较,运行时间快,迭代次数少;②与PSSM算法相比较,结果准确,运算时间少。结果表明,该方法可以更好地叠加缺失数据的蛋白质三维结构。  相似文献   
人14p+标记染色体的分子细胞遗传学研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
程在玉  符生苗 《遗传学报》1989,16(4):331-334
一例23岁女性患者因近五、六年来出现胡须、四肢多毛及偶有月经不规则而就诊。细胞遗传学检查发现一个短臂明显增大的亚中着丝粒的14号标记染色体14p ·p 区域GTG显带呈浅染,C-带暗染,都呈均匀的染色区。硝酸银染色在p 远侧端显现一个Ag-NOR,其大小与正常近端着丝粒染色体的无明显差异。应用~3H标记的7.3 kb长的rRNA基因探针进行染色体原位杂交,自显影银颗粒沿整个p 区域分布,p 上的银颗粒数是正常近端着丝粒染色体短臂上银颗粒平均数的5倍。这些结果排除了Y或其他染色体参加的重排形成p 的可能性,并表明Ag-NOR的大小或NOR的数目并不一定与rRNA基因的数量成正比。研究Dp 或Gp 类型的染色体变异,对了解人二倍体细胞内rRNA基因表达的调控有重要意义。  相似文献   
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