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Summary The electric organ discharge (EOD) potential was mapped on the skin and midplane of several Apteronotus leptorhynchus. The frequency components of the EOD on the surface of the fish have extremely stable amplitude and phase. However, the waveform varies considerably with different positions on the body surface. Peaks and zero crossings of the potential propagate along the fish's body, and there is no point where the potential is always zero. The EOD differs significantly from a sinusoid over at least one third of the body and tail. A qualitative comparison between fish showed that each individual had a unique spatiotemporal pattern of the EOD potential on its body.The potential waveforms have been assembled into high temporal and spatial resolution maps which show the dynamics of the EOD. Animation sequences and Macintosh software are available by anonymous ftp (mordor.cns.caltech.edu; cd/pub/ElectricFish).We interpret the EOD maps in terms of ramifications on electric organ control and electroreception. The electrocytes comprising the electric organ do not all fire in unison, indicating that the command pathway is not synchronized overall. The maps suggest that electroreceptors in different regions fulfill different computational roles in electroreception. Receptor mechanisms may exist to make use of the phase information or harmonic content of the EOD, so that both spatial and temporal patterns could contribute information useful for electrolocation and communication.Abbreviations EOD electric organ discharge - EO electric organ - CV coefficient of variance  相似文献   
Airborne sound signals emitted by dancing honeybees (Apis mellifera) contain information about the locations of food sources. Honeybees can perceive these near field sounds and rely on them to decode the messages of the dance language. The dance sound is characterized by rhythmical air particle movement of high velocity amplitudes. The aim of the present study was to identify the sensory structures used to detect near field sound signals. In an operant conditioning experiment, bees were trained to respond to sound. Ablation experiments with these trained bees revealed that neither mechanosensory hairs on the antennae or head nor bristle fields at the joints of the antenna, but Johnston's organ, a chordotonal organ in the pedicel of the antenna, is used to detect near field sound in honeybees.  相似文献   
贺兰山不同生境旱生灌木的解剖学研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
贺兰山荒漠地带三种不同基质生境的20种旱生灌木的营养器官的比较解剖学研究表明:其共同特点是叶片的表面积/体积的比值小,叶表具厚的角质层、表皮毛,气孔下陷、并具孔下室,叶向中栅栏组织发达;轴器官中木栓层细胞层数多,皮层较厚,机械组织发达,木薄壁组织及髓部细胞的细胞壁术化加厚,根内都具周皮、木质部的导管分子大小不一、频率较高。此外,根、茎、叶中普遍存在粘液细胞和草酸钙结晶,部分植物的根和茎内有异常维管组织。这些结构特征都与早生环境相关,而不同基质生境中生长的植物尚存在一定差异。  相似文献   
Analysis of WT1 gene expression during mouse nephrogenesis in organ culture   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Summary The temporal and spatial expression patterns of the Wilms tumor gene, WT1, were studied during the organogenesis of the mouse kidneyin vitro. In situ hybridization and immunocytochemistry localized cellular expression of WT1 in whole kidney organ cultures to the induced metanephric mesenchyme and developing podocytes. Organ cultures were further characterized immunocytochemically with antibodies that specifically labeled the different tubular epithelial components and supporting mesenchyme of the developing nephrons. In organ cultures, the WT1 expression pattern could be visualized in induced metanephric mesenchyme and entire cell cohorts of differentiating podocytes. Expression of WT1 and cell specific markers were retained in short-term monolayer cultures of dissociated kidneys. The development of the metanephric kidneyin vitro involves a highly restricted temporal and spatial cellular expression pattern of WT1 which closely follows that observed in tissue sections from gestational kidney isolated during organogenesis in the mouse.  相似文献   
 Gene expression has been studied in considerable detail in the developing vertebrate brain, neural crest, and some placode-derived organs. As a further investigation of vertebrate head morphogenesis, expression patterns of several homeobox-containing genes were examined using whole-mount in situ hybridization in a sensory system primitive for the vertebrate subphylum: the axolotl lateral lines and the placodes from which they develop. Axolotl Msx-2 and Dlx-3 are expressed in all of the lateral line placodes. Both genes are expressed throughout development of the lateral line system and their expression continues in the fully developed neuromasts. Expression within support cells is highly polarized. In contrast to most other observations of Msx genes in vertebrate organogenesis, expression of Msx-2 in developing lateral line organs is exclusively epithelial and is not associated with epithelial-mesenchymal interactions. A Hox-complex gene, Hoxb-3, is shown to be expressed in the embryonic hindbrain and in a lateral line placode at the same rostrocaudal level, but not in other placodes nor in mature lateral line organs. A Hox gene of a separate paralog group, Hoxa-4, is expressed in a more posterior hindbrain domain in the embryo, but is not expressed in the lateral line placode at that rostrocaudal level. These data provide the first test of the hypothesis that the neurogenic placodes develop in two rostrocaudal series aligned with the rhombomeric segments and patterned by combinations of Hox genes in parallel with the central nervous system. Received: 2 April 1997 / Accepted: 2 July 1997  相似文献   
L-arginine and taurine are still in the center of physiological and pharmacological research. Although the fate of nitrogen of both compounds and of the 35S-taurine is well-documented, the fate of the carbon skeleton has not been elucidated yet. We studied the organ distribution of 14C arginine and 14C taurine over time in the mouse using whole body autoradiography with densitometric image analysis. We describe different organ distribution patterns. Kidney, heart, lung, the Harderian gland, the central nervous system, intestine and testis showed a comparable pattern of arginine disappearance in contrast to rapid disappearance in the salivary gland and the accumulation pattern in bone and spleen. Data on 14C taurine of liver, kidneys, lung, testis and Harderian gland resembled the arginine pattern; Accumulation of taurine carbon was found in salivary gland, bone, intestine, heart and brain. Our studies challenge and demand further related studies to obtaining more information on the fate of the carbon skeleton of these amino acids.  相似文献   
Stimulation of the spinal cord of the electric fish Gymnotus carapo, evoked an abrupt increase in the discharge rate of the electric organ. At the maximum of this response, the rate increased an average of 26 ± 11.8%. The duration of the response was 4.9 ± 2.12 s; its latency was 10.4 ± 1.1 ms. Activation of the Mauthner axon played a decisive role in this phenomenon as indicated by the following: (1) recordings from the axon cap of the Mauthner cell demonstrated that the response was evoked if the Mauthner axon was antidromically activated and (2) a response that was similar to that produced by spinal cord stimulation, was elicited by intracellular stimulation of either Mauthner cell. Stimulation of the eighth nerve could also increase the discharge rate of the electric organ. The effect was greater if a Mauthner cell action potential was elicited. The findings described in the present report, indicate the existence of a functional connection between the Mauthner cell and the electromotor system in Gymnotus carapo. This connection may function to enhance the electrolocative sampling of the environment during Mauthner-cell mediated behaviors. This is a novel function for the Mauthner cell.Abbreviations EHP extrinsic hyperpolarizing potential - EOD electric organ discharge - M-AIR Mauthner initiated abrupt increase in rate - M-cell Mauthner cell - M-axon Mauthner axon - PM pacemaker nucleus - PM-cell pacemaker cell - PPn prepacemaker nucleus - SPPn sublemniscal prepacemaker nucleus  相似文献   
Summary The intact membranous rat mesentery was cultured in Eagle's minimum essential medium containing no serum or only low concentrations of serum. The procedure is in some important respects superior to previous organ culture techniques. To estimate the extent of disturbance of homeostasis of the tissue in culture, the spontaneous mast-cell histamine release was quantitated after preculture preparation of the specimens and after different intervals in culture. Also, the proliferation of fibroblasts and mesothelial cells that predominate in the mesentery was assessed at 48 h by cytofluorometric quantitation of DNA in single-tissue cells. Spontaneous histamine release was time dependent during cultivation, amounting to ca. 50% at 48 h, and was affected by the medium used for moistening the tissue before cultivation. Culturing also brought about great spontaneous increase in the proliferation of fibroblasts and mesothelial cells, the rate being related to the concentration of serum. Addition of the mast-cell secretagogues 48/80 or polymyxin B at 1 h caused rapid release of 50 to 60% of the histamine and was followed by augmented proliferation in the serum-containing media. The spontaneous increase of cell proliferation in tissue culture may be causally related to mast-cell secretion. Further studies are needed to define factors influencing the spontaneous mast-cell secretion and the mast-cell-dependent mitogenesis in normal tissue cells Supported by grants from the Swedish Medical Research Council (Project 5942) and State Board for Animal Experiments.  相似文献   
Summary Synaptic connections were studied by means of electron microscopy in the sensory pineal organ of the ayu, Plecoglossus altivelis, a highly photosensitive teleost species. Three types of specific contacts were observed in the pineal end-vesicle: 1) symmetrically organized gap junctions between the basal processes of adjacent photoreceptor cells; 2) sensory synapses endowed with synaptic ribbons, formed by basal processes of photoreceptor cells and dendrites of pineal neurons; 3) conventional synapses between pineal neurons, containing both clear and dense-core vesicles at the presynaptic site. Based on these findings, the following interpretations are given: (i) The gap junctions may be involved in an enhancement of electric communication and signal encoding between pineal photoreceptor cells. (ii) The sensory synapses transmit photic signals from the photoreceptor cells to pineal nerve cells. (iii) The conventional synapses are assumed to be involved in a lateral interaction and/or summation of information in the sensory pineal organ. A concept of synaptic relationships among the sensory and neuronal elements in the pineal organ of the ayu is presented.Fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Federal Republic of Germany  相似文献   
Summary The secretion of the subcommissural organ (SCO) of the rat was studied by means of immunocytochemistry at the electron-microscopic level with the use of (1) the polar embedding medium Lowicryl K4M at -30° C, (2) the protein A-gold technique, and (3) a rabbit antiserum against bovine Reissner's fiber (see Sterba et al. 1981).Two different substructures of the ependymal and the hypendymal SCO-cells display a positive immunocytochemical reaction: (1) sacs containing flocculent secretion, which originate from the granular endoplasmic reticulum, and (2) vacuoles filled with fine granular secretion, which are pinched off from the Golgi apparatus. The secretory material of the sacs and the vacuoles is discharged both (i) apically into the cerebrospinal fluid and (ii) basally into intercellular spaces of the SCO-hypendyma. The apically released secretion is condensed to a lamina-like formation, which more caudally assumes the form of Reissner's fiber. The route of the basally released secretion remains, however, vague. The periodically striated bodies, which were thought to be morphological mediators of the discharge of the secretion into the capillaries, are never labeled by gold particles.Supported by grants from the Ministry for Science and Technology of the German Democratic RepublicThe expert technical assistance of Mrs. B. Wolff, Mrs. S. Mehnert, Mrs. E. Siebert, Mrs. Ch. Schneider, and Mrs. I. Seifert is gratefully acknowledged  相似文献   
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