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Foliar chlorosis of soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr.) resulting from nodulation by rhizobitoxine-producing (RT+) strains of Bradyrhizobium japonicum is commonly less severe in the field than under greenhouse conditions. Differences in nutritional conditions between the field and greenhouse may contribute to this phenomenon. In particular, field-grown plants obtain some N from soil sources, whereas in the greenhouse soybean is often grown in low-N rooting media to emphasize symbiotic responses. Therefore, we examined the effect of NO3 - on the expression of RT-induced symptoms. Soybean plants inoculated with RT+ bradyrhizobia were grown for 42 days in horticultural vermiculite receiving nutrient solution amended with 0.0, 2.5, or 7.5 mM KNO3. Foliar chlorosis decreased with increasing NO3 - application whereas nodule mass per plant was generally increased by NO3 - application. Total amounts of nodular RT remained constant or increased with NO3 - application, but nodular concentrations of RT decreased. Chlorosis severity was negatively correlated with shoot dry weight, chlorophyll concentration, and total shoot N content. It was concluded that application of NO3 - can reduce the negative effects of RT production on the host plant. This suggests that any NO3 - present in field soils may serve to limit chlorosis development in soybeans.Abbreviations RT rhizobitoxine - RT+ rhizobitoxine-producing - Lb leghemoglobin Published as Miscellaneous Paper No. 1429 of the Delaware Agricultural Experiment Station.  相似文献   
An investigation was carried out to assess the potential of using polysulfone hollow fibres for the extraction of soil solution. In comparison to ceramic suction samplers the fibres were shown to contain very low levels of potential contaminants and a low exchange capacity. Carry over between individual samples was negligible permitting the accurate monitoring of temporal changes in solution chemistry. Their flexible and root sized nature makes them ideal for sampling small soil volumes. Some concern however remains about retention of colloidal Fe at the fibre interface. When comparing the soil solution of samples extracted with polysulfone fibres with those extracted by ceramic suction samplers, no significant differences in solute concentrations were observed. No sample contamination resulting from dissolution of Al or Si from the ceramic cup was detected. Analysis of soil solutions collected over a number of extractions, and during and after a rainfall event showed concentrations of elements in solution to remain relatively constant with time.  相似文献   
The importance of macrostructure to root growth of ryegrass (L. perenne) seedlings sown on the soil surface was studied in two soils in which the macrostructure had resulted mainly from root growth and macro-faunal activity. Sets of paired soil cores were used, one of each pair undisturbed and the other ground and repacked to the field bulk density. Undisturbed and repacked soils were first compared at equal water potentials in the range −1.9 to −300 kPa. At equal water potential, the undisturbed soil always had the greater strength (penetration resistance), and root growth was always greater in the repacked soil with no macrostructure than it was in the soil with macrostructure intact. At equal high strength (low water potentials) it appeared that root growth was better when soils were structured. When strength was low (high water potentials), root growth was better in the unstructured soil. Soils were then compared during drying cycles over 21 days. The average rate at which roots grew to a depth of 60 mm, and also the final percentage of plants with a root reaching 60 mm depth, was greatest in repacked soils without macrostructure. The species of vegetation growing in the soil before the experiment affected root growth in undisturbed soil; growth was slower where annual grasses and white clover had grown compared with soil which had supported a perennial grass. It appears that relatively few roots locate and grow in the macrostructure. Other roots grow in the matrix, if it is soft enough to be deformed by roots. Roots in the matrix of a structured soil grow more slowly than roots in structureless soil of equal bulk density and water potential. The development of macrostructure in an otherwise structureless soil, of the type studied, is of no advantage to most roots. However, once a macrostructure has developed, the few roots locating suitable macropores are able to grow at low water potential when soil strength is high. The importance of macrostructure to establishing seedlings in the field lies in rapid penetration of at least a few roots to a depth that escapes surface drying during seasonal drought. ei]{gnB E}{fnClothier}  相似文献   
Most estimates of regional and global soil carbon stocks are based on extrapolations of mean soil C contents for broad categories of soil or vegetation types. Uncertainties exist in both the estimates of mean soil C contents and the area over which each mean should be extrapolated. Geographic information systems now permit spatially referenced estimates of soil C at finer scales of resolution than were previously practical. We compared estimates of total soil C stocks of the state of Maine using three methods: (1) multiplying the area of the state by published means of soil C for temperate forests and for Spodosols; (2) calculating areas of inclusions of soil taxa in the 1:5,000,000 FAO/UNESCO Soils Map of the World and multiplying those areas by selected mean carbon contents; and (3) calculating soil C for each soil series and map unit in the 1:250,000 State Soil Geographic Data Base (STATSGO) and summing these estimates for the entire state. The STATSGO estimate of total soil C was between 23% and 49% higher than the common coarse scale extrapolations, primarily because STATSGO included data on Histosols, which cover less than 5% of the area of the state, but which constitute over one-third of the soil C. Spodosols cover about 65% of the state, but contribute less than 39% of the soil C. Estimates of total soil C in Maine based on the FAO map agreed within 8% of the STATSGO estimate for one possible matching of FAO soil taxa with data on soil C, but another plausible matching overestimated soil C stocks. We also compared estimates from the 1:250,000 STATSGO database and from the 1:20,000 Soil Survey Geographic Data Base (SSURGO) for a 7.5 minute quadrangle within the state. SSURGO indicated 13% less total soil C than did STATSGO, largely because the attribute data on depths of soil horizons in SSURGO are more specific for this locality. Despite localized differences, the STATSGO database offers promise of scaling up county soil survey data to regional scales because it includes attribute data and estimates of areal coverage of C-rich inclusions within map units. The spatially referenced data also permit examination of covariation of soil C stocks with soil properties thought to affect stabilization of soil C. Clay content was a poor predictor of soil C in Maine, but drainage class covaried significantly with soil C across the state.  相似文献   
D. M. Pegtel 《Plant Ecology》1994,114(2):109-121
Arnica montana, one of the character species of the replacement plant communityViolion caninae on sandy acid humic podzol, is declining in the Netherlands since 1950. Locally, it is even extinct.This process of decline may be attributed to (i) autonomic succession; (ii) increased rate of acidification of the soil and/or (iii) change in competitive relations amongArnica and more productive plant species, such as the successive dominantDeschampsia flexuosa. This paper examines the last two hypothesized factors, supposedly being regulated by atmospheric input of N-input, by (a) describing the habitat characteristics of a seemingly still healthy individual-rich population ofArnica and (b) growingArnica andDeschampsia in mixed humic podzol soil (mainly A1 horizon) fertilized with variously-composed nutrient solutions in order to assess the nutrient supplying capacity of the podzol soil and species-specific nutritional demands related to their respective growth capabilities.The results suggest that an increased rate of soil acidification yielding extra supply of ionic Al and Mn is presumably of less importance. The implications of growth rate differences amongArnica andDeschampsia as related to their nutritional demands are likely far more important.Arnica grows more slowly thanDeschampsia in fertilized humus podzol. The latter species has a much more efficient use of nutrients. Furthermore, both species differ in K-nutrition if NH4 + is the dominant N-source, a situation normally occurring in acid podzolic soils.Deschampsia possesses the capability to adapt its metabolic nutrition (avoiding nutritional imbalances) to a wide range of nutrient supplies thereby maintaining a rather constant level of growth.Arnica, on the contrary, lacks this capability. These results are discussed in the framework of competitive relations among co-occurring plant species in the plant communityViolion caninae. It is concluded that maintenance ofArnica and likely other character species of that alliance — all characterized by a low growth rate — will only be achieved when the plant community is properly managed by trampling, mowing or light levels of grazing (low stocking rate). Of prime importance is to maintain a low and relatively open vegetation structure at a relatively low level of nutrient supply.  相似文献   
The long-term changes in the frequencies ofPythium iwayamai andP. paddicum in upland- and flooded paddy-field soils were compared. The frequencies of both species fell in both soils within the first 6 months after they had been buried. After 36 and 48 months,P. iwayamai showed higher frequency thanP. Paddicum in upland-field soil, whileP. paddicum showed higher frequency thanP. iwayamai in paddy-field soil. These findings indicate respectively higher colonization ability to organic matters ofP. iwayamai in upland-field soil andP. paddicum in paddy-field soil.This study was partly supported by a Grant-in-Aid (no. 63560048) from the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, Japan.  相似文献   
Ito  Tadayoshi  Nakagiri  Akira 《Mycoscience》1994,35(4):413-415
In the course of study of fungi from soil, a new genus and species,Stellatospora terricola, was isolated. The fungus is distinguished from other known genera in having star- or comfit-shaped ascospores with a distinct germ pore. The morphological characters of the genus are considered to resemble those of the Sordariaceae in Ascomycotina.  相似文献   
The occurrence of 23 cyanobacterial species, belonging to 9 different genera and 5 cyanobacterial lichen species of 5 different genera on exposed, open rock surfaces of inselbergs and on soil in savannas of the Orinoco lowlands and the Guayana uplands is described. Their distribution patterns and frequency within the different habitats are given. The filamentous procaryotic blue-green algae/cyanobacteria Stigonema ocellatum and Scytonema crassum, together with the unicellular cyanobacterium Gloeocapsa sanguinea were the most frequent species on rocks, whereas the filamentous cyanobacterium, Schizothrix telephoroides, dominated in cyanobacterial mats on the savanna soil. All species showed intensively coloured sheaths, either brown or yellow in the case of Stigonema ocellatum and Scytonema crassum, or red in Gloeocapsa sanguinea and Schizothrix telephoroides. In addition, a number of cyanobacterial lichens occurred.  相似文献   
本文研究了空篷和正常板栗果实发育过程中的氨基酸和碳水化合物的含量变化,并运用回归分析的方法探讨两者的变化规律及其差异.结果表明:在板栗不同发育时期,子房内氨基酸和淀粉含量变化具有规律性,并得到相关极显著的回归方程,空篷与正常栗具明显示的差异;总苞内除正常栗氨基酸含量得到相关极显著的回归方程外,其它的含量变化回归分析均未得到显著水平,空篷栗与正常栗的差异亦不显著.  相似文献   
本研究从日本落叶松引种区林地棕壤9个主要理化性状及与之配套的17株优势木材料入手,采用多变量分析方法筛选出影响该地区日本落叶松生长的主要肥力因子为氮及磷,並据此将该林地棕壤划分为9个肥力类型。在进行聚类分析时,本研究的创新在于以任意二样本点在各主成份上的坐标值为变量,以各主成份的贡献率为权重,重新定义欧氏距离公式,对主成份坐标值聚类,使其更为合理、直观。同时采用回归分析拟合出理化性状间的多个回归方程。此研究为该林地科学施肥、速生丰产、永续利用提供了可靠的数量依据。  相似文献   
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