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棒头草幼穗在含2,4-D的MS培养基上诱导出了胚性、非胚性和中间型愈伤组织。根据形态、淀粉粒等指标可将组成这些愈伤组织的细胞分为三类。改变培养基中2,4-D的浓度,能诱导三类愈伤组织相互转变。从胚性愈伤组织中诱导形成了大量体细胞胚;体细胞胚是从单个原胚细胞直接发育而来,它们能正常萌发、再生小植株。这种再生能力现已保持了34个月。小植株移植在土壤中可以正常生长、分蘖、开花和结实。  相似文献   
The genus Parapsylla (Homoptera: Psylloidea) is redescribed and placed in the Diaphorininae of the Family Aphalaridae. Its relationships within this subfamily are discussed. The genus Agmapsylla syn. nov. is placed into the synonymy of Parapsylla , and Pennavena syn. nov. and Eudiaphorina syn. nov. are placed into the synonymy of Diaphorina. The eight known species of Parapsylla are distributed in southern Africa and upland areas of East Africa. Host plant relationships are not clearly established but the genus appears to be associated with species of Maytenus (Celastraceae), Olinia (Oliniaceae) and possibly Olea (Oleaceae) and Syzygium (Myrtaceae). Parapsylla relicta syn. nov, and A. aureus syn. nov. are placed into the synonymy of Arytaina capensis. Parapsylla capensis comb. nov. is transferred from Arytaina, Parapsylla valens comb. nov. is transferred from Diaphorina , and the following new species are described: P. angolensis sp. nov., P. eafra sp. nov., P. huila sp. nov., P. marginipennis sp. nov., P. rufa sp. nov. and P. theroni sp. nov.  相似文献   
Summary A cloned cDNA partial copy of a soybean leghemoglobin mRNA was used to probe genomic DNA of four species of actinorhizal plants. Southern blot hybridization revealed the presence of sequences with homology to the leghemoglobin probe in DNA from Alnus glutinosa, Casuarina glauca, Ceanothus americanus and Elaeagnus pungens. The hybridization patterns of the restriction fragments revealed some fragment size conservation between the DNA of soybean and the DNA of four actinorhizal plants which are taxonomically unrelated to soybean or to each other. The results presented here indicate that globin gene sequences are much more widely distributed in the plant kingdom than has previously been thought. Furthermore, if sequence conservation is actually as high as the restriction fragment patterns suggest, the evolution of the DNA surrounding the globin sequences has been highly constrained.  相似文献   
Managing wild crops of Gracilaria in central Chile   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
Santelices  B.  Vásquez  J.  Ohme  U.  Fonck  E. 《Hydrobiologia》1984,116(1):77-89
Operation of the glycolate pathway in isolated bundle sheath (BS) strands of two C4 species was demonstrated from 14C incorporation into two intermediates, glycine and serine, under conditions favourable for photorespiratory activity. Isolated BS strands fixing 14CO2 under light at physiological rates incorporate respectively 3% (Zea mays L., cv. INRA 258) and 7% (Panicum maximum Jacq.) of total 14C fixed into glycine + serine, at low bicarbonate levels (less than the Km for CO2 fixation, 0.8 mM). Higher bicarbonate concentrations depressed the percentage of incorporation into the two amino acids. No labelling was observed in the absence of added glutamate. Oxygen was required for glycine + serine labelling, since 14C incorporation into glycine was largely depressed by argon flushing, and labelling of the two amino acids was nearly suppressed by the addition of the strong reductant, dithionite, especially in maize. Two inhibitors of the glycolate pathway were tested. With α-hydroxypyridine-methanesulfonic acid, an inhibitor of glycolate oxidase, labelling of glycine and serine remained minimal whereas glycolate was accumulated. Isoniazid, an inhibitor of the transformation of glycine to serine induced a 50% increased labelling of glycine in maize BS, and a large decrease in serine labelling. In Panicum, the increase in [14C]-glycine was 90%. These results suggest that the pathway glycolate → glycine → serine operates in these plants. However, leakage of metabolites occurs in BS cells, especially in maize and a large part of newly formed glycolate, glycine and serine is exported out of the cells. Operation of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate oxygenase activity in competition with ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase is demonstrated by the lowering of total 14CO2 fixation when O2 is increased at low bicarbonate concentration. An interesting feature observed in maize BS, at low bicarbonate concentration, was an increase in ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate labelling when the O2 level was decreased. This was accompanied by an increase in CO2 fixation. This could indicate an increased rate in synthesis of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate (which accumulated) due to a stimulation of ATP synthesis by cyclic photophosphorylation under anaerobic conditions.  相似文献   
培养抗性植物的细胞/组织培养途径   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
抗性育种在作物品种改良中已日益显得重要。近10多年来,随着细胞/组织培养、遗传操作等生物技术的迅速发展,以及由于植物具有全能性,在人工培养条件下,从单细胞原生质体可以再生成一个完整的个体成功以来,人们试图利用细胞/组织培养等生物技术将野生种的抗性基因引入到作物中来,或是人工诱发抗性变异,从而筛选出抗性愈  相似文献   
Summary A major portion of the genomes of three millet species, namely, barn yard millet, fox tail millet and little millet has been shown to consist of interspersed repeat and single copy DNA sequences. The interspersed repetitive DNA sequences are both short (0.15–1.0 kilo base pairs, 62–64% and long (>1.5 kilo base pairs, 36–38%) in barn yard millet and little millet while in fox tail millet, only long interspersed repeats (>1.5 kilo base pairs) are present. The length of the interspersed single copy DNA sequences varies in the range of 1.6–2.6 kilo base pairs in all the three species. The repetitive duplexes isolated after renaturation of 1.5 kilo base pairs and 20 kilo base pairs long DNA fragments exhibit a high thermal stability with Tms either equal to or greater than the corresponding native DNAs. The S1 nuclease resistant repetitive DNA duplexes also are thermally stable and reveal the presence of only 1–2% sequence divergence.The present data on the modes of sequence arrangement in millets substantiates the proposed trend in plants, namely, plants with 1C nuclear DNA content of less than 5 picograms have diverse patterns of sequence organization while those with 1C nuclear DNA content greater than 5 picograms have predominantly a short period interspersion pattern.Abbreviations kbp kilobase pairs NCL Communication No. 3606.  相似文献   
Five species including two new species,Araucarioxylon kiiense Ogura,Taxodioxylon albertense (Penhal.) Shimakura,Cupressinoxylon cryptomerioides Stopes,Xenoxylon watarianum sp. nov. andCedroxylon shimakurae sp. nov., were described from the Upper Cretaceous (Late Turonian-Santonian) of southern Saghalien. Consecutive number from the previous paper (Nishida and Nishida, 1985). Contributions from the Laboratory of Phylogenetic Botany, Chiba University No. 100. Supported by a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research from the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture No. 59540441.  相似文献   
A late Wenlock flora from Co. Tipperary, Ireland   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An assemblage of macroplants preserved as highly coalified compressions which lack anatomy is described from a Wenlock locality in County Tipperary, Ireland. Most of the fertile specimens are assigned to Cooksonia Lang. The taxonomic status of this genus is discussed. Some poorly preserved palynomorphs, including miospores, acritarchs, chitinozoans and a variety of tubes, have been isolated from associated sediments, but the age of the flora is based on graptolites. Sedimentological and palaeontological studies of the region are summarized. They provide little direct evidence for the habitats of the plants which are considered to have been terrestrial. The relevance of this flora to the current debate on the colonization of the land is evaluated and it is concluded that these plants provide the earliest record of erect fertile land plants of possible pteridophyte affinity.  相似文献   
Mineral uptake by winter wheat (Trilicum aestivum L. cv. Martonvasari 8) was studied throughout the life cycle. Accumulation of macronutrients (i.e. total nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, magnesium and calcium) and the water content of roots and shoots of plants grown in complete nutrient solution were higher than those of plants grown in two types of soils. The supply of macronutrients was in some cases limiting for soil-grown plants as revealed by a comparison of available and accumulated amounts of these nutrients. Their supply was abundant, however, for solution-grown plants. This led to a doubling of grain yield for the latter plants with a three fold increase in accumulation of dry matter and a five-fold increase in fresh weight. The efficiency ratios of solution-grown plants to soil-grown plants were approximately 1 for N and Na, 0.5 for Mg and Ca, and 0.3 for P and K.  相似文献   
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