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异源nif LacZ融合基因在粪产碱菌A15 6 1中的表达活性随盐浓度增加而升高 ,然后逐渐降低 ,nifH LacZ融合基因可以正常表达的盐浓度在 0 .1%~0 .5 %之间 ,盐浓度为 0 .0 5 %时活性最高。A15 6 1在盐浓度为 0 .0 6 %时趋化能力最强 ,随着盐浓度的提高逐渐下降 ,当盐浓度为 3 .0 %时完全丧失趋化能力。一定的盐浓度 (0 .5 % )对固氮粪产碱菌的根表定殖有促进作用 ,该条件下根表定殖的菌体数远大于对照。 3种nif LacZ融合基因在根内的表达部位有显著差异。nifH的表达部位主要分布于根的皮层薄壁组织细胞间隙 ,在条件适宜 (无铵和微量氧 )的部位或某些特殊位置如侧根伸出部位高水平表达。盐胁迫下水稻 耐盐粪产碱菌A15 6 1的联合固氮效率明显高于A15 6 1纯培养物  相似文献   
The chemotaxis system of Escherichia coli makes use of an extended two-component sensory response pathway in which CheA, an autophosphorylating protein histidine kinase (PHK) rapidly passes its phosphoryl group to CheY, a phospho-accepting response regulator protein (RR). The CheA-->CheY phospho-transfer reaction is 100-1000 times faster than the His-->Asp phospho-relays that operate in other (non-chemotaxis) two-component regulatory systems, suggesting that CheA and CheY have unique features that enhance His-->Asp phospho-transfer kinetics. One such feature could be the P2 domain of CheA. P2 encompasses a binding site for CheY, but an analogous RR-binding domain is not found in other PHKs. In previous work, we removed P2 from CheA, and this decreased the catalytic efficiency of CheA-->CheY phospho-transfer by a factor of 50-100. Here we examined the kinetics of the binding interactions between CheY and P2. The rapid association reaction (k(assn) approximately 10(8)M(-1)s(-1) at 25 degrees C and micro=0.03 M) exhibited a simple first-order dependence on P2 concentration and appeared to be largely diffusion-limited. Ionic strength (micro) had a moderate effect on k(assn) in a manner predictable based on the calculated electrostatic interaction energy of the protein binding surfaces and the expected Debye-Hückel shielding. The speed of binding reflects, in part, electrostatic interactions, but there is also an important contribution from the inherent plasticity of the complex and the resulting flexibility that this allows during the process of complex formation. Our results support the idea that the P2 domain of CheA contributes to the overall speed of phospho-transfer by promoting rapid association between CheY and CheA. However, this alone does not account for the ability of the chemotaxis system to operate much more rapidly than other two-component systems: k(cat) differences indicate that CheA and CheY also achieve the chemical events of phospho-transfer more rapidly than do PHK-RR pairs of slower systems.  相似文献   
G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) for lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) and sphingosine 1-phosphate (S1P) transduce signals to many functions of normal cells. Most human cancer cells upregulate S1P and LPA GPCRs, in patterns distinctive for each type of tumor. The findings that 1-alpha, 25-dihydroxy-vitamin D(3) (VD3) and all-trans retinoic acid (RA) differentially alter expression of the predominant S1P(3) (Edg-3) R and S1P(2) (Edg-5) R in human breast cancer cells (BCCs) permitted analyses of their individual activities, despite a lack of selective pharmacological probes. S1P-evoked increases in [Ca(2+)](i) in S1P(3) R-predominant BCCs were suppressed by concentrations of VD3 and RA which decreased expression of S1P(3) Rs, despite RA-induced increases in S1P(2) Rs. S1P-elicited chemokinetic migration of S1P(3) R-predominant BCCs across a type IV collagen-coated micropore filter also was inhibited by concentrations of VD3 and RA which decreased expression of S1P(3) Rs. The RA-induced increase in expression of S1P(2) Rs did not prevent suppression by RA of S1P-elicited chemokinesis, which appears to be mediated by S1P(3) Rs, but instead exposed S1P(2) R-mediated inhibition of epidermal growth factor-stimulated chemotaxis of BCCs. In contrast, expression of the predominant LPA(2) Rs, LPA-evoked increase in [Ca(2+)](i) and LPA-stimulated chemokinetic migration were suppressed concomitantly by RA but not VD3. Thus two structurally-homologous S1P Rs of BCCs differ in coupling to [Ca(2+)](i) signaling and have opposite effects on protein growth factor-stimulated chemotaxis.  相似文献   
随着人类活动的干扰以及社会工业化进程的加剧,水环境污染现象日益严峻。微生物是水环境污染治理和修复的主要驱动者。越来越多的研究发现,水环境中污染物的去除速率与微生物的趋化功能密切相关。综述了近几年有关微生物对水环境中无机盐、溶解性有机物和重金属等的趋化特性研究进展,讨论并展望了基于趋化功能微生物精准调控的水环境污染强化治理技术的应用前景及主要问题。  相似文献   
细菌趋化信号通路中的磷酸酯酶CheZ   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
细菌通过趋化系统获得在复杂环境中的生存优势。趋化性在细菌致病性、病菌定殖、固氮细菌与宿主共生、植物与微生物互作等方面有重要的作用。作为趋化信号适应中不可或缺的调节蛋白,对CheZ的深入研究具有重要意义。本文主要对CheZ的结构、作用机制、功能调节、蛋白定位以及进化地位等方面的研究现状进行了综述,旨在为其它细菌中趋化系统的研究提供有益参考。  相似文献   
The swimming behaviour of the green flagellated protist Chlamydomonas reinhardtii is influenced by several different external stimuli including light and chemical attractants. Common components are involved in both the photo- and chemo-sensory transduction pathways, although the nature and organisation of these pathways are poorly understood. To learn more about the mechanism of chemotaxis in Chlamydomonas, we have generated nonchemotactic strains by insertional mutagenesis. The arginine-requiring strain arg7-8 was transformed with DNA carrying the wild-type ARG7 gene. Of the 8630 arginine-independent transformants obtained, five are defective in their chemotaxis towards various sugars. Two of the mutants (CTX2 and CTX3) are blocked only in their response to xylose. Mutant CTX1 is blocked in its response to xylose, maltose and mannitol, but displays normal taxis to sucrose. Mutants CTX4 and CTX5 lack chemotactic responses to all sugars tested. CTX1, CTX4 and CTX5 represent novel chemotactic phenotypes not previously obtained using ultra-violet or chemical mutagenesis. Genetic analysis confirms that each mutation maps to a single nuclear locus that is unlinked to the mating-type locus. Further analysis of CTX4 indicates that the mutant allele is tagged by the transforming ARG7 DNA. CTX4 appears to be defective in a component specific for chemotactic signal transduction since it exhibits wild-type photobehavioural responses (phototaxis and photoshock) as well as the wild-type responses of EGTA-induced trans-flagellum inactivation and acid-induced deflagellation. Insertional mutagenesis has thus permitted the generation of novel chemotactic mutants that will be of value in the molecular dissection of the signalling machinery.  相似文献   
The effects of Selenium Yeast (SY) given orally to patients with cancer on the oxidative metabolic function and chemotaxis of neutrophils were studied by Lumino-dependent Chemiluminescence (CL) assay and agarose plates assay, respectively. The results showed that the background CL and the peak value CL of neutrophils from patients with cancer 14 d after taking SY were, on the average, 4 and 1.2 times higher than those before taking SY. The chemotactic index (CI) and chemotactic differential (CD) increased in response to SY supplementation; the differences are statistically significant (p less than 0.01), and no corresponding differences could be seen in the control group (taking yeast).  相似文献   
The lipid peroxidation product 4-hydroxynonenal (HNE) and homologous aldehydes have been found to possess chemotactic activity for rat neutrophil leukocytes in the micromolar to picomolar range, depending on the compound. Such an activity is displayed only in the presence of albumin. The mechanisms by which aldehydes could interact with neutrophils are discussed. II is proposed that albumin acts as a carrier for the aldehyde and releases them to a neutrophil receptor. At concentrations around 10-4M, 4-hydroxyal-kenals have been found to exert toxic effects on a number of cells, including a strong depression of neutrophil motility. Finally, HNE has been found at chemotactic concentrations in the inflammatory site. The possibility that HNE is involved in the neutrophil influx into the inflammatory site is considered.  相似文献   
To examine the existence of negative cooperativity among formyl peptide chemotaxis receptors, steady-state binding of f Met-Leu-[3H]Phe to viable rat neutrophils and their purified plasma membranes was measured and the data were subjected to statistical analysis and to computer curve fitting using the NONLIN computer program. Curvilinear, concave upward Scatchard plots were obtained. NONLIN and statistical analysis of the binding data indicated that a two-saturable-sites model was preferable to a one-saturable-site model and statistically valid by the F-test (P less than .010). In addition, Hill coefficients of 0.80 +/- 0.02 were obtained. Kinetic dissociation experiments using purified plasma membranes showed evidence of site-site interactions of the destabilizing type (negative cooperativity). Thus, unlabeled f Met-Leu-Phe accelerated the dissociation of f Met-Leu-[3H]Phe under conditions where no rebinding of radioligand occurred. The rate of dissociation of f Met-Leu-[3H]Phe from the plasma membranes was dependent on the fold excess of unlabeled f Met-Leu-Phe used in the dilution medium; at the highest concentration tested (10,000-fold excess), the dissociation rate was more than double the dissociation rate seen with dilution alone. In addition, occupancy-dependent affinity was ascertained directly by studying the effect of increasing fractional receptor saturation with labeled ligand on the dissociation rate of the receptor-bound labeled ligand. These data showed that the f Met-Leu-[3H]Phe dissociation rate was dependent on the degree of binding site occupancy over the entire biologically relevant range of formyl peptide concentrations. Furthermore, monitoring of the time course of dissociation of the receptor/f Met-Leu-[3H]Phe receptor/f Met-Leu-[3H]Phe complex as a function of receptor occupancy revealed that receptor affinity for f Met-Leu-Phe remained occupancy-dependent during the entire time of dissociation examined (up to 10 min). Finally, the average affinity profile of the equilibrium binding data demonstrated a 60% decrease in receptor affinity in changing from the high affinity to the low affinity conformation.  相似文献   
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