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The bacterial flagellar motor drives the rotation of helical flagellar filaments to propel bacteria through viscous media. It consists of a dynamic population of mechanosensitive stators that are embedded in the inner membrane and activate in response to external load. This entails assembly around the rotor, anchoring to the peptidoglycan layer to counteract torque from the rotor and opening of a cation channel to facilitate an influx of cations, which is converted into mechanical rotation. Stator complexes are comprised of four copies of an integral membrane A subunit and two copies of a B subunit. Each B subunit includes a C-terminal OmpA-like peptidoglycan-binding (PGB) domain. This is thought to be linked to a single N-terminal transmembrane helix by a long unstructured peptide, which allows the PGB domain to bind to the peptidoglycan layer during stator anchoring. The high-resolution crystal structures of flagellar motor PGB domains from Salmonella enterica (MotBC2) and Vibrio alginolyticus (PomBC5) have previously been elucidated. Here, we use small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). We show that unlike MotBC2, the dimeric conformation of the PomBC5 in solution differs to its crystal structure, and explore the functional relevance by characterising gain-of-function mutants as well as wild-type constructs of various lengths. These provide new insight into the conformational diversity of flagellar motor PGB domains and experimental verification of their overall topology.  相似文献   
Abstract: Despite major advances in the management and care of critically ill and low-birthweight human and nonhuman primate infants over the past two decades, infection remains a major source of neonatal morbidity and mortality. Although the causes of enhanced susceptibility and dissemination of neonatal infections are incompletely defined in the literature, substantial evidence from this and other laboratories has implied that functional abnormalities of neonatal polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs) may be a major contributor. Increased understanding of the functional characteristics of neonatal PMNs should, therefore, provide significant insight into the pathogenesis and possible therapy of infections in neonates. Our laboratory has been actively involved in evaluating the functional competence of PMNs in neonatal human and nonhuman primates. This report describes a study in which we have confirmed and characterized the functional compromises in neonatal PMNs of rhesus monkeys, including deficiencies in chemotaxis, membrane deformability, phagocytosis, and killing.  相似文献   
The Escherichia coli periplasmic dipeptide binding protein functions in both peptide transport and taxis toward peptides. The structure of the dipeptide binding protein in complex with Gly-Leu (glycyl-L-leucine) has been determined at 3.2 A resolution. The binding site for dipeptides is designed to recognize the ligand's backbone while providing space to accommodate a variety of side chains. Some repositioning of protein side chains lining the binding site must occur when the dipeptide's second residue is larger than leucine. The protein's fold is very similar to that of the Salmonella typhimurium oligopeptide binding protein, and a comparison of the structures reveals the structural basis for the dipeptide binding protein's preference for shorter peptides.  相似文献   
Chemorepellents in Paramecium and Tetrahymena   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Although Paramecium has been widely used as a model sensory cell to study the cellular responses to thermal, mechanical and chemoattractant stimuli, little is known about their responses to chemorepellents. We have used a convenient capillary tube repellent bioassay to describe 4 different compounds that are chemorepellents for Paramecium and compared their response with those of Tetrahymena. The classical Paramecium t-maze chemokinesis test was also used to verify that this is a reliable chemorepellent assay. The first two compounds, GTP and the oxidant NBT, are known to be depolarizing chemorepellents in Paramecium but this is the first report of them as repellents in Tetrahymena. The second two compounds, the secretagogue alcian blue and the dye cibacron blue, have not previously been described as chemorepellents in either of these ciliates. Two other compounds, the secretagogue AED and the oxidant cytochrome c, were found to be repellents to Paramecium but not to Tetrahymena. The repellent nature of each of these compounds is not related to toxicity because cells are completely viable in all of them. More importantly, all of these repellents are effective at micromolar to nanomolar concentrations, providing an opportunity to use them as excitatory ligands in future works concerning their membrane receptors and possible receptor operated ion channels.  相似文献   
Osteopontin (OPN) is a secreted calcium-binding phosphoprotein produced in a variety of normal and pathological contexts, including tissue mineralization and cancer. OPN contains a conserved RGD (arg-gly-asp) amino acid sequence that has been implicated in binding of OPN to cell surface integrins. To determine whether the RGD sequence in OPN is required for adhesive and chemotactic functions, we have introduced two site-directed mutations in the RGD site of the mouse OPN cDNA, in which the RGD sequence was either deleted or mutated to RGE (arg-gly-glu). In order to test the effect of these mutations on OPN function, we expressed control and mutated mouse OPN in E. coli as recombinant glutathione-S-transferase (GST)-OPN fusion proteins. Control mouse GST-OPN was functional in cell adhesion assays, supporting attachment and spreading of mouse (malignant PAP2 ras-transformed NIH 3T3, and, to a lesser extent, normal NIH 3T3 fibroblasts) and human (MDA-MB-435 breast cancer, and normal gingival fibroblast) cells. In contrast, neither of the RGD-mutated OPN proteins (“delRGD” or “RGE”) supported adhesion of any of the cell lines, even when used at high concentrations or for long assay times. GRGDS (gly-arg-gly-asp-ser) peptides inhibited cell adhesion to intact GST-OPN, as well as to fibronectin and vitronectin. In chemotaxis assays, GST-OPN promoted directed cell migration of both malignant (PAP2, MDA-MB-435) and normal (gingival fibroblast, and NIH 3T3) cells, while RGD-mutated OPN proteins did not. Together these results suggest that the conserved RGD sequence in OPN is required for the majority of the protein's cell attachment and migration-stimulating functions.  相似文献   
Summary 1. This research was carried out to compareEscherichia coli bacteria with animals in their response tol-aspartate andl-glutamate and their analogues.2. Various analogues of aspartate and glutamate known to be neurotransmitters at synapses were shown to be attractants forE. coli.3. The amino acid sequences of the animal receptors and the bacterial receptor, however, have no detectable relationship. Based on the amino acid sequence, evolutionarily the two systems appear not to be related.  相似文献   
A visual assay slide chamber was used in conjunction with time-lapse videomicroscopy to analyze chemotactic behavior of axenically grown Acanthamoeba castellanii. Data were collected and analyzed as vector scatter diagrams and cell tracks. Amebas responded to a variety of bacterial products or potential bacterial products by moving actively toward the attractant. Responses to the chemotactic peptide formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine (fMLP), lipopolysaccharide, and lipid A were statistically significant (P≤ 0.03), as was the response to fMLP benzylamide (P≤ 0.05). Significant responses to cyclic AMP, lipoteichoic acid, and N-acetyl glucosamine were also found. Chemotactic peptide antagonists, mannose, mannosylated bovine serum albumin, and N-acetyl muramic acid all yielded nonsignificant responses (P > 0.05). There was no single optimal concentration for response to any of the attractants tested, and amebas responded equally over the range of concentrations tested. Pretreatment of amebas with chemotactic peptides, bacterial products, and bacteria reduced the directional response to attractants. Amebas that had been grown in the presence of bacteria appeared more responsive to chemotactic peptides. Treatment of amebas with trypsin reduced the response of cells to chemotactic peptides, though sensitivity was restored within a couple of hours. This suggests the ameba membrane may have receptors, sensitive to these bacterial substances, which are different from the mannose receptors involved in binding bacteria to the membrane during phagocytosis. The rate of movement was relatively constant (ca. 0.40 μm/s), indicating that the locomotor response to these signals is a taxis, or possibly a klinokinesis, but not an orthokinesis. Studies of the population diffusion rate in the absence of signals indicate that the basic population motility follows the pattern of a Levy walk, rather than the more familiar Gaussian diffusion. This suggests that the usual mathematical models of ameboid dispersion may need to be modified.  相似文献   
Snetselaar, K. M., Bölker, M., and Kahmann, R. 1996.Ustilago maydismating hyphae orient their growth toward pheromone sources.Fungal Genetics and Biology20,299–312. When small drops ofUstilago maydissporidia were placed 100–200 μm apart on agar surfaces and covered with paraffin oil, sporidia from one drop formed thin hyphae that grew in a zig-zag fashion toward the other drop if it contained sporidia making the appropriate pheromone. For example,a2b2mating hyphae grew towarda1b1anda1b2mating hyphae, and the filaments eventually fused tip to tip. Time-lapse photography indicated that the mating hyphae can rapidly change orientation in response to nearby compatible sporidia. When exposed to pheromone produced by cells in an adjacent drop, haploid sporidia with thea2allele began elongating before sporidia with thea1allele. Sporidia without functional pheromone genes responded to pheromone although they did not induce a response, and sporidia without pheromone receptors induced formation of mating hyphae although they did not form mating hyphae. Diploid sporidia heterozygous atbbut not ataformed straight, rigid, aerial filaments when exposed to pheromone produced by the appropriate haploid sporidia. Again, thea2a2b1b2strain formed filaments more quickly than thea1a1b1b2strain. Taken together, these results suggest that thea2pheromone diffuses less readily or is degraded more quickly than thea1pheromone.  相似文献   
Breast cancer is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality among women. Metastasis is initiated after epithelial-mesenchymal-transition (EMT). We have found a connection between EMT markers and the expression of four microRNAs (miRs) mediated by the signaling enzyme phospholipase D (PLD). Low aggressive MCF-7 breast cancer cells have low endogenous PLD enzymatic activity and cell invasion, concomitant with high expression of miR-203, -887, and -3619 (that decrease PLD2 translation and a luciferase reporter) and miR-182 (targeting PLD1) that are, therefore, “tumor-suppressor-like” miRs. The combination miR-887+miR-3619 abolished >90% of PLD enzymatic activity. Conversely, post-EMT MDA-MB-231 cells have low miR expression, high levels of PLD1/2, and high aggressiveness. The latter was reversed by ectopically transfecting the miRs, which was negated by silencing miRs with specific siRNAs. We determined that the molecular mechanism is that E-cadherin triggers expression of the miRs in pre-EMT cells, whereas vimentin dampens expression of the miRs in post-EMT invasive cells. This novel work identifies for the first time a set of miRs that are activated by a major pre-EMT marker and deactivated by a post-EMT marker, boosting the transition from low invasion to high invasion, as mediated by the key phospholipid metabolism enzyme PLD.  相似文献   
Zoospore chemotaxis to soybean isoflavones is essential in the early stages of infection by the oomycete pathogen Phytophthora sojae. Previously, we have identified a G‐protein α subunit encoded by PsGPA1 which regulates the chemotaxis and pathogenicity of P. sojae. In the present study, we used affinity purification to identify PsGPA1‐interacting proteins, including PsHint1, a histidine triad (HIT) domain‐containing protein orthologous to human HIT nucleotide‐binding protein 1 (HINT1). PsHint1 interacted with both the guanosine triphosphate (GTP)‐ and guanosine diphosphate (GDP)‐bound forms of PsGPA1. An analysis of the gene‐silenced transformants revealed that PsHint1 was involved in the chemotropic response of zoospores to the isoflavone daidzein. During interaction with a susceptible soybean cultivar, PsHint1‐silenced transformants displayed significantly reduced infectious hyphal extension and caused a strong cell death in plants. In addition, the transformants displayed defective cyst germination, forming abnormal germ tubes that were highly branched and exhibited apical swelling. These results suggest that PsHint1 not only regulates chemotaxis by interacting with PsGPA1, but also participates in a Gα‐independent pathway involved in the pathogenicity of P. sojae.  相似文献   
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